ABSTRAKDalam tesis ini Penulis mengangkat topik analisis faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan UKM (EAT dan EBITDA) di Pulau Jawa. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder terhadap 4.196 UKM. Hasil analisis terhadap EAT tampak bahwa variabel persediaan uang kas, piutang usaha, persediaan barang, Cash Coverage Ratio serta jenis usaha memiliki pengaruh positif, namun kolektibilitas kredit, ketergantungan terhadap pemasok/pelanggan , forex dan suku bunga berpengaruh negatif. Hasil analisis terhadap EBITDA tampak bahwa persediaan uang kas, piutang usaha, persediaan barang, bentuk usaha, jaminan kredit dan jenis usaha memiliki pengaruh positif, namun forex berpengaruh negatif. Dengan demikian, hanya melihat dari kinerja operasional pun sudah dapat memprediksi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan UKM
ABSTRACTIn this thesis, author raised the topic analysis of factors that influence the financial performance of SMEs (EAT and EBITDA) in Java. Analysis were performed using secondary data on 4.196 SMEs . Analysis of EAT appears that the variable cash supply, accounts receivable , inventory , Cash Coverage Ratio and type of business have positive effect, but collectibility of the loans , dependence on suppliers / customers , forex and interest rates have negative influence . Analysis of EBITDA appears that cash supply, accounts receivable , inventory , establishment , credit guarantee and type of business have positive effect , but forex has negative effect. Thus, operational performance able to predict the factors which will affect the financial performance of SMEs."