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"MPHTB merupakan masalah darurat global karena menyebabkan lebih banyak kematian dibandingkan penyakit menular lainnya. Berdasarkan WHO Global Tuberculosis 2016 menyatakan bahwa Indonesia dengan jumlah penduduk 254.831.222, menempati posisi kedua dengan beban TB tertinggi didunia.Timbulnya penyakit tuberculosis TBC di masyarakat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor resiko determinan, salah satunya kurangnya sinar matahari masuk kedalam rumah. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara pencahayaan alami dalam rumah dengan kejadian TB paru BTA positif pada usia ge;15 tahun keatas di Kota Solok Sumatera Barat pada tahun 2017. Desain Penelitian ini adalah case control dengan melakukan wawancara, obeservasi dan pengukuran terhadap pencahayaan dan kelembaban. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April s/d Mei 2018. Hasil Peneilitian ini Pencahayaan yang dalam rumahyang < 60 lux beresiko terkena TB Parur 3,732 kali 95 CI 1,584-8,793 setelah di kontrol oleh variabel Kepadatan Hunian dan Status Gizi.

MPH Tuberculosis is a global emergency issue because it causes more deaths than other infectious diseases. According to WHO Global Tuberculosis 2016 states that Indonesia with a population of 254,831,222, occupies the second position with the highest burden of TB in the world. The incidence of tuberculosis TB in the community is influenced by several determinant risk factors, one of which is the lack of sunlight into the house. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between natural light in the house with the incidence of positive smear pulmonary tuberculosis at age ge 15 years and above in Solok city of West Sumatera in 2017. Design This research is case control by conducting interview, obeservasi and measurement to lighting and humidity. This study was conducted from April to May 2018. The results of this study The in house lightings "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Pandu Pertiwi
PM2,5 merupakan salah satu indikator adanya pencemaran udara dalam
ruang (indoor air pollution). Indonesia termasuk peringkat kelima jumlah kasus TB
terbesar di dunia, dan Kota Cirebon merupakan kota dengan angka penemuan kasus
TB paru tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
menganalisis hubungan PM2,5 di udara ruang dalam rumah dengan kejadian TB
paru BTA positif di Kota Cirebon.
Disain penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol. Kriteria kasus adalah penderita
baru TB Paru yang berusia minimal 15 tahun dan hasil pemeriksaan sputum positif
berdasarkan konfirmasi laboratorium Puskesmas periode November 2014 s/d April
2015 serta bertempat tinggal di Kota Cirebon. Kriteria kontrol adalah tetangga
terdekat kasus yang tidak menderita TB paru, tidak memiliki gejala klinis mirip TB
paru berdasarkan konfirmasi dari petugas puskesmas setempat, berusia minimal 15
tahun dan bertempat tinggal di Kota Cirebon. Total jumlah sampel adalah 168
responden dengan jumlah kasus adalah 84 responden, dan kontrol 84 responden.
Konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara ruang dalam rumah berpengaruh terhadap
kejadian TB paru BTA positif di Kota Cirebon (OR 7,034; 95% CI 3,570 ? 13,860).
Variabel lainnya yang signifikan adalah jenis kelamin (OR 3,947; 95% CI 2,026-
7,692), lama berada di rumah (OR 2,682; 95% CI 1,430 ? 5,028), jenis bahan bakar
memasak (OR 3,260; 95% CI 1,116-9,523), status merokok (OR 3,034; 95% CI
1,446 ? 6,365), jenis atap rumah (OR 3,713; 95% CI 1,945 ? 7,089), dan laju
ventilasi kamar (OR 2,493; 95% CI 1,264 ? 4,918). Hasil analisis multivariat
dengan regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi PM2,5 dalam rumah
berhubungan dengan kejadian TB paru BTA positif (OR adjusted 6,14; 95% CI
2,904-12,975) dikontrol oleh variabel jenis kelamin, jenis atap rumah, dan laju
ventilasi kamar. Masih banyak rumah yang belum dilengkapi jendela atau
ventilasinya kurang, atap rumah tidak dilengkapi oleh langit-langit, sehingga masih
banyak rumah yang tidak memenuhi kriteria rumah sehat. Diperlukan upaya
peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang kriteria rumah sehat,
dan masyarakat agar menjaga pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, termasuk tidak

PM2,5 is one indicator of indoor air pollution. Indonesia is the fifth largest
number of TB cases in the world, and the city of Cirebon is a city with the highest
rate of pulmonary TB case detection in West Java province. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between PM2,5 in the indoor air and the
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the city of Cirebon.
The design of this study was a case-control. Cases criteria were patients
with TB minimum age 15 years old and had positive sputum test confirmed with
public health care laboratory test from November 2014 to April 2015 and lived in
Cirebon City. Controls criteria were the nearest neighbor not suffering TB and had
no clinical symptomps similar to TB confirmed by the local public health centre
officials, at least 15 years old and resides in Cirebon city. The total number of
samples is 168 respondents by the number of cases is 84 respondents, and 84
control respondents.
PM2,5 concentration in the indoor air affected the incidence of smearpositive
pulmonary TB in Cirebon city (OR 7.034; 95% CI 3.570 to 13.860).
Significant other variables are gender (OR 3.947; 95% CI 2.026 to 7.692), indoorstay
period (OR 2.682; 95% CI 1.430 to 5.028), the type of cooking fuel (OR 3.260;
95% CI 1.116 to 9.523), smoking status (OR 3.034; 95% CI 1.446 to 6.365), types
of roofs (OR 3.713; 95% CI 1.945 to 7.089), and the ventilation rate of the room
(OR 2.493; 95% CI 1.264 to 4.918). Results of multivariate analysis using logistic
regression modeling showed that concentrations of PM2,5 in the indoor air
associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB smear positive (OR adjusted 6,14;
95% CI 2.904 - 12.975) after being controlled by the variable gender, roof type of
the house, and the ventilation rate of the room. There are still many homes are not
equipped with a window or a lack of ventilation, the roof of the house is not
completed by the ceiling, so there is still a lot of homes that do not meet the criteria
for a healthy home. Necessary efforts to increase knowledge and awareness about
the criteria of a healthy home, and the community to maintain a clean and healthy
lifestyle, including not smoking.;PM2,5 is one indicator of indoor air pollution. Indonesia is the fifth largest
number of TB cases in the world, and the city of Cirebon is a city with the highest
rate of pulmonary TB case detection in West Java province. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between PM2,5 in the indoor air and the
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the city of Cirebon.
The design of this study was a case-control. Cases criteria were patients
with TB minimum age 15 years old and had positive sputum test confirmed with
public health care laboratory test from November 2014 to April 2015 and lived in
Cirebon City. Controls criteria were the nearest neighbor not suffering TB and had
no clinical symptomps similar to TB confirmed by the local public health centre
officials, at least 15 years old and resides in Cirebon city. The total number of
samples is 168 respondents by the number of cases is 84 respondents, and 84
control respondents.
PM2,5 concentration in the indoor air affected the incidence of smearpositive
pulmonary TB in Cirebon city (OR 7.034; 95% CI 3.570 to 13.860).
Significant other variables are gender (OR 3.947; 95% CI 2.026 to 7.692), indoorstay
period (OR 2.682; 95% CI 1.430 to 5.028), the type of cooking fuel (OR 3.260;
95% CI 1.116 to 9.523), smoking status (OR 3.034; 95% CI 1.446 to 6.365), types
of roofs (OR 3.713; 95% CI 1.945 to 7.089), and the ventilation rate of the room
(OR 2.493; 95% CI 1.264 to 4.918). Results of multivariate analysis using logistic
regression modeling showed that concentrations of PM2,5 in the indoor air
associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB smear positive (OR adjusted 6,14;
95% CI 2.904 - 12.975) after being controlled by the variable gender, roof type of
the house, and the ventilation rate of the room. There are still many homes are not
equipped with a window or a lack of ventilation, the roof of the house is not
completed by the ceiling, so there is still a lot of homes that do not meet the criteria
for a healthy home. Necessary efforts to increase knowledge and awareness about
the criteria of a healthy home, and the community to maintain a clean and healthy
lifestyle, including not smoking., PM2,5 is one indicator of indoor air pollution. Indonesia is the fifth largest
number of TB cases in the world, and the city of Cirebon is a city with the highest
rate of pulmonary TB case detection in West Java province. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the relationship between PM2,5 in the indoor air and the
incidence of smear-positive pulmonary TB in the city of Cirebon.
The design of this study was a case-control. Cases criteria were patients
with TB minimum age 15 years old and had positive sputum test confirmed with
public health care laboratory test from November 2014 to April 2015 and lived in
Cirebon City. Controls criteria were the nearest neighbor not suffering TB and had
no clinical symptomps similar to TB confirmed by the local public health centre
officials, at least 15 years old and resides in Cirebon city. The total number of
samples is 168 respondents by the number of cases is 84 respondents, and 84
control respondents.
PM2,5 concentration in the indoor air affected the incidence of smearpositive
pulmonary TB in Cirebon city (OR 7.034; 95% CI 3.570 to 13.860).
Significant other variables are gender (OR 3.947; 95% CI 2.026 to 7.692), indoorstay
period (OR 2.682; 95% CI 1.430 to 5.028), the type of cooking fuel (OR 3.260;
95% CI 1.116 to 9.523), smoking status (OR 3.034; 95% CI 1.446 to 6.365), types
of roofs (OR 3.713; 95% CI 1.945 to 7.089), and the ventilation rate of the room
(OR 2.493; 95% CI 1.264 to 4.918). Results of multivariate analysis using logistic
regression modeling showed that concentrations of PM2,5 in the indoor air
associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB smear positive (OR adjusted 6,14;
95% CI 2.904 - 12.975) after being controlled by the variable gender, roof type of
the house, and the ventilation rate of the room. There are still many homes are not
equipped with a window or a lack of ventilation, the roof of the house is not
completed by the ceiling, so there is still a lot of homes that do not meet the criteria
for a healthy home. Necessary efforts to increase knowledge and awareness about
the criteria of a healthy home, and the community to maintain a clean and healthy
lifestyle, including not smoking.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitti Rahmawati
Angka penemuan kasus (Case Detection Rate) di Kota Sukabumi merupakan tertinggi ketiga di Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu 75,83% pada tahun 2013. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas lingkungan rumah dengan kejadian TB Paru BTA (+) di Kota Sukabumi tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi unmatched case control. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 116 responden yang terdiri dari 58 kasus dan 58 kontrol dan tercatat dalam buku register bulan Februari-April 2014. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Data variabel independen diperoleh dengan wawancara, observasi dan mengukur.
Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pencahayaan (p-value: 0,000; OR: 4,222; 95%CI: 1,943-9,176), kepadatan rumah (p-value: 0,009; OR: 3,237; 95%CI: 1,401-7,477), jenis kelamin (p-value: 0,000; OR: 7,283; 95% CI: 3,161-16,782), status gizi (p-value: 0,000; OR: 10,667; 95% CI: 4,426-25,705) kejadian TB Paru BTA (+), sedangkan kelembaban, suhu, ventilasi, kepadatan kamar, umur dan pengetahuan tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian TB paru.

Case Detection Rate of Sukabumi City is the third highest in West Java Province 75,83% in 2013. The purpose of this study is to determine quality of home environment with the incidence of pulmonary TB BTA (+) in Sukabumi City in 2014. This study used unmatched case-control design. The sample 116 people consists of 58 cases and 58 control recorded in the register book of February-April 2014. Sampling technique in this research using purposive sampling which is appropriate with the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. All of the data and informations in this research are collected using interviews, observations and variables measurement.
The result of bivariat analysis showed that there were correlation between lighting (p-value: 0,000; OR: 4,222; 95%CI: 1,943-9,176), housing density (p-value: 0,009; OR: 3,237; 95%CI: 1,401-7,477), sex (p-value: 0,000; OR: 7,283; 95% CI: 3,161-16,782), nutrition status (p-value: 0,000; OR: 10,667; 95% CI: 4,426-25,705) with the incidence of pulmonary TB. While other variables like humidity, temperature, ventilation, room density, age and knowledge have no correlation with the incidence of pulmonary TB."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Rahmawati Pebriani
"Saat ini bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis telah menginfeksi sekitar seperempat populasi dunia yang menyebar melalui udara dan Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan beban tuberkulosis yang tinggi. 4 dari 6 provinsi di Pulau Jawa masuk dalam 10 provinsi dengan prevalensi TB paru tertinggi, yaitu Banten, Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta, dan Jawa Tengah dengan prevalensi TB paru di atas 0,4 yang merupakan rata-rata Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik individu dan kondisi lingkungan dengan kejadian tuberkulosis paru pada penduduk usia ≥ 15 tahun di Pulau Jawa tahun 2018. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional dengan menggunakan data Riskesdas 2018. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 216.098 responden. Analisis data menggunakan univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi-square. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan variabel yang memiliki hubungan signifikan secara statistik dengan kejadian tuberkulosis paru yaitu jenis kelamin, status gizi, tingkat Pendidikan, merokok, jumlah anggota keluarga, pencahayaan kamar utama, pencahayaan dapur, pencahayaan ruang keluarga, keberadaan jendela kamar utama, keberadaan jendela dapur, ventilasi kamar utama, dan ventilasi dapur. Penting untuk dilakukan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat terkait dengan penularan dan pencegahan tuberkulosis paru, termasuk pemberian edukasi tentang kriteria rumah sehat, serta meningkatkan surveilans penemuan kasus melalui peningkatan pemberdayaan kader kesehatan.

Currently, Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria have infected about a quarter of the world's population that spreads through the air and Indonesia is one of the countries with a high burden of tuberculosis. 4 out of 6 provinces in Java are included in the 10 provinces with the highest prevalence of pulmonary TB, namely Banten, West Java, DKI Jakarta, and Central Java with the prevalence of pulmonary TB above 0.4 which is the Indonesian average. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between individual characteristics and environmental conditions with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the population aged 15 years in Java Island in 2018. The study design used was cross-sectional using Riskesdas 2018 data. used are 216,098 respondents. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate with chi-square test. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the variables that had a statistically significant relationship with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis were gender, nutritional status, education level, smoking, number of family members, main room lighting, kitchen lighting, living room lighting, presence of main bedroom window, presence of kitchen windows, main bedroom ventilation, and kitchen. It is important to increase public knowledge related to the transmission and prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis, including providing education about the criteria for healthy homes, as well as increasing case finding surveillance by increasing the empowerment of health cadres."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulia Sugiarti
"Melihat tingginya prevalensi merokok dan kejadian TB paru di Indonesia tahun 2010 maka perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang hubungan merokok dengan kejadian TB paru setelah dikontrol dengan variabel perancunya pada penduduk laki-laki usia >15 di Indonesia tahun 2010. Penelitian ini menganalisa data RISKESDAS 2010 dengan sampel penelitian penduduk laki-laki yang berumur > 15 tahun di Indonesia yang eligible berjumlah 1.428 responden. Penderita TB paru didapatkan berdasarkan diagnosis Tebaga kesehatan melalui pemeriksaan dahak atau rongten paru. Gambaran distribusi penelitian berupa 41% responden penelitian menderita TB paru dan 50,8% merokok.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan yang bersifat protektif antara merokok dengan TB paru (PR=0,73 95% CI 0,2-0,86) sebelum dan setelah dikontrol dengan variabel perancu. tidak hubungan dose respons jumlah rata-rata merokok per hari dengan TB paru (PR 1-10 batang per hari =0,74 95% CI 0,6-0,90 dan PR >10 batang per hari =0,74 95% CI 0,6-0,90). Ada Hubungan dose respons antara lama menjadi perokok dengan kejadian TB paru (PR 1-10 tahun =0,63 95% CI 0,45-0,90 dan PR >10 tahun =0,76 95% CI 0,64-0,90) dimana semakin lama responden menjadi perokok semakin tidak protektif terhadap TB paru.

Base on prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and prevalence of Smoking in Indonesia in 2010, the purpose of this study was to determine whether the association of smoking habit and the occurrence of pulmonary tuberculosis among 15 years old man in Indonesia in 2010. Base on Basic Medical Research 2010 data, this study used cross sectional methodology design to analyze to 1,428 eligible respondents. Patients diagnostic get pulmonary tuberculosis by health professionals through the examination of sputum or lung Rontgen at last 12 mouths. From the research found that 41% of respondents suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and 50.8% of respondents are smoked.
The results of this study is that there is a protected relationship between smoking and pulmonary TB (PR = 0.73 95% CI 0.2 to 0.86) before and after controlled for confounding variables. There are no dose-response relationship between average cigarette per day with pulmonary TB (PR 1-10 cigarettes per day = 0.74 95% CI from 0.6 to 0.90 and PR>10 cigarettes per day = 0.74 95% CI 0.6 to 0.90), but there are dose-response relationship between long duration of smoking (PR1-10 years = 0.63 95% CI 0.45 to 0.90 and PR>10 years = 0.76 95% CI 0.64 - 0.90). It means the longer becomes smokers more unprotective against pulmonary tuberculosis.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Al Khoiru Idrus Muhammad Fitri
Program penanggulangan TB nasional menggunakan strategi DOTS (Directly
Observed Treatment Shortcourse) telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1995. Secara
nasional strategi DOTS telah memberikan perubahan meskipun belum secara
komprehensif. Kondisi diatas diperparah dengan munculnya masalah baru,
diantaranya adalah kejadian TB-HIV. Tipe penderita dan ko-infeksi TB-HIV
menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya putus berobat OAT pada penderita TB Paru BTA
Positif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan tipe penderita dan koinfeksi
TB-HIV dengan kejadian putus berobat penderita TB Paru BTA positif di
Kota Jakarta Timur.
Desain penelitian kasus kontrol, dilakukan pengamatan pada penderita TB Paru
BTA positif di Kota Jakarta Timur. Analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistic.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan antara ko-infeksi TB-HIV
dengan kejadian putus berobat pada penderita TB Paru BTA positif di Kota
Jakarta Timur dengan aOR 19,27 setelah dikontrol jenis kelamin dan status PMO
(p value=0,006; 95% CI: 2,36-157,21). Keberadaan infeksi HIV secara bersamaan
dengan infeksi TB semakin mengancam kelangsungan hidup sehingga diperlukan
terapi yang adekuat untuk mengendalikan virus dan membunuh kuman
mycobacterium tuberculosis. Skrining HIV pada penderita TB harus dilakukan
secara intensif untuk tata laksana pengobatan yang adekuat melalui program
kolaborasi TB-HIV sehingga penderita bisa sembuh dari infeksi TB.

A national TB control program using the DOTS strategy (Directly Observed
Treatment Shortcourse) has been implemented since 1995. Nationally, the DOTS
strategy has provided changes although not yet comprehensively. The above
conditions are exacerbated by the emergence of new problem, such as the
incidence of TB-HIV. Type of patient and TB-HIV co-infection is a risk factor to
default of anti tuberculosis drugs on positive smear pulmonary tuberculosis
patient. The purpose research is to know relation between patient type and TBHIV
co-infection default of treatment for positive smear pulmonary tuberculosis patients in East Jakarta.
The design of case control research, conducted observation on the patient of smear
positive pulmonary tuberculosis in East Jakarta. Multivariate analysis with logistic
The result of anti tuberculosis drugs of the research showed significant correlation
between TB-HIV co-infection with default with smear positive pulmonary
tuberculosis patient with aOR 19,27 after controlled sex and drug administer
superviser statue (p value = 0,006; 95% CI: 2,36-157.21). The presence of HIV
infection simultaneously with TB infection is increasingly threatening survival so
that adequate therapy is needed to control the virus and kill the bacteria
mycobacterium tuberculosis. HIV screening of tuberculosis patients should be
intensified for an adequate treatment regimen through a TB-HIV collaboration
program so that people can recover from TB infection."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asih Tri Rahayu
"Angka penemuan kasus tuberculosis paru tahun 2012 di Kelurahan Kotabaru masih sangat rendah yaitu 45,2% sehingga resiko penularan masih tinggi. Lingkungan fisik rumah merupakan salah satu faktor resikonya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran penyebaran penyakit. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan Geographical epidemiologi dengan analisa spasial. Sampelnya adalah total populasi penderita tuberculosis paru BTA positif sebanyak 62 orang. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan penyebaran penderita berdasarkan semua faktor lingkungan fisik rumah di wilayah RW dengan kriteria keparahan dari terberat hingga terendah adalah RW 22, 12, 11, 10, 1, 8, 15, 4, 6, 13, 5, dan 17. RW 22, 12, 11, 10, 1, 8, dan 15 merupakan wilayah perkampungan sementara RW 4, 6, 13, 5 dan 17 adalah wilayah perumahan.

Case detection rate of pulmonary tuberculosis at 2012 in Kotabaru stil low 45,2%, makes risk ot transmission is high. Physical environment in house is one of the risk factors. The aim of this study is to know description of dispersal patterns of the case. This research method is Geographical epidemiologi with spatial analysis. Sample is all population of case that 62 people. The results of the study illustrated the spread of the patient based on all factors in the physical environment in the neighborhoods area. Neighborhoods criteria from the heaviest to the lowest severity is 22, 12, 11, 10, 1, 8, 15, 4, 6, 13, 5, and 17. The neighborhoods of 22 , 12, 11, 10, 1, 8, and 15 are the area of the township the neighborhoods of 4, 6, 13, 5 and 17 are residential areas.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Megawati Adhitama Putri
Tuberkulosis paru merupakan penyakit yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia termasuk di Indonesia, negara dengan kasus TB terbanyak kelima di dunia. Prevalensi TB paru di Indonesia menurut Riskesdas 2013 sebesar 0,4% (400/100.000) dan salah satu provinsi yang memiliki prevalensi TB paru di atas prevalensi nasional adalah DKI Jakarta (0,6%). Kepadatan yang tinggi, merokok tembakau, diabetes, dan malnutrisi diketahui sebagai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterpaparan terhadap infeksi Mycobacterium tuberculosis dan perkembangan TB aktif.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor klinis, sosio-demografi, dan lingkungan dengan kejadian TB paru usia ≥ 15 tahun di Provinsi DKI Jakarta tahun 2013 berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang. Analisis data dengan regresi logistik ganda menggunakan SPSS versi 17.0 . Penderita TB paru adalah responden yang pernah didiagnosis oleh tenaga kesehatan melalui pemeriksaan dahak dan/atau foto rontgen dalam waktu ≤ 1 tahun atau memiliki semua gejala klinis TB paru.
Hasil penelitian menemukan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian TB paru usia ≥ 15 tahun yaitu, diabetes melitus (POR = 3,25), status perkawinan (tidak kawin) (POR=0,44), riwayat merokok (POR=1,93), dan interaksi antara status gizi dengan umur (POR=21,31). Pengendalian dan pencegahan terhadap faktor risiko TB diantaranya edukasi tentang gizi, konseling mengenai pentingnya menjaga kadar gula darah bagi para diabetesi, dan memperluas Kawasan Tanpa Rokok penting untuk dilakukan guna menurunkan prevalensi TB paru serta mendukung keberhasilan program pengendalian TB paru di DKI Jakarta.

;The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of clinical, sociodemography,
and environmental factors with the occurrence of pulmonary TB age
􀂕􀀔􀀘􀀃 􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀁖􀀃 􀁌􀁑􀀃 􀀧􀀮􀀬􀀃 􀀭􀁄􀁎􀁄􀁕􀁗􀁄􀀃 􀁌􀁑􀀃 􀀕􀀓􀀔􀀖􀀃 􀁅􀁄􀁖􀁈􀁇􀀃 􀁒􀁑􀀃 􀀥􀁄􀁖􀁌􀁆􀀃 􀀫􀁈􀁄􀁏􀁗􀁋􀀃 Research 2013. The
study design is cross-sectional. Data analysis used in this study is multiple logistic
regression using SPSS version 17.0. Patient with pulmonary TB is a respondent
who had been diagnosed by health professionals through the examination of
􀁖􀁓􀁘􀁗􀁘􀁐􀀃 􀁄􀁑􀁇􀀒􀁒􀁕􀀃 􀁏􀁘􀁑􀁊􀀃 􀁕􀁒􀁑􀁗􀁊􀁈􀁑􀀃 􀁚􀁌􀁗􀁋􀁌􀁑􀀃 􀂔􀀔􀀃 􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀀃 􀁒􀁕􀀃 􀁚􀁋􀁒􀀃 􀁋􀁄􀁇􀀃 􀁆􀁏􀁌􀁑􀁌􀁆􀁄􀁏􀀃 􀁖􀁜􀁐􀁓􀁗􀁒􀁐􀁖􀀃 􀁒􀁉􀀃
pulmonary TB.
The study result found that factors related to the occurrence of pulmonary
􀀷􀀥􀀃 􀁄􀁊􀁈􀀃 􀂕􀀔􀀘􀀃 􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀁖􀀃 􀁒􀁏􀁇􀀃 􀁄􀁕􀁈􀀃 􀁇􀁌􀁄􀁅􀁈􀁗􀁈􀁖􀀃 􀀋􀀳􀀲􀀵􀀠􀀖􀀏􀀕􀀘􀀌􀀏􀀃 􀁐􀁄􀁕􀁌􀁗􀁄􀁏􀀃 􀁖􀁗􀁄􀁗􀁘􀁖􀀃 􀀋􀁘􀁑􀁐􀁄􀁕􀁕􀁌􀁈􀁇􀀌􀀃
(POR=0,44), smoking history (POR=1,93), and interaction between nutritional
status and age (POR=21,31). Control and preventive efforts of risk factors of
pulmonary TB, such as nutrition education, counseling about the need to control
blood glucose among diabetes patient, and expanding no smoking area are
important to do in order to decrease prevalence of pulmonary TB and support the
success of pulmonary TB control program in DKI Jakarta, The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of clinical, sociodemography,
and environmental factors with the occurrence of pulmonary TB age
􀂕􀀔􀀘􀀃 􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀁖􀀃 􀁌􀁑􀀃 􀀧􀀮􀀬􀀃 􀀭􀁄􀁎􀁄􀁕􀁗􀁄􀀃 􀁌􀁑􀀃 􀀕􀀓􀀔􀀖􀀃 􀁅􀁄􀁖􀁈􀁇􀀃 􀁒􀁑􀀃 􀀥􀁄􀁖􀁌􀁆􀀃 􀀫􀁈􀁄􀁏􀁗􀁋􀀃 Research 2013. The
study design is cross-sectional. Data analysis used in this study is multiple logistic
regression using SPSS version 17.0. Patient with pulmonary TB is a respondent
who had been diagnosed by health professionals through the examination of
􀁖􀁓􀁘􀁗􀁘􀁐􀀃 􀁄􀁑􀁇􀀒􀁒􀁕􀀃 􀁏􀁘􀁑􀁊􀀃 􀁕􀁒􀁑􀁗􀁊􀁈􀁑􀀃 􀁚􀁌􀁗􀁋􀁌􀁑􀀃 􀂔􀀔􀀃 􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀀃 􀁒􀁕􀀃 􀁚􀁋􀁒􀀃 􀁋􀁄􀁇􀀃 􀁆􀁏􀁌􀁑􀁌􀁆􀁄􀁏􀀃 􀁖􀁜􀁐􀁓􀁗􀁒􀁐􀁖􀀃 􀁒􀁉􀀃
pulmonary TB.
The study result found that factors related to the occurrence of pulmonary
􀀷􀀥􀀃 􀁄􀁊􀁈􀀃 􀂕􀀔􀀘􀀃 􀁜􀁈􀁄􀁕􀁖􀀃 􀁒􀁏􀁇􀀃 􀁄􀁕􀁈􀀃 􀁇􀁌􀁄􀁅􀁈􀁗􀁈􀁖􀀃 􀀋􀀳􀀲􀀵􀀠􀀖􀀏􀀕􀀘􀀌􀀏􀀃 􀁐􀁄􀁕􀁌􀁗􀁄􀁏􀀃 􀁖􀁗􀁄􀁗􀁘􀁖􀀃 􀀋􀁘􀁑􀁐􀁄􀁕􀁕􀁌􀁈􀁇􀀌􀀃
(POR=0,44), smoking history (POR=1,93), and interaction between nutritional
status and age (POR=21,31). Control and preventive efforts of risk factors of
pulmonary TB, such as nutrition education, counseling about the need to control
blood glucose among diabetes patient, and expanding no smoking area are
important to do in order to decrease prevalence of pulmonary TB and support the
success of pulmonary TB control program in DKI Jakarta]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Evi Sofia Riani
Penelitian ini menggunakan disain case control untuk melihat besar risiko
anak yang tidak diimunisasi BCG untuk terkena TB Paru. Kasus dan kontrol adalah
anak kota Sukabumi usia 0-5 tahun yang diperoleh dari laporan rutin program TB,
imunisasi, KIA dan Gizi di dinas kesehatan kota Sukabumi. Hasil analisis bivariat
menunjukkan bahwa anak yang tidak diimunisasi BCG memiliki risiko 3,270 kali
lebih besar untuk terkena TB paru dibandingkan anak yang diimunisasi BCG.
Sedangkan hasil analisis multivariat yang memasukkan variabel kunjungan
neonatal sebagai variabel interaksi dan variabel berat badan lahir sebagai
confounding menunjukkan bahwa anak yang tidak diimunisasi BCG dan kunjungan
neonatal < 3 kali memiliki tingkat Risiko sebesar 5,63 kali lebih tinggi untuk
terkena TB paru dibandingkan anak yang diimunisasi BCG dan kunjungan neonatal
= 3 kali (kelompok referens). Adapun tingkat risiko anak yang tidak diimunisasi
BCG dan kunjungan neonatal = 3 kali adalah sebesar 1,13 kali lebih besar untuk
terkena TB paru dibandingkan kelompok referens dan anak yang diimunisasi BCG
namun kunjungan neonatal<3 memiliki tingkat risiko 4,99 kali lebih besar dari
kelompok referens. Dari hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa efikasi vaksin BCG tanpa
interaksi adalah dengan 67% sedangkan efikasi vaksin BCG dengan interaksi
adalah 82%. ini berarti, efikasi vaksin di Kota Sukabumi mengalami peningkatan
dengan adanya interaksi variabel kunjungan neonatal dengan imunisasi BCG.

This study used case control design to look at the risk of children not immunized
with BCG for pulmonary tuberculosis. Case and control are children under 5
years old in Sukabumi City obtained from regular reports of TB program,
immunization, KIA and Nutrition at health office in Sukabumi city. The result
of bivariate analysis showed that children who were not immunized with BCG
had a risk at 3.270 times higher to have pulmonary TB than children were
immunized with BCG. While the results of multivariate analysis that included
neonatal visit variables as interaction variables and born weight variables as
confounding showed that children were not immunized with BCG and neonatal
visits < 3 times had a Risk level at 5.63 times higher for pulmonary tuberculosis
than immunized children BCG and neonatal visits = 3 times (reference group).
The risk of children not immunized by BCG and neonatal visits = 3 times was
1.13 times higher for pulmonary tuberculosis than the referent group and
children immunized with BCG but neonatal visits <3 had a risk level 4.99 times
greater than the group Referens. From these results it is known that the efficacy
of BCG vaccine without interaction is 67 % while the efficacy of BCG vaccine
with interaction is 82 %. This means, the efficacy of vaccine BCG in Sukabumi
City has increased with the interaction between neonatal visit variable and BCG
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sara Fadila
"Tuberkulosis (TB) Paru merupakan salah satu penyakit penyebab utama kesakitan dan kematian di seluruh dunia. Pada tahun 2020 penyakit TB menempati peringkat kedua penyebab utama kematian akibat infeksi agen tunggal. Infeksi TB pada anak masih menjadi salah satu penyebab mortalitas dan morbiditas sehingga dibutuhkan tindakan preventif dan promotif yang tepat untuk menurunkan angka insiden TB salah satunya dengan mengevaluasi faktor-faktor risiko kejadian TB paru pada anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian TB paru pada anak di Kota Bekasi tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus-kontrol dengan sampel 135 kasus dan 135 kontrol yang diambil berdasarkan data SITB Kota Bekasi. Variabel yang diteliti antara lain usia, jenis kelamin, status gizi, status vaksinasi BCG, riwayat kontak serumah dengan penderita TB, tingkat pendidikan orang tua, pekerjaan orang tua, kepadatan hunian, ventilasi rumah, dan sumber pencahayaan. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis multivariat menunjukkan faktor risiko usia 0 - ≤5 tahun (OR 2,27; 95% CI: 1,22-4,22), status vaksinasi BCG negatif (OR 7,96; 95% CI: 2,02-31,40), status gizi kurang (OR 13,24; 95% CI: 5,44-32,22), riwayat kontak TB serumah lebih dari 4 minggu (OR 4,52; 95% CI: 2,41-8,48), dan pencahayaan rumah tidak memenuhi syarat (OR 2,39; 95% CI: 1,17-4,84) memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian TB paru pada anak di Kota Bekasi tahun 2022.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in worldwide. In 2020 TB disease is the second leading cause of death due to single agent infection. TB infection in children is still one of the causes of mortality and morbidity, so appropriate preventive and promotive measures are needed to reduce the incidence of TB, one of which is by evaluating the risk factors for pulmonary TB in children. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors associated with the incidence of pulmonary TB in children in Bekasi City in 2022. This study used a case-control study with a sample of 135 cases and 135 controls taken based on SITB from Bekasi City. The variables studied included age, gender, nutritional status, BCG immunization status, history of household contact with TB, parents' education level, parents' occupation, occupancy density, house ventilation, and lighting sources. The results of the study based on multivariate analysis showed that the risk factors were age 0 - ≤5 years (OR 2,27; 95% CI: 1,22-4,22), negative BCG immunization status (OR 7,96; 95% CI: 2,02-31,40), malnutrition status (OR 13,24; 95% CI: 5,44-32,22), history of contact with TB in the household for more than 4 weeks (OR 4,52; 95% CI: 2,41-8,48), and house lighting not requirements (OR 2,39; 95% CI: 1,17-4,84) has a significant relationship with the incidence of pulmonary TB in children in Bekasi City in 2022."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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