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Ditemukan 171907 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lumbanraja, Indira Sarah
"Perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran adalah fenomena yang marak terjadi di masyarakat dunia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, tulisan ini menjelaskan peranan HPI dalam pengaturan dan keberlakuan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran oleh karena adanya interaksi antara dua atau lebih stelsel hukum. Berdasarkan pembahasan perjanjian-perjanjian perkawinan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa masing-masing negara memiliki pengaturan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran yang berbeda dan para pihak diharapkan memperhatikan hal tersebut sebelum menyusun perjanjian.

Prenuptial agreement in mixed marriage is a worldwide phenomenon. With the research methodology of normative law, this writing explains the role of Private International Law/PIL in regulation and enforcement of prenuptial agreement because of the interaction between two or more laws. Based on the discussion of the prenuptial agreements, it can be concluded that each country has different regulation on prenuptial agreement in mixed marriage and it is best for the parties to pay attention on this matter before getting into agreement.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Difa Marsya Meirina
"Perjanjian perkawinan belum diketahui secara luas oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Meskipun demikian, perjanjian perkawinan dapat dianggap penting terutama dalam perkawinan campuran mengingat dampak yang dihasilkan dari perkawinan itu sendiri cukup besar. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaturan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran di Indonesia yakni dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata dan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan membandingkan pengaturan di Texas, Amerika Serikat yakni Texas Family Code dan Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah penelitian doktrinal untuk melakukan perbandingan pengaturan antara Indonesia dan Texas, Amerika Serikat. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengaturan mengenai perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran di Indonesia diperlukan adanya kepastian hukum karena dalam prakteknya masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian berkaitan dengan pengaturan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan pemerintah sebagai lembaga yang berwenang untuk lebih memperhatikan pengaturan mengenai perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran agar prosedur, akibat hukum, serta legalitas dari perjanjian perkawinan itu sendiri memiliki kepastian.

Prenuptial agreement is still not widely known by the Indonesian people. However, marriage agreements can be considered important, especially in mixed marriages, considering the significant impact of the marriage itself. This thesis discusses the regulation of prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages in Indonesia namely in the Indonesian Civil Code and the Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974 and compares the with those in Texas, United States namely Texas Family Code and Uniform Premarital Agreement Act. The research used in this thesis is doctrinal research to compare the regulations between Indonesia and Texas, United States. The results of this study are that the regulation of prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages in Indonesia requires legal certainty because in practice there are still inconsistencies related to the regulation of prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages. This can be done by the government as the authorized institution to pay more attention to the regulation of prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages so that the procedures, legal consequences, and legality of the prenuptial agreement themselves have certainty."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sathya Aisha Tunggadewi
"Skripsi ini mengeksplorasi implikasi hukum dari perjanjian pranikah dan perjanjian pascaperkawinan dalam konteks harta perkawinan dalam kerangka perkawinan campuran, dengan fokus khusus pada Hukum Internasional Swasta Indonesia. Di era globalisasi yang semakin meningkat, perkawinan campuran yang melibatkan individu-individu dari latar belakang hukum dan budaya yang berbeda menjadi semakin lazim. Penelitian ini mengkaji kompleksitas dan tantangan yang terkait dengan penentuan hak atas harta perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran, dengan mempertimbangkan beragam sistem hukum dan norma-norma budaya yang berlaku. Melalui analisis mendalam terhadap ketentuan hukum Indonesia yang relevan dan kerangka hukum internasional, tesis ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai bagaimana perjanjian pranikah dan perjanjian pascaperkawinan mempengaruhi pembagian harta perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran. Dengan menyoroti kerumitan hukum yang terlibat, penelitian ini berkontribusi pada wacana yang lebih luas tentang hukum keluarga dan hukum internasional privat, menawarkan wawasan yang dapat memandu para pembuat kebijakan, praktisi hukum, dan individu dalam menavigasi kerumitan perkawinan campuran di Indonesia.

This thesis explores the legal implications of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements in the context of marital property within the framework of mixed marriages, with a specific focus on Indonesian Private International Law. In an era of increasing globalization, mixed marriages involving individuals from different legal and cultural backgrounds have become more prevalent. The study examines the complexities and challenges associated with determining marital property rights in such unions, considering the diverse legal systems and cultural norms at play. Through an in-depth analysis of relevant Indonesian legal provisions and international legal frameworks, the thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how prenuptial and postnuptial agreements impact the division of marital property in mixed marriages. By shedding light on the legal intricacies involved, this research contributes to the broader discourse on family law and private international law, offering insights that may guide policymakers, legal practitioners, and individuals navigating the complexities of mixed marriages in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Tiladaini
"Fenomena perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia dapat menimbulkan masalah dari segi hukum yaitu terkait dengan keabsahan perkawinan beda agama tersebut. Di Indonesia tidak terdapat aturan yang tegas mengenai perkawinan beda agama. Sebagai perbandingan mengenai pengaturan hukum perkawinan beda agama, Penulis bandingkan dengan negara Malaysia yang mayoritas penduduknya juga beragama Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakan dan dengan Pendeketan Perbandingan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kualitatif. Di Indonesia, mengenai perkawinan beda agama, dikembalikan kepada hukum agama dan kepercayaan masing-masing sesuai dengan Pasal 2 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Perkawinan. Di Malaysia, terdapat ketentuan mengenai perkawinan beda agama di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan bagi yang beragama Islam dan bagi yang beragama non Islam. Setelah adanya Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan, dapat dimungkinkan pasangan yang berbeda agama dicatatkan perkawinanya melalui Penetapan Pengadilan. Di Indonesia, pada praktiknya perkawinan beda agama meskipun melanggar Pasal 2 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Perkawinan dapat dicatatkan. Sedangkan di Malaysia, perkawinan beda agama yang melanggar ketentuan perundang-undangan tidak dapat didaftarkan.

The phenomenon of inter religious marriage in Indonesia can cause problems in terms of law that is related to the validity of the inter religious marriage. In Indonesia there are no strict rules regarding to the inter religious marriage. In comparison to the legal arrangement of inter religious marriage, the author compares the Malaysian state with the majority of the population are Muslims. This research used literature research methods and with the Comparative Approach. Data analysis method used qualitative analysis method. In Indonesia, concerning the inter religious marriage, it is returned to the religious law and beliefs in accordance with Article 2 Paragraph 1 of the Act No. 1 of 1974. In Malaysia, there are provisions on inter religious marriage in the legislation for Muslims and for non Muslims. After the existence of Act No. 23 of 2006, it is possible for inter religious marriage couples to register their marriages through the Court Decision. In Indonesia, in practice, inter religious marriage even though violating Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Act No. 1 of 1974 can be registered. While in Malaysia, inter religious marriage that violate statutory provisions can not be registered.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristin Junaidi
"[Perkawinan campuran sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 adalah perkawinan antara dua orang yang di Indonesia tunduk pada hukum yang berlainan, karena perbedaan kewarganegaraan dan salah satu pihak berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Perkawinan campuran dapat dilaksanakan di Indonesia maupun di luar Indonesia. Dalam hal perkawinan campuran dilaksanakan di luar Indonesia adalah sah bilamana dilakukan menurut hukum yang berlaku di Negara di mana perkawinan itu dilangsungkan dan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia tidak melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan. Dalam jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun sejak sekembalinya mereka ke Indonesia, bukti perkawinan mereka harus didaftarkan di Kantor Pencatatan perkawinan tempat tinggal mereka. Pasangan perkawinan campuran yang hendak melangsungkan perkawinan campuran di luar negeri juga dapat membuat perjanjian perkawinan. Perjanjian perkawinan adalah perjanjian tertulis yang dibuat oleh calon suami isteri sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan untuk mengatur akibat-akibat perkawinan terhadap harta kekayaan mereka. Pentingnya pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan bagi pasangan yang hendak melangsungkan perkawinan campuran adalah terkait dengan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak milik atas tanah di Indonesia yang hanya dapat dimiliki oleh Warga Negara Indonesia, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yaitu dilakukan dengan menelusuri bahan hukum sekunder berupa norma-norma dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan. Prosedur pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri, tetap mengacu pada ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan yaitu dibuat sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan dan berdasarkan pada hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Dalam hal setelah perkawinan dilangsungkan di luar negeri dan mereka kembali ke Indonesia namun tidak mendaftarkan perkawinannya tersebut dan kemudian mereka membuat perjanjian perkawinan, maka perjanjian perkawinan tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum karena melanggar ketentuan Undang-undang yaitu dibuat setelah perkawinan berlangsung.

Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place. Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
;Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
, Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mariam Yasmin
"Skripsi ini membahas akibat Perkawinan Campuran Terhadap Status anak dan harta benda yang diperoleh sebelum dan sesudah Perkawinan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif yang mengacu kepada perbandingan hukum antara Indonesia dengan Malaysia mengenai perkawinan campuran. Perbandingan tersebut dikaji dari segi hukum perkawinan dan kewarganegaraan yang berlaku di kedua negara. Setiap negara mempunyai kebijakan mengenai perkawinan campuran dan kewarganegaraannya masing¬masing. Kebijakan mengenai perkawinan campuran di Indonesia, berbeda dengan Malaysia. Indonesia mempunyai kebijakan yang lebih fleksibel dibandingkan Malaysia. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa pemahaman masyarakat mengenai perkawinan campuran perlu ditingkatkan. Kurangnya pemahaman mengenai perkawinan campuran tidak hanya akan berakibat fatal bagi status anak, namun juga bagi harta perkawinan serta harta indiviual milik para pelaku perkawinan tersebut.

This paper discusses about the law consequences of Mixed Marriage concerning status of children and property acquired before and after marriage. This study is a descriptive qualitative research design that refers to the comparative law between Indonesia and Malaysia regarding intermarriage. Comparisons are examined in terms of marriage and citizenship laws in force in both countries. Every country has its own policy regarding on marriage and citizenship. The policy about mixed marriage in Indonesia is different than Malaysia. Indonesian's law is more flexible than Malaysia. The results of this research suggest that the comprehension in society of mixed marriages should be increased. The lack of understanding of mixed marriages not only can be fatal to the child's status but also marital and individual property which own by the perpetrators of intermarriage. "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Amanati
"Pada umumnya masyarakat yang melakukan perkawinan campuran tidak memperhatikan dan mengetahui hal-hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum mereka melakukan perkawinan campuran terutama hal-hal yang menyangkut mengenai harta bersama yang diperoleh sepanjang perkawinan mereka. Pada dasarnya seseorang yang melakukan perkawinan campuran tidaklah dapat secara bebas untuk membeli hak-hak atas tanah di Indonesia dikarenakan pasangannya yang berkewarganegaraan asing tetap mempunyai hak tersebut karena adanya harta bersama. Hal ini karena adanya pembatasan hak kepemilikan tanah yang diatur dalam hukum pertanahan Indonesia pasal 1 jo pasal 21 Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 yang berazaskan kebangsaan.
Penelitian kali ini berjudul "Tinjauan Yuridis Perjanjian Kawin Dalam Perkawinan Campuran Terhadap Harta Bersama" dengan menggunakan metode kepustakaan yang bersifat normatif dengan jenis penelitian menarik asas hukum untuk mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh terhadap permasalahan yang diteliti serta wawancara kepada narasumber atau informan untuk menambah informasi atas penelitian. Juga menganalisa putusan Pengadilan Agama Bandung nomor 495/Pdt.G/2005/PA.Bdg sebagai salah satu contoh perkawinan campuran. Seseorang yang melakukan perkawinan campuran harus membuat perjanjian kawin diluar persekutuan harta dan benda sebelum melakukan perkawinan serta didaftarkan agar dapat mengikat pihak ketiga serta adanya kepastian hukum.
Hal ini agar tidak terdapat persatuan harta dan benda dalam bentuk apapun antara suami dan istri tersebut sesuai yang diatur dalam pasal 29 Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 jo pasal 139 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata. Pada kenyataannya, masih banyak masyarakat yang melakukan perkawinan campuran dengan tidak membuat perjanjian kawin diluar persekutan harta dan benda karena unsur ketidaktahuan atau tidak adanya budaya membuat perjanjian kawin dalam perkawinan di Indonesia. Sehingga ketika terjadi perceraian dan pewarisan menimbulkan permasalahan dan dalam pelaksanaannya sering terjadi penyelundupan hukum. Ini dapat menyebabkan seseorang kehilangan atas hak atas tanah tersebut.

In General, Couples of mixed marriage do not care and know what they should do before they enter married life, especially about their marital property. Principally, a person who did this marriage has limitation to posses land, because based on Article 1 jo article 21 Law Number 5 Year 1960 every possession that is purchased by a mixed couple after they are married is considered a collective possession. The couple would lose the right to own land because one of the parties was an expatriate.
The research is entitled "Judicial Review Of Prenuptial Agreement In Mixed Marriage On Marital Property". The normative library method is used in this research for getting full description about the problem. Interview with the informant is used to add information for the research. I also analyze verdict of religious court of Bandung Number 495/Pdt.G/2005/PA.Bdg as an example of mixed marriage case. An Indonesian (man or woman) in a mixed marriage has to make prenuptial agreement for separation property before they married to protect their assets and limit parties? right. After that the prenuptial agreement has to be registered to bind third party and legal certainty.
The prenuptial agreement to avoid joint marital property which is in line with article 29 Law Number 1 Year 1974 jo article 139 The Burgerlijk Wetboek.However, many mixed married couples who do not make prenuptial agreement in Indonesian marriage, since they are not familiar with making prenuptial agreement. Consequently, they find many problems when they divorce or one of them dies. Sometimes there is smuggling law which prohibit in our country and they can lose the right to own land."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefani Agustina
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai permasalahan harta benda dalam perkawinan campuran dengan membuat perjanjian kawin. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalahBagaimana pengaturan harta benda yang didapat dalam suatu perkawinan campur yang membuat perjanjian kawin dan apa akibat hukum terhadap harta benda yang didapat dalam suatu perkawinan campur dengan perjanjian kawin.Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dalam penulisan ini.Pada umumnya masyarakat yang melakukan perkawinan campuran tidak memperhatikan dan mengetahui hal-hal yang harus dilakukan sebelum mereka melakukan perkawinan campuran terutama hal-hal yang menyangkut mengenai harta bersama yang diperoleh sepanjang perkawinan mereka. Pada dasarnya seseorang yang melakukan perkawinan campuran tidaklah dapat secara bebas untuk membeli hak-hak atas tanah di Indonesia dikarenakan pasangannya yang berkewarganegaraan asing tetap mempunyai hak tersebut karena adanya harta bersama. Hal ini karena adanya pembatasan hak kepemilikan tanah yang diatur dalam hukum pertanahan Indonesia pasal 1 jo pasal 21 Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 yang berazaskan kebangsaan.Seseorang yang melakukan perkawinan campuran harus membuat perjanjian kawin diluar persekutuan harta dan benda sebelum melakukan perkawinan serta didaftarkan agar dapat mengikat pihak ketiga serta adanya kepastian hukum. Hal ini agar tidak terdapat persatuan harta dan benda dalam bentuk apapun antara suami dan istri tersebut sesuai yang diatur dalam pasal 29 Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 jo pasal 139 Kitab Undang- undang Hukum Perdata. Pada kenyataannya, masih banyak masyarakat yang melakukan perkawinan campuran dengan tidak membuat perjanjian kawin diluar persekutan harta dan benda karena unsur ketidaktahuan atau tidak adanya budaya membuat perjanjian kawin dalam perkawinan di Indonesia. Sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya sering terjadi penyelundupan hukum.

This thesis considers topics related to legal ownership of assets in mixed nationality marriages and the relevance of pre-nuptial agreements. The author considers the relevant legal regulations, in particular in relation to ownership of land acquired during the marriage of a couple of mixed nationality. The topic is further considered with juridic empirical research. Forigen land ownership is restricted, as set out in the Indonesian land law article 1 and article 21 of Law No. 5 of 1960. Parties who enter mixed nationality marriages are not eligible to (jointly) own free hold property in Indonesia, as this would imply (part) property ownership rights could vest with a foreign nationality spouse. In the context of these articles,anyone entering a mixed nationality marriage must create and register a pre-nuptial agreement (prior to marriage) ensuring separation of assets,in order that the rights of free-hold land ownenerhip be enforceable. In this way, the Indonesian spouse can acquire and solely own rights over Indonesian free-hold land within the duration of the marriage, Article 29 of Act No. 1 of 1974 in conjunction with Article 139 Code of Civil Law allowed to separates the parties? joint assets. Based on the empirical findings, it was observed in general that the parties considered were not particularly well informed prior to the marriage, especially in matters relating to the how the ownership of joint property acquired throughout their marriage would be considered on legal grounds. In fact, there were many couples surveyed, who, having entered a mixed nationality marriage, without a prenuptial agreement, nonetheless acquired freehold property without the knowledge that this contravened land rights regulations and may ultimately result in the unenforceability of theirostensible land rights."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Rasjid
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai tinjauan akta perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat di Indonesia oleh notaris di Indonesia untuk perkawinan campuran beda kewarganegaraan antar Warga Negara Indonesia dengan Warga Negara Australia yang mana perkawinannya itu dilangsungkan di negara bagian New South Wales - Australia berdasarkan hukum perkawinan Australia. Maka timbul permasalahan mengenai kedudukan akta perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat di Indonesia dalam hukum perkawinan di Australia. Apakah akta perjanjian perkawinan tersebut berlaku dan diakui kedudukannya sebagai perjanjian perkawinan di Australia atau tidak. Permasalahan ini diteliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode yuridis normatif dan deskripsi analitis, yaitu berupa kajian terhadap asas-asas dan norma hukum yang terdapat dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian perkawinan campuran beda kewarganegaraan dan dilihat dari teori-teori Hukum Perdata Internasional yang terkait dengan masalah perjanjian perkawinan yang bersifat internasional ini. Serta peraturan dan perundang-undangan Australia yang mengatur mengenai perkawinan, perjanjian perkawinan dan pengakuan perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat di luar Australia. Sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini, bahwa Australia hanya mengakui perjanjian perkawinan asing bilamana segala persyaratan tentang tata cara pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan Bindin Financial Agreement di Australia. Jadi dalam kasus tesis ini akta perjanjian perkawinan yang dibuat oleh notaris di Indonesia tidak diakui dan secara hukum tidak mengikat. Perjanjian perkawinan tersebut hanya dipakai oleh hakim di Pengadilan Keluarga Australia sebagai bahan pertimbangan saja.

This thesis is the review of a prenuptial agreement deed that made in Indonesia by Indonesian Public Notary for a mixed marriage with different nationalities between an Indonesian nationality and an Australian nationality, where the wedding was held in New South Wales - Australia. Is the prenuptial deed above valid and recognise as prenuptial agreement in Australia. The above conflicts, has been reviewed and obsereved by the writer using a yuridis normative method and deskriptive analitic, law principles rules by Indonesian regulation related with mixed marriage prenuptial agreement subject, also using the principles by International Private Law, Australian Acts and regulation that rules international mixed marriage on how foreign prenuptual agreement is recognise in Australia. The result has come up that Australian only recognise foreign prenuptial agreement as long as it meet with all the requirements on how Australian make a binding financial agreement. So in this case, the prenuptial agreement deed made by Indonesian public notary in Indonesia does not recognise and does not binding in Australian. Its use for the judge in Family Court for a concideration only. "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Khalisah
Salah satu cara mencegah konflik dalam perkawinan adalah membuat perjanjian perkawinan. Perjanjian perkawinan adalah perjanjian yang dibuat oleh suami dan istri untuk mengatur akibat perkawinan terhadap harta perkawinan mereka. Pasal 29 Undang-Undang Perkawinan memberikan batasan dalam membuat perjanjian tersebut, yakni batasan hukum, agama, dan kesusilaan. Namun tidak ada penjelasan lebih lanjut hukum mana yang menjadi rujukan, begitu pula untuk agama dan kesusilaannya. Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui tiga batasan perjanjian perkawinan tersebut di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder yang didukung hasil wawancara dengan narasumber terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian perkawinan di Indonesia, yang diatur dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, Kompilasi Hukum Islam, dan Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, dibatasi oleh hukum hanya tentang harta kekayaan perkawinan saja, dan tidak boleh melanggar ajaran agama dan kesusilaan di daerah masing-masing.

One of the ways to prevent conflict in a marriage is to make a marriage agreement. A marriage agreement is an agreement made by a husband and wife to regulate the effect of marriage on their marital property. Article 29 of the Marriage Law provides restrictions on making the agreement, namely legal, religious and moral boundaries. However, there is no further explanation of which law is the reference, as well as for religion and morality. This thesis is a research which aims to find out the three limits of the marriage agreement in Indonesia. The method used in this thesis is juridical normative by examining library materials or secondary data which is supported by interviews with related sources. The results showed that the marriage agreement in Indonesia, which is regulated in the Civil Code, Islamic Law Compilation, and Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, is limited by law to only marital assets, and may not violate religious and moral teachings in their respective regions. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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