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Bambang Gunawan
"Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga berperan dalam memfasilitasi organisasi kepemudaan dengan menyediakan fasilitas, anggaran, program, bantuan teknis serta konsultatif sehingga lembaga tersebut bisa mencapai kemandirian. Melalui Undang-undang tentang Kepemudaan pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga berusaha untuk menjalankan fungsi pembinaan, fasilitasi, dan penataan organisasi kepemudaan.Penelitian ini memiliki fokus utama pada bagaimana organisasi kepemudaan memberikan respon terhadap berlakunya undang-undang kepemudaan, upayanya melakukan judicial review dan upaya lainnya serta alasan organisasi kepemudaan memberikan respon. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, dimana dalam meneliti kondisi suatu objek kajian ilmiah, peneliti berperan sebagai instrumen (alat ukur) kunci. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi (gabungan), serta analisis data yang bersifat induktif. Dengan demikian analisa hasil penelitian adalah bentuk data verbal (kata, kalimat, skema, gambar) dan data-data tersebut merupakan pengukuran nilai mandiri tanpa membuat perbandingan ataupun menghubungkan antara satu variabel dengan variabel lainnya. Informasi dan data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Undang-undang Kepemudaan yang segera diberlakukan tidak membuat organisasi kepemudaan melakukan penyesuaian secara responsif untuk menata organisasinya. Organisasi kepemudaan cenderung bersifat konservatif dan status quo menghadapi peraturan yang baru. Upaya untuk mengajukan judicial review masih belum dilakukan hanya masih sebatas isu. Upaya lain yang ditempuh oleh organisasi kepemudaan yaitu dengan melakukan kompromi terkait batasan usia pemuda. Organisasi kepemudaan merespon undang-undang kepemudaan karena minimnya partisipasi publik dalam proses pembuatan undang-undang.
The Government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports was instrumental in facilitating youth organizations by providing facilities, budget, program, technical and consultative assistance to institutions to achieve independence. Through the law on the government led by the Ministry of Youth and Sports attempted to perform the function of coaching, facilitation, and youth organizational management. This research has a main focus on how youth organizations to respond to the enactment of legislation youth, efforts to conduct a judicial review and other efforts and the reasons for youth organizations to respond. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, which examines the condition of an object in a scientific study, researchers act as instruments (gauges) key. Data was collected by triangulation (combined), as well as data analysis is inductive. Thus the analysis of the research is a form of verbal data (words, sentences, schematics, drawings) and these data are self-measurement value without making a comparison or connection between one variable with another variable. Information and data obtained and analyzed using content analysis approach. The results showed that the laws that take effect immediately led youth organizations do not make responsive adjustments to restructure its organization. Youth organizations tend to be conservative and status quo face new regulations. Efforts to apply for judicial review was not done just yet limited issue. Other efforts taken by the youth organization that is a compromise associated with the age limit of youth responded. Youth organizations respond to youth laws because of the lack of public participation in the law making process."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astatia Damaiska
"Pemberdayaan Organisasi Kepemudaan yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI masih ditenggarai beberapa permasalahan padahal hal tersebut berperan penting terhadap pembangunan kepemudaan nasional. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pemberdayaan Organisasi Kepemudaan nasional pasca terbitnya Undang-Undang Kepemudaan Tahun 2009. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data Mixed Method.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan belum berhasil dan membutuhkan peninjauan kembali terkait peraturan Undang-Undang Kepemudaan. Hal ini disebabkan sosialisasi peraturan yang belum merata dan tingginya penolakan peraturan pembatasan usia pemuda; rendahnya koordinasi kemitraan strategis; minimnya ikatan yang terjalin antara Organisasi Kepemudaan nasional dengan Kemenpora; serta bantuan dana untuk program kerja Organisasi Kepemudaan nasional yang dianggap masih belum memadai.

of Youth Organisation that conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports is still suspected some problems though have important role against the national youth development. The focus of this research is the empowerment of national Youth Organisations after the publication of the Youth Law in year 2009. This study used a qualitative approach with a mixed methods of data retrieval.
These results indicate that empowerment has not been successful and requires a review of the Youth law. This is due to socialization Youth Act that has not been spreaded evenly and high rejection of regulatory restrictions on the age of youth; low level of strategic partnership of coordination; lack of bond exists between the National Youth Organization with the Ministry of Youth and Sports; and funding for the program of national youth organizations that were deemed to be inadequate.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Rido Dinata
"Pada tahun 2014 Pemerintah Provinsi Banten telah menetapkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 10 Tahun 2014 tentang Pembangunan kepemudaan. Perda ini berfungsi sebagai payung hukum dan dasar konstitusional program, kebijakan, penganggaran dalam pembangunan kepemudaan di Provinsi Banten. Tujuan dibuatnya perda ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepemudaan di Provinsi Banten yang meliputi penyadaran, pemberdayaan dan pengembangan potensi pemuda termasuk kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan dan kepeloporan pemuda. Perda ini mengamanatkan paling sedikit 2 % (persen) dari APBD untuk pelayanan kepemudaan di Banten, empat tahun usia perda kepemudaan ini namun apakah sudah ter-implementasi dengan baik dan sejauh mana manfaat perda Kepemudaan dalam mengatasi problem-problem sosial kepemudaan di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis implementasi model Merilee S. Grindle dan analisis alokasi anggaran untuk menganalisa implementasi perda kepemudaan dari asepek content of policy dan context of implementation. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi perda kepemudaan nomor 10 tahun 2014 terhadap alokasi anggaran 2 % (persen) untuk pelayanan kepemudaaan di Banten belum berjalan optimal. Segi content, isi kebijakan perda ini lemah karena tidak didukung konsep dan ketentuan pembangunan kepemudaan yang aplikatif. Segi context of implementation, perda ini tidak cukup dukungan dan keberpihakan dari pemerintah Provinsi Banten baik dalam skala prioritas pembangunan atau regulasi teknis pelayanan kepemudaan di lintas stakeholder.

In 2014 th, Banten Provincial Government have been Establishing Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2014 concerning Youth Development. This serves as a legal standing and constitutional basis for programs, policies, budgeting youth development in Banten Province. The purpose of the regulation to improve the quality of youth services in Banten Province is includes awareness, empowerment and development of the potential of youth including leadership, entrepreneurship and youth leadership. In terms of funding this regional regulation mandates at least 2% (percent) of the Regional Government Budget for youth services in Banten,youth regulation is well implemented and the extent of the benefits of the Youth regulation in overcoming youth social problems in the Province Banten after four-year ago. This study uses a qualitative approach with the analysis method of implementing the Merilee S. Grindle model and analysis of budget allocations to analyze the implementation of youth regulations from asepek content of policy and context of implementation. The results of this study concluded that have been implementation of the number 10 regulation on youth in 2014th budget allocation of 2% (percent) for youth services in Banten had not yet run optimally. In terms of content, the contents of this regional regulation are weakening because it is not supported by applicable youth development concepts and provisions. In terms of context of implementation, this regulation does not have enough support and partiality from the Banten provincial government the development priority scale or the technical regulation of youth services across stakeholders."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Merissa Elmahda
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh servant leadership terhadap komitmen berorganisasi pengurus organisasi kepemudaan IPM, Peradah, dan FIM. Pengukuran servant leadership menggunakan instrumen Barbuto dan Wheeler (2006) dan komitmen berorganisasi menggunakan instrumen Meyer dan Allen (2004). Dari lima dimensi servant leadership terdapat empat yang dikategorikan tinggi yaitu altruistic calling, wisdom, persuasive mapping, dan organizational stewardship, sedangkan emotional healing dikategori sedang. Diketahui juga bahwa komitmen afektif pengurus berada pada kategori tinggi, sedangkan komitmen berkelanjutan berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil uji multi korelasional diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh servant leadership terhadap komitmen berorganisasi. Komitmen afektif memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan dimensi wisdom, dan organizational stewardship. Sedangkan komitmen berkelanjutan memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan dimensi altruistic calling, dimensi emotional healing, dimensi wisdom, dan dimensi persuasive mapping.

This thesis discuss about the influence of servant leadership on organizational commitment of the Youth Organizations in IPM, Peradah, and FIM. The research uses Barbuto and Wheeler (2006) questionnaire for servant leadership instrument, and Meyer and Allen (2004) questionnaire for organizational commitment instrument. The result, from five dimensions of servant leadership, four dimensions in high category such as altruistic calling, wisdom, persuasive mapping, organizational stewardship, only emotional healing in average category. For the organizational commitment, affective commitment in high category, but continuance commitment in average category. Moreover, from the multi correlational test, this research found that wisdom and organizational stewardship have a positive influence to affective commitment, and altruistic calling, emotional healing, wisdom, and persuasive mapping, have a positive influence to continuance commitment."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Budy Pratama
"Organisasi kepemudaan tingkat nasional dihadapkan pada berbagai permasalahan dan tantangan untuk dapat memberdayakan pemuda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep organisasi kepemudaan harapan stakeholders dan merancang strategi mewujudkan organisasi kepemudaan sesuai dengan harapan stakeholders dan Undang-Undang Kepemudaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Stakeholders mengharapkan organisasi kepemudaan menjadi organisasi yang mandiri, menjadi tempat pembelajaran bagi kader, mempunyai kepemimpinan yang kuat, sistem kaderisasi berjalan lancar, implementasikan manajemen modem, menjadi oranisasi yang akuntabel dan menjadi organisasi terbuka, mampu menjalin jejaring dan bermitra sejajar dengan organisasi lain.

The national youth organizations face various problems and challenges to be able to empower young people. The aim of this research is to [ind out the concept of youth organizations as expected by the stakeholders and to design strategy to establish youth organizations in accordance with the expectation ofthe stakeholders and with the Laws about the Youth. The research is qualitative research.
The research results discover that the stakeholders expect the youth organizations to become independent organizations, to become a learning place for the cadres, to have strong leadership, to have smooth cadre formation, to implement modern management, to become an accountable and open organization, and to be able to establish network and be in equal partnership with other organizations.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Wahyudini
"Penelitian ini fokus pada perumusan konsep pengarusutamaan pemuda sebagai sebuah kebijakan yang sedang dirancang oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI dan bagaimana strategi kebijakan pengarusutamaan pemuda tersebut sebagai bagian dari pembangunan kepemudaan. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa (1) Konsep pengarusutamaan pemuda adalah ?suatu strategi yang mengikat setiap pihak untuk berkomitmen dalam memprioritaskan pembangunan kepemudaan dalam setiap proses pembangunan yang dimulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan sarnpai kepada monitoring dan evaluasi, yang dilakukan secara koordinatif sinergi, dan harmonis; dan (2) Strategi kebijakan yang diusulkan adalah perlunya perumusan kebijakan yang lebih implementatif untuk mengikat pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan agar mau menerapkan konsep dan kebijakan pengarusutamaan pemuda dalam proses pembangunan. Kebijakan ini diharapkan berbentuk Peraturan Pemerintah, yang merupakan peraturan pelaksana dari UU No. 40 tahun 2009. Agar implementasinya bisa beqalan lancer, kebijakan ini harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi, struktur dan adanya komitmen yang kuat dari pemimpin.

This research is focused on concept formulation of youth mainstreaming as an ongoing policy prepared by The Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Government of Indonesia, as well as developing the strategy of youth mainstreaming as part of the country youth development. The conclusions of the analysis are (i) the concept of youth mainstreaming by definition is ? a strategy that binds commitment of youth development stakeholders to make priority of youth developments issues regarding the urgency in all stage of development, bcginning from planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation, that managed in a coordinative, harmony, and synergy way. (ii) The suggested strategy of youth mainstreaming is to formulate policy to implement the Act No. 40/2009 to encourage the policy makers and actors to pay attention to and implement thc mainstreamed policy in development process. In order to run successfully, this policy must consider communication, resources, disposition, structure, and strong willingness from leader.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas tentang perumusan kompetensi kepemimpinan pemuda dan rancangan pelatihan kepemimpinan pemuda. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengidentifikasi kunci yang diharapkan stakeholder pada kepemimpinan pemuda dengan menggunakan alat Glasgow Leadership Competencies Framework. Rancangan kepemimpinan pemuda dirumuskan menggunakan konsep pelatihan berbasis kompetansi yang bertujuan memenuhi kompetensi pemuda yang dihasilkan dari penelitian. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen wawancara dan instrumentasi.

This study examined the formulation of youth leadership competency and the design of youth leadership training. The approach involved qualitative research methods whereby the competencies identified and explored. Glasgow Leadership Competencies Framework used as the conceptual basis of analysis. Youth leadership training design reviewed as a Competency Based Training/CBT, the way ini which to mediate the youth competencies. Data are gathered using in depth interview and documentation instruments.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Nurjanah
"Program Pemuda Andal yang Mcmiliki lmunitas dari Pcnjualan dan Pernakaian Narkoba (PANTAS JUARA) merupakan program dari Kementcrian Negara Pemuda dan Olaharaga yang bertujuan untuk memberikan penyadamn dan pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba dikalangan pemuda yang telah berlangsung scjak lahun 2006. Namun, dalam kurun waktu tahun 2000-2008 kasus tindak pidana narkoba meningkat lebih dari 7 kali lipat, dengan kecenderungan tersangka scmakin muda usianya. Oleh karena itu, pencliti ingin melihat sejauhmana efektivitas program PANTAS JUARA dan mengindcntifikasi kendala-kendala yang dihadapi.
Metode analisa kerangka berpikir logis (logical framework analysis) digunakan dalam melakukan evaluasi cfcktivitas program. Evaluasi dilakukau dengan melihat masukkan (inpur), proscs (process), keluaran (ourpur), manfaat (outcome) dan dampak (impact). Evaluasi bertujuan untuk mcmpclajari apakah program mencapai tujuan yang telah direncanakan dan apa saja kcndala selama pelaksanaan kcgiatan. Dcngan indikator efektivitas program adalah pescrla program PANTAS JUARA tetap bersih dari penyalahgunaan narl-:oba setclah 3 tahun program tersebul berlalu.
Program PANTAS JUARA memiliki beragam kegiatan, yang utarna adalah lokakarya dan pembenrukkan kader bersih narkoba. Kegiatan Iokakarya telah berlangsung di 15 propinsi tersebut dengan peserta sebanyak 750 orang. Kcgiatan pembentukkan kader telah menghasilkan 19.000 kader pemuda bersih narkoba dan telah terbentuk Gerakan Pemuda Bersih Narkoba (GPBN) di 15 propinsi.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan program PANT AS JUARA efektif dalam menccgah pcnyalahgunaan narkoba dikalangan pemuda, karena pcscrta yang pemah mengikuti kegiatan PANTAS JUARA tetap bersih dari penyalahgunaan narkoba. Kcndala yang dihadapi antara lain ketcrbatasan anggaran dan durasi pclaksanaan kegiatan.

Reliable Youth Who Have Immunity from Sales and Use of Drugs Program (PANT AS JUARA) is a program of the Ministry of Youth and Sport which aims to provide awareness and prevention of drug abuse among youths. The program has been ongoing since 2006. However, during the years 2000-2008 criminal drug cases increased more than 7 times, with a trend of increasingly younger suspects. Therefore, this research wanted to evaluate the program?s effectiveness and identify constraints faced by the program.
Logical framework analysis method used in evaluating program effectiveness. Evaluation is done by observing the input, process, output, benefits and impact. The evaluation aimed to learn whether the programs achieve the objectives which have been planned and what constraints during the implementation of programs. With program effectiveness indicators are the participants to stay clean from drug abuse after 3 years of the program passed.
PANTAS JUARA program has a variety of activities, the main one is workshops and the formation of free-of-drugs cadres. Workshops have been held in 15 provinces with the participants as many as 750 people. Formation of clean drug cadres activity has resulted in 19,000 young, free~of-drugs cadres and has established the Free~of-Drugs Youth Movement (GPBN) in 15 provinces.
The analysis showed APPROPRIATE CHAMPION program is effective in preventing dnrg abuse among the youth, because the participants who attended the activities APPROPRIATE CHAMPION remain clean from drug abuse. Constraints faced include the limited budget and duration of implementation of activities.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Sri Wahyuni Setyawaty
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada kajian analisis implementasi program pemberdayaan pernuda berbasis tempat ibadah, khususuya di masjid yang dilakukan oleh Kemenpora dalam rentang waktu 2008 s/d 2011. Program ini masih menjadi pilot project yang dilaksanakan di beberapa tempat ibadah, yang tersebar di berbagai daerah. Penelitian ini k11usus meneliti implementasi di tempat ibadah masjtd. Pilot project program Pemberdayaan Pemuda Berbasis Tempat Ibadah (PPBTI) di masjid dilaksar.akan di empat Kabupaten yaitu Kahupaten Kendal, Indmmayu, Denpasar dan Mataram.
Penulis memandang periu menganalisis implementasi pilot project ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas implernentasi program ini dengan melihat kesesuaian antara program, organisasi pelaksana program dan peman(aat/ penerima program, serta melihat kesesuaian antara tujuan program dengan manfaat dan dampak yang diterima pemanfaat/ penerima program. Hasilnya dapat digunakan sebagai landasan keputusan implentasi kebijalam yang ak:an direalisasi dan direplikasi berikutnya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Karena keterbatasan waktu data primer diambil dari dua daerah yaitu Kabupaten Kendal 'dan Indramayu. Data diambil dari basil wawancara mendalam terhadap para informan diantaranya Asdep Peningkatan Kapasitas Pemuda Kemenpora dan para pelaksana serta peserta program PPBTI di Kendal dan Indramayu. Hasilnya, di Kendal dan Indramayu program PPBTI ini.

This study focuses on the analytical study about the implementation of youth empowerment program based on worship place, especially on mosques, which has been performed by Kemenegpora (The Ministry of Youth and Sports) of the Republic of Indonesia within the period of 2008 until 2011. The program is a pilot project that has been being conducted in several places of worship in various areas. However, this study examines only on the implementation of the program in mosques. The pilot project of Youth Empowerment Program Based on Worship Places {PPBTI) was conducted in four districs namely Kendal regency) Indramayu, Denpasar and Mataram.
The author sees the need to analyze the implementation of this pilot project to examine the effectiveness of the program implementation by ob-serving the fitness among the program, the organization that implements the program and the beneficiaries. of the program; as well as the fitness between the program objectives with the benefits and impacts of the program received by the beneficiaries. The result of this analysis could be used as a base for implementation decision of the policies that will be realized and replicated in the future.
This study uses a qualitative approach. Due ro the time constraints, the primary datas are collected from two areasonly namely Kendal and Indramayu District. The data's are collected using depth interviews with informants such as Asdep on Youth Capacity Building of Kemenegpora and the committee of the programs as well as program participants of PPBTI in Kendal and Indramayu District.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Kurniawan
Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang Indeks Pembangunan Pemuda
Theravada Indonesia. Model pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan
kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis statistik dekriptif yang terdiri dari analisis
ANOVA satu jalur dan analisis frekuensi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan
adalah sampling acak berlapis untuk menentukan jumlah sampel secara
proporsional pada 19 Propinsi. Cakupan obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah
organisasi pemuda Theravada Indonesia tingkat nasional.
Indikator yang digunakan untuk menghitung indeks terdiri 53 indikator
yang dikelompokan kedalam 8 domain. Ke-8 domain tersebut terdiri dari potensi
diri, pendidikan, penyimpangan, hubungan pemuda, tenaga kerja, kesehatan, akses
media informasi, dan partisipasi pemuda.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis ANOVA satu jalur diperoleh nilai indeks
pembangunan Pemuda Theravada Indonesia sebesar 73,3. Nilai indeks tersebut
menandakan bahwa pembangunan Pemuda Theravada Indonesia dapat
dikategorikan tinggi. Namun upaya peningkatan masih diperlukan untuk mencapai
nilai indeks ideal yaitu mendekati nilai indeks maksimum 100. Perbedaan indeks
antar Propinsi sebagian besar tidak terlalu nyata, perbedaan nyata hanya terjadi
terhadap terhadap beberapa Propinsi saja. Kondisi saat ini, Pemuda Theravada
Indonesia memiliki anggota sebanyak 2.100 jiwa yang tersebar di 19 Propinsi,
mayoritas berusia 16-30 tahun.
Implikasi teoritis yang muncul dari temuan penelitian ini adalah indikatorindikator
terbukti relevan digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengukur indeks
pembangunan pemuda Theravada Indonesia. Sedangkan secara praktis temuan
dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan evaluasi,
perumusan strategi dan program pembangunan di PATRIA baik ditingkat pusat
maupun daerah.

This study analyzed Youth Development Index of Theravada Buddhism in
Indonesia. The model of research approach used in the study is a quantitative
approach and descriptive statistical analysis technique that consists of one way
ANOVA analysis and frequency analysis. The sampling technique used is
stratified random sampling in order to determine the number of samples
proportionally throughout 19 provinces. Object scope of this research mainly
youth organization of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia at national level.
The indicators used to calculate the index comprises of 53 indicators
which are grouped into 8 domains. The 8 domains as mentioned are consist of
self-potential, education, deviation, relationship among youths, labor, health,
access to media of information, and youth participation.
Based on the results of one way ANOVA analysis obtained 73,3 of youth
Theravada Indonesia development index values. The index value indicates that
youth Theravada Indonesia development can be categorized as high. However,
efforts are still to be required in order to achieve ideal value that is approaching
maximum of 100 index value. The difference index values among Provincial
mostly not very significant, noticeable differences seem to be occurred only to
some provinces. In the present conditions, Youth Theravada Indonesia has a
membership of 2,100 people spreading over 19 provinces and the majorities are
between ages of 16-30 years.
The theoretical implications emerged from the research findings are
indicators that relevant to be used as a tool to measure youth Theravada Indonesia
development index. While in practice the findings from the study can be used as a
guideline in conducting evaluation, formulation of strategy and development
program of PATRIA both at central and local levels.;This study analyzed Youth Development Index of Theravada Buddhism in
Indonesia. The model of research approach used in the study is a quantitative
approach and descriptive statistical analysis technique that consists of one way
ANOVA analysis and frequency analysis. The sampling technique used is
stratified random sampling in order to determine the number of samples
proportionally throughout 19 provinces. Object scope of this research mainly
youth organization of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia at national level.
The indicators used to calculate the index comprises of 53 indicators
which are grouped into 8 domains. The 8 domains as mentioned are consist of
self-potential, education, deviation, relationship among youths, labor, health,
access to media of information, and youth participation.
Based on the results of one way ANOVA analysis obtained 73,3 of youth
Theravada Indonesia development index values. The index value indicates that
youth Theravada Indonesia development can be categorized as high. However,
efforts are still to be required in order to achieve ideal value that is approaching
maximum of 100 index value. The difference index values among Provincial
mostly not very significant, noticeable differences seem to be occurred only to
some provinces. In the present conditions, Youth Theravada Indonesia has a
membership of 2,100 people spreading over 19 provinces and the majorities are
between ages of 16-30 years.
The theoretical implications emerged from the research findings are
indicators that relevant to be used as a tool to measure youth Theravada Indonesia
development index. While in practice the findings from the study can be used as a
guideline in conducting evaluation, formulation of strategy and development
program of PATRIA both at central and local levels., This study analyzed Youth Development Index of Theravada Buddhism in
Indonesia. The model of research approach used in the study is a quantitative
approach and descriptive statistical analysis technique that consists of one way
ANOVA analysis and frequency analysis. The sampling technique used is
stratified random sampling in order to determine the number of samples
proportionally throughout 19 provinces. Object scope of this research mainly
youth organization of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia at national level.
The indicators used to calculate the index comprises of 53 indicators
which are grouped into 8 domains. The 8 domains as mentioned are consist of
self-potential, education, deviation, relationship among youths, labor, health,
access to media of information, and youth participation.
Based on the results of one way ANOVA analysis obtained 73,3 of youth
Theravada Indonesia development index values. The index value indicates that
youth Theravada Indonesia development can be categorized as high. However,
efforts are still to be required in order to achieve ideal value that is approaching
maximum of 100 index value. The difference index values among Provincial
mostly not very significant, noticeable differences seem to be occurred only to
some provinces. In the present conditions, Youth Theravada Indonesia has a
membership of 2,100 people spreading over 19 provinces and the majorities are
between ages of 16-30 years.
The theoretical implications emerged from the research findings are
indicators that relevant to be used as a tool to measure youth Theravada Indonesia
development index. While in practice the findings from the study can be used as a
guideline in conducting evaluation, formulation of strategy and development
program of PATRIA both at central and local levels.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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