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Ani Rostiyati
Seni bajidoran Ujang Lanay adalah salah satu kesenian rakyat asal Kecamatan Ciranggon Kabupaten Karawang. Meskipun gempuran globalisasi dan kebudayaan asing sangat kuat menerpa dan mempengaruhi kebudayaan tradisional, namun seni ini tetap eksis dan disukai masyarakat Karawang terutama di pedesaan. Secara estetika, seni bajidoran memiliki keindahan tersendiri, dilihat dari wujud, bobot, dan penampilan. Seni bajidoran menjadi identitas Karawang, karena sudah memberi makna dan menjadu salah satu adat masyarakat Karawang. Bajidoran juga menjadi sistem sosial masyarakat Karawang, suatu sistem yang menjadi kolektivitas milik masyarakat dan berperan sebagai struktur relasi dalam masyarakat tersebut. Tujuan dalam kajian ini, ingin mengungkapkan nilai estetika apa yang terdapat dalam seni bajidoran dan bagaimana seni bajidoran menjadi identitas masyarakat Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan bersifat etnografis terbatas, karena seni tari tidak lepas dari konteks sosiologis, psikologis, antropologis yang mendeskripsikan keseluruhan posisi tari di dalamnya. Adapun pengambilan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam pada informan dan studi pustaka serta pengambilan gambar melalui fot0"
Denpasar: Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Bali, 2017
902 JPSNT 24:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Brayut is a phenomenal myth figure in Balinese culture. He is adored and also pleaded for a child by those who want a child in their families. On the other hand, he is disrespected as a family that is lack of attention on the prosperity of their family because he has to grow many children in his family. At the present, his existences is decorating the gardens lots as an absurd family which described briefly in a literary work known as Brayut geguritan. Implicitly, behind the absurdity of this family described in the beginning of the geguritan, can be found that the concept of Tantrayana strongly influence the social diversity system of the Baliiese Hindus in Bali. Tantrayana is a religious sect of Hindus in India which then localized in Bali. It might be influenced with Balinese local genius which obtain similar concepts that enable the Tantric teachings to be acculturated."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPMPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
700 JSRD
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Barongsai performance in the Chinese New Year ritual is unique and imposing processional ceremony of cultural performance in Semarang. The aesthetic aspects of the cultural performance are closely related to the meaningful symbols of society's prevailing cultural patterns background which are still uphold till nowadays. Specifically, the problem raised up in this study deals with the meaning of Barongsai performance text in Chinese New Year ritual ceremony. Furthermore, the researcher used performance studies approach in order to solve the problem. The data collection was done by observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The analysis was done qualitatively by referring to the interactive cycle analysis model. Furthermore, the analysis procedures were done through the process of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The research findings dealing with meaning in Barongsai performance text are as follows: 1) religious meaning between human and God, 2) meaning of human relationship with their relatives and predecessor, and 3) meaning of harmony or balance between human and nature."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This artwork is revealing about the existence of Legong Tombol in Banyuatis village, Buleleng which has stagnated regeneration. Through this work, the steps taken to resolve the impasse is by reconstructing the shape of the dance, then rechoreographing the missing parts and subsequently teaching the dance form to the local young generation dancers. Related to the issues raised on the existence Legong Tombol in Banyuatis village, then this work present about : (1) Creation Method of dance that starts from the reconstruction effort of the dances that is almost extinct, (2). Reconstructing and re-packing the form of Legong Tombol dance and then returning to the community, (3). Resenting the training methods of Legong dabce which is contained in the creativity of the figure of the artist (late.) I Wayan Rindi which has been successfully re-lifted up."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Balinese pop music has undergone industrialization since the decade of 1990's when the technological progress, economical system, and new musical culture massively drove to the born of recording studios, musicians, and and the products. In the hands of capital owners, Balinese pop music capitalism occurs. Behind the discourse of the preservation of Balinese culture through Balinese pop music, ideology and interests work for the purpose of capitalization. The result of the study shows that during the two and a half decades, the industrialization of Balinese pop music goes in the form of production, distribution, and consumption in the province of Bali due to the linked cultural power, the power of capital, and media power. Industrialization is influenced by a number of ideologies, capitalism, popisme, local political culture, and multiculturalism, in which capitalism became the dominant ideology. Bali pop music industrialization causes a certain impact. The economical impact related to exchange rates; social impact (use value) related to the value / benefits; cultural impact associated with the value of identity / authenticity; and political impacts associated with the value of developmentalism 1 developmentalism."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bedjo Riyanto
"Rumusan permasalahan dalam kajian ini adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimanakah budaya Indies menghasilkan hibriditas gaya desain grafis yang mempunyai ciri khas? Mengapa gaya desain grafis Indies mampu bertahan dan mempunyai pengaruh kuat dalam pembentukan gaya desain grafis Indonesia masa kini. Tujuannya untuk menjelaskan secara kronologis budaya Indies pada masa kolonial Hindia-Belanda mempengaruhi lahirnya gaya desain grafis Indies. Menjelaskan pengaruh gaya grafis Indies dalam rangka usaha menemukan pembentukan gaya desain grafis Indonesia di masa kini. Hasil kajian ini adalah menjelaskan perkembangan visualitas desain grafis Indies yang merupakan produk konstruksi kebudayaan pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda, telah mengalami puncak perkembangannya pada masa akhir kolonialisme di Indonesia tahun 1940-an.
Gaya desain grafis Indies merupakan hibridisasi antara gaya desain modern Barat yang dikembangkan oleh para seniman dan desainer grafis Belanda dengan gaya visual seni tradisional pewayangan Jawa yang dianggap sebagai warisan adiluhung kebudayaan masyarakat Jawa di masa lampau. Perpaduan itu membentuk sintesa gaya desain yang yang bersifat eklektik menjadi ciri khas desain Indonesia dengan ketinggian kualitas artistik yang menjadi rujukan dan sumber inspirasi bagi para perancang desain grafis masa kini."
Denpasar: Pusat Penerbitan LPPM Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, 2017
300 MUDRA 32:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article explains the process of recording At Jack's One Studio for two traditional Batak songs entitled O Tao Toba and Samosir Pulo by Nahum Situmorang . There are several stages that are applied by Jack's One Studio's intructors in recording acoustic instrumental music during the recording process, namely: composing, arranging, recording, mixing, and mastering. The purpose of the study is not only focused in the matter of description, but it is also conducted in order to find out and to observe the concepts and applications within a process of recording using computer program music especially for acoustic instrumental."
MUDRA 31:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadda Almalita Rahmadianty
"Pada tahun 2015, Met Gala, penggalangan dana yang digelar oleh Institut Kostum Museum Seni Metropolitan, kembali digelar dengan mengusung tema China Through a Looking Glass. Pemilihan tema ini dilatarbelakangi dari dampak estetika dan budaya Cina terhadap inspirasi mode Barat. Atas tema tersebut, maka para tamu undangan yang hadir serta desainer diimbau untuk mengenakan atau membuat busana yang mengandung unsur budaya Cina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana budaya Cina direpresentasikan dalam gaun-gaun yang dikenakan oleh para tamu undangan di ajang Met Gala 2015. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif melalui studi pustaka dengan pendekatan ilmu budaya sebagai sumber primer, dan sumber lainnya sebagai sumber sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa beberapa gaun yang didesain oleh desainer Barat tidak sesuai dalam merepresentasikan budaya Cina ke dalam gaun buatannya sedangkan gaun karya desainer Cina lebih sesuai dalam merepresentasikan budaya Cina ke dalam gaun buatannya.

In 2015, the Met Gala, a fundraiser organized by the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, was held again with the theme China Through a Looking Glass. The choice of this theme was motivated by the impact of Chinese aesthetics and culture on Western fashion inspiration. Based on this theme, invited guests and designers are encouraged to wear or make clothes that contain elements of Chinese culture. This study aims to describe how Chinese culture is represented in the dresses worn by invited guests at the 2015 Met Gala. The research method used is a qualitative method through literature study with a cultural science approach as a primary source, and other sources as secondary sources. The results of this study found that some dresses designed by Western designers were not suitable for representing Chinese culture in their dresses, while dresses made by Chinese designers were more suitable for representing Chinese culture in their dresses."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leaman, Oliver
Jakarta : Mizan , 2005
297.66 LEA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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