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Ditemukan 17377 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, 1959
808.8 HAR XLIV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Harjanto
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Kadek Agus Sujiro Putra
I Nyoman Cerita adalah seniman sekaligus akademisi seni pertunjukan khususnya seni tari di Bali yang berasal dari Banjar Sengguan, Desa Singapadu, Kecamatan Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar Bali. Beliau telah mampu membangun sebuah upaya pengembangan kesenian khususnya tari di Bali. Berbagai karya-karya yang hingga kini telah memberikan catatan penting terhadap perkembangan sent tari, I Nyoman Cerita mampu menciptakan karya tari dengan cara Nyeraki. Istilah Nyeraki
yaitu serba ada atau serba bisa. Kemampuan Nyeraki yang dimaksud disini adalah kemampuan Nyoman Cerita yang dapat menyelesaikan segalanya dengan kemampuan yang serba bisa. Nyoman Cerita mampu menciptakan tabuh (musik iringan tari), mampu menciptakan gerak tari, serta mampu menciptakan konsep kostum. Kemampuan Nyeraki sangat jarang dimiliki oleh seniman tari pada umumnya
Tujuan dari penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah karya tulis tentang tokoh I Nyoman Cerita seniman tari asal Gianyar, menghasilkan karya tulis yang mampu digunakan sebagai informasi tentang tokoh inovatif dalam mencipta tari Bali, ada tiga pokok permasalahan yang akan dikaji yaitu bagaimanakah latar belakang kehidupan I Nyoman Cerita, bagaimanakah proses kreatif I Nyoman cerita sebagai tokoh inovatif dalam mencipta Tari Bali, bagaimanakah kontribusi karya I Nyoman Cerita dalam perkembangan seni tari di Bali? teori yang digunakan untuk membedah ketiga Iatar belakang tersebut yaitu: teori biograifi, teori motivasi,teori Estetika.
Inovatif karya I Nyoman Cerita yaitu beliau mampu memunculkan ide-ide bar seperti pengolahan properti tari yang digunakan dalam berbagai fungsi. Sebagai contohnya adalah properti pajeng dapat di fungsikan sebagai tombak, roda kereta, dan simbol awan, sedangkan properti kipas dapat digunakan sebagai gada dan kereta kencana kontribusi karya-karya Tari Bali beliu menjadi bahan ajar di sanggar dan sebagai sajian seni pertunjukan pariwisata."
Denpasar: Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
700 KJSP 3:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Earias Wirawan
"Tesis ini membahas implementasi pengawasan administratif orang asing pemegang izin Kunjungan dengan Visa Kunjungan Beberapa Kali Perjalanan (VKBP) di Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Tangerang. Sesuai dengan misi Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi dengan mengemban amanat Pasal 38 dan Pasal 40 UndangĀ­ Undang Nor. or 9 Tabnn I 992 Tentang Keimigrasian untuk melakukan pengawasan lalu lintas rnasuk, keluar dan keberadaan serta kegiatan orang asing di wilayah Indonesia baik secara administratif maupun lapangan.
Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif, disimpulkan bahwa Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi selaku pembuat kebijakan perlu melakukan kajian ulang terhadap kandungan Pasal 60 Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tabun 1992 Tentang Keimigrasian. Hal ini perlu dicermati mengingat .Imigrasi sebagai penjaga pintu gerbang negara memiliki posisi sebagai vocal point dirnana imigrasi seharusnya menjadi instansi terdepan dalarn tanggung jawab terhadap pengawasan orang asing.

This thesis dirousses the administrative control of foreigner, who have the visit permit with a few times permit visas holders in Tangerang Immigration Office. In accordance with the one of the directorate general of immigration mission to the undertaking of article 38 and article 40 law No. 9 of 1992 on immigration to monitor traffic in, out, and present also tbe activity of the foreigner, both in adminlstrative and field.
Based on research conducted with qualitative methods, concluded that the dirertorate general of immigration as a policy maker to conduct a study to the content of article 60 of Law No. 9 of 1992 on immigration. This need to be examined considering immigration as a gete keeper position as the state has a vocal point where immigration should be the leading agency in responsibility for the supervision of foreigners."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Iqbal Ramadhan
"Di era global sekarang, persaingan usaha antara perusahaan perusahaan besar semakain ketat. Mereka berlomba lomba merencanakan tujuan serta strategi bisnis mereka untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Pengukuran yang paling banyak digunakan dalam mengukur keberhasilan dari strategi mereka adalah dengan laporan keuangan seperti rasio-rasio penjualan dan ROI. Jika kita kaji lebih dalam lagi, masih banyak cara untuk mengukur performa dari perusahaan itu, seperti balance scorecard sebagai alat ukur dari keberhasilan perusahaan. Dalam metode ini perusahaan juga bisa mengukur performa perusahaan terhadap pembeli, proses bisnis internal, dan pertumbuhan perusahaan dalam mendapatkan ilmu baru dibidangnya. Dalam studi kasus ini penulis akan membahas lebih dalam tentang bagaimana balance scorecard membantu perusahaan dalam mempertajam tujuan dari persusahaan dalam perspektif yang berbeda.

In these days, companies are more competitive than in the past of planning their strategic objective and measure the performance of the strategy. There is a traditional tool to measure the performance of a company, financial measure, was the only assessment for a company to find out its performance of the year by assessing its financial variables that support financial growth such as ROI, sales turnover and many more. There are a few numbers of measuring companies` performance from different perspective other than financial measures only. Using balance scorecard as a measurement tool for companies can help them to assess other three additional perspectives; customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. In this report, balance scorecard helped a company to specify objectives of companies in four different perspectives."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Raihan
Before I Disappear 2014 adalah sebuah film drama yang meliputi perilaku bunuh diri. Karakter utama di film ini, Richie, adalah seseorang yang depresi dan memiliki perilaku bunuh diri, dan ia sedang berada pada tiitk terendah dalam hidupnya setelah kekasihnya meninggal karena bunuh diri. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk berkontribusi dalam diskusi penggambaran bunuh diri pada film, khususnya pada film Before I Disappear 2014 . Dengan menggunakan analisis struktural, artikel ini akan menjabarkan empat usaha bunuh diri Richie yang dipicu oleh Vista sebagai harapan untuk matinya dan bagaimana Richie kemudian diselamatkan oleh keluarganya yang seiring berjalannya cerita berkembang menjadi naluri untuk hidup. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa film ini menggambarkan satu versi dari bunuh diri walaupun berbeda dari pola bunuh diri dalam Teori Bunuh Diri milik Durkheim.

Before I Disappear is a drama film that revolves around the main character rsquo;s suicidal behaviour. Richie, as the main character, is a depressed, suicidal guy who reaches the lowest point of his life after being left by his girlfriend that died of suicide. This article aims to contribute to the discussion of suicide portrayal in films, specifically in Before I Disappear 2014 . With structural analysis, this article breaks down four suicide attempts Richie undergoes that are triggered by Vista as his death wish, and how he is saved by his family that later developed to be his life instinct. This article finds that this film portrays one version of suicide even though it differs from Durkheim rsquo;s suicide theory. "
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Coelho, Paulo
Amsterdam-Antwerpen: Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers, 2006
BLD 839.313 08 COE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Diah Ayulakswi
Perkembangan bisnis dan martketing yang sangat cepat mendorong naiknya
kebutuhan akan media telekomunikasi yang reliable, menarik, dan dinamis. Metode
dalam penyebaran informasi yang populer digunakan saat ini adalah penyiaran. Dimana
penggunaan spektrum frekuensi radio untuk keperluan penyiaran mengacu pada definisi
layanan penyiaran pada peraturan radio ITU. Layanan penyiaran adalah suatu servis
komunikasi radio dimana transmisinya ditujukan untuk penerimaan langsung oleh
masyarakat umum. Penyiaran televisi lebih sering digunakan sebagai sarana penyebaran
informasi dibandingkan dengan radio, karena dapat menyampaikan informasi secara jelas
dengan suara dan gambar. Semakin luas daerah jangkauan siaran suatu stasiun TV, maka
akan semakin banyak manfaat yang dapat dirasakan karena informasi dapat diterima
dengan baik oleh masyarakat.
Terdapat dua stasiun TV swasta di Bandung yang akan melakukan perluasan
wilayah ke kota yang berdekatan, yaitu di kota Garut dan Sukabumi dengan
menambahkan repeater baru serta menaikkan daya pancarnya. Kedua stasiun TV swasta
di Bandung tersebut menempati kanal 42 dan 44. Kedua stasiun TV tersebut merupakan
pemancar TV analog dan akan menggunakan kanal yang sama pada kota Garut dan
Sukabumi. Kedua stasiun TV analog ini memiliki kanal bersebelahan dengan stasiun TV
analog dan stasiun TV digital. Penambahan repeater baru dan menaikkan daya pancarnya
dapat memungkinkan terjadinya interferensi kanal bersebelahan. Untuk mengatasi hal
tersebut, maka dibuat sebuah aturan bahwa kuat medan penerimaan televisi siaran UHF
pada lokasi titik pengujian atau pengukuran setiap wilayah layanan dibatasi paling besar
70 dBμV/m untuk band V.
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis simulasi daya pancar untuk perluasan
wilayah siaran TVdari Bandung ke Garut dan Sukabumi, dengan menentukan pola radiasi
dan menaikan daya pancar repeater baru dengan batasan rasio proteksi agar daerah
jangkauan dan populasi di kota Garut dan Sukabumi terlayani. Hasil dari simulasi
diperoleh daya pancar pada kanal 42 dan 44 di kota Garut sebesar 42 dBW dengan
antena 4-1 dan daya pancar pada kanal 42 dan 44 di kota Sukabumi sebesar 38,3 dBW
dengan antena 730 372. Dengan penggunaan daya pada masing-masing pemancar
tersebut telah memenuhi wilayah cakupan yang terlayani pada kota Garut dan Sukabumi
dan pemancar yang digunakan tidak menginterferensi kanal yang bersebelahan. Namun
terdapat beberapa wilayah yang tidak tercakup sinyal pancar karena kontur wilayah yang
Kata kunci : interferensi
The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.;The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.;The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.;The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains., The rapid growth of various business and marketing leads to the needs of reliable,
attractive, and dynamic telecommunication media. Broadcasting is one of the popular
media which ever used in centuries. In the practical utilities, the broadcasting services use
a particular radio spectrum frequency with respect to the ITU-T standard. The
broadcasting services provide the essential informations which are directly served to the
public user. Broadcasting is rather used to publicize the information than the radio due to
its perceptibility through the sound and image repsentations. Consequently, the larger the
coverage area of the broadcasting services the more advantages can be obtained because
the informations can be delivered properly to the user.
In this final project, there are two private television provider where both are
located in Bandung. Theirs location are alongside cities which are Garut and Sukabumi.
In order to broaden their coverage area, they increased the number of repeater and the
level of power used by the transmitter respectively. Unfortunately, this method leads to an
adjacent channel interference. In order to withstand this effect, policies are made to limit
the usage of the bandwidth. For every service area the allocation is set to be at a
maximum of 70 dBμV/m for V band.
This final project is aimed to analyze the power used by the transmission to
broaden the coverage area of the television services from Bandung to Garut and
Sukabumi. The radiation patterns enhancement and the increase of transmitted power by
the new repeaters are used. As a result, it is proved that for Garut and Sukabumi the 42
dBW and 38,3 dBW are appropriate with the use of the 4-1 and 730-372 antennas
respectively in the 42nd and 44th channels. In the attained transmitted power, the adjacent
channel interference can be evaded. In case of the extending the coverage area, there are
still some particular areas which are delicate to overcome due to its geograhical contour
which are mainly mountains.]"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Delhi: Ashish, 1988
337.1 CHA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: P. F. Collier & Son Corporation, 1959
808.8 HAR XLV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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