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Arsyiana Komala Dewi Nasrun
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dukungan atasan dan trait competitiveness terhadap self-efficacy dan work engagement karyawan di rumah sakit kusta Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. Dari hasil data dan pengujian hipotesis yang menggunakan uji analisis SEM, diperoleh hasil bahwa dukungan atasan dan trait competitiveness secara signifikan berpengaruh positif terhadap self-efficacy dan work engagement yang terdiri dari vigor, dedication dan absorption. Self-efficacy secara signifikan berpengaruh negatif terhadap dimensi work engagement yang terdiri dari vigor, dedication, dan absorption. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif eksplorasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified sampling proporsional. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menyebarkan kuesioner ke setiap divisi yang telah ditetapkan jumlah sampelnya. Peneliti menyarankan agar RSK. Dr. Sitanala Tangerang menciptakan budaya pembelajaran dalam organisasi yang bersifat terbuka, memberikan penghargaan kepada karyawan yang memiliki prestasi, semangat dan dedikasi dalam pekerjaan dan meningkatkan dukungan atasan melalui pelatihan mentoring dan coaching.

The purpose of this research is to examine the effect supervisor support and trait competitiveness on self-efficacy and work engagement employee at leprosy hospital Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. From the results of the data and hypothesis testing using SEM analysis, obtained the result that supervisor support and trait competitiveness significant positive impact on self-efficacy and work engagement consists of vigor, dedication and absorption. At self-efficacy variable significant negative on work engagement consists of vigor, dedication and absorption. This research is quantitative eksplanative. Sampling technique using proporsional stratified sampling. Data collection methods used in this study go round each division through the questionnaire. The researcher suggests that creating a learning culture in the organization is open, give awards to employees who have the achievements, spirit and dedication in their work and enhance employer support through mentoring and coaching training."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace Solely Houghty
"Kebersihan tangan dapat mencegah Health Care Associated Infections (HAIs) dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. Penggunaan fluorescence lotion pada pelatihan kebersihan tangan merupakan metode pembelajaran dengan menggunakan experiential learning yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kepatuhan perawat dalam kebersihan tangan. Tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh program pelatihan kebersihan tangan terhadap pengetahuan dan kepatuhan perawat dalam kebersihan tangan. Rancangan penelitian adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasy experiment dengan metode pretestposttest designs with comparison group. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah 32 perawat pelaksana untuk kelompok intervensi dan 38 perawat pelaksana untuk kelompok kontrol. Ada perbedaan pengetahuan dan kepatuhan kebersihan tangan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol setelah pelatihan kebersihan tangan (p<0,001, CI pengetahuan = 2,061 ; 3,541, CI kepatuhan = 6,792 ; 10,929, α = 0.05). Pelatihan kebersihan tangan perlu dilakukan berkesinambungan.

Hand hygiene prevents Health-Care-Associated Infections (HAIs) and improves patient safety. The use of fluorescence lotion in hand hygiene training is the implementation of a learning method which makes use of experiential learning aiming at improving the level of knowledge and compliance of nurses in maintaining hand hygiene. The research objective is to identify the influence of hand hygiene training program on the level of knowledge and compliance of nurses in maintaining hand hygiene. The research is a quantitative quasy experiment research using pretest-posttest design with comparison group. The research sample consists of 32 nurses in experiment group and 38 nurses in control group. The result shows a difference in the knowledge after hand hygiene training was conducted (p<0.001 , CI knowledge = 2,061 ; 3,541, CI compliance = 6,792 ; 10,929, α = 0.05α = 0.05) between those in the control group and those in the experiment group. It is recommended to sustainably conduct hand hygiene training program."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Laelasari
Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 DMT2 adalah suatu kondisi ketika sel tubuh resisten terhadap insulin yang dihasilkan oleh sel ? pankreas. World Health Organization WHO memperkirakan prevalensi penderita DMT2 akan terus meningkat terutama di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Pengobatan diabetes jangka panjang, pola peresepan yang beragam dan perbedaan harga insulin dibandingkan sulfonilurea dan biaguanid menyebabkan perbedaan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk terapi. Penelitian merupakan analitik deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional.Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pengobatan dan efisiensi biaya antidiabetes pada pasien DMT2 rawat jalan di RSK Dr. Sitanala Tangerang pada periode April 2015 - Juni 2015 yang mengkomsumsi obat yang sama selama 4 bulan terakhir. Subjek penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu yang menggunakan insulin n=29 , yang menggunakan obat sulfonilurea n=29 dan yang menggunakan kombinasi sulfonilura-biguanid n=39 .Efektivitas pengobatan dilihat dari nilai HbA1c pasien dan analisis antidiabetes dari segi efektivitas pengobatan dan biaya dilakukan dengan menggunakan Cost Effectiveness Analysis CEA . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien DMT2 berjenis kelamin perempuan lebih banyak dibandingkan pasien laki-laki yaitu 68 orang 65,96 dengan rata-rata usia pasien DMT2 yaitu 50-59 tahun. Efektivitas tertinggi dihasilkan oleh kombinasi sulfonilurea-biguanid yaitu 7,48 1,89. Nilai ACER Average cost effectiveness ratio kelompok insulin adalah Rp. 40.866, kelompok sulfonilurea adalah Rp. 1.369 dan kelompok kombinasi sulfonilurea-biguanid adalah Rp. 2.621. Nilai ICER incremental cost effectiveness ratio untuk terapi sulfonilurea-biguanid terhadap terapi sulfonilurea adalah Rp. 16.194. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, terapi kombinasi sulfonilurea-biguanid lebih cost effective dibandingkan terapi insulin ataupun terapi sulfonilurea tunggal.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM is a condition when the body cells are resistant to insulin produced by the pancreas cells. World Health Organization WHO estimates that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes will continue to increase, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. Long term diabetes treatment, prescribing pattern varied and the price difference compared to sulfonylurea insulin and biaguanid cause differences in costs incurred for treatment. The research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design.The study was conducted to examine the effectiveness and cost efficiency antidiabetic treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes outpatient Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital in Tangerang in the period April 2015 June 2015 were consuming the same drug during the last 4 months. Subjects were divided into three groups who use insulin n 29 , which uses a sulfonylurea drug n 29 and those using sulfonilura biguanide combination n 39 .The effectiveness of treatment views of HbA1c values of patients and analysis of antidiabetic terms of the effectiveness of treatment and the cost is done by using the Cost Effectiveness Analysis CEA . Results showed that patients with type 2 diabetes were female more than male patients ie 68 65.96 with an average age of patients with type 2 diabetes that is 50 59 years. The highest effectiveness generated by the combination of sulfonylurea biguanide is 7.48 1.89. Value ACER Average cost effectiveness ratio insulin group is Rp. 40 866, sulfonylurea group is Rp. 1369 and the combination of sulfonylurea biguanide group is Rp. 2,621. Value ICER incremental cost effectiveness ratio for the treatment of sulfonylurea biguanide to sulfonylurea therapy is Rp. 16 194. Based on the analysis performed, sulfonylurea biguanide combination therapy is more cost effective than sulfonylurea insulin therapy or single therapy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zhafirah Zhafarina Irawan
"Peran wanita saat ini semakin luas, karena tidak hanya bertanggungjawab dalam keluarga, namun juga turut berperan aktif dalam bekerja. Perencanaan untuk memiliki peran yang seimbang antara keduanya tidak lepas dari antisipasi munculnya konflik antar peran atau yang disebut dengan antisipasi konflik kerja-keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek trait kepribadian dan self efficacy work-family conflict terhadap antisipasi konflik kerja-keluarga pada wanita. Penelitian nonexperimental ini menggunakan anticipated work-family conflict scale untuk mengukur AWFC, Big Five Inventory untuk mengukur trait kepribadian dan work-family conflict self efficacy scale untuk mengukur work-family conflict self efficacy. Partisipan penelitian ini sebanyak 148 orang wanita pada tahap emerging adulthood M = 20.10, SD = 1.551 yang belum bekerja dan berumah tangga. Hasil yang didapatkan berdasarkan analisis mulitple regression menunjukkan bahwa trait conscientiousnessberperan terhadap time based anticipated family interfere work, trait neuroticismberperan terhadap strain based anticipated work interfere family/ family interfere work dan trait agreeablenessberperan terhadap behavior based anticipated family interfere work. Tidak ditemukan pengaruh dari self efficacy terhadap anticipated work-family conflict. Adapun trait kepribadian memiliki kontribusi yang lebih besar dibandingkan self efficacy work-family conflict.

Women rsquo s role is increasing on our society, which is not only responsible in their family as housewife but they also play an active role as a worker. Have balanced life between the two role can rsquo t be separated from the expectation that there will be conflict emerged between roles, which called anticipated work family conflict. This study aims to see the effect of personality trait and self efficacy on anticipated work family conflict among women. This study is nonexperimental study that used Anticipated Work Family Conflict Scale, Big Five Inventory BFI and Work Family Conflict Self Efficacy. Based on women N 148 in their emerging adulthood M 20.10, SD 1.551 , current paper found that conscientiousness significantly predicted time based anticipated family interfere work, neuroticism predicted strain based anticipated work interfere family family interfere work, and agreeableness predicted behavior based anticipated family interfere work. There was no role of self efficacy on anticipated work family conflict. In general, personality trait contributed extensively on anticipated work family conflict more than self efficacy."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian mengenai efektivitas pengobatan diabetes melitus dan kaitannya
dengan pencegahan komplikasi masih menujukkan hasil yang beragam. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efektivitas hipoglikemik dan fungsi ginjal
dari sulfonilurea, kombinasi sulfonilurea dan biguanid serta injeksi insulin. Disain
penelitian adalah kohort retrospektif pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 rawat
jalan yang mengkonsumsi obat yang sama selama empat bulan terakhir di RSK
Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada kurun waktu April-Juni
2015, dan sudah mendapatkan lulus kaji etik dari Komite Etik rumah sakit ini.
Subyek penelitian dibagi kedalam tiga kelompok yaitu yang menggunakan injeksi
insulin (n = 30), yang menggunakan obat sulfonilurea tunggal (n = 30), dan
kombinasi sulfonilurea dan biguanid (n = 45). Efektivitas hipoglikemik dilihat
dari nilai HbA1C pasien dan komplikasi nefropati diabetik dilihat dari nilai eLFG
yang dihitung dari angka serum kreatinin. Rerata usia keseluruhan pasien adalah
54,98±7,47, sebagian besar adalah wanita (72%) dan cenderung overweight
(rerata IMT 25,47±4,77). Ada perbedaan yang bermakna (p = 0,042 ) pada nilai
HbA1C pasien kelompok kombinasi sulfonilurea-biguanid (rerata HbA1C
7,28±0,09) dibandingkan dengan kelompok insulin (rerata HbA1C 8,10±0,09),
sementara dengan kelompok sulfonilurea tunggal tidak ada perbedaan yang
bermakna. Sedangkan nilai eLFG untuk setiap kelompok obat tidak ditemukan
perbedaan yang bermakna. Subyek yang memiliki riwayat diabetes melitus dalam
keluarga mempunyai peluang 4,512 kali (interval kepercayaan 95%, p = 0,010)
lebih besar dibandingkan dengan yang tidak memiliki riwayat diabetes dalam
keluarga untuk memiliki nilai HbA1C lebih dari 7%. Pasien dengan IMT >30
kg/m2 mempunyai peluang sebesar 21,631 (p = 0,012) dibandingkan pasien
dengan IMT < 18,5 kg/m2 untuk memiliki nilai HbA1C yang tidak terkontrol atau
diatas 7%. Pengobatan dengan kombinasi antidiabetik oral sulfonilurea dan
biguanid lebih efektif dalam menurunkan nilai HbA1C pasien DM tipe 2
dibandingkan dengan insulin atau sulfonilurea tunggal, dan tidak ada perubahan
bermakna dalam penurunan fungsi ginjal ABSTRACT Research on effectiveness of therapy on diabetes mellitus associated with
prevention of its complication still remain varied in results. The hypoglycemic
effectiveness and the kidney function were compared between sulfonylurea,
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination and insulin, with the retrospective cohort
study design, on patients that use those agents in last four months and came to
out-patient clinic of RSK Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This research had the Ethical
Clearance from the Ethical Committee of this hospital. Subjects were classify into
three groups, i.e insulin group (n = 30), sulfonylurea group (n = 30) and
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination group (n = 45). Hypoglycemic
effectiveness is measured with the HbA1C level and diabetic nephrophaty with
the eGFR which calculated from the measured serum creatinin. Mean age of all
subjects was 54,98±7,47 (p=0,157), most were women (72%, p=0,235), and tend
to overweight (mean BMI is 25,49±4,84; p = 0,59). Mean HbA1C level from the
sulfonylurea-biguanide (7,28±0,09) group were significantly different (p = 0,042)
with those from the insulin group (8,10±0,09), and there was no significant
difference with the sulfonylurea group. There was no significant difference in
diabetic nephropathy between groups. Subject with diabetic family history has
4,512 times chance to have the HbA1C level > 7% compare to those without
diabetic family history. Subjects with BMI >30 kg/m2 have 21,631 times chance
to get the HbA1C >7% compare to subjects with BMI <18,5 kg/m2. Sulfonylurea
and biguanide combination was more effective compare to insulin or sulfonylurea
monotherapy on decreasing HbA1C level of type 2 DM patients, without
significant difference in effect of lowering kidney functionH;Research on effectiveness of therapy on diabetes mellitus associated with
prevention of its complication still remain varied in results. The hypoglycemic
effectiveness and the kidney function were compared between sulfonylurea,
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination and insulin, with the retrospective cohort
study design, on patients that use those agents in last four months and came to
out-patient clinic of RSK Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This research had the Ethical
Clearance from the Ethical Committee of this hospital. Subjects were classify into
three groups, i.e insulin group (n = 30), sulfonylurea group (n = 30) and
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination group (n = 45). Hypoglycemic
effectiveness is measured with the HbA1C level and diabetic nephrophaty with
the eGFR which calculated from the measured serum creatinin. Mean age of all
subjects was 54,98±7,47 (p=0,157), most were women (72%, p=0,235), and tend
to overweight (mean BMI is 25,49±4,84; p = 0,59). Mean HbA1C level from the
sulfonylurea-biguanide (7,28±0,09) group were significantly different (p = 0,042)
with those from the insulin group (8,10±0,09), and there was no significant
difference with the sulfonylurea group. There was no significant difference in
diabetic nephropathy between groups. Subject with diabetic family history has
4,512 times chance to have the HbA1C level > 7% compare to those without
diabetic family history. Subjects with BMI >30 kg/m2 have 21,631 times chance
to get the HbA1C >7% compare to subjects with BMI <18,5 kg/m2. Sulfonylurea
and biguanide combination was more effective compare to insulin or sulfonylurea
monotherapy on decreasing HbA1C level of type 2 DM patients, without
significant difference in effect of lowering kidney functionH;Research on effectiveness of therapy on diabetes mellitus associated with
prevention of its complication still remain varied in results. The hypoglycemic
effectiveness and the kidney function were compared between sulfonylurea,
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination and insulin, with the retrospective cohort
study design, on patients that use those agents in last four months and came to
out-patient clinic of RSK Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This research had the Ethical
Clearance from the Ethical Committee of this hospital. Subjects were classify into
three groups, i.e insulin group (n = 30), sulfonylurea group (n = 30) and
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination group (n = 45). Hypoglycemic
effectiveness is measured with the HbA1C level and diabetic nephrophaty with
the eGFR which calculated from the measured serum creatinin. Mean age of all
subjects was 54,98±7,47 (p=0,157), most were women (72%, p=0,235), and tend
to overweight (mean BMI is 25,49±4,84; p = 0,59). Mean HbA1C level from the
sulfonylurea-biguanide (7,28±0,09) group were significantly different (p = 0,042)
with those from the insulin group (8,10±0,09), and there was no significant
difference with the sulfonylurea group. There was no significant difference in
diabetic nephropathy between groups. Subject with diabetic family history has
4,512 times chance to have the HbA1C level > 7% compare to those without
diabetic family history. Subjects with BMI >30 kg/m2 have 21,631 times chance
to get the HbA1C >7% compare to subjects with BMI <18,5 kg/m2. Sulfonylurea
and biguanide combination was more effective compare to insulin or sulfonylurea
monotherapy on decreasing HbA1C level of type 2 DM patients, without
significant difference in effect of lowering kidney functionH;Research on effectiveness of therapy on diabetes mellitus associated with
prevention of its complication still remain varied in results. The hypoglycemic
effectiveness and the kidney function were compared between sulfonylurea,
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination and insulin, with the retrospective cohort
study design, on patients that use those agents in last four months and came to
out-patient clinic of RSK Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This research had the Ethical
Clearance from the Ethical Committee of this hospital. Subjects were classify into
three groups, i.e insulin group (n = 30), sulfonylurea group (n = 30) and
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination group (n = 45). Hypoglycemic
effectiveness is measured with the HbA1C level and diabetic nephrophaty with
the eGFR which calculated from the measured serum creatinin. Mean age of all
subjects was 54,98±7,47 (p=0,157), most were women (72%, p=0,235), and tend
to overweight (mean BMI is 25,49±4,84; p = 0,59). Mean HbA1C level from the
sulfonylurea-biguanide (7,28±0,09) group were significantly different (p = 0,042)
with those from the insulin group (8,10±0,09), and there was no significant
difference with the sulfonylurea group. There was no significant difference in
diabetic nephropathy between groups. Subject with diabetic family history has
4,512 times chance to have the HbA1C level > 7% compare to those without
diabetic family history. Subjects with BMI >30 kg/m2 have 21,631 times chance
to get the HbA1C >7% compare to subjects with BMI <18,5 kg/m2. Sulfonylurea
and biguanide combination was more effective compare to insulin or sulfonylurea
monotherapy on decreasing HbA1C level of type 2 DM patients, without
significant difference in effect of lowering kidney functionH, Research on effectiveness of therapy on diabetes mellitus associated with
prevention of its complication still remain varied in results. The hypoglycemic
effectiveness and the kidney function were compared between sulfonylurea,
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination and insulin, with the retrospective cohort
study design, on patients that use those agents in last four months and came to
out-patient clinic of RSK Dr. Sitanala Tangerang. This research had the Ethical
Clearance from the Ethical Committee of this hospital. Subjects were classify into
three groups, i.e insulin group (n = 30), sulfonylurea group (n = 30) and
sulfonylurea and biguanide combination group (n = 45). Hypoglycemic
effectiveness is measured with the HbA1C level and diabetic nephrophaty with
the eGFR which calculated from the measured serum creatinin. Mean age of all
subjects was 54,98±7,47 (p=0,157), most were women (72%, p=0,235), and tend
to overweight (mean BMI is 25,49±4,84; p = 0,59). Mean HbA1C level from the
sulfonylurea-biguanide (7,28±0,09) group were significantly different (p = 0,042)
with those from the insulin group (8,10±0,09), and there was no significant
difference with the sulfonylurea group. There was no significant difference in
diabetic nephropathy between groups. Subject with diabetic family history has
4,512 times chance to have the HbA1C level > 7% compare to those without
diabetic family history. Subjects with BMI >30 kg/m2 have 21,631 times chance
to get the HbA1C >7% compare to subjects with BMI <18,5 kg/m2. Sulfonylurea
and biguanide combination was more effective compare to insulin or sulfonylurea
monotherapy on decreasing HbA1C level of type 2 DM patients, without
significant difference in effect of lowering kidney functionH]"
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
F.A. Boediarto
"Penyakit kusta merupakan penyakit menular yang sudah dikenal sejak jaman purba. Berbagai nama seperti kusta ( Kushtha ), Lepra, Zaraath, Morbus Hansen diberikan pada penyakit ini dengan konsepsi serta interpretasi yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan peradaban manusia.
Sebelum penyebab penyakit ditemukan oleh Gerhard Armauer Hansen, maka penyakit ini lebih banyak dikaitkan dengan hal-hal yang bersifat supranatural. Bahkan di dalam Kitab Injil penyakit ini disebut dalam riwayat penyembuhan mukjizat yang dilakukan oleh Yesus Kristus.
Dengan ditemukannya Mycobacterium Leprae serta berkembangnya pengetatuan tentang sifat-sifat khususnya di bidang imunologi dari penyakit ini maka pemahaman terhadap penyakit kusta menjadi lebih rasional.
Karena sifat penyakit yang kronis dengan masa inkubasi yang panjang, serta prevalensi dan angka kematian yang rendah dapat dipahami kalau prioritas penanggulangan terhadap penyakit kusta di negara manapun termasuk Indonesia merupakan prioritas deretan belakang. Akibatnya hal tersebut hampir terlupakan di tengah-tengah hiruk pikuknya program Keluarga Berencana dan Imunisasi. Tetapi ironisnya akibat persepsi masyarakat yang dilatar belakangi konsepsi dam interpretasi yang tidak rasional selama berabad-abad, turun temurun, menyebabkan nasib penderita penyakit ini dikucilkan dari kehidupan masyarakat . Dengan demikian penanganan dini penyakit ini menjadi terhambat, yang berakibat timbulnya kecacatan menjadi lebih besar.
Adanya cacat tubuh yang mengganggu penampilan dan fungsi,ditambah peraepsi masyarakat yang negatif jelas akan menimbulkan dampak negatif dalam kesehatan jiwa penderita kusta khususnya dalam bentuk depresi. Penulisan-penulisan yang menyoroti aspek kejiwaan dari penyakit ini khususnya di Indonesia sangat kurang; sehingga mendorong penulis untuk mengungkap dampak penyakit kusta di bidang kejiwaan dengan penelitian ini. Mudah-mudahan rintisan ini merangsang peneliti berikut untuk melanjutkannya sehingga lebih melengkapi bahan-baban yang pen ting dalam upaya penanganan penyakit kusta baik di bidang prevensi terapi maupun rehabilitasi serta lambat laun merubah persepsi masyarakat menjadi lebih wajar dan rasional."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Rahman Hakim
"Penelitian ini secara garis besar dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perceived supervisor support dan self-efficacy terhadap turnover intention pekerja Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek dengan peran mediasi burnout. Terdapat 6 hipotesis yang peneliti rancang pada penelitian ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan structural equation modelling (SEM), beberapa temuan dihasilkan dari data yang telah terkumpul dari 207 responden pekerja Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek. Temuan atau hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perceived supervisor support memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan negatif terhadap burnout dan turnover intention pekerja Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek. Kemudian, self-efficacy juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan negatif terhadap burnout dan turnover intention pekerja Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek. Ditambah dengan adanya variabel burnout memediasi hubungan antara perceived supervisor support dan self-efficacy terhadap turnover intention pekerja Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek, semakin tinggi perceived supervisor support dan self-efficacy yang dimiliki karyawan Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek, maka semakin rendah perasaan burnout dan turnover intention yang dialami oleh karyawan Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek. Kesimpulannya, penting untuk perusahaan memperhatikan perceived supervisor support dan self-efficacy dari karyawannya khususnya Gen Y dan Gen Z di Jabodetabek untuk menurunkan tingkat burnout dan turnover intention karyawannya.

This research was conducted to determine the effect of perceived supervisor support and self- efficacy on the turnover intention of Gen Y and Gen Z workers in Jabodetabek with the role of mediating burnout. Using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach, several findings were generated from data collected from 207 Gen Y and Gen Z worker respondents in Greater Jakarta. The findings in this study indicate that perceived supervisor support has a significant negative effect on burnout and turnover intention of Gen Y and Gen Z workers in Jabodetabek. Then, self-efficacy also has a significant negative effect on burnout and turnover intention of Gen Y and Gen Z workers in Jabodetabek. Coupled with the presence of the burnout variable mediating the relationship between perceived supervisor support and self-efficacy on the turnover intention of Gen Y and Gen Z workers in Jabodetabek. Thus, the higher the perceived supervisor support and self-efficacy of Gen Y and Gen Z employees in Jabodetabek, the lower feelings of burnout and turnover intention experienced by Gen Y and Gen Z employees in Jabodetabek. In conclusion, it is important for companies to pay attention to the perceived supervisor support and self-efficacy of their employees, especially Gen Y and Gen Z in Jabodetabek to reduce the burnout rate and turnover intention of their employees."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ananda Nandika

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Perceived Supervisor Support dan Organizational Commitment terhadap Employee Turnover Intention dan Task Performance pada karyawan perusahaan DKI Jakarta yang bekerja dibawah pengawasan supervisor dan telah bekerja selama enam bulan dalam waktu yang berurutan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan cross-sectional design dan metode convenience sampling dan purposive sampling untuk mengumpulkan data primer. Sampel penelitian ini diperoleh dari 399 karyawan perusahaan DKI Jakarta dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Perceived Supervisor Support tidak memengaruhi Employee Turnover Intention dan juga Task Performance. Lalu, Organizational Commitment juga tidak memengaruhi Employee Turnover Intention. Namun, Organizational Commitment memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Task Performance. Tiga hubungan mediasi penuh juga ditemukan dan satu hubungan mediasi parsial.

This study aims to study the influence of Supervisory Commitments and Organizational Commitments on Employee Change Intentions and Task Performance on DKI Jakarta company employees who work under supervisory supervision and have worked for six months in a sequence. This research is a quantitative study using cross-sectional design and convenience sampling and purposive sampling methods for primary data collection. The research sample was obtained from 399 DKI Jakarta companies and data processing was carried out using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The results of this study indicate that Perceived Support Supervisor does not affect Employee Turnover Intentions and also Job Performance. Then, Organizational Commitment also does not affect Employee Turnover Intentions. However, Organizational Commitment has a positive influence on Task Performance. Three full mediation relationships were also found and one partial mediation relationship.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willy Putra Yudha Winarko
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu pengaruh dari perceived organizational support (POS) terhadap work engagement, dengan self-efficacy sebagai mediasi. Work engagement yang baik dalam lingkungan kerja memberikan perusahaan karyawan yang lebih produktif dan berkualitas, sehingga menjadi sebuah fenomena yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari PT. XYZ, sebuah perusahaan radio terestrial yang berlokasi di Jakarta, Indonesia, dengan jumlah sampel 139 responden. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan langsung antara POS dengan work engagement, dan diantaranya terdapat self-efficacy yang terbukti menjadi sebuah faktor mediasi.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of perceived organizational support (POS) towards work engagement with self-efficacy as mediator. Work engagement influences employees to be more productive and engaged in their job, which makes the topic very important in ensuring a firm?s quality of employees. This study is conducted in PT. XYZ, a terestrial radio broadcasting company bsesd in Jakarta, Indonesia. The respodents fort this research are 139 employees. The result of this research shows the significant effect of POS to work engagement, with self-efficacy as an underlying factor in it's relationship"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annik Noer Nawarni
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh beberapa faktor terhadap keefektifan transfer pelatihan pada pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Faktor tersebut adalah desain transfer, self efficacy, retensi pelatihan, performance feedback dan dukungan supervisor. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk meneliti responden yang telah mengikuti pelatihan asesor kemampuan badan usaha yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasionalyang berdomisili di seluruh Indonesia. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan multiple-regression analysis yang hasilnya menunjukan desain transfer dan self efficacy memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keefektian transfer pelatihan. Sedangkan retensi pelatihan, performance feedback dan dukungan supervisor tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap transfer pelatihan.

This study aims to gain insight into some of the factors that determine the transfer of training to the work context.that factors included transfer design, self efficacy, training retention, performance feedback and supervisor support. Respondents this study were people who have completed the training of Asesor Kemampuan Badan Usaha that organized by National Construction Services Development Board. Hierarchical regression analysis was performed and the results showed that transfer design and self efficacy significantly predicted transfer of training, other factors, training retention, performance feedback and supervisor support had no significant effect on transfer of training effectiveness."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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