"Pelayanan ibu hamil yang sesuai standar di Indonesia hanya sekitar 19%. Penelitian ini untuk
mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pelayanan antenatal terpadu di Puskesmas perkotaan di wilayah
Kota Tangerang Selatan. Analisis dilakukan melalui kualitas dokumentasi pelayanan
antenatal atau antenatal care (ANC) di Puskesmas serta alternatif solusi perbaikan kualitas
ANC melalui model monitoring pelayanan antenatal berbasis teknologi informasi. Penelitian
ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan mengambil pemberi layanan
antenatal serta penerima layanan antenatal di Puskesmas wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pencatatan masih kurang lengkap. Permasalahan
utama dari kurangnya kualitas tersebut adalah beragamnya dokumentasi yang harus diisi
secara manual oleh Bidan. Survei terhadap penerima pelayanan yaitu ibu hamil,
menunjukkan bahwa ketepatan waktu kedatangan ibu di Puskesmas dipengaruhi oleh faktor
sosial seperti: status pekerjaan, penghasilan, mengetahui alasan kedatangan ANC, adanya
penjelasan diagnosis, dan jenis pencatatan jadwal ANC. Sedangkan faktor yang
mempengaruhi pelayanan sesuai standar adalah pendidikan, status pekerjaan, dukungan
komunitas (kader) dan dukungan dari Bidan. Hasil ini merekomendasikan penggunaan
teknologi informasi dalam pelaksanaan monitoring pelayanan antenatal terpadu
direkomendasikan agar meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pekerjaan yang dijalankan saat
ini. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi tentang aspek sosial dan teknikal yang
mempengaruhi kesiapan Puskesmas dalam mengadopsi Sistem Teknologi Informasi.
Mayoritas Bidan dan Kader di Puskesmas wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan telah siap untuk
menggunakan sistem monitoring pelayanan antenatal berbasis teknologi informasi.
Sementara dari hasil pengujian keberpakaian menggunakan metode System Usability Scale
terhadap desain sistem monitoring dan registrasi ibu hamil (SIMORI) memperlihatkan bahwa
desain tersebut dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah model
monitoring antenatal care terpadu berbasis Teknologi Informasi seperti sistem monitoring
dan registrasi ibu hamil (SIMORI) yang di desain sesuai kebutuhan pengguna. Sistem ini
direkomendasikan untuk mengintegrasikan proses pelayanan antenatal, mempermudah
proses monitoring standar pelayanan antenatal di Puskesmas, dan pemantauan sendiri oleh
ibu hamil.
Currently, only 19% of pregnant women in Indonesia have received the minimum standard
for antenatal care (ANC). Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of ANC
services in South Tangerang District, an urban area of Banten Province through measuring
the quality of ANC documentation and factors related to the quality of ANC. Analysis of
ANC service standards through the evaluation of ANC documentation in Puskesmas was
carried out to provide a positive contribution to the government as well as health
organizations and offer an alternative solutions to improve the quality of ANC standards
through designing a monitoring and registration system for pregnancy named SIMORI. This
research is a descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approaches. The participants
of this study were health workers who directly related to the ANC services such as health
management consist of 70 midwives, 140 community health workers and 207 pregnant
women who visited the Government Primary Health Care of South Tangerang District for
ANC. The result of the study shows that the quality of the ANC documentation in cohort
book is still poor with only 38% of the records completely filled by the midwives. The main
problems in the current ANC monitoring process from the midwives perspective are the
numbers of book that must be filled and the high workload due to the large number of
patients. Meanwhile, from the perspective of pregnant women, the result shows that the
punctuality of ANC visit in urban Puskesmas is strongly related to the social factors such as
employment status, awareness to know the reason for ANC visit, the reminder usage and
diagnosis information from midwife. While factors related to the basic standard for ANC
were related to level of education, environmental support from community health workers,
and working status. Furthermore, the health providers and pregnant women readiness for
eHealth implementation shows positive results where most of the health workers are ready
to implement an electronic monitoring system for pregnant mother. The conclusion of this
study is that the design of a monitoring and registration system for pregnant women
(SIMORI) can be recommended to integrate the antenatal, to improve the monitoring process
for minimum standard of ANC and to self-monitored system for pregnant women"