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Mumtazus Sundus
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan antara fungsi dari sebuah wacana, dalam hal ini laporan pertandingan kekalahan Chelsea untuk anak-anak dengan penggunaan strategi face-threatening acts (FTAs) di dalam penulisannya. Pada dasarnya, wacana merupakan bentuk hasil tulisan dengan mengusung tujuan tertentu di dalam penyampaiannya. Wacana akan disusun sedemikian rupa agar sesuai dengan siapa yang menjadi pembacanya. Hal ini juga akan merunut bagaimana cara berita tersebut disampaikan kepada para pembacanya lewat permainan kata-kata. Di dalam tujuannya, wacana juga acap kali memiliki kekuatan untuk memengaruhi para pembacanya, tidak terkecuali bagi para pembaca anak-anak. Tidak tertutup kemungkinan bahwa wacana yang disampaikan akan memberikan dampak tertentu bagi anak-anak tersebut. Dengan menilik kepada teori tentang strategi face-threatening acts (FTAs) dalam kajian pragmatik, dan teori "ramalan" dari Halliday, penelitian ini akan berusaha untuk menemukan berbagai pengaruh dari penggunaan strategi face-threatening acts (FTAs) dalam kaitannya dengan anak-anak sebagai addressee di dalam laporan pertandingan kekalahan tersebut.

The objective of this study is to examine the relation betwixt the function of discourse, in this case is Chelsea's match report defeat for children with the use of face-threatening acts (FTAs) strategy within the text. Basically, discourse is a kind of writing which carries certain aims. Discourse will be intentionally arranged to suit over whom the readers are. Also, this condition will lead to how discourse is bought to the readers through a play on words. Specifically speaking about the discourse purpose, it somehow has power to influence the readers; no exception for children. The discourse delivered may affect children in several points. Through the face-threatening acts (FTAs) strategy theory in pragmatics and predictability theory conducted by Halliday, this study will discover several impacts as the use of face-threatening acts (FTAs) strategy in the context of children as the addressee in that match report defeat."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savier Aldyan
"Teaching is an effort to organize the environment to create learning conditions.
The difficulty of studying for student, is usually to learn the concept that is so abstract
and complex. Props for learning believed to assist student in learning material. This
research aims to produce a teaching prop for Strength of Material Class in order to
improve students understanding on the mentioned subject. Strain gauge and Arduino
based circuit are chosen to be the main part so that the cost of the teaching prop could
be lower than most of laboratory equipment. Teaching prop will measure the stress and
moment of cantilever beam, which are part of learned knowledge in Strength of
Material class. Implementation of this research were conducted, which include virtual
experiment and accuracy test. It can be concluded that this teaching prop succeeded to
answer the aim of the research with lower cost material. On the other hand, accuracy
test shows this teaching prop isn’t suitable for industrial measuring equipment for its
far inferiority on error rate when compared to marketed product

Mengajar merupakan upaya menata lingkungan untuk menciptakan kondisi
belajar. Kesulitan belajar bagi siswa biasanya adalah mempelajari konsep yang begitu
abstrak dan kompleks. Alat peraga untuk pembelajaran dipercaya dapat membantu
siswa dalam materi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan alat
peraga pada kelas Mekanika Kekuatan Material dalam rangka meningkatkan
pemahaman siswa terhadap materi tersebut. Strain gauge dan rangkaian berbasis
Arduino dipilih menjadi bagian utama sehingga biaya alat peraga pengajaran bisa
lebih rendah dari kebanyakan peralatan laboratorium. Alat Bantu Ajar akan mengukur
tegangan dan momen balok kantilever, yang merupakan bagian dari pengetahuan
yang dipelajari di kelas Mekanika Kekuatan Material. Implementasi penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi eksperimen virtual dan uji akurasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat peraga ini berhasil menjawab tujuan penelitian dengan biaya material yang lebih rendah. Di sisi lain, uji akurasi menunjukkan alat peraga ini tidak cocok untuk peralatan ukur industri karena jauh lebih rendah dalam tingkat kesalahan jika dibandingkan dengan produk yang dipasarkan
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Rivalina
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengelaborasipemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) gunameningkatkan proses belajar peserta didik. Pemanfaatan TIKdalam pembelajaran akan memotivasi guru melaksanakansecara bertahap kegiatan pembelajaran yang berpusat padapeserta didik. Masalah yang dibahas di dalam penelitian iniadalah tentang bagaimana pergeseran kegiatan pembelajarandari yang semula berpusat pada guru menjadi berpusat padapeserta didik melalui pemanfaatan TIK. Perkembangan TIKmemengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan sehari-hari, termasukkegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. Sekalipun demikian, belumsemua sekolah dan guru memanfaatkan TIK dalammembelajarkan peserta didiknya. Kegiatan pembelajaranmasih cenderung berfokus atau berpusat pada guru di kelas.Penelitian ini mengkaji kecenderungan guru memulaipemanfaatan TIK dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan pada saatyang bersamaan juga cenderung menerapkan modelpembelajaran yang berpusat pada peserta didik. Penelitianini menerapkan metode penelitian kepustakaan yangmengeksplorasi berbagai isu yang berkaitan denganpemanfaatan TIK dalam pembelajaran (melalui berbagai hasilpenelitian dan pengembangan, jurnal ilmiah, prosidingpertemuan ilmiah, dan publikasi lainnya yang relevan) gunamenerapkan model pembelajaran yang berfokus pada pesertadidik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatanTIK dalam pembelajaran menstimulasi guru secara bertahapuntuk menerapkan model pembelajaran yang berpusat padapeserta didik."
Jakarta: Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi, 2020
371 TEKNODIK 24:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Masalah yang menjadi kajian dari penelitian ini adalah mengenai hasil belajar siswa yang kajiannya difokuskan pada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hasil belajar, meliputi kompetensi guru, komitmen mengajar, dan efektifitas proses pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pokok masalah yang diungkap dalam penelitian ini adalah sejauhmana pengaruh kompetensi guru dan komitmen mengajar terhadap efektifitas proses pembelajaran serta implikasinya pada hasil belajar siswa baik secara parsial maupun secara bersama-sama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey method dengan teknik pengumpulan data angket skala lima kategori likert terhadap 60 orang guru SMA di Kota Tasikmalaya. Teknik ini digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan langsung dan tak langsung dari variabel eksogen terhadap variabel endogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil belajar siswa, efektifitas hasil pembelajaran, kompetensi guru dan komitmen mengajar guru SMA di Kota Tasikmalaya termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dan terdapat pengaruh kompetensi guru dan komitmen mengajar terhadap hasil belajar siswa melalui efektifitas proses pembelajaran."
JURPEND 14:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isti Rahniati
"Keberhasilan pendidikan inklusif di Indonesia tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh sikap melainkan juga oleh strategi pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru. Penelitian korelasional ini menggunakan alat ukur sikap MATIES (Multidimensional Attitude Toward Inclusive Education Scale) yang mengukur sikap berdasarkan komponennya yaitu kognitif, afektif, dan konatif serta alat ukur strategi pengajaran yaitu BCSQ (Bender Classroom Structure Questionnaire) yang memiliki tiga macam strategi pengajaran yaitu total score, strategi pengajaran individual, dan strategi pengajaran kognitif. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 140 orang guru sekolah dasar inklusif di daerah Jabodetabek. Guru dikelompokan berdasarkan lama mengajarnya yaitu kelompok guru senior dan kelompok guru junior. Analisis hasil dilakukan dengan Pearson correlation untuk melihat korelasi yang signifikan dan independent sample t-test untuk melihat perbedaan masing-masing variabel.
Hasil korelasi yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa, pada kelompok guru senior, tidak semua komponen sikap berkorelasi dengan strategi pengajaran. Di sisi lain, pada kelompok guru junior, semua komponen sikap ditemukan berkorelasi dengan semua strategi pengajaran. Hasil korelasi yang didapat berarti semakin positif suatu komponen sikap maka guru semakin sering menggunakan variasi strategi pengajaran. Terkait perbedaan sikap antara kedua kelompok, komponen sikap yang ditemukan berbeda adalah komponen kognitif. Untuk strategi pengajaran, perbedaan antara kedua kelompok terjadi pada strategi pengajaran kognitif. Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan adanya kebutuhan pelatihan bagi guru untuk meningkatkan sikap dan strategi pengajaran mereka.

The success of inclusive education in Indonesia not only affected with teachers' attitudes toward inclusive education but also with teachers teaching strategy. This correlational research is using MATIES (Multidimensional Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale) which measure attitude based on cognitive, affective, and connative components. For teaching strategies, the instrument that has been used is BCSQ (Bender Classroom Structure Questionnaire) which has three kinds of teaching strategies: total score, individual instruction, and cognitive strategy instruction. This study is conducted on 140 inclusive primary school teachers in the Jabodetabek area. Teachers were grouped based on the years of teaching experiences, senior teachers group and junior teachers group. Pearson correlation is used to examine the significant correlations and independent sample t-test is used to see the difference of each variable.
The results show that in the group of senior teachers, not all of attitudes component were correlated with teaching strategies whereas, in the group of junior teachers, all components were found to be correlated with all of teaching strategies. This correlation means teachers with more positive attitudes will have a more frequent teaching strategy. For different attitudes between the two groups, cognitive component is found to be different in both groups of participants. In addition, cognitive teaching strategy is also found to be different component between two groups. This research indicate that there is a need for teacher training in both groups to encourage their attitudes and their teaching strategies.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulistyoweni Widanarko
"Penelitian ini merupakan hasil penelitian tahap ketiga atau tahap akhir dari serangkaian penelitian yang berjudul "Model Pembelajaran Bidang Ilmu Teknik Mesin dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Efektifitas dan Efisiensi Pendidikan Tinggi". Rangkaian penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap. Tahap pertarna : Analisis Kebutuhan Kompetensi Ahli Teknik Mesin, tahap kedua Rancangan Pembelajaran yang Mendukung Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Kompetensi (5'SB') Yang Perlu Ditingkatkan di Perguruan Tinggi, tahap ketiga : Model Pembelajaran 5 'SB'.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan model pembelajaran yang memenuhi kebutuhan kompetensi yang perlu ditingkatkan di perguruan tinggi bidang ilmu teknik mesin, yaitu yang mampu meningkatkan mahasiswa dalam (1) berkomunikasi (KB), (2) merencanakan dan atau merancang rekayasa di bidang permesinon (KMM), (3) menerapkan prinsip manajemen (KPM), (4) menerapkan prinsip penelitian dan pengembangan dengan memperhatikan kelayakan jual, (KPP) (5) menunjukkan contoh perilaku sesuai kode etik profesi (KKE).
Pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini melibatkan dosen dan asisten matakuliah Elemen Mesin, Ekonomi Teknik dan Statika Struktur untuk ujicoba eksperimen ini. Metoda eksperimen adalah pretes - postest yang dilakukan selama satu semester. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes materi berupa tes awal dan tes akhir, kuesioner, pedoman penga ratan dan wowancara. Eksperimen dilakukan di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia bulan Agustus sampai dengan besernber 1999.
Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Kemampuan berkomunikasi dapat ditingkatkan melalui pemberian tugas individu dan tugas kelompok sejak awal perkuliahan, disertai jadwal penyerahan tugas dan kriteria penilaian. Penilaian tugas individu ditujukan pada aspek ketepatan jawaban, struktur laporan, kelengkapan isi laporan dan kerapihan serta ketepatan waktu penyerahan. Penilaian tugas kelompok ditujukan pada dua hal yaitu laporan tugas secara tertulis dan presentasi hasil tugas. Penilaian laporan tertulis kriterianya sama dengan penilaian pada laporan individu, sedangkan presentasi tugas dinilai terhadap aspek kejelasan mengemukakan hasil dan pendapat secara lisan, ketepatan memanfaatkan waktu yang tersedia. Kemampuan menggunakan konsep dan prinsip manajemen dapat ditingkatkan melalui pemberian tugas kelompok di mana penilaian tugas kelompok ditujukan pada hasil laporan tertulis dan presentasi lisan. Penilaian laporan tertulis penilaiannya adalah sama dengan laporan tugas individu. Penilaian laporan lisan ditujukan pada kejelasan dalam mengungkapkan hasil laporan, ketepatan waktu sajian dan menjawab pertanyaan. Kemampuan merencanakan dan merancang rekayasa di bidang permesinan dapat ditingkatkan melalui pemberian rancangan pembelajaran, modul pembelajaran, materi tugas individu dan tugas kelompok dan jadwal pemasukan tugas yang diberikan pada awal kuliah dimulai, khusus untuk matakuliah yang terkait. Kemampuan menggunakan prinsip penelitian dan pengembangan yang memperhatikan kelayakan jual dapat ditingkatkan melalui pemberian rancangan pembelajaran, modul pembelajaran, materi tugas individu, tugas kelompok dan jadwal pemasukan tugas yang diberikan pada saat awal kuliah, khusus untuk matakuliah yang memerlukan penerapan kaidah penelitian dan pengetahuan ekonomi teknik dalam bidang permesinan. Kemampuan menunjukkan contoh perilaku sesuai kode etik profesi dapat ditingkatkan melalui penjelasan tentang kode etik yang dikaitkan dalam pengerjaan tugas yang berhubungan dengan profesi. Model pembelajaran yang dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut: Sintaksis : Pada awal kuliah mahasiswa diberi materi dan penjelasan tentang rancangan pembelajaran (GBPP), modul pembelajaran, materi tugas dilengkapi dengan kriteria penilaian dan jadwal penyerahan tugas serta cara penyeleaian (individu dan grup). Pada penyelenggaraan kuliah, dosen melaksanakan sesuai dengan apa yang tertera di rancangan pembelajaran, dosen memberikan kuis, urutan penyajian mengikuti format pendahuluan, uraian dan penutup. Pada akhir kuliah dosen menyelenggarakan presentasi tugas, memberikan UT5 don UAS. Sistem Sosial: Dosen berfungsi sebagai fasilitator don motivator, hubungan dosen - mahasiswa moderat. Prinsip Reaksi: Sikap dosen lugas dan bebas, dan aktif bertanya. Sistem Pendukung : Mahasiswa diberi GBPP, modul pembelajaran, kriteria penilaian, materi tugas akademik secara utuh untuk selama satu semester. Beberapa persyaratan pokok yaitu Garis Besar Program Pengajaran dirancang dengan menerapkan analisis instruksional., buku acuan tersedia, modul pembelajaran merupakan buku pedoman pembelajaran dan dosen mempunyai kemampuan dalam menyampaikan materi dan kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan mahasiswa sehingga terjadi interaksi. Perlu ada penelitian lebih rinci tentang pengembangan media pembelajaran dan pengelolaan tugas yang efektif and efisien.

This research was the last stages from a series of research about " Instructional Model in Mechanical Engineering Subjects for Improving Higher Education -Effectiveness and Efficiency'. The series of research consists of three stages. First stage: Need Analysis in Professional Mechanical Engineer Competencies, second stage: Instructional Design. and Materials for Improving `The Need Competencies' in Mechanical Engineering Department , third stage: Instructional Model in Mechanical Engineering Subjects for Improving 'The Need Competencies' in Mechanical Engineering Department.
The objectives of this research is to find out the instructional model in mechanical engineering subjects for improving communication skill, implementation of sciences in designing mechanical objects, implementation the management principles in doing a job, implementation principles of research, development and commercialization, and understanding knowledge in professional ethics.
Lecturers in Element of Mechanical, Engineering Economic and Static Structure with his assistance involved in this research especially conducting with the experiments. The research methodology was pre test - posttest, by using subject test, questionnaire, guidance for observation, and interview. The experiment was held in Faculty of Engineering in University of Indonesia, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The research founds out that: (1) Communication skill can be improved by giving academic task & the schedule and criteria for assessment clearly. The accuracy, report structure, responsibility of report writing, and clearly in verbal communication, is the criteria of assessment. The academic tasks have to be done individually and in a group. (2) Capability in using management principles can be improved by giving academic task that have to be done in a group, where criteria for assessment merely in the result and the processing. (3) The capability in planning and designing in machinery can be improved by giving The Instructional Programs, Instructional module, Academic Task and The Schedule, especially in subject matter about Machinery Design (4) The capability in implementing research and development concept , considering market demand, can be improved by giving the Instructional Programs, Instructional module, Academic Task and The Schedule earlier, especially in subject matter that has relation with subject in Engineering Economic, (5) The capability to understand the professional ethics code comprehensively can be improved by giving this subject matter parallel with the academic task. (6) The instructional model are as follows: Syntaxis: In the first session, the student will get information about Instructional Programs , Instructional Module, and Academic Assignment (Task) during this semester completely. The lecturer will implement the instructional design consistently. At the end of session, there will be student presentation, pre test, posttest, quiz, Social systems.- The role of the lectures as facilitator and motivator, with moderate the relation between the students. , Principle reaction: The lecturers have moderate leadership and active in asking and discussion. Supporting Systems; Instructional Programs and Instructional Material (Module), The lectures has capability in delivering the subjects content and have good communication with the students. (4) Instructional Programs has to be designed by using instructional analysis, references are available in library, the lectures has capability in delivering the subjects contents, and interaction with The students.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
LP 2000 23
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Christianto
"Pola pergerakan pemain sepakbola dapat menjadi kajian geografi yang berskala mikro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola pergerakan pemain kunci dan keseluruhan tim pada sebuah pertandingan sepakbola. Pola pergerakan pemain sepakbola dapat dikaji dengan menggunakan heatmap. Pola pergerakan pemain kunci pada pertandingan Final Liga Champions 2015 Juventus Vs Barcelona akan mempengaruhi pola pergerakan keseluruhan pemain dalam pertandingan dengan pendekatan spatio-temporal. Hasil analisis heatmap menunjukan bahwa pola pergerakan pemain dapat berupa pola pergerakan yang terorganisir, acak, dan mengelompok pada area tertentu. Pola pergerakan pemain kunci yang terorganisir akan direspon dengan pola pergerakan tim yang mengelompok. Pola pergerakan tim yang mengelompok pada area tertentu akan direspon dengan pola pergerakan tim yang terorganisir oleh tim lawan.

Players Movement Pattern in Football Game became one of micro scale geographical study. The purpose of this research is to determine the movement pattern of key player and the whole team in a football match. Football player movement patterns can be analyze using the heatmap. Key player movement in Champions League Final 2015 Juventus Vs Barcelona affect the overall pattern of movement of players in the game with spatio-temporal approach. Movement patterns will affect the scheme of the team that is also influenced by factors such as passes and shots on goal. Key players movement pattern will affect the movement pattern of the two teams. The resulting pattern can be categorized as organized, random, and clustered movement patterns in certain areas. An organized key player movement pattern in his position will be responded with movement patterns clustered by team. Movement patterns of teams clustered in certain areas will be responded with organized movement patterns team by the opposing team.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Muslicha
Penurunan kualitas lingkungan terjadi karena kelalaian, ketidaktahuan dan tiadanya etika serta moral terhadap lingkungan. PLH penting diajarkan pada murid SD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis metode yang digunakan di Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH; dan (2) menganalisis metode yang efektif dalam mengajarkan PLH. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di
Sekolah Jepang Jakarta dan Bandung; dan sekolah penerima Adiwiyata di DKI Jakarta yaitu SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, dan SDN Sungai Bambu 05 serta SDN Sungailiat 05. Responden berjumlah 72 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH adalah metode ceramah, metode pengalaman langsung dan metode diskusi. Pemilihan metode mempertimbangkan tujuan pembelajaran, situasi dan kesiapan pengajar sendiri. Metode yang efektif digunakan untuk mengajarkan PLH di sekolah dasar Adiwiyata dan sekolah Jepang adalah metode pengalaman langsung, metode diskusi dan metode ceramah.

The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective., The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Faiz Makarim
"Salah satu permasalahan yang ditemukan pada masa perubahan pembelajaran masa pandemi dan tatap muka adalah keterlibatan agentik dalam belajar, hal tersebut erat kaitannya dengan persepsi gaya mengajar controlling guru serta locus of control pada siswa SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran internal locus of control dan external locus of control sebagai moderator dalam hubungan antara persepsi gaya mengajar controlling guru dengan keterlibatan agentik pada siswa SMA. Responden penelitian berjumlah 1474 siswa SMA di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga alat ukur, yaitu Agentic Engagement Scale, Perceived Teacher’s Teaching Style Scale, dan Levenson Multidimensional Locus of Control. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda menggunakan perangkat JASP. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa internal locus of control memoderasi hubungan antara perspsi gaya mengajar controlling dengan keterlibatan agentik siswa SMA. Kemudian ditemukan juga bahwa external locus of control memoderasi hubungan antara persepsi gaya mengajar controlling guru dengan keterlibatan agentik siswa SMA. Hasil ini menjelaskan bahwa kedua locus of control memiliki peran dalam memoderasi hubungan antara persepsi gaya mengajar controlling dengan keterlibatan agentik pada siswa SMA. Implikasi dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukan bagi pihak sekolah, terutama guru dan konselor di SMA untuk dapat memberikan gaya mengajar yang tepat bagi siswa dalam rangka meningkatkan keterlibatan dalam belajar.

One of the problems found during the pandemic and face-to-face learning changes is agentic engagement in learning, which is closely related to the perception of the teacher's controlling teaching style and locus of control in high school students. This study aims to examine the role of internal and external locus of control as moderators in the relationship between controlling teaching style and agentic engagement in high school students. The research respondents totaled 1474 high school students in Jakarta. This study used three measuring instruments, namely Agentic Engagement Scale, Perceived Teacher's Teaching Style Scale, and Levenson Multidimensional Locus of Control. Data processing was conducted using multiple regression analysis using the JASP tool. The analysis found that internal locus of control moderated the relationship between perceived controlling teaching style and agentic engagement. It was also found that external locus of control moderated the relationship between perceived controlling teaching style and agentic engagement. These results explain that both locus of control have a role in strengthening or weakening the relationship between perceived controlling teaching style and agentic engagement in high school students. The implication of this study can be an input for schools, especially teachers and counselors in high school to be able to provide the right teaching style for students in order to increase engagement in learning."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Maharany
"Perubahan metode pembelajaran secara intens di sekolah selama masa Pandemi COVID-19 menjadi tantangan tersediri bagi guru untuk mengajar murid secara efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dimensi persepsi dukungan sosial dapat memprediksi efektivitas guru, serta ingin mengetahui dimensi persepsi dukungan sosial manakah yang memiliki kontribusi paling besar dalam memprediksi efektivitas guru. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 257 guru SMP/MTS berusia 22-60 tahun, pernah mengajar secara PTM setelah pandemi COVID-19, dan mengajar pada jenjang SMP/MTS di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Banten. Penelitian ini menggunakan Revised-Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Oktarina et al., 2021) dan Teacher Effectiveness Scale (Primandhita, 2020). Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa keempat dimensi persepsi dukungan sosial secara signifikan dan positif berperan dalam memprediksi efektivitas guru (p<0.05). Rekan kerja, kepala sekolah, dan keluarga menjadi sumber persepsi dukungan sosial yang memiliki kontribusi terbesar dalam memprediksi efektivitas guru. Hasil penelitian mengimplikasikan bahwa guru perlu memiliki persepsi dukungan sosial dari orang sekitar untuk meningkatkan efektivitas guru. Hal tersebut dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi pihak sekolah serta pihak terkait lainnya untuk menyelenggarakan sebuah program pelatihan dan kolaborasi untuk menciptakan lingkungan pekerjaan yang aman sehingga efektivitas guru pun dapat meningkat.

Intense changes in learning methods in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic became a challenge for teachers to teach students effectively. This study aims to determine whether the dimensions of perceived social support can predict teacher effectiveness and to find out which perceived social support dimension has the greatest contribution in predicting teacher effectiveness. The participants in this study were 257 SMP/MTs teachers aged 22-60 years, who had taught face-to-face learning after the COVID-19 pandemic, and taught at the SMP/MTs level in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Banten areas. This study uses the Revised-Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Oktarina et al., 2021) and the Teacher Effectiveness Scale (Primandhita, 2020). The results of the regression analysis showed that the four perceived social support dimensions significantly and positively played a role in predicting teacher effectiveness (p<0.05). Colleagues, school principals, and families are the perceived social support sources that have the greatest contribution to predicting teacher effectiveness. The research results imply that teachers need perceived social support from those around them to increase teacher effectiveness. This can be a consideration for schools and other related parties to organize a training and collaboration program to create a safe work environment so that teacher effectiveness can increase."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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