Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara parenting self-efficacy dengan hardiness sebagai respon dari fenomena meningkatknya jumlah ibu tunggal bekerja dan memiliki kanak-kanak madya di Indonesia, agar bisa membantu menghadapi tekanan perannya dengan baik. Parenting self-efficacy adalah persepsi kemampuan dalam pengasuhan yang dimilikinya untuk secara positif mempengaruhi perilaku dan perkembangan anak (Coleman dan Karraker, 2000), sedangkan hardiness adalah variabel kepribadian yang memberikan kemampuan bagi individu untuk bertahan dalam kondisi yang kurang menguntungkan di dalam hidupnya (Kobasa, Maddi & Kahn, 1982). Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 78 ibu tunggal bekerja yang memiliki kanak-kanak madya dengan metode kuesioner. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara positif antara parenting self-efficacy dengan hardiness (r = + 0.354; p < 0.01, two tails) yang diukur oleh 36 item Self-efficacy for Parenting Task Index (SEPTI) dan 15 item Dispositional Resilience Scale 15 Revised (DRS-15 R).;The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between parenting self-efficacy and hardiness in respond to the phenomenon of the increasing number of single mother in Indonesia, in order to help them face the pressure of their role. Parenting self-efficacy refers to parents' perceptions of their ability to posi-tively influence the behavior and development of their children (Coleman & Karraker, 2000), while hardiness is a personality variable that functions as a resource to resist the negative consequences of adverse conditions (Kobasa, Maddi & Kahn, 1982). This correlational research has been done with 78 sample of working single mothers of middle childhood with a quetionaire method. The result shows that there‟s a positive and significant correlation between parenting self-efficacy and hardiness (r = + 0.354; p < 0.01, two tails) that is measured by 36 items of Self-efficacy for Parenting Task Index (SEPTI), and 15 items of Dispositional Resilience Scale 15 Revised (DRS-15 R).;The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between parenting self-efficacy and hardiness in respond to the phenomenon of the increasing number of single mother in Indonesia, in order to help them face the pressure of their role. Parenting self-efficacy refers to parents' perceptions of their ability to posi-tively influence the behavior and development of their children (Coleman & Karraker, 2000), while hardiness is a personality variable that functions as a resource to resist the negative consequences of adverse conditions (Kobasa, Maddi & Kahn, 1982). This correlational research has been done with 78 sample of working single mothers of middle childhood with a quetionaire method. The result shows that there‟s a positive and significant correlation between parenting self-efficacy and hardiness (r = + 0.354; p < 0.01, two tails) that is measured by 36 items of Self-efficacy for Parenting Task Index (SEPTI), and 15 items of Dispositional Resilience Scale 15 Revised (DRS-15 R)., The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between parenting self-efficacy and hardiness in respond to the phenomenon of the increasing number of single mother in Indonesia, in order to help them face the pressure of their role. Parenting self-efficacy refers to parents' perceptions of their ability to posi-tively influence the behavior and development of their children (Coleman & Karraker, 2000), while hardiness is a personality variable that functions as a resource to resist the negative consequences of adverse conditions (Kobasa, Maddi & Kahn, 1982). This correlational research has been done with 78 sample of working single mothers of middle childhood with a quetionaire method. The result shows that there‟s a positive and significant correlation between parenting self-efficacy and hardiness (r = + 0.354; p < 0.01, two tails) that is measured by 36 items of Self-efficacy for Parenting Task Index (SEPTI), and 15 items of Dispositional Resilience Scale 15 Revised (DRS-15 R).]"