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Fikarwin Zuska
"This paper deals with the regional partition which do not always take place due to the considerations as commonly stated in official explanations, and also it does not like the outcome of the scientific analysis on the interests of local elites in efforts to devide regions for seizing local power in the new regions. In addition, this paper also shows that ethnic politics is often interwined with the region partitions. The local elite politically quite often to put forward ethnicity and identity loyalties as a political resources for demanding the regional division. Ethnic identity and the usage of collective ethnic identity as a never lasting prime mover. These can be politically seen from ethnic Pakpak behaviors in encountering ethnic Batak Toba in their own territory regarding the establishment of Great Pakpak province."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article describes the relationship between power, history and identity in the processof division North Buton of Muna. In this article the presence of North Buton identity is seen asa phenomenon that refers to the identity of reproduction historical narrative where Kulisusuin historical context has a power relationship with the kingdom of Buton which lasted fromthe 17th century. This study found; that the presence of North Buton identity is a product ofdiscourse that legitimized by indigenous groups who identify themselves as descendants ofthe founder of the kingdom Kulisusu. it means that the identity of North Buton formed dueto higher power structures Barata Kulisusu surviving in culture Kulisusu People. This studyalso found that reproductive identity North Buton a political attempt to discover the identityof distinguishing between Kulisusu and People Muna (identity as a weapon of resistance).This distinctive identity in turn managed to attract popular support for the masses who feelconnected to that identity."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"There are two arguments that have led scholars and politicians turning their attention into local autonomy issues concerning current discourse and practice of the political resource management systems in Indonesia. Firstly, it is argued that the authoritarian and centralized political and resource management systems of the New Order regime has led Indonesia to a multi crisis situation. Secondly, one of the main strategies coping with this problem is to give local autonomy to the local government and communities to develop their own ways to organize their political and resource management systems. This article challenges the arguments. Two cases of conflict concerning Grouper fishing business-using a symbolic interactionism approach-the author argues that even in the New Order era, there are some indications that local elites, and even ordinary members of the communities, practiced some sort of local autonomy. The discussed cases show that local elites and communities, with power in their hands, will not always develop an effective, just, and sustainable political and resource management systems."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
"This paper, using a political demography perspective, attempts to reconstruct the perception of the center on the borderland of West Kalimantan and Sarawak, Malaysia. Basically there are two important views that dominating the center's perception on the borderland: 'perceived economic advantage and perceived threat'. Based on these twofold perceptions, policies and programs were implemented to serve the political and economic interests of the center. These policies and programs have generally resulted in the marginalization of border's people livelihood. Among the crucial policies that significantly changed the social and cultural dynamics of the local population is the transmigration program and the village enlargement project. These two programs represent the center's demographic engineering policy deeply rooted in the perception that the border areas should be militarily secured from various threats from abroad. The current moves toward regional autonomy and decentralization will likely provide new avenues for the local population in West Kalimantan to reassert their economic and political aspirations."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noor Endah Nanda Sri Rizky
"Using Roland Barthes's semiotics as a tool of analysis, this article intends to find out the implications made by Disney's changes on this story of Chinese women and people in general. Barthes's multilevel semiotics shows how the same medium-the animation Mulan-could be viewed from different perspectives. Disney claimed that Mulan is a message on women's heroism. This is based on Disney's convictions that Mulan is an animation produced with "respect to women and non-Western peoples." Through feminist frame of thought and knowledge of the differences between the original Chinese and the Disney version, women experienced multilayered subordinations in the animation. The first subordination against women occurs when a person is born as a girl. Based on myths, society gives a set of characterizations to women, called the feminine character. The character is used as the basis to subordinate women and repress them. The next subordination against women occurs when the feminine character, having been applied to women for as long as they live (and taken for granted), is applied to a certain thing, person or group. Thus, whatever is regarded as having the feminine characteristics are placed in a subordinate position, and thus experience repression. Using the ethnographic approach, the writer finds that the viewers of Mulan could be categorized into three groups based on their meaning of Mulan: the "lover" group, the "ironists" group, and the "hater" group."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fedyani Saifuddin
"It unfortunately reveals that regional autonomy, and so to education autonomy as an integral part of it, as reflected through UU No.22 Tahun 1999 has not touched the very basic of cultural values and process of democracy, one core element it should significantly contain with. Central as well as regional policy makers and politicians, especially, have spent much their time to physical need and financial balancing debates between central and locals and deliberately forget the intrinsic cultural issue of the term, that is democracy as a cultural value formation process. Taking our current national education situation into account this article tries to introduce some cultural principles education autonomy should aim at. Based on holism in cultural approach education autonomy should pay attention seriously to strengthening community support to education."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Suryana
"The implementation of local government policies during the New Order era has weakened Pesantren as local and Islamic education institution. The weakening is due to, firstly, the instructive position of central government to its local subordinates implying that this later apparatus be the instrument of gaining its target. Secondly, the head of local government as solely powerful figure in local structure has been decisive in many local policies. This local political situation has also implied a centralization of Islamic education policies during the era. The discussed cases of two Pesantren in two different districts in this article reveal that regional autonomy will be presumably strengthening this Islamic education institution."
[place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurhayat Arif Permana
"Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak otonomi daerah terhadap identitas lokal. Sebagaimana terlihat dari kasus Sampit di Kalimantan Tengah, otonomi daerah terkait dengan munculnya identitas putra daerah. Kasus yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini berkaitan dengan pembentukan Provinsi Bangka-Belitung (Babel) yang mengakibatkan munculnya identitas putra daerah di kalangan orang Melayu di Bangka-Belitung. Dalam tulisan ini, saya menganalisis sejauhmana lembaga hukum adat dapat menyajikan solusi untuk mengatasi konflik etnis yang sedang terjadi di Bangka Belitung"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Chandra
"This article examines the dynamic of poor women identities in Boyolali through their knowledge on needs, ways to meet needs, means of expressing interest, and how local leaders facilitating aspirations of the poor. There is knowledge diversity and pattern of political action among the women in encountering poverty-related hardship in the daily lives. This study emphasizes the need to understand diversity of poor women to elaborate women, household and the poverty issues."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ninuk Irawati Kleden Probonegoro
"Berbagai bentuk karya (seni) yang merupakan ekspresi dapat diperlakukan sebagai identitas atau 'identitas' (baca:representasi), karena dua hal. Pertama, para peneliti berhasil memasuki kandungan mental seniman yang melahirkan karya-karya otentik, seperti misalnya penelitian Kenneth George tentang kaligrafi Pirous. Kedua, proses pemaknaan suatu karya (seni) dianggap cukup penting sehingga pada gilirannya karya itu dapat menjadi ajang kontestasi untuk bisa menjadi representasi identitas. Contoh dari proses pemaknaan ekspresi seni itu, sangat jelas pada kajian Jennifer Santos tentang kerajinan tangan masyarakat desa Tegallalang, Bali, juga Juliana Wijaya tentang alih kode dalam tuturan dan Tito Imanda tentang Si Unyil anak Indonesia. Seperti telah dikatakan sebelumnya, makna suatu ekspresi maupun proses pemaknaannya sangat tergantung pada berbagai konteks di mana karya itu diekspresikan. Karya seniman seperti lukisan, teater, tari, seni kerajinan dan berbagai bentuk karya lain seperti film, surat kabar dan narasi, mempunyai makna yang lahir karena pengaruh persentuhan kebudayaan. Persentuhan satu kebudayaan dengan kebudayaan lain, satu kebudayaan lokal dengan kebudayaan nasional atau dengan kebudayaan masyarakat global.""
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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