PT. MRT Jakarta as a public transportation with high work risk needs to pay close attention to the policy directions for the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS). Therefore, this study aims to analyze the implementation of OSHMS policies at PT. MRT Jakarta uses the theory of policy implementation models (communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure). This study uses a post-positivist with qualitative data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with 17 sources, observations, and literature study. The results showed that the fulfillment of 16 indicators made PT. MRT Jakarta is considered successful in implementing the SMK3 policy. Based on the results of the analysis, obstacles related to employee job turnover do not really affect the implementation of SMK3 because of proactive communication with workers. Challenges over the decline in ticket sales at PT. MRT Jakarta can also be overcome through the implementation of crisis management and being able to correctly identify the needs related to K3 which are priorities to be carried out. As for the consistency of the SMK3 policy through integrated policies, it is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of the workers.