"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran peluang pertumbuhan karir dalam
menjelaskan turnover intention auditor junior di kantor akuntan publik (KAP) The
Big Four di Jakarta. Data penelitian ini diambil dari 213 sampel dengan
menggunakan kuesioner. Penelitian ini mengusulkan bahwa peluang pertumbuhan
karir merupakan manfaat yang dinilai penting bagi karyawan dalam hal ini auditor
junior pada KAP. Di mana ketika auditor junior percaya bahwa KAP tempat
mereka bekerja memberikan manfaat berupa peluang pertumbuhan karir maka
mereka akan berkomitmen kuat terhadap KAP tersebut yang pada gilirannya dapat
menurunkan tingkat turnover intention. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk
mengidentifikasi variabel anteseden yang diusulkan dari variabel peluang
pertumbuhan karir, yaitu variabel efektivitas pelatihan dan prestise organisasi
perusahaan. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan structural equation modeling
(SEM) menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas pelatihan dan prestise organisasi
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap peluang pertumbuhan karir.
Selanjutnya, peluang pertumbuhan karir berpengaruh positif dan signifikan
terhadap komitmen organisasi, serta komitmen organisasi berpengaruh negatif dan
signifikan terhadap turnover intention.;This study aims to examine the role of career growth opportunities in explaining
junior auditor turnover intentions in the big four public accounting firms in
Jakarta. The research data was taken from 213 samples using a questionnaire.
This study proposes that career growth opportunities are considered important
benefits for employees in this case a junior auditor at public accounting firms.
Where as a junior auditor believes that the firm for which they work to provide
benefits in the form of career growth opportunities, they will be strongly
committed to the firm, which in turn can reduce the level of turnover intention.
This study also aims to identify the proposed antecedent variables of variable
career growth opportunities, the variables are training effectiveness and
organizational prestige. The results of data processing using structural equation
modeling (SEM) showed that the training effectiveness and organizational
prestige has significant positive effect on career growth opportunities. Further,
career growth opportunities has significant positive effect on organizational
commitment and then organizational commitment has significant negative effect
on turnover intention., This study aims to examine the role of career growth opportunities in explaining
junior auditor turnover intentions in the big four public accounting firms in
Jakarta. The research data was taken from 213 samples using a questionnaire.
This study proposes that career growth opportunities are considered important
benefits for employees in this case a junior auditor at public accounting firms.
Where as a junior auditor believes that the firm for which they work to provide
benefits in the form of career growth opportunities, they will be strongly
committed to the firm, which in turn can reduce the level of turnover intention.
This study also aims to identify the proposed antecedent variables of variable
career growth opportunities, the variables are training effectiveness and
organizational prestige. The results of data processing using structural equation
modeling (SEM) showed that the training effectiveness and organizational
prestige has significant positive effect on career growth opportunities. Further,
career growth opportunities has significant positive effect on organizational
commitment and then organizational commitment has significant negative effect
on turnover intention.]"