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Duhigg, Charles
"This fascinating book reveals how habits are made, broken and, more than anything, manipulated. It's full of unbelievable stories, such as: The supermarket analyst who came up with a way of determining which women were pregnant before they even knew - so he could influence what they bought in his store. One day a furious father came in complaining that his 15-year-old daughter was being targeted with pregnancy products; the store apologised and considered scrapping the programme. A week later, the father returned to apologise - his daughter was, they'd discovered that morning, pregnant! Eugene, the brain-damaged patient who can't form new memories or even register what's going on."
London: Heinemann, 2012
152.33 DUH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clear, James
""No matter your goals, Atomic habits offers a proven framework for getting 1% better every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. In Atomic habits, you'll get a plan that can take you to new heights. Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be readily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, readers will be inspired and entertained with true stories from Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to vault to the top of their fields. Atomic Habits will reshape the way you think about progress and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits--whether you are an athlete looking to win a championship, an leader hoping to optimize and organization, or an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, and achieve success that lasts."--Container."
Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 2019
158 CLE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clear, James
"Orang mengira ketika Anda ingin mengubah hidup, Anda perlu memikirkan hal-hal besar. Namun pakar kebiasaan terkenal kelas dunia James Clear telah menemukan sebuah cara lain. Ia tahu bahwa perubahan nyata berasal dari efek gabungan ratusan keputusan kecil—dari mengerjakan dua push-up sehari, bangun lima menit lebih awal, sampai menahan sebentar hasrat untuk menelepon. Ia menyebut semua tadi atomic habits. Dalam buku terobosan ini, Clear pada hakikatnya mengungkapkan bagaimana perubahan-perubahan sangat remeh ini dapat tumbuh menjadi hasil-hasil yang sangat mengubah hidup. Ia menyingkap beberapa trik sederhana dalam hidup kita (seni Menumpuk Kebiasaan yang terlupakan, kekuatan tak terduga Aturan Dua Menit, atau trik untuk masuk ke dalam Zona Goldilocks), dan menggali ke dalam teori psikologi"
Jakarta: PT. Gramdeia, 2021
158 CLE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulkifli Amin
The smoking habit give many bad effects, especially in health and economy aspect. In Indonesia, most people still have this habit. Quit smoking is beneficial. Clinicians have an important role in helping patients to quit their smoking habit. "
Bandung : Interna Publishing (Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam), 2016
CHEST 3:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duhigg, Charles
"This fascinating book reveals how habits are made, broken and, more than anything, manipulated. It's full of unbelievable stories, such as: The supermarket analyst who came up with a way of determining which women were pregnant before they even knew - so he could influence what they bought in his store. One day a furious father came in complaining that his 15-year-old daughter was being targeted with pregnancy products; the store apologised and considered scrapping the programme. A week later, the father returned to apologise - his daughter was, they'd discovered that morning, pregnant! Eugene, the brain-damaged patient who can't form new memories or even register what's going on."
Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 2016
152.33 DUH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susinety Prakoso
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap fenomena kehadiran kelekatan anak pada tempat; mengungkap proses terbentuknya kehadiran kelekatan anak pada tempat; dan mengungkap kondisi spasial yang perlu dipenuhi agar keberlangsungan kelekatan anak pada tempat dapat berhasil. Meminjam dari pendekatan eksistensial fenomenologi, penelitian ini memandang tempat dalam place attachment sebagai konsep non-material both/and atau here/now: suatu konsep yang memahami anak dan tempat sebagai keutuhan pengalaman kehadiran manusia di dunia. Melalui grounded theory, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa fenomena hadirnya kelekatan anak pada ruang kota tertentu yang diamati merupakan fenomena non-material, hasil dari gagasan both/and atau here/now, yang dinyatakan sebagai place habit. Place habit merupakan tindakan menempati suatu ruang kota yang mendukung, hasil dialektika body habit dan pengalaman emosional. Place habit, dibentuk melalui proses internal yang terjadi di dalam body habit, yang melingkupi: pergerakan habitual anak, proses berdiam dan perjumpaan dengan ruang kota yang mendukung (supportive lived-existential space) pada ruang dan waktu tertentu, serta memicu pengalaman emosional pada anak yang dinamis. Place habit rapuh dan non-permanen. Place habit selalu bergerak, tergantung ruang dan waktu yang tidak fix. Keberlangsungan place habit tergantung pada agency, dukungan modal (ekonomi, budaya, sosial), body-habit, pengalaman emosional dan makna tempat. Sifat non-permanen place habit diindikasikan oleh empat sifat place habit, yaitu: secure, avoidant, diminished dan mobile. Keempat sifat place habit tersebut menunjukkan dinamisnya stabilitas keberlangsungan place habit.

This study attempts to understand the phenomenon of children?s place attachment, the nature of the process through which children?s place attachments are formed, and the conditions that must be fulfilled to make children?s place attachments successful. Influenced by existential-phenomenological theories, this study views a place as a metaphysical phenomenon, which facilitates the understanding of child and place as a totality phenomenon of a wholeness experience of people-in-world. Based on grounded theory, this study found that the phenomenon of children?s place attachment as place habit. Place habit is the result of both/and or here/now: the interplay of the child?s body habit-in-the-place and their emotional experiences of being-in-place. Place habit is formed by an internal process occurred in a child?s body habit. Body habit is formed through a child?s repetitive movement, rest in and encounter with a supportive lived-existential space in a particular time-space routine and triggered the dynamic emotional experiences in children. A place habit is fragile and impermanent. It was a supportive urban space that was always in movement, following where a ?child?s body habit? and ?emotional experiences? encountered as one. The stability of place habit are determined by agency, capitals (social, economic and cultural), ability to body-habit, children?s emotional experiences in their favourite places and place meanings. This study found that individual differences in children?s agency, housing characteristics and peer supports, contribute to four styles of place habit: secure, avoidant, diminished and mobile. The four styles of place habit indicate the dynamic of stability of place habit and the impermanent of place habit."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tania Khaerunnisa
"Angka prevalensi penyakit tidak menular seperti hipertensi semakin meningkat dikarenakan adanya perubahan pola hidup. Kondisi ini terjadi juga di wilayah pedesaan. Komplikasi dari hipertensi dapat membahayakan penderitanya. Salah satu faktor resiko perparahan yang dapat dikontrol salah satunya adalah perubahan pola makan sehat menurut Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) dan diet rendah garam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kebiasaan makan penderita hipertensi. Desain penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik accidental sampling dengan total sampel 79. Pengambilan data dilakukan dari bulan Maret sampai Mei 2014 di wilayah Desa Rancasalak Kabupaten Garut. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah kuisioner modifikasi Eating Habit Behavior dan Healthy Heart Questionnaire. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 53.2% penderita hipertensi memiliki kebiasaan makan yang tidak sesuai anjuran dan 46.8% memiliki kebiasaan makan sesuai anjuran. Hasil merekomendasikan perbaikan asuhan keperawatan komunitas terkait program preventif dan rehabilitatif dari faktor terkontrol hipertensi di pedesaan.

The significant increase in prevalence of non-communicable disease such as hypertension is due to transition of lifestyle. The complication of hypertension is dangerous for the patient. One of the risk factor that can be controlled is healthy diet or eating habit for hypertension based on Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and low sodium diet. The objective was to determine eating habit of hypertension patient. A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive research was conducted among 79 subjects since March until May 2014. The sampling method was accidental sampling. The instrument used self-administered questionnaire with modifying the questionnaire of eating habit behavior and healthy heart questionnaire. The result showed that 53.2% patients have healthy eating habit for hypertension and 46.8% have non-appropriate of healthy eating habit. This research recommends a better community nursing care plan to control hypertension patient eating habit and lifestyle in rural area."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Raihana Radian
"Indonesia merupakan negara terbesar keempat dalam konsumsi rokok. Perilaku merokok memberikan pengaruh buruk terhadap ekonomi negara dan kesehatan masyarakat. Perilaku merokok juga berpengaruh terhadap perilaku menyimpang lain seperti adiksi narkoba dan berpengaruh buruk terhadap kondisi gigi dan mulut. Sebagai tenaga kesehatan profesional, dokter gigi memiliki potensi menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi berhentinya kebiasaan merokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah pasien Rumah Sakit Khusus Gigi Mulut (RSKGM) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI) yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok, lama merokok responden, usia mulai merokok, jenis rokok yang dikonsumsi, pengalaman pasien terkait peran dokter gigi dalam mengendalikan atau menghentikan konsumsi rokok, sertapengetahuan pasien mengenai keterkaitan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan adiksi narkoba. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis deskriptif dari pasien RSKGM FKG UI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode consecutive sampling. Dari 136 responden, didapatkan 20 (14,7%) perokok dan 18 (13,2%) mantan perokok dari berbagai kelompok gender, usia, status pendidikan, dan ekonomi. Tiga puluh delapan perokok dan mantan perokok ini mayoritas menggunakan rokok putih, mulai di usia 16-20 tahun, telah merokok selama kurang dari 11 tahun, mengonsumsi 11-20 batang rokok per hari selama 1-5 menit per batang, dan tidak mengonsumsi bentuk tembakau selain rokok. Mayoritas responden perokok dan mantan perokok juga pernah mengunjungi dokter gigi selama merokok dan diberikan saran dan informasi bahaya merokok. Namun, 60,5% tidak diberikan konseling berhenti merokok dan 34,5% tidak mengetahui adanya hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan adiksi narkoba.

Indonesia is the fourth biggest country in terms of cigarette consumption. Smoking habit can bring harm to the nation’s economy and public health. Smoking habit can also lead to deviant behaviour such as drug addiction and damage teeth and oral health. As a professional health worker, detists have potency to be one of the causing factor of a patient’s smoking cessation. This research is conducted to learn about the amout of smoking patients of Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Dentistry Dental Hospital (RSKGM FKG UI), years spent of smoking, initial age of smoking, type of consumed cigarettes, patients’ experience regarding dentists’ role in controlling cigarette consumption, and patients’ knowledge about the relationship between smoking habit and drug addiction. This research is an analytical description from patients’ of RSKGM FKG UI, using consecutive sampling methode. From 136 respondents, there are 20 (14,7%) smokers and 18 (13,2%) ex-smokers fron various gender, age group, education status, and economy status. These smokers and ex-smokers mostly use white cigarette, started smoking between age 16-20 years, have smoked for less than 11 years, consumed 11-20 cigarettes each day for 1-5 minutes each cigarette, and did not use any other form of tobacco beside cigarette. The majority of smokers and ex-smokers also had visited dentist during their smoking period and were given advice and information regarding the dangers of smoking habit. Yet 60,5% of smokers and ex-smokers stated that they were not given smoking cessation counselling and 34,5% didn’t acknowledge the relationship berween smoking habit and drug addiction.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dendy Herdianto
"Peningkatan terhadap konsumsi rokok menimbulkan bahaya terhadap kesehatan dan ekonomi. Pada tahun 2015, jumlah kasus kematian yang terjadi akibat konsumsi sebanyak 33 kasus dengan jumlah korban sebanyak 230.000 jiwa. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah, organisasi, maupun masyarakat untuk melakukan penghentian konsumsi rokok. Upaya yang patut menjadi perhatian adalah yang dilakukan oleh Organisasi Islam yaitu dengan dikeluarkannya fatwa rokok pada tahun 2010. Fatwa sebagai produk dari Ijma merupakan salah satu sumber hukum islam yang menjadi panduan umat islam dalam mengambil sikap termasuk dalam hal penentuan sikap merokok. Fatwa yang dikeluarkan adalah haram untuk Muhammadiyah dan Makruh bagi NU dan MUI. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat dampak dari adanya fatwa haram terhadap perilaku merokok Muslim Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode difference in difference yang mengukur dampak kebijakan pada periode waktu sebelum dan sesudah kebijakan tersebut dikeluarkan. Data yang digunakan adalah IFLS 4 (sebelum terjadinya fatwa yaitu tahun 2007) dan IFLS 5 (setelah adanya fatwa yaitu tahun 2014). Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa fatwa haram tidak memengaruhi keputusan seorang Muslim Muhammadiyah untuk berhenti merokok.

The increase in cigarette consumption poses a danger to health and the economy. In 2015, the number of deaths caused by the consumption of cigarettes was 33 cases with 230.000 victims. Various efforts have been made by the government, organizations, and also the communities to stop the consumption of cigarettes. Efforts that deserve the eyes are those carried out by Islamic Organizations, namely the issuance of cigarette fatwas in 2010. Fatwa as a product of Ijma is one of the sources of Islamic law which is a guide for Muslims in taking behaviour including in determining smoking behaviour. The fatwa issued is illegal (haram) for Muhammadiyah and Makruh for NU and MUI. This research has purpose to know impact from fatwa haram torwards Moslem Muhammadiyah smoking behaviour. This study uses the Double in Difference method that measures the impact of policies on the time period before and after the policy was issued. The data used IFLS 4 (before the occurrence of the fatwa in 2007) and IFLS 5 (after the fatwa was in 2014). The result for this research is fatwa do not affect a persons decision to stop smoking."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sexton, John
New York: M. Evans and Company, 1986
342.73 SEX h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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