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Arif Prasetya
"Pola kerja gilir serta berbagai karakteristik pekerja minyak berisiko menimbulkan insomnia pada pekelja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi insomnia dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan, terutama pola krja gilir.
Metode penelitian
Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Pemilihan subyek dengan teknik total popularion sampling pada pekemja yang on board saat studi dilakukan. Setiap responden mengisi kuesioner, formulir SCL-90 dan Insomnia Rating Scale-KSBPJ.
Dari hasil 129 responden didapatkan 66 (5l,2 %) mengalami insomnia., 95% nya tergolong insomnia berderajat ringan. Masa kerja terbanyak di atas 5 tahun (4l,l%} dan pola kenja non kelja gilir (43,4%). Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan insomnia adalah dugaan gangguan jiwa (Acyusred OR=2,47 95% C1 1,06 - 5,80 dan p=0,03). Sedangkan variable lainnya tidak bermakna.
Dari peneiitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa risiko yang paling berperan pada terjadinya insomnia adalah gangguan jiwa. Kerja gilir tidak terbukti mempengaruhi insomnia.

Shift work and others characteristic of oil company workers contribute to the risk of insomnia. This study showed the prevalence of insomnia and its related factors among workers in an on shore oil company.
The study design was cross sectional. Total population sampling technique was applied to recruit participants. Every respondent was asked to fill a questionnaire, SCL-90 form, and Insomnia Rating Scale form, translated by Kelompok Studi Psikiatri Biologi Jakarta.
One hundred and twenty nine respondent participated in the study. Prevalence of insomnia was 5l,2%, mostly mild insomnia(95%). Most of the participants had worked for more than live years (4l,1%) and dominated with non-shift pattern (43,4%). The result showed only suspected mental disorder workers (Adjusted 0R=2,47 95% CI 1,06 - 5,30, p=0.03) had significant association with insomnia.
The contributed risk factor of insomnia in this study was only suspected mental disorder. There wasn?t proved that shift work contributed to insomnia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Vindalia Dian Sari Helfardi
"Satpam dengan kerja gilir berisiko mengalami insomnia.Penelitian Didi Purwanto (2005) pada pekerja pabrik semen Citeureup?Bogor,didapatkan prevalensi insomnia sebesar 48,1% pada pekerja gilir dan prevalensi tersebut hampir dua kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan pekerja non gilir.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi insomnia dan faktor?faktor yang meningkatkan risiko kejadian insomnia pada satpam dengan kerja gilir di PT.X.
Desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional yang melibatkan 107 satpam dengan kerja gilir.Pengambilan data menggunakan beberapa kuesioner, diantaranya kuesioner Sleep Hygiene Index, kuesioner Stress Diagnostic Survey, kuesioner Insomnia Rating Scale-KSPBJ, serta wawancara menggunakan instrumen MINI.
Prevalensi insomnia pada satpam dengan kerja gilir di PT.X adalah 81,9%.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sikap higiene tidur buruk meningkatkan risiko terjadinya insomnia hampir 10 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sikap higiene tidur baik (OR=9,820, 95%CI=1,185?81,413).Usia lebih tua, masa kerja lebih lama, pola kerja gilir iregular dan stres kerja sedang-tinggi tidak terbukti meningkatkan risiko kejadian insomnia pada satpam dengan kerja gilir (p>0,05).
Saran bagi satpam yang menjalani kerja gilir adalah dapat menerapkan sikap higiene tidur dengan baik.Bagi manajemen PT.X, disarankan penyuluhan berkala setiap tiga bulan sekali mengenai gangguan kesehatan akibat kerja gilir terutama insomnia dan evaluasi kesehatan pada satpam yang mengalami insomnia setiap satu hingga tiga bulan sekali.

Security squad who undergo shift work,are at risk for insomnia.Study at cement factory Citeureup-Bogor,2005 by Didi Purwanto found the prevalence of insomnia on shift workers is 48,1% and this prevalence is almost two times higher than non-shift workers.The aim of this research are to know prevalence of insomnia and to determine factors that increase the risk of insomnia on security squad with shift work at PT. X.
Design of research is cross sectional which involved 107 squad of security unit with shift work.Retrieving data used several questionnaires,including Sleep Hygiene Index questionnaire,Stress Diagnostic Survey questionnaire and Insomnia Rating Scale-KSPBJ questionnaire,as well as interview were conducted using MINI instrument.
The prevalence of insomnia on security squad with shift work at PT.X is 81.9%.The result is poor sleep hygiene behavior increases the risk of insomnia is almost 10 times higher than good sleep hygiene behavior (OR=9.820, 95%CI=1.185-81.413).Elder age,longer working lives,pattern of irregular shift work,and medium-high work stresses are not determine to increase the risk of insomnia on security squad with shift work (p> 0.05).
Suggest to security squad who undergo shift work should implement sleep hygiene behavior well.For PT.X management,counseling about the health problems caused by shift work,especially insomnia is recommended regularly every three months and taking health evaluation at security squad who have insomnia every one to three months.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didy Purwanto
"Latar Belakang
Kerja gilir menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan seperti gangguan tidur, sindrom dispepsia, gangguan kardiovaskuler, dan lain-lain. Insomnia timbul akibat gangguan irama sirkadian. PT. I. merupakan industri semen, sebagian pekerja bekerja secara bergilir, oleh karena itu perlu diketahui berapa prevalensi insomnia dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
Disain studi cross sectional dengan analisa kasus kontrol. Sampel penelitian meliputi seluruh plant/divisi. Diagnosis insomnia ditegakkan dengan Insomnia Rating Score (IRS) yang disusun oleh kelompok Studi Psikiatri Biologi Jakarta (KSPBJ). Diukur juga derajat stres kerja dengan Survai Diagnostik Stres dan analisis psikopatolgi dengan SCL-90. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus - September 2004 terhadap 260 responden yang berasal dari 130 pekerja gilir dan 130 pekerja non gilir.
Prevalensi insomnia adalah 48,1% dimana prevalensi pada pekerja gilir hampir dua kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan pekerja non gilir. Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan insomnia adalah kerja gilir OR 2,6 (1,6 - 4,3), psikopatologi OR 3,4 (2,0 --5,8), hipertensi OR 2,2 (1,2 - 4,0), kebiasaan minum kopi OR 1,9 (1,0 - 3,4), dan lokasi rumah dekat sumber bising OR 1,8 (1,0 - 3,1). umur, lama kerja, kebiasaan minum alkohol dan olahraga malam hari tidak berhubungan dengan insomnia.
Simpulan dan saran
Kerja gilir merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya insomnia dengan OR 2,6. Faktor lain yang merupakan faktor risiko terutama adalah psikopatologi OR 3,4, hipertensi OR 2,2 kebiasaan minum kopi OR 1,9 (1,0 - 3,4), dan lokasi rumah dekat sumber bising OR 1,8 (1,0 - 3,1). Pemeriksaan insomnia dan gangguan mental emosional agar dilakukan secara berkala. Pekerja gilir dihimbau untuk mengurangi minum kopi.

Shift Work and Insomnia with Risk Factor in cement industry of PT I' s worker Background
The shift work causes many healths's problem such as sleep disturbance, dyspepsia syndrome, etc. Sleep disturbance or insomnia is caused by circadian rhythm's problem. PT. I is the cement industrial. a part of employee do as shift worker. Therefore, it is needed to know the insomnia's prevalence and to identify the risk factors
A cross sectional study using case control analyze were conducted to 260 workers who were the sample taken from all plant and division. Similar number (130) were selected from each of the two groups of worker (shift and non-shift). The diagnosis of insomnia used the Insomnia Rating Scale (IRS) that was arranged by Kelompok Stud/ Psikiatri Jakarta (KSPBJ). Beside that, we measured the stress at work by the Survey Diagnostic Stress and Psychopathology by SCL-90.
The subjects were 260 workers that kinds of 130 shift workers and 130 non-shift workers. A number of 48,1% have suffered insomnia. The risk factor that affected the insomnia were shift work OR 2,6 (1,6 -- 4,3), psychopathology OR 3,4 (2,0 - 5,8), hypertension OR 2,2 (1,2 -- 4,0), coffee OR 1,9 (1,0 - 3,4), and living near the noise area OR 1,8 (1,0 - 3,1). The other factors such as age, duration of work, alcohol habit, and physical exercise were not proven to have correlate on insomnia.
The shift work was the risk factor of insomnia. The other risk factors that influence insomnia was psychopathology, hypertension, drinking coffee, and living near the noise area, We recommend the insomnia examination and psychopathology are carry out together with periodical medical check up. The shift workers are requested to decrease of drinking coffee.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
T 13640
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budisetiawan Muchtar
"Latar belakang: Kecelakaan kerja adalah kejadian yang tidak terduga dan tidak diharapkan akibat dari kerja yang berkaitan dengan hubungan kerja dengan perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi kecelakaan kerja dan mengetahui hubungan aspek perilaku pekerja serta faktor-faktor lainnya yang dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di Kalimantan sehingga dapat dilakukan upaya. pcncegahan untuk menurunkan angka kecelakaan kerja.
Metode: Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada bulan November 2009 terhadap 364 responden di bagian operation yang bekerja selama bulan Januari-September 2009. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dan kuesioner pada pekenja maupun supervisor. Hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, masa kerja, status perkawinan, status kepegawaian, lama kerja, kerja safety, status kesehatan, perilaku, pengetahuan sqkzy, pelatihan keselamatan kerja, supervisi, tanda peringatan, bising, panas dan keadaan Iingkungan kenja Iainnya dianalisis statistik secara univariat, bivariat dan regresi Iogistik.
Hasil: Prevalensi keoelakaan kerja 5.7% yang terdiri dari kecelakaan kexja ringan sebesar 3.3% dan near miss 2.4%. Dari analisis mullivariat didapat hubungan bemmkna antara kejadian kecelakaan kezja dan variabel kenja shw (OR=1 1.9; CI 95% 2.2-49.9), at risk behavior (OR=8.4; CI 95% 1.9-36.6), pengctahuan safézy kurang (OR=9.3; Cl 95% 2.0-44.l), myop (OR=45.0; Cl 95% 2.9-70l.3), masa kerja antara 5-I0 tahun (OR=0.I; CI 95% 1.9-36.6), dan kebisingan (OR=3.4; CI 95% 1.9-36.6).
Kesimpulan: Prevalcnsi kecelakaan kenja 5.7% dan kerja .shw merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecelakaan kerja.

Background: Work accident is an unexpected or unwanted event from work which is related to work in company. The purpose of this research is to know the prevalence of work accident and to determine relationship between behavior aspect of workforce and other factors which could influence the occurence of work accident to oil and gas workforce in Kalimantan, so that preventive efforts to reduce the number of work accident can be performed.
Method: A cross-sectional study was perfonned in November 2009 to 364 workforces of Operations Department who had worked during January-September 2009. The data was compiled through interviews and questionnaires to the workforce and supervisors. Relationship between age, education, tenure, marital status, employment status, length of work, work-shift, health status, behavior, safety knowledge, safety trainings, supervision, warning signs, noise, heat and other work environment condition were analyzed statistically by univariate, bivariate and logistic regression.
Result: Work accident prevalence of 5.7%, consists of minor work accident of 3.3% and near-miss of 2.4%. From multivariate analysis, it was identified that there is a significant relationship between work accident and work-shift (0R=l 1.9; CI 95% 2.2- 49.9), at risk behavior (OR=8.4; CI 95% 1.9-36.6), lack of knowledge on safety (OR=9.3; CI 95% 2.0-44.l), myop (OR=45.0; CI 95% 2.9-7013), tenure between 5-10 years (OR=0.1; CI 95% l.9-36.6), and perception of noise (OR=3.4; CI 95% 1.9-36.6).
Conclusion: Prevalence of work accident is 5.7% and work-shitt is the most associated factor with work accident.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrian Purwo Sulistyo
"Latar belakang: Sebuah penelitian di Rumah Sakit (RS) Norwegia (2012) menemukan 67,7% perawat dengan pola kerja gilir 3-rotasi mengalami insomnia. Banyak penelitian dilakukan tentang kerja gilir dan hubungannya dengan kesehatan, sehingga pola rotasi yang direkomendasikan tersedia, tetapi masih ada pola lain diterapkan, termasuk oleh pekerja rumah sakit. Pola kerja gilir iregular memiliki risiko terjadinya insomnia lebih besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan pola kerja gilir 3-rotasi dengan insomnia pada pekerja RS.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain komparatif potong-lintang. Data sekunder dari 234 pekerja RS dengan pola kerja gilir 3-rotasi regular dan iregular diikutertakan dalam penelitian ini, yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Variabel yang dianalisis adalah faktor individu, seperti usia, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan dan higiene tidur juga faktor pekerjaan, seperti profesi, masa kerja, dan unit kerja.
Hasil: Prevalensi insomnia klinis pada pekerja RS dengan pola kerja gilir 3-rotasi adalah 29.9%. Ketika insomnia ringan (pra-klinis) diikutsertakan, maka prevalensi insomnia adalah 55.5%. Variabel berhubungan dengan insomnia adalah: pola kerja gilir 3-rotasi (ROsesuaian 0.34; IK 95% 0.18 - 0.66), pekerjaan sampingan (ROsesuaian 0.46; IK 95% 0.22 - 0.99;), indeks higiene tidur (ROsesuaian 8.84; IK 95% 4.41 - 17.74). Variabel lain tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan insomnia preklinis-klinis.
Kesimpulan: Prevalensi insomnia preklinis-klinis adalah 55.5% di antara pekerja RS dengan pola kerja gilir 3-rotasi. Indeks higiene tidur adalah faktor paling dominan terkait dengan insomnia (ROsesuaian 8.84).
Background: A study in the Norwegian Hospital (2012) found 67.7% of nurses with 3-rotational shift work patterns had insomnia. Many studies exist on shift work and it’s association with health, there fore recommended shift patterns are available, but still other patterns are implemented, including among hospital workers. Irregular shift work patterns have a greater risk of insomnia. This study aims to determine association of 3-rotational shift work patterns with insomnia in hospital workers.
Method: This study used a cross-sectional comparative design. Secondary data from 234 hospital workers with regular and irregular 3-rotational shift work patterns were included in the study, who meet the inclusion criteria. Variables analyzed were individual factors, like age, gender, marital status and sleep hygiene also occupational factors, like profession, work period and work unit.
Results: The prevalence of clinical insomnia in hospital workers with 3-rotational shift work patterns was 29.9%. When light insomnia (pre-clinical) were included, the prevalence of insomnia was 55.5%. Variables associated with light - severe insomnia were: 3-rotational shift work patterns (ORadj 0.34; 95% CI 0.18 - 0.66), side jobs (ORadj 0.46; 95% CI 0.22 - 0.99), sleep hygiene index (ORadj 8.84; 95% CI 4.41 - 17.74). Other variables were not significantly related to insomnia.
Conclusion: Prevalence of insomnia preclinical - clinical was 55.5% among hospital workers with 3-rotational shift work. Sleep hygiene index is the most dominant factor associated with insomnia (ORadj 8.84). "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Susanto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan pada pekerja pada shift malam dengan sistem Double Shift Di PT. X Proyek Y Th. 2016. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa angka kecelakaan kerja pada industri konstruksi sangat tinggi yang menelan korban jiwa yang tidak sedikit dan kerusakan properti yang cukup besar. Salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi pada kecelakaan kerja adalah kelelahan yang dialami para pekerja. Banyak defenisi tentang kelelahan, tetapi secara garis besar dapat dikatakan bahwa kelelahan merupakan suatu pola yang timbul pada suatu keadaan, yang secara umum terjadi pada setiap individu, yang telah tidak sanggup lagi untuk melakukan aktivitasnya. Kerangka Teori yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teori dari Grandjean (1988) yang ditulis dalam bukunya yang berjudul "Fitting The Task to The Man". Dimana pada tahapan sensasi kelelahan dipengaruhi oleh faktor pekerjaan yang monoton, faktor intensitas dan faktor durasi tekanan fisik dan mental pekerjaan, faktor kondisi lingkungan; suhu, pencahayaan dan kebisingan, penyakit dan faktor nutrisi yang buruk dan faktor beban mental; tanggung jawab, kekhawatiran dan adanya konflik. Diharapkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran akan pentingnya manajemen kelelahan guna meminimalkan risiko kecelakaan kerja. Rekomendasi yang diberikan diharapkan manajemen Proyek Y dimasa yang akan datang dapat memenuhi aspek keselamatan dalam melaksanakan sistem Double Shift dengan cara menerapkan Manajemen kelelahan secara konsisten dan menyeluruh untuk mencegah dan meminimalkan risiko akibat bekerja malam pada sistem Double Shift ini.

The objective of this research is to analyze the risk factors related to the fatigue level of night shift workers of Double Shift system in Project Y, X Company, year 2016. Work-related accidents on construction industry have resulted in a high number of fatalities and sizeable property damage. One of the contributing factors in workrelated accidents is fatigue felt by the workers. There are many definitions of fatigue, but the one which is generally agreed is that of a pattern which arises in a situation where individuals are no longer able to perform their activities. The theory framework used in this research is the one by Grandjean (1988), written in his book "Fitting the Task to the Man". The stages of fatigue are influenced by factors such as monotonous work, intensity and duration of work?s physical and mental stress, environmental conditions (temperature, lighting, and noise), diseases or illnesses, and poor nutrition, and mental load factors (responsibilities, worries, and conflicts). It is to be hoped that the result of this research will raise awareness of the importance of fatigue management in order to minimize the risk of work-related accidents. Recommendations given in this research are intended to help the Y Project management meet the safety aspects in the Double Shift system with the constant and thorough implementation of fatigue management to prevent and minimize risks caused by the system?s working nights."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hipertensi adalah salah satu penyakit sistem kardiovaskuler dengan prevalensi tertinggi di masyarakat dan dapat menimbulkan berbagai gangguan organ vital tubuh dengan akiba.t kelemahan fungsi organ cacat maupun kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan usia. pola kerja. merokok. asupan garam. olahraga teratur dan status gizi terhadap kejadian hipertensi pada pekerja area produksi perusaha.an migas X Kalimantan Timur tahun 2008. Peneiitian ini tergolong penelitian observasional dengan rancangan penelitian kasus kontrol. Populasi penelitian ada!ah pekerja diarea produksi lapangan produksi S perusahaan migas X Kalimantan Timur tahun 2008. Sampe1 penelitia.n adalah seluruh pekerja di area produksi Japangan produksi S yang menderita hipertensi mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan hipertensi (p value = 0,005, OR "" 3,00095% CI: 1,385 6,499), {p value = 0,043, OR = 2,286 95% CI: 1,092-4,783), merokok tidak menunjukkan hubungan bennakna dengan terjadinya hipertensi (p value= 0 550, CI: 0,627 - 3.0J3), konsumsi garam mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan hipertensi (p value = 0,045, OR = 2,486 95% CI: 1,096-5,641 ), olahraga teratur mempunyai hubungan bennakna (p value = 0,033, OR = 2,833 95% CI: 1,165-6,892) dan status gizi mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan biperteosi (p value = 0,028, OR= 2,429 95% CI:1,163-5,071) Oari seluruh faktor risiko tersebut yang paling dominan adalah olahraga teratur. Program surveilans dan promosi kesehatan pekerja perlu diiakukan untuk mengetahui dan mencegah faktor-faktor hipertensi. {ainnya.

Hypertension is one of the cardiovascular system illnesses with the highest prevalence in the community and can cause serious disturbance of the vital body organ with resulting from the weakness of the organ function,. the defect and the death. This research aimed at knowing the association of the age, the pattern of work, smoking, salt consumption, doing regular sport and the status of the nutrient towards the hypertension incident in the workers of the production area of oil and gas company X in East Kalimantan year 2008, This research is classified as an observational research with the plan of control case research. The research population is the workers in the production area nutrient status. The dependent variable is hypertension. The data is processed quantitatively and is analysed with the computer help. The results of this research into 120 (60 cases and 60 controls) workers in production area of the production field :"S" in oil and gas company "X" shows that age has significant relations with hyper tension (p value = 0,005, OR - 3,000 95% CI: 1,385-6,499), the pattern of work has significant relations with hypertension (p value = 0,043, OR = 2,286 95% CI: 1,092-4,783)smoking has not significant relations with hypertension (p value0,550, OR= 1,375 95% Cl: 0,627-3,013), salt consumption has significant relations with hypertension (p value = 0,045, OR = 2,486 95% CI: 1,096-5,641), doing regular sport has significant relations with hypertension (p value= 0,033, OR= 2,833 95% CI: 1,165-6,892) and the nutrient status has significant relations with hypertension (p value = 0 028.OR = 2,429 95% CI:1,163·5)07l). From all those risk. factors, the most dominant is doing regular sport. Surveillance and health promotion program should be done to detection and prevention about other hypertension risk factors."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pajanan kebisingan dapat menyebabkan berbagai gangguan kesehatan termasuk penurunan pendengaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pajanan kebisingan dengan penurunan pendengaran pada pekerja di area amonia 1A PT Pupuk Kujang, Cikampek, Tahun 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi cross-sectional yang dilaksanakan pada area kerja amonia terhadap seluruh pekerja berjumlah 38 orang. Peneliti mengukur dosis pajanan pada lima area kerja amonia dan menyebarkan kuesioner. Melakukan review terhadap hasil medical check up tahun terakhir. Melakukan analisa bivariat terhadap fakktor perancu. Hasil studi menunjukkan faktor risiko yang berhubungan penurunan adalah dosis kebisingan (p-value 0,039,95% CI). Pajanan kebisingan berhubungan dengan penurunan pendengaran pada karyawan, yaitu dosis kebisingan.

Noised exposure can causes various kinds of health effect of human including hearing loss. The main objective of this research was to examine the relationship between noised exposure with hearing loss of amonia 1A area's worker on PT. Pupuk Kujang , Cikampek 2013. The research was conducted with cross-sectional study in amonia 1A area's 38 workers. Dose exposure measured in five amonia 1A areas. Thus, it had been done through distributing questionnaire and also reviewed upon the data of employee's last year medical check-up. Statistics calculation in bivariate analysis of confounding factors. The research show that the risk factor that statiscally relates to hearing loss is noised dose (p-value 0,039, 95%CI). Noised exposure relates to hearing loss of the employees, which is noise dose.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Nurhanif
"Latar belakang : Hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan terhadap 544 karyawan PT. X yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2007 menemukan 18 kasus DM (5,66%). Pada PT. X diketabui pula diterapkan pola shift. Beberapa literatur menyebutkan babwa terdapat hubungan antara faktor shift dengan risiko DM. Permasalahannya apakah tingginya prevalensi DM di PT. X berhubungan dengan shift yang diterapkan pada PT. X ?. Dilakukannya penelilian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh shift terhadap risiko Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 pada Pekerja Pabrik Baterai PT. X.
Metode penelitian : Desain penelilian yang digunakan adahah studi potong lintang. Jumlah sampel yang diambil adalah total sampel berjumlah 544 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner, wawancara, pemeriksaan kadar glukosa darah TTGO dan pemeriksaan fisik, yang meliputi pengukuran tekanan darah, berat badan, dan tinggi badan. Penilaian kadar glukosa darah TTGO dilakukan sesuai prosedur pemeriksaan. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor-faktor penyebab diabetes, seperti usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, shift, gizi, latihan jasmani, riwayat DM dalam keluarga, hipertensi, dan merokok terbadap risiko Diabetes Metitus Tipe 2. Analisis regresi logistik digunakan untuk melihat secara simultan faktor-faktor risiko dan perancu terhadap risiko DM tipe 2.
Hasil penelilian : Didapatkan responden sebanyak 366 pekerja dari total populasi 544 pekerja. Responden yang menderita DM ditemukan sebanyak 81 orang, dengan komposisi terbanyak berusia > 45 (50,6%), dengan nilai P=0,707 dan OR=1,171; lakilaki (97,5%), dengan nilai P=0,511 dan OR=0,566; masa kerja > 20 tabun (70,4%), dengan nitai P=0,694 dan OR=1,114; 72 respenden bekerja dengan shift (88,9%). dengan nilai P=0,012 dan OR = 2,704; 55 responden menderita obesitas (67,9%), dengan nilai P=0,001 dan OR = 2,384; 47 responden memiliki riwayat DM dalam keluarga (62,7%) dengan nilai P=0,000 dan OR=14,299; 40 respponden tidak melakukan latihan jasmani setidaknya l (satu) kali dalam 1 (sata) minggu (49,4%) dangan nilai P = 0,020 dan OR = 0,673; 13 responden menderita hipertensi (16,0%) dengan nilai P=0,648 dan OR=0,857; serta 28 responden perokok (34,6%) dengan nilai P=0,381 dan OR=1,264.
Kesimpulan : Prevalensi Diabetes Melitus responden pabrik baterai PT. X, Jakarta sebesar 22,1%. Prevalensi Diabetes Melitus pada responden dengan shift (8&,9%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan responden tanpa shift (11,1%) serla berbeda secara bermakna. Pekerja dengan shift mempunyai fisiko menderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 sebesar 2,704 kali dibandingkan dengan pekerja tanpa shift. Faktor riwayat DM dalam keluarga, shift, dan gizi berhubungan bermakna terhadap risiko Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2. Sedangkan faktor-faktor lainnya seperti USIa, jenis keiamin, masa kerja dengan shift, latihan jasmani, hipertensi, dan merokok tidak mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2.

Background : Result of medical examination of 544 employees from Battery Company "X" in 2007 found that 18 cases suffer from type 2 DM (5,66%). Company "X" applied shift work system. Many literature mentioned the correlation between shift work with the risk of type 2 DM. The question is highly prevalence of type 2 DM in company "X" related with the shift work applied? This study aims to find correlation between shift and other causative factors with the risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Methods : The design of study used was cross sectional study. The number of sampled was involved 544 people. The data were collected by questionnaire, interview, examination of TTGO blond glucose, and physical examination, included measuring blood pressure, body weight and height. Standard procedure of TTGO blood glucose was used. Bivariate analysis was applied to look at the causative factors such as age, sex, work with shift year, shift work, exercise, nutrition status, history of DM in family, hypertension, and smoking with the risk of type 2 DM. In line with the analysis, the regression logistic analysis was used to look out risk factors and confounding factors simultaneously with risk of type 2 DM.
Result: The number of sample involved was 366 employees. It was found that 81 people suffer from type 2 DM, with majority of respondents belonged to the age over 45 years (50.6%;P =0.707 and OR= 1.171); male respondent (97.5%;P=0.511 and OR= 0.566); work with shift over 20 years (70.4%;P= 0.694 and OR=1.114); 72 respondents work with shift (88.9%;P= 0.012 and OR=2.704); 55 respondents with obesity (67.9%;P=0.001 and OR=2.384); 47 respondents with history of DM in family (62.7%;P=0.000 and OR=14.299); 40 respondents never had exercise in a week (49.4%;P=0.020 and OR=0.673); 13 people with hypertension (16.0%;P=0.648 and OR=0.857); 28 people were smoker (34.6%; P=0.381 and OR=1.264).
Conclusion: Type 2 DM prevalence among workers of battery company "X", Jakarta was 22,1%. Prevalence of type 2 DM among shift workers (88.9%) were higher than workers without shift (11,1%). Shift workers were much more susceptible to type 2 DM than workers without shift. History of DM in family, shift work, and nutrition status had significant correlation with the risk of type 2 OM. Age, sex, work with shift, weekly exercize, hypertension, and smoking did not have significant correlation with the risk of typa 2 DM.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayati Darmawi
Prevalensi obesitas meningkat di seluruh dunia termasuk
Indonesia. Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko dari berbagai penyakit yang dapat
menyebabkan turunnya performa dan produktifitas pekerja. Salah satu faktor yang
dihubungkan sebagai faktor risiko obesitas adalah kerja gilir. Kerja gilir lazim
digunakan oleh pekerja dibidang pelayanan kesehatan seperti perawat. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh kerja gilir terhadap risiko berat badan berlebih
dan obesitas serta faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya pada perawat di rumah
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain comparative cross sectional
membandingkan IMT 43 perawat kerja gilir dengan 43 perawat bukan kerja gilir.
Dilakukan penilaian terhadap faktor-faktor risiko yang dinilai dapat meningkatkan
risiko berat badan berlebih dan obesitas antara lain jenis kelamin, usia, status
perkawinan, riwayat obesitas dalam keluarga, kebiasaan olahraga, riwayat merokok,
jumlah jam tidur dan asupan kalori.
Hasil: Prevalensi berat badan berlebih dan obesitas pada perawat kerja gilir di
rumah sakit adalah 69.8% dan prevelensi berat badan berlebih dan obesitas pada
perawat bukan kerja gilir di rumah sakit adalah 48.4%, ditemukan hubungan
bermakna antara kerja gilir dengan berat badan berlebih-obesitas dengan OR =
2.418 (1.000 ? 5.851). Faktor risiko yang meningkatkan risiko berat badan berlebih
dan obesitas adalah kerja gilir, jumlah jam tidur kurang dari 7 jam dan asupan kalor
Kesimpulan: Dari semua faktor, asupan kalori berlebih merupakan faktor risiko dominan dengan OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).ABSTRACT
The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in
Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the
performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity
is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including
nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight
and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses.
Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work
regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered
increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital
status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours
of sleep and calorie intake.
Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift
work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A
significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR =
2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight
and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake
of excessive calories.
Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).;Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in
Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the
performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity
is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including
nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight
and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses.
Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work
regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered
increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital
status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours
of sleep and calorie intake.
Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift
work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A
significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR =
2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight
and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake
of excessive calories.
Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).;Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in
Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the
performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity
is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including
nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight
and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses.
Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work
regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered
increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital
status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours
of sleep and calorie intake.
Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift
work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A
significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR =
2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight
and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake
of excessive calories.
Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235)."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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