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Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
342.087 8 WOM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwin Louis Sengka
Tahun 1979 Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) telah menyetujui Convention
on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Againts Women – CEDAW.
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia meratifikasi Konvensi CEDAW dengan UU No. 7
Tahun 1984 Tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Mengenai Penghapusan Segala Bentuk
Diskriminasi Terhadap Wanita, karena tidak bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 dan
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menjelaskan bagaimana Hak Asasi
Perempuan (HAP) sesuai Konvensi CEDAW dapat optimal diimplementasikan ke
seluruh anggota Polri agar sesuai dengan misi Polri sebagai pelindung, pengayom, dan
pelayan masyarakat memiliki sikap sensitif gender dan untuk menjelaskan sejauh
mana pelayanan UPPA Polres Singkawang, dan kerjasama antar instansi terkait, dan
kendala UPPA Polres Singkawang dalam menagani kasus kekeraan dan diskriminasi
terhadap perempuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan
kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara kajian dokumen dan wawancara.
Tesis ini dibahas dengan menggunakan teori dan konsep-konsep yaitu: Teori
Police Management, Konsep Perlindungan, Pengayoman, dan pelayanan, Konsep
HAM, Konsep HAP/CEDAW dan konsep UPPA. Prinsip CEDAW pada hakekatnya
terletak pada kesetaraan, non-diskriminasi, dan kewajiban negara. Ketiga prinsip ini
memiliki keterkaitan satu sama lain. Polri bagian daripada negara selaku yudikatif
memiliki kewajiban yang menitikberatkan pada elemen tentang Penghormatan,
Pemenuhan dan Perlindungan hak dan kebebasan. Elemen ini sesuai dengan tugas
pokok Polri pada Pasal 13 huruf c UU No. 2 Tahun 2002 Tentang POLRI .
Rekomendasi penulis yaitu: Pertama, penegakkan HAP, selain KUHPidana,
juga mendasari UU No 7 Tahun 1984 Tentang CEDAW. Kedua, menerapkan
manajemen kepolisian yang efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai sasaran tujuan. Ketiga,
perlu adanya pelatihan, seminar dan sosialisasi tentang HAP sesuai CEDAW agar
polisi sensitif gender. Selanjutnya, melakukan koordinasi dengan Pemeritah Daerah
serta instansi terkait serta perlu adanya penyuluhan/sosialisasi tentang HAP sesuai
CEDAW kepada masyarakat di setiap kecamatan-kecamatan sehingga pengaduan
kekerasan dan diskriminasi yang dialami oleh perempuan kepada polisi meningkat.

In 1979, the United Nations (UN) has approved the Convention on the
Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women-CEDAW. The
Government of the Republic of Indonesia ratified CEDAW with Law as mention in
UU No.7, 1984 on the Ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women, the ratification mean it has the same purposes and
conflictless with the Constitution and Pancasila.
The aims of the thesis are to understand and to explain how the Rights of
Women (RoW)) corresponding to the optimal implementation of CEDAW to all
members of the Police to meet the mission of the Police as public servants that have a
gender-sensitive attitudes. And to explain the services that has been done by UPPA
Singkawang Police Resort, also cooperation among relevant agencies, and constraints
in handling cases on elimination and discrimination against women. This research was
conducted using a qualitative approach with techniques of data collection by document
review and interviews.
The theories and concepts that discussed in this thesis are: Theory of Police
Management, Protection and public services concepts, Human Rights Concept, Rights
of Woman and CEDAW Concept. CEDAW essential principles are equality, nondiscrimination,
and the state's obligation, all three principles must relate to each other.
Police represent the state as part of the judiciary has an obligation that focuses on the
element of respect, protection and fulfillment of rights and freedoms. These elements
have to meet the police duties in Article 13 No.c.2 on 2002 of the Police Law.
The author recommendations are: First, Woman Rights must implement in
addition to the Penal Code and Law No. 7 of 1984 concerning the CEDAW. Second,
implement an effective and efficient police management to achieve the police target
goal. Third, the need for training, seminars and socialitazion of CEDAW, to get the
appropriate police officer that has gender sensitiveness. Furthermore, coordinating
with regional government and related institutions for education of the CEDAW in
every sub-district, so that the complaints of violence and discrimination against
women increased."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsy Salsabila
"Penelitian ini membahas terjadinya diskriminasi terhadap perempuan yang terdapat dalam sebuah film Arab Saudi, berjudul ‘Al Murasyahah al Mitsaliyah’ yang rilis pada tahun 2019. Film yang disutradarai oleh Haifaa Al-Mansour dibintangi oleh Mila Alzahrani sebagai tokoh utama. Film ini sangat menarik untuk dikaji lebih dalam karena menggambarkan keadaan diskriminasi terhadap perempuan yang mana terjadinya pembatasan kebebasan berekspresi bagi perempuan di Arab Saudi, dengan membawa pesan yang mengkritik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan pesan dibalik terjadinya diskriminasi terhadap perempuan yang dianggap kontroversial yang diperoleh di dalam adegan-adegan film tersebut. Untuk menjelaskan makna dan pesan yang disampaikan, film Al Murasyahah al Mitsaliyah ini menggunakan analisis teori semiotika Roland Barthes dan teori kebebasan bereskpresi di ruang sosial milik Bonaventure Rutinwa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapatnya diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dalam kebebasan berekspresi di ruang publik, seperti adanya stereotip merendahkan terhadap perempuan di ruang sosial dan serta terdapatnya pembatasan ruang gerak bagi kaum perempuan.

This research discusses the occurrence of discrimination against women contained in a Saudi Arabian film, entitled ‘Al Murasyahah Al Mitsaliyah’ which was released in 2019. The film, directed by Haifaa al-Mansour starring Mila Alzahrani as the main character of the film, is very interesting to study further. in because it describes the situation of discrimination against women in which there are restrictions on freedom of expression for women in Saudi Arabia, by carrying messages that criticize. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive design. The purpose of this study is to explain the message behind the occurrence of discrimination against women which is considered controversial which is obtained in film scenes. To explain the meaning and message conveyed, Al Murasyahah al Mitsaliyah uses an analysis of Roland Barthes' semiotic theory and Bonaventure Rutinwa's theory of freedom of expression in social space. The results of this study are that there is discrimination against women in the freedom of expression in the public space, such as stereotypes that demean women in the social space and restrictions on women's movement."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steans, Jill
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2006
327.082 STE g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Anggun Dwitami
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi terhambatnya revisi Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan oleh DPR dalam Program Legislasi Nasional Prolegnas tahun 2010-2014. Penelitian ini membangun argumen bahwa substansi dalam UU Perkawinan tersebut bias gender dan bermuatan diskriminatif terhadap hak perempuan dalam ikatan perkawinan. Untuk menganalisis permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan What rsquo;s the Problem Represented to be WPR oleh Carol Lee Bacchi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggumpulkan data melalui wawancara dan tinjauan pustaka. Temuan dari penelitian ini, terdapat tiga faktor yang memengaruhi terhambatnya revisi UU Perkawinan dalam Prolegnas tahun 2010-2014. Pertama, faktor prosedural yaitu terhambat dalam tahap pembentukan kebijakan. Kedua, faktor konteks politik karena terdapat dua kekuatan kelompok yang memiliki pandangan bertentangan dalam menilai UU Perkawinan. Ketiga, faktor ideologis yaitu adanya pengaruh yang didominasi atas tafsir agama Islam dan budaya patriarki. Dari ketiga faktor tersebut menunjukkan bahwa gagalnya revisi UU Perkawinan oleh DPR RI periode 2009-2014 karena secara ideologis pemerintah memihak pada kepentingan yang menguntungkan mereka dalam hal ini hanya mengakomodasi dominasi patriarki sehingga mengorbankan kepentingan perempuan sebagai subjek dalam lembaga perkawinan.Kata kunci: UU Perkawinan, Analisis Kebijakan, Diskriminasi Perempuan, Prolegnas, dan DPR RI.

This study looks into a number of factors that contribute to hinder the process of revising Law Number 1 1974 on Marriage by the National Parliament Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia DPR RI as it could no proceed further after it entered the National Legislation Program Prolegnas 2010 2014. This study argues that the substance of Marriage Law is gender bias with a number of discriminative clauses that deny womens rights in marriage. In order to analyze the problems, this study adopts Carol Lee Bacchi rsquo s theory and feminist approach that scrutinizes public policy making processes throught a central question What 39 s the Problem Represented to be or also knows as the WPR approach. Qualitative methodoly is applied in this study with in depth interview and literature study as data collection technique. This study identifies three factors that influence Marriage Law revision process. First, procedural factor that stall the revision process due the incomplete documents as required by the legislation procedure. Second, political settings within the Parliament as well as outside where two significant pressure groups having an opposite view in examining the Marriage Law revision proposal. Third, ideological factors that can be identified as predominantly persisting patriarchal values and literal interpretation of Islamic teachings that reject the content of Marriage Law revision proposal. Based on the three aforementioned factors, the failure of Marriage Law amendment by DPR RI during the period of 2009 2014 is due to the overall political leaning of the members of Parliament that seem to be ignorant of womens rights in marriages and the fear of compromising political supports from wider consitutents who by and large are against the idea of the Marriage Law amendment."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geneva : International Labour Office, 1976.
331.4 INT w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelisa Putri Agustina
"Diskriminasi gender yang dialami oleh tokoh perempuan muncul akibat perbedaan bidang sosial ekonomi. Perbedaan status sosial di antara masyarakat yang tergolong kelas atas serta kelas bawah inilah menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya ketidakadilan pada perempuan. Hal tersebut terlihat pada tulisan dalam novel berjudul Jerum karya Oka Rusmini. Kajian  ini ditujukan untuk menjelaskan berbagai bentuk dari diskriminasi pada tokoh perempuan serta berbagai bentuk perlawanan tokoh perempuan dalam novel Jerum karya Oka Rusmini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra karena mengangkat permasalahan kondisi sosial masyarakat. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan tiga bentuk diskriminasi gender, yaitu subordinasi, stereotip, dan kekerasan. Selain itu, ada juga berbagai perlawanan yang ditunjukkan oleh tokoh-tokoh perempuan akibat budaya patriarki. Bentuk-bentuk perlawanan itu terdiri atas menjadi perempuan mandiri, menjadi perempuan kuat, menjadi perempuan pintar, serta melalui tindakan seksual perempuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan, budaya patriarki secara tidak langsung merugikan pihak perempuan. Atas dasar itulah mereka melakukan perlawanan.

Gender discrimination experienced by female characters arises due to differences in the socio-economic field. The difference in social status between people who belong to the upper class and the lower class is the main cause of injustice to women. This can be seen in the writing in the novel Jerum by Oka Rusmini. This study aims to explain the various forms of discrimination against female characters and the various forms of resistance of female characters in Oka Rusmini's Jerum novel. This study uses a qualitative method with a literary sociology approach because it raises the issue of the social conditions of society. The results of the study show three forms of gender discrimination, namely subordination, stereotypes, and violence. In addition, there are also various resistances shown by female figures due to patriarchal culture. These forms of resistance consist of being an independent woman, being a strong woman, being a smart woman, and through women's sexual acts. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that patriarchal culture indirectly harms women. It was on this basis that they fought back."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Campbell, Nancy D.
New York: Routledge, 2000
362.29 CAM u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandberg, Sheryl
"Sheryl Sandberg--Facebook COO, ranked eighth on Fortune's list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business--has become one of America's most galvanizing leaders, and an icon for millions of women juggling work and family. "Lean In"--Sheryl Sandberg's provocative, inspiring book about women and power--grew out of an electrifying TED talk Sandberg gave in 2010, in which she expressed her concern that progress for women in achieving major leadership positions had stalled. The talk became a phenomenon and has since been viewed nearly two million times. In "Lean In," she fuses humorous personal anecdotes, singular lessons on confidence and leadership, and practical advice for women based on research, data, her own experiences, and the experiences of other women of all ages.
In "Lean In", Sheryl Sandberg -- Facebook COO and one of "Fortune" magazine's most powerful women in business -- looks at what women can do to help themselves, and make the small changes in their life that can effect change on a more universal scale. She draws on her own experiences working in some of the world's most successful businesses, as well as academic research, to find practical answers to the problems facing women in the workplace."
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2017
658.409 2 SAN l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandberg, Sheryl
"Sheryl Sandberg--Facebook COO, ranked eighth on Fortune's list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business--has become one of America's most galvanizing leaders, and an icon for millions of women juggling work and family. "Lean In"--Sheryl Sandberg's provocative, inspiring book about women and power--grew out of an electrifying TED talk Sandberg gave in 2010, in which she expressed her concern that progress for women in achieving major leadership positions had stalled. The talk became a phenomenon and has since been viewed nearly two million times. In "Lean In," she fuses humorous personal anecdotes, singular lessons on confidence and leadership, and practical advice for women based on research, data, her own experiences, and the experiences of other women of all ages.
In "Lean In", Sheryl Sandberg -- Facebook COO and one of "Fortune" magazine's most powerful women in business -- looks at what women can do to help themselves, and make the small changes in their life that can effect change on a more universal scale. She draws on her own experiences working in some of the world's most successful businesses, as well as academic research, to find practical answers to the problems facing women in the workplace."
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2016
658.409 2 SAN l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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