"Penelitian ini melihat hubungan antara work-family conflict (WFC) dengan psychological well-being (PWB) ibu yang bekerja. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 90 orang Ibu bekerja dari berbagai instansi swasta maupun pemerintahan. Terdapat tiga dimensi dari WFC menurut Greenhaus dan Beutell yang peneliti gunakan, yaitu, time-based conflict, strain-based conflict dan behavior-based conflict. Masing-masing dimensi memiliki dua arah yaitu work interference with family (WIF) dan family interference with work (FIW). Sedangkan variabel PWB memiliki enam dimensi yang diungkapkan oleh Carol D. Ryff yaitu, Penerimaan diri, Hubungan positif dengan orang lain, Otonomi, Penguasaan Lingkungan, Tujuan Hidup, dan Pertumbuhan diri.
Hasil penghitungan korelasi dengan metode Spearman-Brown antara WFC dan PWB didapatkan hasil sebesar .525 yang merupakan hasil yang signifikan pada l.o.s 0.01. Artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara WFC dengan PWB Ibu bekerja. Koefisien korelasi juga dihitung antara masing-masing dimensi dari WFC dan PWB. Terdapat nilai korelasi yang signifikan antara : dimensi Time (WIF) dengan dimensi penguasaan lingkungan, tujuan dalam hidup dan penerimaan diri; time (FIW) dengan dimensi penguasaan lingkungan, pertumbuhan diri, dan penerimaan diri; dimensi strain (WIF) dengan dimensi penguasaan lingkungan, hubungan positif dengan orang lain dan penerimaan diri; dimensi strain (FIW) dengan seluruh dimensi dari PWB; dimensi behavior (WIF & FIW) dengan seluruh dimensi dari PWB kecuali dimensi otonomi.
This study correlates work-family conflict (WFC) and psychological wellbeing (PWB) on working mother. The respondents in this study are 90 working mothers of some private companies and government companies. There are three types of WFC that are used in this study, according to Greenhaus & Beutell, they are: time-based conflict, strain-based conflict and behavior-based conflict. Every type of WFC is bidirectional. The directions are work interference with family (WIF) and family interference with work (FIW). PWB has six dimensions that are proposed by Carol D. Ryff which are Self-Acceptance, Positive Relations to Other, Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Purpose in Life, and Personal Growth. The correlation between WFC and PWB that was calculated with Spearman-Brown formula is .525 and it is significant at the 0.01level.This result indicates that there is a significant relationship between WFC and PWB. Correlation coefficient was also calculated between each dimensions of each variables (WFC & PWB). There are several significant correlations, which are: between time (WIF) and Environmental Mastery, Purpose in Life and self-acceptance; between time (FIW) and Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth and self-acceptance; between strain (WIF) and Environmental Mastery, Positive Relations to Other and self-acceptance; between strain (FIW) and all six dimensions of PWB; between behavior (WIF & FIW) and all dimensions of PWB except autonomy."