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Olfi Lelya
"Latar belakang. Timbulnya stasis darah dan pembesaran atrium kiri menyebabkan peningkatan angka kejadian trombus di atrium kiri dan apendiks atrium kiri (Left Atrial Appendage-LAA) pada SM. Diameter atrium kiri yang membesar disebutkan sebagai faktor terjadinya pembentukan LASEC dan meningkatkan angka kejadian tromboemboli. Selain itu adanya stasis darah yang dibuktikan dengan penurunan ejeksi fraksi LAA dan kecepatan aliran darah LAA dapat mencetuskan timbulnya trombus. Perubahan moluker adhesi sICAM-1 dan sVCAM-1 berhubungan dengan kejadian tromboemboli. Tetapi apakah terdapat hubungan antara peran hemodinamik, terutama terhadap diameter, fraksi ejeksi dan kecepatan aliran darah pada LAA dengan kadar molekul adhesi seperti sICAM-1 dan sVCAM-1 belum terjawab.
Metode. Pasien SM derajat sedang-berat (tanpa adanya regurgitasi mitral signifikan) yang menjalani pemeriksan ekokardiografi transesofageal diikutsertakan secara konsekutif sejak Januari-April 2014. Penilaian fungsi apendiks atrium kiri dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan transesofageal ekokardiografi. Kadar sICAM-1 dan sVCAM-1 dari vena perifer diukur dengan teknik enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Hasil. Sebanyak 26 subyek penelitian dengan rerata usia 38,92±11,93 tahun, 65,3% berjenis kelamin perempuan, dan 46,1% memiliki irama fibrilasi atrium. Dengan sampel tersebut, didapatkan tidak ada hubungan antara komponen fungsi apendiks atrium kiri, baik diameter, ejeksi fraksi, dan kecepatan aliran darah LAA dengan kadar sICAM-1. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara fungsi LAA pada variabel diameter dengan kadar sVCAM-1. Terdapat hubungan terbalik antara ejeksi fraksi LAA dengan kadar sVCAM-1 (-0,21, p=0.038, 95%KI -0,41- -0,01) dan hubungan terbalik antara kecepatan aliran darah LAA dengan kadar sVCAM-1 (-0,29, p=0,048, 95%KI -0,59- -0,003).
Kesimpulan. Semakin rendah ejeksi fraksi dan kecepatan aliran darah LAA maka semakin tinggi kadar sVCAM-1.

Background: Blood stasis and left atrial enlargement increase the incidence of thrombus in the left atrium and left atrial appendage (LAA). Enlargement of left atrial diameter is a factor for LASEC formation and increase the incidence of thromboembolism. Blood stasis which evidenced by a decrease in ejection fraction and LAA blood flow velocity can trigger the presence of thrombus. Changes in soluble adhesion molecules sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 associated with thromboembolic events. But relationship between the role of hemodynamics, especially the ejection fraction and blood flow velocity in the LAA with the levels of adhesion molecules such as sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 is not well understood.
Methods: Patient with moderate-severe Mitral Stenosis (in the absence of significant mitral regurgitation) underwent transesophageal echocardiography from January to April 2014. Levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 from peripheral vein were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent technique assay.
Results: A total of 26 subjects with a mean age of 38.92 ± 11.93 years, 65.3% female, and 46.1% had atrial fibrillation. We found no association between components of left atrial appendage function: diameter, ejection fraction and blood flow velocity of LAA with sICAM-1 levels. There was no relationship between the LAA function in the variable diameter of LAA with sVCAM-1 levels. There is an inverse relationship between ejection fraction of LAA and levels of sVCAM-1 (-0.21, p = 0.038, 95% KI -0,41- -0,01) and an inverse association between LAA blood flow velocity and levels of sVCAM-1 (-0 , 29, p = 0.048, 95% KI -0.59 - 0.003).
Conclusion: Low ejection fraction of LAA is associated with higher the levels of sVCAM-1. Low LAA blood flow velocity is associated with higher the levels of sVCAM-1.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Intervensi Koroner Perkutan Primer (IKPP) merupakan pilihan utama untuk mengembalikan aliran darah dan perfusi pasien yang mengalami Infark Miokard Akut dengan Elevasi Segmen ST (IMA-EST). Tapi tidak selalu mengembalikan aliran yang cukup pada tingkat mikrosirkulasi, hal ini disebabkan oleh obstruksi mikrovaskular (OMV). Banyak penelitian telah membuktikan pengaruh inflamasi terhadap kejadian OMV, tingginya rasio neutrofil limfosit pasca IKPP menggambarkan respon inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai hubungan rasio neutrofil limfosit (RNL) terhadap kejadian obstruksi mikrovaskular yang dinilai dengan pemeriksaan myocardial blush kuantitatif (QuBE).
Metode: Sebanyak 33 subjek IMA–EST yang menjalani IKPP dipilih secara konsekutif sejak 1 September 2013 sampai 30 Oktober 2013. RNL diambil saat masuk UGD, penilaian myocardial blush (MB) diambil segera pasca IKPP, angiografi untuk RCA (RAO 30˚) dan LCA (LAO 60˚-90˚). Kemudian RNL dikirim ke laboratorium untuk diperiksa dengan dengan Sysmex 2000i, blush dinilai dengan program komputer QuBE. Perhitungan statistik dinilai dengan SPSS 17.
Hasil: Dari 33 pasien didapatkan proporsi terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki sebesar 75,7%, rerata usia pasien 56±9.8 tahun. Analisa statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara RNL dan QuBE (β=-0,180;p=0,664) namun terdapat kecenderungan setiap kenaikan 1 unit RNL akan menurunkan QuBE sebesar 0,180 unit arbiter. Setelah dilakukan adjusted terhadap faktor perancu didapatkan kecenderungan penurunan yang lebih besar meskipun tetap tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna. (koef β=-0,331 ; p=0,527).

Primary percutaneus coronary intervention (PPCI) is a first of choice to return patient’s blood flow and perfusion with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, it is not always sufficiently reflow of microcirculation due to Microvascular Obstruction (MVO). Many studies had proved that neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) has emerged as a potent composite inflammatory marker. The aim of this study is to evaluate association between NLR and MVO by Quantitative Blush Evaluator (QuBE).
Methode: 33 STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI were consecutivly recruited from September to October 2013. The NLR was withdraw at patient admission. We evaluate the myocardial blush immediately after PCI done. Angiography views were RAO 30˚ for RCA, and LAO 60˚-90˚for LCA. Then the NLR was sent to laboratory for examination. QuBE was done to evaluate myocardial blush. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS 17.
Results: From thirty three patients included in the study, there were 75,75% men, with mean age 56±9.8 years old. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between NLR and QuBE (β=-0,180;p=0,664) but there was decrease of 0,180 unit arbiter QuBE for each 1 unit of peripheral NLR. After adjustment of confounding factor, there was more decreasing value although there is no significant correlation. (coef β=-0,331;p=0,527).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prafithrie Avialita Shanti
Latar Belakang. Stenosis Mitral (SM) tinggi prevalensinya di negara berkembang karena erat terkait
dengan prevalensi penyakit jantung demam rematik (PJR). Pasien SM sedang-berat terdapat
peningkatan regio turbulensi dan shear stress mengakibatkan kerusakan endotel pembuluh darah
sehingga meningkatkan resiko tromboemboli. P-selectin merupakan molekul adhesi berperan dalam
proses inflamasi dan sebagai faktor protrombotik yang diekspresikan secara cepat. Indeks volume
atrium kiri (IVAK) merupakan parameter superior untuk mengukur fungsi atrium kiri dengan
Metode. Penelitian potong lintang melibatkan 20 pasien SM sedang-berat dengan MVA <1.5 cm2
yang menjalani Komisuratomi Mitral Transvena Perkutan (KMTP) yang diambil secara konsekutif
pada bulan Mei 2013 sampai Oktober 2013 di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita Jakarta. Pasien
diambil sampel darah pra dan pasca KMTP untuk diperiksa kadar P-Selectin. Kemudian hasilnya
dianalisa secara statistik.
Hasil. Dalam studi ini, tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan ekspresi kadar P-selectin pra
dan pasca KMTP. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai pra KMTP β= -0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045)
p=0.16 dan pasca KMTP β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91. Setelah dilakukan regresi
linier dengan penyesuaian (adjusted) terhadap variabel perancu yakni usia, jenis kelamin, dan atrial
fibrilasi tetap tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan kadar P-selectin dengan nilai pra KMTP
β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 dan pasca KMTP β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152)
Kesimpulan. Tidak ada perbedaan nilai P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP. Nilai IVAK yang sudah
jelek tidak berhubungan dengan kadar P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP pada pasien SM.

Background. The prevalence of Mitral stenosis (MS) remains significant in developing
countries related to prevalence of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).In moderate-severe MS
patients enormous increase in turbulent region and shear stress causing dysfunction of
vascular endothelial, as consequence it increase the risk of thromboembolic complication. Pselectin
is an adhesion molecule that play role in inflammation process, it express rapidly in
minutes. Left Atrial Volume Index (LAVI) is superior parameter compare with other
echocardiography two dimension method to assess left atrial function.
Methods. Study was designed as cross-sectional study involving 20 MS moderate-severe
patients with MVA< 1.5 cm2 who performed successful Percutaneous transvenous Balloon
Mitral Valvulotomy (PBMV). Samples were taken consecutively from May 2013 to October
2013 at the National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta. Blood samples of Pselectin
were collected pre and post PBMV. The result was statistically analyzed by using
echocardiography data of LAVI prior PBMV to describe any association between expression
of P-selectin and atrial function.
Result. In our study, we found no association between LAVI and expression of P-selectin
level pre and post PBMV MS patient. This data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -
0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045) p=0.16 and post PBMV β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91
After we performed linear regression with adjusted confounding variable including sex, age,
and atrial fibrillation, still we found no association between LAVI and P-selectin level. This
data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 and
post PBMV β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152) p=0.61.
Conclusion. We found there is no difference in P-selectin level pre and post PBMV. There is
no association between poor LAVI value and expression of P-selectin pre and post PBMV in
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Harisandi
"Pendahuluan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan untuk melakukan pengkajian nilai batasan bloodflow rate BFR intraoperatif menggunakan ultrasonografi Doppler dalam memprediksi maturitas fistula brakiosefalika dengan sampel yang lebih besar dan lebih spesifik untuk mendapatkan nilai dengan tingkat error dan bias lebih rendah, sehingga nantinya dapat dijadikan referensi di divisi Bedah Vaskular RSCM.
Metode. Dilakukan studi potong lintang analitik di Divisi Vaskular Departemen Ilmu Bedah FKUI-RSCM, Jakarta yang melibatkan semua penderita gagal ginjal stadium 4-5 akibat nefropati diabetik yang akan dihemodialisis dengan akses vaskular fistula brakiosefalika.
Hasil. Terdapat 71 subjek dengan rerata BFR 249,15 86,86 mL/menit, rerata diameter arteri 3,3 mm 2,0-7,4 mm dan rerata diameter vena 3 mm 2,1-5,6 mm. Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa hanya BFR yang berhubungan bermakna dengan maturitas AVF p80.

Introduction. This research is a follow-up study to determine the value limits of bloodflow rate BFR intraoperative using Doppler ultrasound to predict maturity of brachiocephalic fistula with a larger sample and to obtain lower level of error and bias, so it can be used as a reference in the Vascular Surgery division, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Methods. Cross-sectional design with analytic fashion conducted at Division of Vascular Surgery Department of the Faculty of medicine - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta with all patients with stage IV-V CKD, due to diabetic nephropathy who planned to get vascular access for hemodialysis brachiocephalic fistula.
Result. Total subject are 71 with mean bloodflow rate is 249.15 86.86 mL / min, mean arterial diameter is 3.3 mm 2.0 to 7.4 mm and the mean diameter of the vein is 3 mm 2.1 to 5.6 mm . Only BFR associated significantly with maturity AVF p
BFR intraoperatif, maturitas AV fistula, brakiosefalika, sensitivitas, spesifisitas
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayushi Eka Putra
"Introduksi: Belum banyak studi yang meneliti parameter laboratorium sederhana sebagai prediktor trombus di atrium kiri pada subset stenosis mitral rematik. Selain itu, saat ini masih sangat sedikit studi yang menjelaskan patomekanisme trombus atrium kiri yang berkaitan dengan komponen hemorheologi pada pasien dengan mitral stenosis rematik. Tujuan: menilai hubungan parameter hemorheologi dari laboratorium sederhana Red Cell Distribution Width, Mean Platelet Volume, hematokrit, dan jumlah trombosit dengan kejadian trombus atrium kiri pada stenosis mitral rematik. Metode: Dilakukan studi potong lintang analitik LAMIA Study dengan pengumpulan data terhadap pasien stenosis rematik yang signifikan dimulai dari tanggal 1 Januari 2018 hingga 31 Juli 2021. Evaluasi trombus ditegakkan dari ekokardiografi transtorasik atau transesofagus. Pemeriksaan lab diperiksa dalam waktu 10 hari sebelum evaluasi ekokardiografi. Subjek dengan regurgitasi mitral yang signifikan akan dieksklusi. Hasil: Dari 318 subjek dengan stenosis mitral rematik signifikan yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian, didapatkan sebanyak 102 pasien (32%) memiliki trombus di atrium kiri. Dari seluruh pasien, diketahui subjek dengan ritme atrial fibrilasi sebanyak 63.8% dan ritme sinus 36.2%. Hematokrit ≥ 45.15 % (OR 2.98; IK 95% 1.27 - 6.98, p = 0.012), Irama atrial fibrilasi (OR 2.39; IK 95% 1.10-5.20, p = 0.028), fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri ≥ 56.68 % (OR 0.42; IK 95% 0.23 - 0.77, p = 0.005), dan TAPSE ≥ 18.10 mm (OR 0.44; IK 95% 0.230 - 0.83, p = 0.011) berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kejadian trombus atrium kiri dari hasil analisis multivariat. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan hematokrit berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kejadian trombus atrium kiri, sedangkan nilai RDW dan jumlah platelet tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian trombus di atrium kiri pada stenosis mitral rematik. Kata kunci: LAMIA study, hematologi sederhana, trombus atrium kiri, stenosis mitral rematik

Introduction: Only few studies have investigated simple laboratory parameters as predictors of left atrial thrombus in subset of rheumatic mitral stenosis. In addition, there are currently very few studies describing the pathomechanism of left atrial thrombus related to the hemorheological component in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. Objective: A study was conducted to assess the causal relationship of hemorheological parameters from a simple laboratory Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), hematocrit, and platelet count with the incidence of left atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical, LAMIA Study, was conducted with data collection on patients with significant rheumatic stenosis starting from 1 January 2018 to 31 July 2021. Thrombus evaluation was established by transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography. Lab tests were performed within 10 days prior to the echocardiographic evaluation. Subjects with significant mitral regurgitation will be excluded. Results: Of the 318 subjects with significant rheumatic mitral stenosis included in the study, 102 patients (32%) had a thrombus in the left atrium. Of all the patients, it was known that subjects with atrial fibrillation rhythm as much as 63.8% and sinus rhythm 36.2%. Atrial fibrillation rhythm (OR 2.39; 95% CI 1.10-5.20, p = 0.028), left ventricular ejection fraction ≥56.68 % (OR 0.42; 95% CI 0.23 - 0.77, p = 0.005), TAPSE ≥18.10 mm (OR 0.44; 95% CI 0.230 - 0.83, p = 0.011), and hematocrit ≥45.15% (OR 2.98; 95% CI 1.27 - 6.98, p = 0.012). Conclusion: Increased hematocrit was significantly associated with the incidence of left atrial thrombus, whereas RDW and platelet count were not associated with the incidence of left atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siska Yulianti
Latar belakang : Stenosis mitral (SM) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting di Indonesia. Pada SM terjadi peningkatan kadar P selectin karena disfungsi endotel dan aktivasi platelet. Komisurotomi mitral transvena perkutan (KMTP) merupakan tatalaksana baku untuk penderita SM yang dapat memperbaiki kemampuan aktivitas fisik yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kadar P selectin. Belum ada penelitian yang menghubungkan antara tingkat aktifitas fisik dengan kadar P Selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada SM rematik.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang. Dari 56 subyek penelitian yang menjalani KMTP sejak bulan Mei 2013 sampai Februari 2014 di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita, didapatkan 35 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan . Data klinis dan data ekokardiografi sebelum dan 3 bulan pasca KMTP diambil dari catatan medis. Dilakukan wawancara 3 bulan pasca KMTP. Tingkat aktivitas fisik dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok 1 1-4 METs, kelompok 2 > 4 METs. Kadar P selectin diambil 3 bulan pasca KMTP. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kadar P Selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada SM rematik
Hasil : Pasien yang akan menjalani KMTP memiliki rerata usia 40,00±11,58 tahun dengan proporsi perempuan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki (74,3%) dan dengan proporsi irama sinus yang lebih tinggi daripada irama atrial (57,1%). Dari uji T didapatkan ada perbedaan bermakna rata-rata kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada tingkat aktivitas fisik 1-4 METs dan > 4 METs, dimana rerata kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada tingkat aktivitas fisik > 4 METs lebih rendah secara bermakna dibandingkan 1-4 METs (p=0,003). Setelah dilakukan analisa multivariat terlihat tingkat aktivitas fisik pasca KMTP tetap berpengaruh terhadap kadar P Selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP (p=0,001). Area Katup Mitral (AKM) pasca KMTP berpengaruh terhadap kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP (p=0,018), namun tingkat aktivitas fisik pasca KMTP lebih besar pengaruhnya dibandingkan AKM.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP dimana pada tingkat aktivitas yang lebih tinggi ( > 4 METs) kadar P selectin lebih rendah 10,489 ug/ml dibandingkan tingkatan aktivitas fisik 1-4 METs.

Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is an important health problem in Indonesia. P selectin level in MS increases due to endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is one of the management for MS patients. Thus, the physical activity can improve and in turn affect the level of P selectin. There has been no study link the level of physical activity with the level of P Selectin 3 months after of PTMC.
Method: This is a cross sectional study with 56 subjects who underwent PTMC from May 2013 to February 2014 at the Hospital of National Heart Centre Harapan Kita. Then, 35 samples met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and echocardiography data before and 3 months after PTMC were taken from medical records. Interviews were conducted 3 months after PTMC. Physical activity levels were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (1-4 METs) and group 2 (> 4 METs). Sample for P selectin was taken 3 months after PTMC. Further statistical analysis was done to determine the relationship between physical activity level with level of P Selectin 3 months after PTMC in rheumatic MS.
Result: Patients who will undergo PTMC have the mean age of 40.00 ± 11.58 years with a higher proportion of women than men (74.3%) and the proportion of sinus rhythm is higher than atrial rhythm (57.1%) . T-test analysis result showed significant difference in the average levels of P selectin 3 months after PTMC on the level of physical activity 1-4 METs and > 4 METs. The average P selectin levels on the level of physical activity in group with > 4 METs was significantly lower compared with group 1-4 METs (p = 0.003). After multivariate analysis, the physical activity level still has an effect on the P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC (p = 0.001). The Mitral Valve Area (MVA) after PTMC also has an effect on P selectin levels (p = 0.018). However, the level of physical activity after PTMC has a greater effect than MVA.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of physical activity with P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC.Group with higher activity level (> 4 METs) have lower level of P selectin (with the mean difference levels of P Selectin 10,489 ug/ml);Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is an important health problem in Indonesia. P selectin level in MS increases due to endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is one of the management for MS patients. Thus, the physical activity can improve and in turn affect the level of P selectin. There has been no study link the level of physical activity with the level of P Selectin 3 months after of PTMC.
Method: This is a cross sectional study with 56 subjects who underwent PTMC from May 2013 to February 2014 at the Hospital of National Heart Centre Harapan Kita. Then, 35 samples met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and echocardiography data before and 3 months after PTMC were taken from medical records. Interviews were conducted 3 months after PTMC. Physical activity levels were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (1-4 METs) and group 2 (> 4 METs). Sample for P selectin was taken 3 months after PTMC. Further statistical analysis was done to determine the relationship between physical activity level with level of P Selectin 3 months after PTMC in rheumatic MS.
Result: Patients who will undergo PTMC have the mean age of 40.00 ± 11.58 years with a higher proportion of women than men (74.3%) and the proportion of sinus rhythm is higher than atrial rhythm (57.1%) . T-test analysis result showed significant difference in the average levels of P selectin 3 months after PTMC on the level of physical activity 1-4 METs and > 4 METs. The average P selectin levels on the level of physical activity in group with > 4 METs was significantly lower compared with group 1-4 METs (p = 0.003). After multivariate analysis, the physical activity level still has an effect on the P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC (p = 0.001). The Mitral Valve Area (MVA) after PTMC also has an effect on P selectin levels (p = 0.018). However, the level of physical activity after PTMC has a greater effect than MVA.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of physical activity with P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC.Group with higher activity level (> 4 METs) have lower level of P selectin (with the mean difference levels of P Selectin 10,489 ug/ml), Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is an important health problem in Indonesia. P selectin level in MS increases due to endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is one of the management for MS patients. Thus, the physical activity can improve and in turn affect the level of P selectin. There has been no study link the level of physical activity with the level of P Selectin 3 months after of PTMC.
Method: This is a cross sectional study with 56 subjects who underwent PTMC from May 2013 to February 2014 at the Hospital of National Heart Centre Harapan Kita. Then, 35 samples met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and echocardiography data before and 3 months after PTMC were taken from medical records. Interviews were conducted 3 months after PTMC. Physical activity levels were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (1-4 METs) and group 2 (> 4 METs). Sample for P selectin was taken 3 months after PTMC. Further statistical analysis was done to determine the relationship between physical activity level with level of P Selectin 3 months after PTMC in rheumatic MS.
Result: Patients who will undergo PTMC have the mean age of 40.00 ± 11.58 years with a higher proportion of women than men (74.3%) and the proportion of sinus rhythm is higher than atrial rhythm (57.1%) . T-test analysis result showed significant difference in the average levels of P selectin 3 months after PTMC on the level of physical activity 1-4 METs and > 4 METs. The average P selectin levels on the level of physical activity in group with > 4 METs was significantly lower compared with group 1-4 METs (p = 0.003). After multivariate analysis, the physical activity level still has an effect on the P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC (p = 0.001). The Mitral Valve Area (MVA) after PTMC also has an effect on P selectin levels (p = 0.018). However, the level of physical activity after PTMC has a greater effect than MVA.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of physical activity with P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC.Group with higher activity level (> 4 METs) have lower level of P selectin (with the mean difference levels of P Selectin 10,489 ug/ml)]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Normayati
"Ièlth dilakukan suatu penelitian "Cross sectional study" pada para akseptor yang telah rnenggunakan kontrasepsinya antara 1 - 4 tahun dibandingkan dengan wanita yang baru akan menggunakan p11. Ada 3 golongan subyek penelitian, .yai
tu akseptor KB yang telah menggunakan p11 oral kombinasiberisi mestranol 0,05 mg dan noretindron 1 mg secara terusrnenerus, akseptor KB yang telah menggunakan AKDPL tipe Lippes Loop secara terus menerus dan wanita yang baru akan menggunakan pil dan minimal 3 bulan sebéluinnya tidak menggunakan alat kontrase p si apaun. Masing-masing golongan terdiri darf 30 orang, berusia 20 - 35 tahun.
Penentun kadar, kolesterol total den-an metode Siedel dkk. Kolesterol-HDL ditentukan dengan metode Burstein dkk.
Trigliserida ditentukan dengan metode Wahlefeld dkk. Sedang
kan kolesterol-LDL ditentukan secara tidak langsung dengan menggunakan rumus Friedewald; kesemuanya dilakukan dengan
menggunakan Kits Boehringer Mannheim.
Dengan uji statistik Anova satu arah dan tes "q", didapatkan hal-hal berikut Kadar rata-rata kolesterol total. dan kolesterol-LDL pada akseptor p11 oral lebih tinggl bermakna dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi (p < 0,05). Sedangkan
pada akseptor p11 oral lebih tinggi dari AKDR, tetapi perbedaannya tidak berrnakna pada "level significance" 5%.
Kadar rata-rata trigliserida pada akseptor pil oral lebih tinggi bermakna dan. akseptor AKDR dan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi ( p < O ,05). Kadar rata-rata k
lesterol total, kolesterol-LDL dan tnigliserida pada akseptor
AKDR leblh tinggi dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrase p si, tetapi perbedaannya tidak bermakna pada "level significance" 5%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari kadar rata-rata kolestero1-HDL dan berat badan antara akseptor
p11 oral, AKDR dan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi. Usia rata-rata akseptor p11 oral dan AKDR
lebib tinggi bermakna dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat
kontrasepsi (P-< 0,05), sedangkan akseptor AKDR lebih tinggi dari p11 oral, tetapi perbedaannya tidak bermakna pada "level significance" 5%.
Wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi tidak mempunyai
keluhan apapun, sedangkan akseptor AKDR mempunyai
lebih banyak keluhan subyektif yang menyangkut adanya faktor mekanis dalam saluran reproduksi daripada akseptor pil oral.

A cros sectional study was done on acceptors who -
have been using their contraception between 1 - LI years.It
was compared with women who will have used of the pill. -
There were 3 groups of subject acceptors who have been -
using combination oral contraceptives (0,05 mg mestranol +
I mg noretindrone ) continuously, acce ptors who have been -
using Intrauterine Device (IUD) continuously, and women who
will have used of the pill and they were not using contraception
(minimum 3 months before treatment).
P1 thod of Siedel et al. was used to measure the to -
tal Cholesterol levels; and Burstein et al. to measure the
HDL-Cholesterol; and ahlefeld et al. to measure the Tn -
glyceride. Indirect method of Fniedewald was used to estimate
the LDL-Cholesterol. The Boehringer MannheimKits were
used for this purposes.
By using the "One way analysis of variance" and test
"q", it was found that
The man levels of total Cholesterol and LDL-Choles
terol in oral pill acceptors were significantly higher -
than nonusers (p < 0 ,05). Oral pill acceptors were higherthan
IUDs, but not significant ( p > 0 , 0 5) . The mean level -
of Tniglyceride in oral pill acceptors was significantly -
higher than IUDs and nonusers (P< 0,05). The mean levels of total Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol and Triglyceride in-
IUD acceptors were higher than nonusers, but not signifi -
cant (P> 0 ,05). There were significant different of the -
mean level of HDL-Cholesterol and body weight between oral
pill, IUD acceptors and nonusers. The mean ages of oral -
pill and IUD acceptors were significantly higher than nonu
sers (p < 0,05). IUD acceptors was higher than oral pill,-
but not siificant (P> 0,05).
No corrlaint was found for nonusers; and IUD accep -
tors had more subjective complaint than oral gills in rela
tion with mechanic factor in the reproductive tube.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fandi Ahmad
"Latar Belakang : Penyakit jantung katup khususnya katup mitral dengan etiologirematik sering berakhir dengan fibrilasi atrium FA. Stenosis mitral SM maupun regurgitasi mitral RM, ditambah dengan fibrosis atrium pada prosesrematik menyebabkan terjadinya remodeling struktural dan remodeling elektrisyang diduga berperan dalam timbulnya FA. Bedah reduksi atrium kiri pada pasienFA yang menjalani operasi katup mitral, merupakan prosedur yang relatifsederhana, tidak memakan waktu operasi yang lama, dan relatif murah yangdiduga memiliki pengaruh terhadap konversi irama.
Tujuan : Menilai pengaruh bedah reduksi atrium kiri terhadap konversi iramajangka pendek dan jangka panjang pada pasien fibrilasi atrium dengan penyakitkatup mitral rematik yang menjalani pembedahan.
Metode : Telah dilakukan studi kohort retrospektif pada pasien fibrilasi atriumdengan penyakit katup mitral rematik yang menjalani operasi katup mitral selamaperiode Mei 2012 sampai dengan Mei 2016 di RS Jantung dan Pembuluh DarahHarapan Kita. Tindakan bedah reduksi atrium kiri dalam hal ini menjadi variabelindependen yang diperkirakan memiliki pengaruh terhadap konversi irama padapasien fibrilasi atrium dengan penyakit katup mitral rematik. Variabel dependenpada penelitian ini adalah konversi irama, yang dinilai melalui pengamatan jangkapendek dan jangka panjang.
Hasil : Total sampel penelitian ini adalah 257 sampel, terdiri dari 131 orang yangmenjalani bedah reduksi dan 126 orang tanpa bedah reduksi. Pada kelompokbedah reduksi, didapatkan 42 subjek 32,1 yang mengalami konversi iramajangka pendek dan 37 subjek 28,2 yang mengalami konversi irama jangkapanjang. Dari hasil analisis multivariat, variabel yang bermakna terhadap konversiirama jangka pendek yaitu bedah reduksi atrium kiri dengan OR 0,56 IK 95 0,31 ndash; 0,98 dan nilai p=0,044 serta penggunaan penyekat beta dengan OR 0,56 IK 95 0,31 ndash; 0,99 dan nilai p=0,047. Sementara variabel yang bermaknaterhadap konversi irama jangka panjang yaitu bedah reduksi atrium kiri denganOR 0,51 IK 95 0,28 ndash; 0,94 dan nilai p=0,031, penggunaan penyekat betadengan OR 0,53 IK 95 0,28 ndash; 0,98 dan nilai p=0,042, dan indeks volumeatrium kiri prabedah le;146 ml/m2 dengan OR 0,47 IK 95 0,26 ndash; 0,87 dan nilaip=0,017.
Kesimpulan : Bedah reduksi atrium kiri memiliki pengaruh terhadap konversiirama jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang pada pasien fibrilasi atrium denganpenyakit katup mitral rematik yang menjalani pembedahan.

Background : Valvular heart disease, especially rheumatic mitral valve diseaseoften coexists with atrial fibrillation AF. Mitral stenosis MS and mitralregurgitation MR with atrial fibrosis because of rheumatic process, resulting instructural remodeling and electrical remodeling of left atrium which contribute foroccurence of AF. Left atrial reduction surgery with mitral valve correction issimple procedure, takes relatively short operation time, and quite inexpensive asan alternative treatment for AF in rheumatic mitral valve disease.
Objective : Assessing the effect of left atrial reduction for short term and longterm rhythm conversion of AF in rheumatic mitral valve disease.
Method : We conducted a retrospective cohort study in atrial fibrillation patientswith rheumatic mitral valve disease who underwent mitral valve surgery duringthe period of May 2012 until May 2016 in the National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita. Left atrial reduction surgery became an independent variable whichexpected to have an influence on the rhythm conversion. The dependent variablewas the conversion of rhythm which was assessed through the observation in ashort term and long term.
Result : There were 257 subjects in this study, consisting of 131 subjects in theleft atrial reduction group and 126 subjects in the non left atrial reduction group.In left atrial reduction group, there were 42 subjects 32,1 with sinus rhythm inshort term observation and 37 subjects 28,2 with sinus rhythm during longterm observation. From multivariat analysis, the significant variable for the shortterm rhythm conversion were left atrial reduction with OR 0,56 CI 95 0,31 ndash 0,98 and p 0,044 and also beta blocker therapy with OR 0,56 CI 95 0,31 ndash 0,99 and p 0,047. While the significant variable for rhythm conversion in longterm were left atrial reduction with OR 0,51 CI 95 0,28 ndash 0,94 and p 0,031,beta blocker therapy with OR 0,53 CI 95 0,28 ndash 0,98 and p 0,042, and alsopre operation left atrial volume index le 146 ml m2 with OR 0,47 CI 95 0,26 ndash 0,87 and p 0,017.
Conclusion : Left atrial reduction has an effect for short term and long termrhythm conversion of AF in rheumatic mitral valve disease.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Edhiningtyas Damaiati
"Latar belakang: Stenosis mitral (SM) berat gradien rendah didefinisikan dengan mitral valve area (MVA) <1.5 cm2 dan gradien transmitral <10 mmHg. Perubahan fungsi atrium kiri merupakan salah satu mekanisme yang mendasari SM berat gradien rendah, dimana dapat dianalisis dengan strain atrium kiri. Komisurotomi Mitral Transkateter Perkutan (KMTP) adalah pilihan utama pasien dengan SM berat tanpa kontraindikasi. Tujuan: Membandingkan perubahan nilai strain atrium kiri dengan Peak Atrial Longitudinal Strain (PALS) antara pasien SM berat gradien rendah dan tinggi pasca KMTP. Metode: Pasien SM berat yang berhasil dilakukan KMTP dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu gradien rendah dan gradien tinggi. Dengan menggunakan ekokardiografi speckle tracking, nilai PALS diukur pada 24-48 jam sebelum KMTP dan 7-14 hari setelah KMTP. Kemudian nilai PALS antara kedua kelompok dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Terdapat 32 pasien (46%) pada kelompok gradien rendah dan 39 pasien (54%) pada kelompok gradien tinggi. Subjek dengan SM berat gradien rendah cenderung lebih tua, memiliki irama jantung fibrilasi atrium, memiliki baseline MVA yang lebih besar, dan memiliki nilai net atrioventricular compliance (Cn) yang lebih tinggi. Nilai PALS rendah pada kedua kelompok dan mengalami perbaikan pasca KMTP [8%(2–23) vs. 11%(3–27), p<0.0001]. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara PALS sebelum KMTP, setelah KMTP, dan perbedaannya (delta) antara kedua kelompok. Analisis subgrup pasien dengan irama jantung sinus menunjukan perbedaan nilai PALS antara kelompok gradien rendah dan tinggi pre KMTP (15±4% vs. 11±5%, p=0.030) dan post KMTP (19±4% vs. 15±4%, p=0.019). Analisis multivariat menemukan bahwa irama jantung merupakan variabel independent terkuat dalam mempengaruhi nilai PALS. Kesimpulan: Fungsi reservoir atrium kiri, yang dinilai dengan PALS mengalami penurunan pada pasien SM berat dan meningkat pasca KMTP, tanpa dipengaruhi oleh baseline MVG.

Background: Low gradient severe mitral stenosis (LGMS) is defined as mitral valve area (MVA) less than ≤ 1.5 cm2 and mitral valve gradient (MVG) < 10 mmHg. Functional changes in the left atrium (LA) are one of the mechanisms that follow LGMS, which can be assessed using strain analysis. Balloon Mitral Valvotomy (BMV) is the treatment of choice for suitable MS patients without contraindications. Objective: This study compared changes in Peak Atrial Longitudinal Strain (PALS) following BMV between low- and high-gradient severe MS patients. Methods: We included MS patients who underwent a successful BMV and divided into LGMS group and high-gradient mitral stenosis (HGMS) group. Using speckle tracking echocardiography, PALS was assessed 24–48 hours before and 7–14 days after BMV procedure. Then, the PALS values were compared between those two groups using Mann- Whitney. Results: There were 32 patients (46%) in the low-gradient MS group and 39 patients (54%) in the high-gradient MS group. Subjects with LGMS were older, had more atrial fibrillation, had a larger baseline MVA, and had higher net atrioventricular compliance (Cn). The PALS values were low in both groups and improved significantly following BMV [8%(2–23) vs. 11%(3– 27), p<0.0001]. There were no differences in PALS values before, after BMV, and its absolute changes between the groups. Subgroup analysis in subjects with sinus rhythm revealed PALS differences between low and high-gradient MS pre (15±4% vs. 11±5%, p=0.030) and post- BMV (19±4% vs. 15±4%, p=0.019). Multivariate analysis identified heart rhythm as the strongest independent variable for PALS values. Conclusion: Left atrial reservoir function, as assessed by PALS, was reduced in patients with severe MS and was increased following BMV, irrespective of their baseline MVG."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhistira Kurnia
"Latar Belakang: Kondisi MS akan menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan tekanan atrium kiri secara progresif dan menyebabkan remodelling serta dilatasi atrium kiri. Proses ini akan berakhir dengan penurunan komplians dari atrium kiri dan menyebabkan perubahan secara morfologis dan fungsional. Beberapa studi menunjukkan pengukuran Strain atrium kiri pada pasca tindakan balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) menunjukkan perbaikan yang bermakna. Namun belum ada yang menilai hubungan antara perubahan Strain atrium kiri dengan perbaikan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.
Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara perubahan Strain atrium kiri dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.
Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi dengan one group pre-post design. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pemeriksaan ekokardiografi dan data kapasitas fungsional pasien mitral stenosis yang dilakukan tindakan BMV pada Maret 2019 hingga April 2020. Dilakukan pengukuran strain atrium kiri dengan metode speckle tracking echocardiography. Data sebelum dan sesudah BMV dianalisis untuk mencari hubungan variabel terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional.
Hasil: Pasca tindakan BMV, terjadi perbaikan signifikan kapasitas fungsional yang ditandai dengan perbaikan median lama latihan (241 (18 – 1080) ke 606 (80 – 1900) detik, p <0.0001) dan perbaikan median nilai VO2max estimasi (18,8 (10,2 – 51,4) ke 33(12,6-83,2) mlO2/kg/menit, p <0.0001). Strain atrium kiri mengalami perubahan signifikan pasca tindakan BMV dari median 8(2-23)% ke 11(4-27)%. Dari uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa pre-MVG (r 0,23, adjusted R2 = 4,9%) berkorelasi terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Pada analisis bivariat dan multivariat didapatkan bahwa perubahan strain atrium kiri tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Nilai pra MVA >1 cm2 (OR 7,37, IK 95% 1,0-54,35; p = 0,05) pra MVG > 10 mmHg (OR 6,6, IK 95% 1,71-25,5; p = 0,006) dan pra mPAP < 25 mmHg (OR 5,96, IK 95% 1,37-25,9; p = 0,017) berkorelasi terhadap perbaikan lama latihan pasca tindakan BMV.
Kesimpulan: Perubahan strain atrium kiri tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.

Background: MS conditions will cause a progressive increase in left atrial pressure, remodelling and left atrial dilatation. This process will end with a decrease of left atrial compliance, causing morphological and functional changes. Several studies have shown that left atrial strain measurements after the BMV procedure showed significant improvement. However, no study has assessed the relationship between changes in left atrial strain and improvements in functional capacity in MS patients after the BMV procedure.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the association between left atrial strain changes and functional capacity changes in MS patients after BMV procedures
Method: This is a one group pre-post design using retrospective data. This study used echocardiographic and functional capacity data of mitral stenosis patients who underwent BMV procedures from March 2019 to April 2020. Left atrial strain was measured using the speckle tracking echocardiography method. Data before and after BMV were analyzed to find the association of variables to changes in functional capacity.
Results: After the BMV procedure, there was a significant improvement in functional capacity as indicated by an improvement in the median length of exercise (241 (18 – 1080) to 606 (80 – 1900) seconds, p <0.0001) and an improvement in the median estimated VO2max value (18.8 (10.2). – 51.4) to 33(12.6-83.2) mlO2/kg/min, p < 0.0001). The left atrial strain underwent a significant change after the BMV procedure from a median of 8(2-23)% to 11(4-27)%. From the correlation test it was found that pre-MVG (r 0.23, adjusted R2 = 4.9%) correlated with changes in functional capacity. In bivariate and multivariate analysis, it was found that changes in left atrial strain were not associated with changes in functional capacity. Pre MVA value >1 cm2 (OR 7.37, CI 95% 1.0-54.35; p = 0.05) pre MVG > 10 mmHg (OR 6.6, CI 95% 1.71-25.5 ; p = 0.006) and pre mPAP < 25 mmHg (OR 5.96, CI 95% 1.37-25.9; p = 0.017) correlated with the improvement in duration of exercise after the BMV action.
Conclusion: Changes in left atrial strain are not associated with changes in functional capacity in MS patients after the BMV procedure.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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