A.A. Ayu Rani Puspadewi
"[Depresi dapat dialami oleh setiap orang, salah satunya lansia dimana pada lansia
memiliki konsekuensi fungsional yang lebih serius. Mulai dari dampak negatif
kualitas hidup hingga bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
hubungan antara depresi dengan kualitas hidup lansia. Sampel penelitian adalah
lansia >60 tahun yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1
Jakarta, mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Indonesia, serta bersedia menjadi
responden. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional
dengan metode simple random sampling dengan melibatkan 101 lansia. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara tingkat depresi dengan kualitas
hidup lansia (p=0,017; α=0,10). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk
pengembangan ilmu keperawatan ke depannya terkait pencegahan penurunan
kualitas hidup dengan cara menangani depresi lansia. Selain itu, penelitian
selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan studi mengenai dukungan lingkungan
dan kelemahan fungsional terhadap kejadian depresi, studi tentang sebab dan
akibat depresi, maupun observasi pola koping lansia di panti.;Depression could experienced by each person, such as elderly whose fuctional consequences is experienced more serious. First state, negative effect of quality of life and the worst one is suicidal. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between depression and quality of life in elderly. Sample of this research is elderly aged 60 and over who live at Institutionof Elderly Budi Mulia 01 Jakarta, speak Bahasa, and approve to be respondent. This research use cross sectional study design with simple random sampling method which involves 101 elderly. The result of this study show that there is significant relation between level of depression and quality of life in elderly (p=0.017; α=0.10). This research is expected to be useful for nursing science development in the future, spesificly on preventive of quality of life decreased by handling depression in elderly. Despite of that, the next research is expected to find out the environment support and functional decreased toward depression experience, study of cause and effect of depression, and observation of elderly?s coping pattern at nursing home., Depression could experienced by each person, such as elderly whose fuctional consequences is experienced more serious. First state, negative effect of quality of life and the worst one is suicidal. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between depression and quality of life in elderly. Sample of this research is elderly aged 60 and over who live at Institutionof Elderly Budi Mulia 01 Jakarta, speak Bahasa, and approve to be respondent. This research use cross sectional study design with simple random sampling method which involves 101 elderly. The result of this study show that there is significant relation between level of depression and quality of life in elderly (p=0.017; α=0.10). This research is expected to be useful for nursing science development in the future, spesificly on preventive of quality of life decreased by handling depression in elderly. Despite of that, the next research is expected to find out the environment support and functional decreased toward depression experience, study of cause and effect of depression, and observation of elderly’s coping pattern at nursing home.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014