"[Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak pada orang tua, melainkan juga pada anak dalam keluarga. Anak usia prasekolah merupakan mereka yang paling tertekan dalam menghadapi peristiwa tersebut. Dampak negatif perceraian pada anak dapat diminimalisir dengan pemberian pengetahuan sebelumnya. Pengetahuan mengenai perceraian, salah satunya dapat disampaikan melalui buku cerita bergambar. Sayangnya, di Indonesia peneliti belum menemukan buku cerita bergambar mengenai perceraian untuk anak usia prasekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas buku cerita bergambar dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia prasekolah mengenai perceraian. Penyusunan buku cerita bergambar dalam penelitian ini berdasar pada 3 sumber informasi, yaitu (1) studi literatur, (2) analisis buku cerita bergambar, dan (3) need assessment. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pre dan post test terhadap 5 partisipan yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Partisipan merupakan anak usia prasekolah yang orang tuanya sedang menjalani proses perceraian. Hasil analisa dengan paired sample t-test menunjukkan bahwa buku cerita bergambar secara signifikan meningkatkan pengetahuan anak usia prasekolah mengenai perceraian. Sebagai hasil analisa tambahan, orang tua partisipan mengaku lebih mudah menjelaskan perceraian kepada anaknya dengan menggunakan buku cerita. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, dapat dibuat buku cerita bergambar mengenai perceraian untuk anak pada tahapan usia yang berbeda atau dalam menghadapi peristiwa menantang lain;The impacts of divorce are not only felt by parents but also by children. Preschool children are the most distressed for facing parental divorce. The negative impacts of divorce on children can be minimized when children had pervious knowledge about the event. One of the method to give knowledge about divorce to children is through picture book. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, researchers have not found picture books for preschoolers about divorce. This study aims to test the effectiveness of picture book in increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. Formulation of picture books in this study is based on three sources of information: (1) the study of literature, (2) analysis of picture books, and (3) need assessment. This picture book that have been prepared, then used to test its effectiveness for increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. The test was conducted using pre and post test on 5 participants. The statistical method used in this study is paired sample t-test. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. The participants for this study are preschool children with parents that is undergoing divorce proceedings. The result shows that picture books in this study significantly increase preschool children's knowledge about divorce. As an additional result, parents find it easier to explain divorce to their children using the picture book from this study. For further study, researcher can make another picture book about divorce for children at different age or to face another challenging situation in life.
, The impacts of divorce are not only felt by parents but also by children. Preschool children are the most distressed for facing parental divorce. The negative impacts of divorce on children can be minimized when children had pervious knowledge about the event. One of the method to give knowledge about divorce to children is through picture book. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, researchers have not found picture books for preschoolers about divorce. This study aims to test the effectiveness of picture book in increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. Formulation of picture books in this study is based on three sources of information: (1) the study of literature, (2) analysis of picture books, and (3) need assessment. This picture book that have been prepared, then used to test its effectiveness for increasing knowledge of preschool children about divorce. The test was conducted using pre and post test on 5 participants. The statistical method used in this study is paired sample t-test. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants. The participants for this study are preschool children with parents that is undergoing divorce proceedings. The result shows that picture books in this study significantly increase preschool children's knowledge about divorce. As an additional result, parents find it easier to explain divorce to their children using the picture book from this study. For further study, researcher can make another picture book about divorce for children at different age or to face another challenging situation in life.