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Fariz Abdillah
"Skripsi ini meneliti pengaruh hubungan signifikan antara dimensi kepemimpinan spiritual di organisasi, seperti cinta altruistik dan juga visi serta harapan/keyakinan, terhadap dua dimensi outcome organisasi seperti komitmen organisasi dan produktivitas yang dimediasi oleh dimensi spiritual survival organisasi, seperti makna/arti dan keanggotaan. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 200 perawat Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Kudus, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada Oktober sampai Desember 2014 ini terdiri dari tiga tahap penelitian, pertama studi lapangan untuk memberikan gambaran mendalam terhadap RSUD Kudus sebagai organisasi subjek penelitian, lalu pre-test uji validitas dan reliabilitas alat ukur kuesioner di RSUD Depok, setelah itu survei kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah divalidasi dengan subjek penelitian di RSUD Kudus. Hasil penelitian ini terungkap bahwa dimensi kepemimpinan spiritual di organisasi terbukti secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap dimensi outcome organisasi, yaitu produktivitas seseorang dengan nilai-t sebesar 3,23 untuk makna/arti dan 3,77 untuk keanggotaan dalam spiritual survival sebagai mediasinya. Penelitian ini membuktikan aktivitas kepemimpinan spiritual menjadi sangat penting untuk diterapkan bagi organisasi untuk mendorong setiap anggota dalam organisasi memiliki makna dan semangat dalam menjalani tugas yang berimplikasi pada peningkatan produktivitas perawat.

This thesis examines the significance influence of three dimensions of spiritual leadership in organization, such as altruistic love/reward, also vision/performance, and hope/faith works, toward two dimensions of outcome organizations such as productivity and organization commitment which mediated by spiritual survival dimensions, such as calling and membership. Subjects of this study were 200 nurses at Region General Hospital of Kudus, Central Java. The research which conducted in the span of October until December 2014 consists of three stages of research, first exploratory field study to provide in depth overview of Region General Hospital of Kudus as research subject, then conducting pre-test to testing the validity and reliability of questionnaires that used as measurement instrument in Region General Hospital of Depok, and last quantitative surveys using validated questionnaires in Region General Hospital of Kudus. In this study, it was revealed that the dimensions of spiritual leadership in organization which are proven to significantly affect the dimensions of outcome organizations such as productivity with t-values 3.23 for calling and 3.77 for membership in spiritual survival as its mediated. This research proven that spiritual leadership activity become very important to implemented by organization to push each member of organization have meaning and spirit to do their job, and it implies to nurses productivity.;"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007
133.9 SUH m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Mengapa banyak organisasi noble industry mengalami kegagalan meskipun telah didukung oleh capital dan human capital yang handal? Kekuatan apakah yang menyebabkan keberhasilan organisasi? Benarkah karena faktor kepemimpinannya? Kekuatan-kekuatan apakah yang menyebabkan pemimpin berhasil? Mengapa banyak pemimpin dan manajer yang mengeluhkan karyawan dan sebaliknya karyawan yang menggunjing pemimpinnya? Mengapa hubungan pemimpin-karyawan begitu kaku, formal dan bahkan saling membenci? Benarkah pemimpin itu egois dan mengeksploitasi karyawan demi ambisi pribadinya? Mengapa banyak pejabat dan manajer yang tidak mampu menjadi pemimpin dan mengalami post power syndrome?"
Malang: UMM Press, 2010
133.9 TOB s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of spiritual leadership, organizational communication on work's satisfaction, organizational commitment and work performance of official at Telkom company. The total of this sample study is 100 officials at Telkom Company. The hypothesis is tested by using AMOS Ver.5.0 to get the result of causalities relation between developed variable on the model. The result of statistic analysis by using structural model is showing the result of the effect the spiritual leadership gives positive and significant influance directly on organizational commitment. The spiritual leadership has no influence on work satisfaction and work performance. The organizational communication has no influence on work satisfaction and organizational performance. The organizational communication has influence on work performance. The effect of work satisfaction gives positive and sigficant influence on organizational commitment. The work satisfaction has no influence on work performance. The result of study to show that organizational commitment influence on performance."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajeng Arum Mawarni
"Industri pariwisata dalam masa transisi-bergerak dari apa yang disebutnya "S" dari pariwisata lama-Sun, Sand and Sex ke arah yang ia lihat berubah menjadi tiga "S" di pariwisata baru yaitu ketenangan (serenity), keberlanjutan (sustainability) dan spiritualitas (spirituality). Metode campuran dipilih untuk mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menggabungkan data kuantitatif terkait motivasi wisatawan mengunjungi lokasi spiritual tourism dengan data kualitatif mengenai implikasi spiritual tourism terhadap ketahanan nasional dalam aspek sosial budaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara virtual dengan menjadikan lokasi spiritual tourism di Masjid Istiqlal dan Gereja Katedral Indonesia sebagai focus of attention. Temuan penelitian menghasilkan data bahwa spiritual tourism pada mulanya sebagai aktivitas dikalangan masyarakat kelas menengah atas, namun kini telah menjadi kebutuhan hampir setiap orang dengan dominasi cultural motivators. Pembangunan periwisata diberbagai negara telah menjadi andalan bagi perolehan devisa yang memberikan sumbangsih tinggi terhadap ketahanan nasional suatu bangsa dalam sektor ekonomi. Disisi lain pariwisata juga memberikan implikasi terhadap ketahanan nasional khususnya pada bidang sosial-budaya. Dalam aspek budaya terjadi perubahan tata nilai budaya, penguatan kehidupan beragama, dan terjaganya nilai-nilai kekeluargaan. Dalam aspek sosial seperti terjadinya proses interaksi yang baik antara host (tuan rumah/masyarakat lokal) dan guest (tamu/wisatawan), perubahan struktur demografi meliputi perubahan nilai, sikap, dan prilaku masyarakat.

The tourism industry in transition-moving from what he calls the "S" of old tourism-Sun, Sand and Sex in the direction then turning into three "S" in tourism new namely Serenity, Sustainability and Spirituality. The mixed method is chosen to collect, analyze and combine quantitative data related to tourists' motivation to visit spiritual tourism locations and qualitative data on the spiritual implications of tourism on national security in the socio-cultural aspects. This research was conducted virtually by making the location of spiritual tourism in the Istiqlal Mosque and the Indonesian Cathedral Church as the focus of attention. The research findings produce data that spiritual tourism was originally an activity among the upper middle class, but now it has become a necessity for almost everyone with the dominance of cultural motivators. The development of tourism in various countries has become a mainstay for foreign exchange earning which contributes greatly to the national resilience in the economic sector. On the other hand tourism also has implications for socio-cultural field. In the cultural aspect, there is a change in cultural values, strengthening religious life, and maintaining family values. In social aspects such as the occurrence of a process of good interaction between the host (local community) and guest (tourists), changes in demographic structure include changes in values, attitudes, and community behavior."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toto Tasmara
Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2006
658.4 TOT s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christopher Kevin Arthur
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan yang diterapkan oleh
perusahaan terhadap pembentukan tingkat job embededdness karyawan. Pengukuran
kepemimpinan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Multifactor Leadership Questionnaires
(MLQ form 5x) yang dikembangkan oleh Bass & Avolio (1990), sementara variabel job
embeddedness diukur dengan menggunakan Job Embedded Scale yang dikembangkan oleh
Mitchell (2001). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan memiliki
pengaruh terhadap pembentukan job embeddedness karyawan jika pihak perusahaan
menerapkan kepemimpinan yang bersifat transformasional. Maka dari itu agar tercipta job
embeddednes yang tinggi dari para karyawan sebaiknya manajemen madya menerapkan gaya
kepemimpinan yang bertanggung jawab, berkharisma dan bisa menjadi teladan yang baik
serta memperhatikan, menghargai dan mampu memotivasi dan mendorong karyawan untuk
bekerja lebih baik lagi.

This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership on job embeddedness of the employees
in PT. X. This study used a measuring tool Multifactor Leadership Questionnnaires (MLQ
form 5x) by Bass & Avolio (1990), and and Job Embedded Scale developed by Mitchell
(2004). The results of this study suggest that transformational leadership has significant
effects toward job embeddedness. Therefore, in order to grow job embeddedness within
employees, middle management should applied a leadership style that has responsibility,
charisma, and capable of becoming role model and motivating their subordinates to work
better.;This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership on job embeddedness of the employees
in PT. X. This study used a measuring tool Multifactor Leadership Questionnnaires (MLQ
form 5x) by Bass & Avolio (1990), and and Job Embedded Scale developed by Mitchell
(2004). The results of this study suggest that transformational leadership has significant
effects toward job embeddedness. Therefore, in order to grow job embeddedness within
employees, middle management should applied a leadership style that has responsibility,
charisma, and capable of becoming role model and motivating their subordinates to work
better., This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership on job embeddedness of the employees
in PT. X. This study used a measuring tool Multifactor Leadership Questionnnaires (MLQ
form 5x) by Bass & Avolio (1990), and and Job Embedded Scale developed by Mitchell
(2004). The results of this study suggest that transformational leadership has significant
effects toward job embeddedness. Therefore, in order to grow job embeddedness within
employees, middle management should applied a leadership style that has responsibility,
charisma, and capable of becoming role model and motivating their subordinates to work
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Winarto
"Infeksi HIV terus bertambah. Angka kesakitan dan angka kematian infeksi HIV dapat dihambat dengan terapi ARV. Terapi ARV efektif menekan viral load namun dapat menimbulkan dampak ketidaknyamanan. Kenyamanan spiritual merupakan aspek sentral untuk kesehatan. Pengkajian kenyamanan spiritual digunakan untuk menentukan masalah keperawatan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk membentuk instrumen kenyamanan spiritual pada pasien HIV positif. Metode penelitian menggunakan mixed methode. Hasil penelitian kenyamanan spiritual pasien HIV terdapat tiga faktor kenyamanan spiritual yaitu intrapersonal, interpersonal dan transpersonal. Instrumen kenyamanan spiritual pasien HIV positif valid dan reliabel untuk digunakan. Hasil respon regulator tekanan darah sistolik dan denyut jantung berhubungan dengan kenyamanan spiritual dengan tekanan darah sistolik dapat mendeteksi kenyamanan spiritual pada faktor intrapersonal (sensitivitas 70,8%), faktor interpersonal (spesivisitas 70,4%) dan faktor transpersonal (spesivisitas 81,5%). Uji diagnostik perubahan denyut jantung dapat mendeteksi kenyamanan spiritual pada faktor intrapersonal (sensitivitas 60%), faktor interpersonal (spesivisitas 61,5%) dan faktor transpersonal (spesivisitas 80,8%).

The infection of HIV increases continuously with morbidity and mortality rates can be inhibited through the provision of ARV therapy. Giving ARV therapy suppresses effectively the viral load even though it has an impact on patients' discomfort. However, spiritual comfort is a central aspect in health care. Therefore, spiritual comfort needs to be determine nursing problems. This research intended to produce a spiritual comfort instrument to patients with HIV positive. The research used a mixed-method. The HIV patients' spiritual comfort consisted of three factors which are intrapersonal, interpersonal and transpersonal. The instrument of spiritual comfort for patients with HIV positive valid and reliable to use.  The regulator response of systolic blood pressure and heart rate related to the spiritual comfort. The systolic blood pressure detect the spiritual comfort for intrapersonal factor 70.8% sensitivity, interpersonal factor 70.4% specificity, and transpersonal factor 81.5% specificity. The heart rate changes in diagnostic test detect spiritual comfort in intrapersonal factor 60% sensitivity, interpersonal factor 61.5% specificity, and transpersonal factor 80.8% specificity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anis Zuraidah
"Tesis ini membahas implementasi Program Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia (PPIK) tahun 2009/2010 yang dilaksanakan di Desa Cikandang, Kecamatan Cikajang, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, model kepemimpinan yang berlangsung, dan faktor-faktor internal dan ekstemal yang membentuk model kepemimpinan tcrsebut terjadi. Penelitian ini ada1ah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode wawancara, Hasil peneiHian ini menunjukkan adanya implementasi program yang memenubi tiga dari empat criteria, model kepemimpinan menurut Kouzes dan Posner Leadership Practices, dan faktor-faktor yang mcmbcntuk adanya model yang muncul. Penulis menyarankan agar konseptor PPIK meningkatkan kefokusan dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan sehingga dapat tercipta output karakter dan modei kepemimpinan yang kuat, dalam implementasi program diperiukan jaringan yang luas agar pelaksanaannya lebih optimal dan optimalisasi komunikasi dan sosialisasi antara PPIK dan warga sehingga terbentuk adaptasi budaya yang baik lL'ltuk mendukuug model kepemimpinan dan kesuksesan program.

The focus of this study is program implementation of Indonesia Canada Youth Exchange Program 2009/2010 (ICYEP) that was hold in Cikandang, Cikajang, Gamt, West Java. leadership model that was happened there, and internal and external factors that influence the leadership model. This research is qualitative by dopt'l interview method to collect the data, The researcher found that there are three from four criterias in program implementation, some kinds of leadership model by Kouzes and Postner, and some factors to build the leadership model. It is also suggested that the coneeptor of ICYEP inereasing the focus of leadership development so that will get good and strong output in character and model of leadership, huge network to implement ICYEP for more optimal, and optimalir.e communication and socialization between the participants of ICYEP and the villagers of Cikandang, so that it will get good culture adaptation to create leadership model and the succeed of the program."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ani Auli Ilmi
Peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia dengan pendekatan bio-psiko-sosiokultural dan
spiritual dibutuhkan untuk mencegah terjadinya late life depression. Tujuan
penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan pengaruh intervensi spiritual care
terhadap status depresi lansia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pre test and post test
design with two comparison treatment pada 48 lansia di panti sosial yang dibagi
dalam dua kelompok. Hasil penelitian menginterpretasikan perbedaan status depresi
pada lansia sebelum dan setelah diberikan terapi murattal (pvalue= 0,000) dan musik
(pvalue= 0,010). Ada perbedaan selisih tingkat depresi sebelum dan setelah
pemberian terapi musik dan murattal (pvalue=0,017). Hasil penelitian menjadi acuan
pembuatan program peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia dengan depresi pada lansia.

Improving the elderly quality of life with bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual
approach is needed to prevent the occurrence of late life depression. The aim of study
is identify difference influence between murattal and music on elderly depression
status. A pretest and post test design with two comparison treatment was applied in
this study for 48 elderly in social institutions. The results of this study showed that
are significant differences in depression status at the elderly before and after the
therapy given murattal (pvalue = 0.000) and music (pvalue = 0.010). There are
differences in the level of depression at the elderly before and after music therapy and
murattal (p value = 0.017). The study results can be a basic reference for program
development in enhancing the quality of life of elderly with depression."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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