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Fransiscus Alimin
Dalam UUD 1945 menyebutkan bahwa setiap orang berhak memperoleh
pelayanan kesehatan dan Negara bertanggung jawab atas penyediaan fasiltas
kesehatan dan fasilitas umum yang layak. Untuk memenuhi dan mewujudkan hak
bagi setiap warga negara dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang layak dan
kewajiban pemerintah penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan sebagai amanat UUD 1945
maka pemerintah pusat menyelenggarakan program jaminan kesehatan nasional
(JKN) dan untuk pemerintahan daerah khusus Ibukota (DKI Jakarta)
menyelenggarakan jaminan kesehatan daerah yang dikenal dengan nama Kartu
Jakarta Sehat (KJS). RSCM adalah rumah sakit milik pemerintah pusat yang salah
satu visinya adalah menjadi rumah sakit pusat rujukan nasonal terkemuka di Asia
Pasifik tahun 2014. RSCM diharapkan dapat melayani masyarakat dari seluruh
penjuru Indonesia dengan sistem rujukan berjenjang dengan optimal sesuai
dengan standar pelayanan kesehatan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini
membahas mengenai indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin terhadap pelayanan di
RSCM dalam program JKN dan KJS. Program kesehatan JKN dan KJS ini tidak
lepas dari permasalahan dalam pelaksanaannya, salah satunya adalah mengenai
pelayanan di rumah sakit dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut. Tujuan dalam
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur nilai indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin di
RSCM dalam pelaksanaan program JKN dan KJS serta untuk mengetahui unsurunsur
yang sudah baik dan yang masih membutuhkan peningkatan kualitas
pelayanannya. Hasil dari penelitian kuantiatif menilai bahwa indeks kepuasan
masyarakat miskin di RSCM adalah sangat baik, tetapi ada beberapa pelayanan
yang perlu menjadi perhatian dan atau perbaikan yang didapat dari hasil penelitian

Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain
medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and
adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in
getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central
government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the
Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance
Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central
government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia
Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia
accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study
discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM
especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the
implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the
hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this
research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on
the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are
good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of
the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM
is ?very good?, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from
the results of qualitative research.;Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain
medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and
adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in
getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central
government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the
Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance
Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central
government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia
Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia
accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study
discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM
especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the
implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the
hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this
research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on
the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are
good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of
the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM
is ?very good?, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from
the results of qualitative research., Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain
medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and
adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in
getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central
government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the
Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance
Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr.
Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central
government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia
Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia
accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study
discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM
especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the
implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the
hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this
research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on
the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are
good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of
the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM
is “very good”, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from
the results of qualitative research.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davala Nisa Ismail
"Pada tahun 2021, diciptakannya aplikasi Samsat Digital Nasional (SIGNAL) sebagai aplikasi layanan samsat generasi kedua. Aplikasi SIGNAL berperan dalam pelayanan samsat yang terdiri dari pengesahan STNK tahunan, pembayaran PKB, dan pembayaran sumbangan wajib dana kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan (SWDKLLJ). Namun, penerapannya masih ditemukannya beberapa keluhan dan kekurangan SIGNAL, permasalahan– permasalahan tersebut akan mempengaruhi faktor persepsi kemanfaatan, persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, norma sosial hingga keterbiasaan dalam penggunaan aplikasi SIGNAL oleh pengguna. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap Aplikasi Samsat Digital Nasional (SIGNAL) untuk pelayanan samsat Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa metode campuran melalui survei, wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan teori UTAUT 2 yang dikemukakan oleh Venkatesh et al., (2012) menunjukkan bahwa tingkat penerimaan masyarakat DKI Jakarta berada pada kategori tinggi dengan persentase sebesar 90,9% yang diperoleh dari komputasi 9 dimensi dalam penelitian ini. Namun, masih ditemukan beberapa hambatan atau kesulitan yang diterima masyarakat untuk menyelesaikan pengesahan STNK tahunan dan pembayaran PKB dan SWDKLLJ melalui SIGNAL, baik dari fitur hingga pemberian layanan pengaduan. Hal ini akan mempengaruhi tingkat penerimaan masyarakat terhadap aplikasi SIGNAL.

In 2021, the Samsat Digital Nasional (SIGNAL) application was created as the second generation of Samsat service applications. SIGNAL plays a role in Samsat services, which include annual STNK validation, vehicle tax (PKB) payments, and mandatory contributions for road traffic accident funds (SWDKLLJ). However, its implementation has encountered several complaints and deficiencies. These issues affect factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social norms, and user habituation in using the SIGNAL application. This study aims to determine the level of public acceptance of the Samsat Digital Nasional (SIGNAL) application for Samsat services in the DKI Jakarta Province. The research approach is quantitative, using a mixed-methods data collection technique through surveys, in-depth interviews, and literature studies. The study results, based on the UTAUT 2 theory proposed by Venkatesh et al. (2012), show that the level of public acceptance in DKI Jakarta is in the high category, with a percentage of 90.9% obtained from the computation of 9 dimensions in this study. However, several obstacles or difficulties were still found that the public faced in completing the annual STNK validation and PKB and SWDKLLJ payments through SIGNAL, ranging from features to complaint services. These issues will affect the level of public acceptance of the SIGNAL application."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Fauzan
Penelitian ini ingin melihat pengaruh pemberian framing berupa berita positif atau negatif terhadap pemberian rating ojek daring. Partisipan berjumlah 344 orang pengguna jasa ojek daring dari Stasiun Tanah Abang, 44,5% laki-laki dan 55,5% perempuan dengan rentang usia 17-67 tahun (M= 36,9, SD=11,042). Penelitian ini menggunakan framing berupa berita positif dan negatif dalam konteks berkendara dengan ojek daring yang terkendala (datang terlambat dan sulit dihubungi). Hasil yang didapatkan adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengalaman berkendara terkendala dengan framing (berita positif vs negatif) yang diberikan (Χ²(8) = 6.293, p > 0.05). Hal tersebut menegaskan bahwa perlunya dilakukan perbaikan terhadap sistem penilaian pada layanan ojek daring agar penilaian yang diberikan mencerminkan kondisi nyata.

The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of giving framing in the form of positive or negative news to online motorcycle taxi ratings. Participants numbered 344 users of online motorcycle taxi services from Tanah Abang Station, 44.5% male and 55.5% female with an age range of 17-67 years (M= 36.9, SD= 11,042). This study uses framing in the form of positive and negative news in the context of driving with online motorcycle taxi constrained (arriving late and difficult to contact). The results obtained are that there is no significant difference between the constrained driving experience and the framing (positive vs negative news) given (Χ²(8) = 6,293, p > 0.05). This confirms that there is a need to improve the assessment system of online motorcycle taxi services so that the assessment given reflects the real conditions."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kresna Hastiditto
"Riset Evaluasi program ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek dampak dan faktor determinan penting dari program pemberdayaan masyarakat bidang kesehatan dengan menggunakan metode Main Analytical Categories (MAC) dan Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM). Metode MAC menggunakan 3 dimensi yakni Relevansi, Dampak, dan Keberlanjutan, sementara metode IKM menggunakan 3 dimensi yaitu Relevansi, Partisipasi, dan Dampak. Literatur terdahulu menunjukan bahwa program pemberdayaan masih cenderung memiliki masalah dalam pencapaian dampak sehingga perlu dielaborasi lebih lanjut faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Oleh karena itu, riset evaluasi ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis dampak dan keberlanjutan dari program ini untuk melihat kemampuan masyarakat secara mandiri melaksanakan kegiatan yang sudah dilatih melalui program ini. Hasil evaluasi ini menunjukan program sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan penerima manfaat, program juga sangat berdampak pada perbaikan kualitas hidup penerima manfaat dalam sejumlah hal. Namun, keberlanjutan program ini cenderung rendah karena kapasitas dan kemandirian penerima manfaat belum optimal. Konteks lokal politik desa juga rentan membuat program tidak berlanjut dengan baik, padahal program sudah mencoba mensinergikan bidang kesehatan dengan pemberdayaan ekonomi sebagai pilar pentingnya. Dalam penilaian IKM program ini masuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik dengan skor kepuasan masyarakat sebesar 4.2 dari skala 5. Partisipasi memberikan pengaruh yang lebih kuat pada variabel dampak dibandingkan relevansi. Hasil evaluasi secara konseptual menunjukan bahwa dampak dan juga keberlanjutan akan lebih optimal apabila partisipasi juga bisa ditingkatkan dengan desain pelibatan masyarakat yang lebih jelas. Pemetaan sosial yang akurat dalam intervensi program juga penting untuk mengelola tantangan-tantangan dari politik lokal desa terkait program.

This research evaluation program aims to analyze the impacts and important determinant factors of health community empowerment programs through the Main Analytical Categories (MAC) and Community Satisfaction Index (CSI). MAC method uses three dimensions, such as Relevance, Impact, and Sustainability, while CSI uses Relevance, Participation, and Impact. Previous works of literature show that community empowerment programs are prone to have problems in impact achievement therefore the factors need to be elaborated further. In consequence, this evaluation research was carried out to analyze the impacts and sustainability of the program to identify the community's ability to independently carry out trained activities through the program. The result of the evaluation shows the program is very relevant to the beneficiaries' needs and has a significant impact on improving the wellbeing of beneficiaries in many ways. However, the sustainability of this program tends to be low as the capacity and independence of beneficiaries is not optimal. The local context of village politics is also prone to making the program not run well, even though the program has tried to synergize the health sector with economic empowerment as its fundamental pillar. In the CSI assessment, this program is in the very good category of 4.2 out of a scale 5 for community satisfaction. Participation has a stronger influence on the impact variable than relevance. The result of the conceptual evaluation shows that impact and sustainability will be more optimal if participation can also be increased with a clearer design for involvement of the community. Accurate social mapping in program interventions is also important for resolving challenges from local village politics related to the program."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Mulyadi
"One factor that offects the development of society is industrialization where industrialization is needed to transform an agreicultural community towards an advanced and modern industrial community. Based on those thought. the focus of this research is. What kind of social changes would occur to an agrarian society transformed to an industtial society in term of its community development in the District of Tamalate Makasar. What are the the factors affecting the social changes that occur in agrarian society which tranformed to and industrial society in its community development in the district.Tamalate Makasar? The research design is a aqualitative descriptive study and the locus of research is in the district tamalate makassar. This research resulted in the description of the procces of change that may be resulted to improvement that can be beneficial to the societ and inscrease the social welfare however change can also be a setback which may harm the social life of the people. All these changes might cause different effects to people's lives"
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2015
351 JBP 7:4 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soraya Pandu Negara
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang kepuasan pemustaka. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kepuasan pemustaka terhadap layanan, terhadap koleksi, terhadap pustakawan dan terhadap sarana dan prasarana. Di samping itu juga inginmengetahui hambatan dan saran. Hasil penelitian ini kepuasan pemustaka terhadap layanan pada tingkat puas dengan skor 4,61. Kepuasan pemustaka terhadap koleksi pada tingkat puas dengan skor 3,84. Kepuasan pemustaka terhadap pustakawan pada tingkat puas dengan skor 3,96. Kepuasan pemustaka terhadap pada tingkat puas dengan skor 3,96. Secara keseluruhan kepuasan pemustaka terhadap perpustakaan umum Jakarta barat ada tingkat puas dengan skor 3,81.Dan hambatan dan saran yang diberikan oleh pemustaka adalah masalah jaringan internet.

This undergraduate thesis is studying about user satisfaction. The purpose of this study to determine the satisfaction user of service, to the collection, to librarians, and to facilities and infrastructure. And want to know the obstacles and suggestion provided user. The research is quantitative case studies. The results of this study was user satisfaction of the service at the level of satisfied with a score of 4,61, user satisfaction of the collection at the level of satisfied with a score of 3,84, user satisfaction of the librarians at the level of satisfied with a score of 3,96, user satisfaction of the facilities and infrastructure at the level of satisfied with a score 3,96. The study concluded there is an user satisfied in library service. Obstacles and recommended provided by user is internet network."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui jenis pelayanan yang dikeluhkan konsumen dan untuk mengetahui hubungan kinnerja pelayanan yang diberikan PT PLN Unit Bisnis Area Jawa Timur AP. Banyuwangi UPP-TR Rogojampi dengan kepuasan konsumen. Adapun data yang akan diolah untuk menghasilkan kesimpulan yang akurat diperoleh dari beberapa tahapan antara lain menentukan populasi, menentukan jumlah dan jenis sampel setelah itu diadakan poling melalui teknik kuisioner pada konsumen yang telah memenuhi syarat untuk penarikan sampel."
600 SATEK 3:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Friska Arifiani
"Pembangunan Alun-alun Kota Depok merupakan bentuk kontribusi pemerintah dalam penyediaan lingkungan layak huni bagi masyarakat. Namun, masih terdapat permasalahan yang timbul diantaranya adalah kritik mengenai Alun-alun Kota Depok yang belum sesuai dengan konsep ruang terbuka hijau, kurangnya performa kinerja petugas, dan kemacetan area sekitar. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap fasilitas ruang terbuka hijau di Alun-alun Kota Depok. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mix method yaitu menggabungkan antara teknik pengumpulan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan cara melakukan survey kuesioner menggunakan skala likert, observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden menyatakan puas terhadap fasilitas ruang terbuka hijau di Alun-alun Kota Depok. Namun dalam beberapa hal masyarakat masih merasa kurang puas, seperti pada kinerja petugas yang mendapat nilai cukup dari responden sehingga perlu adanya perbaikan. Saran yang dapat diberikan kepada pengelola Alun-alun yaitu UPTD Tahura adalah agar dapat menambah unsur flora, memperbanyak sumber daya manusia dalam pengelolaan area, memberikan wadah untuk kritik dan saran dari masyarakat, mengatasi kemacetan, dan menambah moda transportasi umum kearah lokasi Alun-alun.

.The construction of Depok City Town Square is a form of govenment contribution in providing a liveable environtment for the community. However, there are still problems that arise, including criticism about Depok City Town Square which is not in accordance with the concept of green open space, performances of officers, and congestion in the surrounding area. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze visitor’s satisfaction on green open space facilities of Depok City Town Square. The method of this research is carried out with a mix method that combines quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. The instrument that used in this study was by conducting a questionnaire survey with likert scale, observation, interviews, and library research. The result showed that the majority of respondents expressed satisfaction with green open space facilities of Depok City Town Square. However, in some cases the visitor is still felt unsatisfied, such as the performance of officers who received sufficient scores from the respondents, and it needs to be improved. Suggestions that can be given to UPTD Tahura as management of Depok City Town Square, are to be able to add flora elements, increase human resources in management area, provide a forum for criticism and suggestions from community, solve highway congestion, and add public transportation to the Town Square’s location."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismail Saleh
"Penelitian ini menganalisis akar masalah suatu pemerintah daerah gagal memperoleh opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini melakukan pemetaan temuan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) dan menganalisis penyebab utama kegagalan suatu pemerintah daerah dalam memperoleh opini WTP. Ruang lingkup penelitian dibatasi dengan menggunakan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (LKPD) tahun 2013-2019 dan Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan BPK tahun 2014-2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) XX yang tidak pernah sekalipun memperoleh opini WTP. Hasil pemetaan yang dilakukan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Pemda XX mencakup pelanggaran akun, sistem pengendalian internal, dan kepatuhan. Penelitian ini menunjukan permasalahan tersebut disebabkan oleh kelemahan pada struktur oragnisasi, keterbatasan kompetensi, dan profesionalisme Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Daerah XX. Akar masalah tersebut terjadi pada level penatausahaan keuangan di tingkat Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) dan terutama pada aspek pengawasan di tiap level berjenjang.

This study analyzed the root issues of The Local Government failing to obtain an Unqualified Opinion. The method used in this research was a qualitative method with a case study approach. This study was conducted to map findings and analyze the main issues of The Local Government failing to obtain an Unqualified Opinion. The scope of the study was limited by using the Local Government XX Financial Reports from 2013 to 2019 and the Audit Report of the Audit Board of The Republic of Indonesia from 2014 to 2020. This study was conducted on Local Government XX which had never received an unqualified opinion. The result of the study indicated that the issues obtained from mapping the findings of violations of account problems, internal control systems, and compliance. This study shows that the problems were caused by weaknesses in organizational structure, limitations in the competence, and professionalism of human resources owned by the Local Government XX. The main problem occurred at the financial administration at the Local Government Work Unit level and the weak supervision at each tiered level."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"One important aspect of service quality is the fulfillment of client rights in health service which are : Information, Access to service, informed choice, Safe service, Privacy and confidentiality, Dignity, comfort and expression of opinion, and Continuity of care."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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