"Latar Belakang: Penyuntikan obat anestesia spinal dosis tunggal diketahui menyebabkan hipotensi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dosis terbagi pada pasien obstetrik sehat, namun belum ada penelitian yang dilakukan pada pasien obsterik dengan penyulit hipertensi, khususnya di Indonesia. Hipotensi akibat anestesia spinal, khususnya pada pasien obstetrik dengan penyulit hipertensi, akan mengganggu kesejahteraan ibu dan janin.
Tujuan: Membandingkan penurunan MAP dan kebutuhan efedrin, serta mengetahui level ketinggian blok antara teknik anestesia spinal dosis terbagi dengan dosis tunggal untuk bedah Sesar dengan penyulit hipertensi.
Metode. Uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal terhadap 42 pasien di RSU Kabupaten Tangerang yang memenuhi kriteria dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok dosis terbagi (TB) dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan 2/3 dosis (1,5 ml), dilanjutkan 1/3 dosis sisanya (1 ml) setelah jeda 90 detik. Kelompok dosis tunggal (TU) dilakukan dengan menyuntikkan seluruh dosis dalam sekali bolus. Keduanya dilakukan dalam posisi duduk, menggunakan kombinasi obat anestesia spinal bupivakain 0,5% hiperbarik 10 mg dan fentanil 25 mcg (volume total 2,5 ml), kecepatan 0,2 ml/detik, barbotase £0,1 ml sebelum penyuntikan, serta pemberian coloading cairan kristaloid 5-10 ml/KgBB. MAP diukur sebanyak 7 kali, dan kebutuhan efedrin serta ketinggian blok dicatat. Analisis hasil menggunakan uji General Linear Model (GLM) untuk pengukuran berulang, uji Fisher dan Mann-Whitney U.
Hasil: Uji GLM menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antar waktu pengukuran antar kelompok (P >0,05), namun grafik garis menunjukkan trend MAP kelompok TB lebih tinggi pada 3 menit pertama dibandingkan kelompok TU. Penurunan MAP >20% terjadi lebih cepat pada kelompok TU (menit ke-3). Ketinggian blok sensorik keduanya terbanyak pada level T4 sebesar 11 subjek (52,4%) pada kelompok TB dan 9 subjek (42,9%) pada kelompok TU (P=0,59). Perbandingan dosis total pemakaian efedrin mendapat nilai median (range) kelompok TB sebesar 10 (0-25) mg dan kelompok TU sebesar 15 (0-30) mg (P=0,30).
Simpulan: Penurunan MAP dan kebutuhan efedrin pada dosis terbagi tidak lebih kecil secara signifikan dibanding dosis tunggal, namun trend penurunan MAP >20% terjadi lebih lambat dan pemakaian efedrin lebih sedikit pada 3 menit pertama, dengan level ketinggian blok keduanya serupa.
Background: Injection of a single bolus of local anesthetics in spinal anesthesia is known to cause greater hypotension than a fractionated dose in healthy obstetric patients, but no studies have been performed on obstetric patients with hypertensive complications, especially in Indonesia. Spinal hypotension will interfere to maternal and fetal well-being, particularly to mother with pregnancyinduced hypertension.
Objective: Compare the decrease in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and ephedrin requirements, as well as to determine the level of sensory blockade between fractionated dose and single dose technique in spinal anesthesia for Cesarean section in pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Methods: Single blinded randomized clinical trials of 42 patients at Tangerang District General Hospital who met the criteria were divided into two groups. The fractionated dose group (TB) was administered by injecting 2/3 of the total doses (1,5 ml) initially, followed by 1/3 of the remaining dose (1 ml) after 90 s. A Single dose group (TU) was performed by injecting all doses in one bolus. Both were performed in a sitting position, using a combination of 0,5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 10 mg and fentanyl 25 mcg (total volume of 2,5 ml), with velocities 0,2 ml/sec, £0,1 ml barbotage before injection, and administration of 5-10 ml/KgBW crystalloids for co-loading. MAP was measured 7 times, as well as ephedrine requirement and level of sensory blockade were recorded. Analysis was performed using a General Linear Model (GLM) test for repeated measurements, Fisher exact and Mann-Whitney U test.
Results: The GLM test showed no significant differences between the time measurements between groups (P>0,05), but the line chart showed the TB group's trend of MAP was higher in the first 3 minutes than TU group. MAP decline >20% occured faster in TU group (minute-3). The level of sensory block was mostly at the T4 level of 11 subjects (52,4%) in TB group and 9 subjects (42,9%) in TU group (P = 0,59). The total dose of ephedrine requirement was in median (range) value of 10 (0-25) mg in TB group and 15 (0-30) mg in TU group (P = 0,30).
Conclusion: MAP decline and ephedrine requirement in fractionated dose were not significantly smaller than single dose, but >20% decrease in MAP's trend occured more slowly and ephedrine requirement was less in the first 3 minutes, with similar level of sensory block in both groups."