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"The development of technology has brought us to a world with much efficiency in many activities covering information exchange, economic, and social activities. The growing network is now connecting people all over the world-indiviuals, corporation, goverment institutions, even crime organization-with many types of device ranging from mobile phone, television, personal computer, to public infrastructure. A more interconnected world does not come with only advantages and opportunities, new threats are emerging in the virtual domain which we called as the cyberspace. This article elaborates the cyberspace with its threats form the wide scope of global context with the case study of Indonesia in particular. THe aim of this article is to introduce the needs of growing strategic management in cyber security. It also discusses cyberthreats as many people still do not aware of those threats and to generate thinkging over the importance of strategic management in cyber security, including an applicable strategy as we need a comprehensive reactive and proactive approach to tackle this issue in international relations today. Domestically, Indonesia also needs to further develop its cyber diplomacy to further anticipate any possible cyber disruptions to its national interest."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2018
330 ASCSM 40 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pakpahan, Victoria M.
"The development of technology has brought us to a world with much efficiency in many activities covering information exchange, economic, and social activities. The growing network is now connecting people all over the world-indiviuals, corporation, goverment institutions, even crime organization-with many types of device ranging from mobile phone, television, personal computer, to public infrastructure. A more interconnected world does not come with only advantages and opportunities, new threats are emerging in the virtual domain which we called as the cyberspace. This article elaborates the cyberspace with its threats form the wide scope of global context with the case study of Indonesia in particular. THe aim of this article is to introduce the needs of growing strategic management in cyber security. It also discusses cyberthreats as many people still do not aware of those threats and to generate thinkging over the importance of strategic management in cyber security, including an applicable strategy as we need a comprehensive reactive and proactive approach to tackle this issue in international relations today. Domestically, Indonesia also needs to further develop its cyber diplomacy to further anticipate any possible cyber disruptions to its national interest."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2018
330 ASCSM 40 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bungin Masokan Misalayuk
Penelitian ini berjudul manajemen security fisik Resort Pulau Sepa. Penelitian ini, mencoba mengangkat permasalahan yang terjadi di Resort Pulau Sepa, seperti kerawanan terjadi kasus asusila yang dikarenakan Resort Pulau Sepa merupakan tujuan wisata warga Jakarta serta pengunjung yang berkebangsaan asing. Selain dari pada keamanan para pengunjung, kerawanan lainnya seperti terjadinya pencurian barang milik pengunjung dan barang yang berupa asset milik resort. Masalah utama yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut: 1) Bagaimana manajemen security fisik resort Pulau Sepa? 2) Faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi manajemen security fisik resort Pulau Sepa? 3) Upaya apa yang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan manajemen security fisik resort Pulau Sepa? Teori-teori yang digunakan adalah manajemen, teori manajemen, keamanan, system pengamanan,sumber daya, fungsi system pengamanan, macam-macam pengamanan, pengamanan fisik, rancangan system pengamanan. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah Pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah; studi kepustakaan, wawancara dan observasi. Teknik anasisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, sajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dapat dilihat sistem pengamanan Pulau Sepa Resort memiliki tingkat keamanan yang rendah. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh Pulau Sepa Resort dalam mengoptimalkan sistem keamanannya adalah sinkronisasi antara ketiga pilar (orang, pengamanan fisik, dan prosedur). Perlu diberikan perhatian bagi anggota yang bertugas dalam bentuk akomodasi, karena jika sarana dan prasarana memadai, prosedurnya cocok, tapi sumber daya manusia yang melaksanakannya tidak diperhatikan baik kebutuhannya, kepentingannya, kesehatannya dan kesejahteraannya, tentu akan mengakibatkan keengganan atau kemalasan dari sumber daya manusia tersebut untuk melakukan kewajiban ataupun tugas-tugasnya karena merasa tidak diperhatikan.

The study is titled physical security management Sepa Island Resort. This research, trying to raise the issues raised in the Sepa Island Resort, such as vulnerability occurs due to cases immoral Sepa Island Resort is a tourist destination Jakarta residents and visitors who are foreign nationals. Aside from the safety of visitors, such as the vulnerability of the theft of visitors and goods in the form of assets owned by the resort. The main issues to be examined in this study is formulated as follows: 1) How does the physical security management Sepa Island resort? 2) factors-factors that influence physical security management Sepa Island resort? 3) What will be done to optimize the physical security management Sepa Island resort? The theories used are management, management theory, security, security system, resource, security system functions, a variety of security, physical security, security system design. In this study, the researcher used the research approach is qualitative approach. The type of this research is descriptive research. The data collection techniques used were; library research, interviews and observations. Techniques used anasisis data is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the security system can be viewed Sepa Island Resort has a low level of security. Efforts made by Sepa Island Resort in optimizing its security system is synchronization between the three pillars (people, physical security, and procedures). Attention must be given to members who served in the form of accommodation, because if adequate facilities and infrastructure, the procedure is suitable, but human resources is not considered either implement their needs, interests, health and welfare, will certainly result in reluctance or laziness of the human resources for perform his duties or obligations because it was not considered."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosua Praditya Suratman
"The increasing number of cyber attacks that occur today indicates that Indonesia is an easy target for crime actors in the cyber world. Cyber attacks are selected because they are far more effective than conventional attacks - the military, and the actors are also invisible. Not to mention, the capacity of cyber handling, both infrastructure, funds, and human resources in Indonesia is inversely proportional compared to the number of cyber attacks in the last decade. Intelligence strategies, primarily counter-intelligence, isthe answer to deter and detect the attacks,while the government fixing the regulations and policies of national cyber threats."
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, 2017
345 JPUPI 7:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Apriyana SA
Sebagai proses alamiah dalam mencapai titik ekuilibrium, perkembangan ekonomi digital akan selalu diikuti oleh peningkatan risiko keamanan cyber. Penelitian ini membahas analisis big data percakapan media sosial Twitter dengan tipe data yang tidak terstruktur untuk memprediksi risiko cyber berupa keberhasilan serangan exploit terhadap kerentanan sistem informasi yang dipublikasikan pada situs kerentanan global cvedetails.com common vulnerabilities and exposures CVE . Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi aspek kualitatif dan kuantitatif atas data yang bersumber dari twitter dan CVE menggunakan metode pemodelan algoritmik statistical machine learning. Prediksi dilakukan dengan membandingkan beberapa model klasifikasi yang dipilih dari sepuluh algoritma yang paling banyak digunakan dalam data mining berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh IEEE pada International Conference on Data Mining tahun 2006. Hasil prediksi terbaik dihasilkan melalui model algoritma Artificial Neural Networks dengan tingkat akurasi 96,73 . Model prediksi dapat dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan asuransi dengan produk perlindungan risiko cyber untuk mengurangi potensi penyebaran klaim terjadinya risiko. Model juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan umum untuk melakukan mitigasi risiko cyber secara efektif dan efisien dengan menghindari situasi false-negatives error dalam pengelolaan risiko.

As a natural process in achieving equilibrium state, digital economic progress will always be followed by the increase of cyber security risk exposure. This research is focusing on unstructured Twitter social media big data analytics to predict cyber risks event in terms of successful attack on exploit based software vulnerability published in global vulnerability information websites cvedetails.com common vulnerabilities and exposures CVE . This research explores qualitative and quantitative aspect of data extracted from Twitter and CVE using statistical machine learning algorithmic modeling method. Prediction result obtained by comparing and selecting classification model from several statistical machine learning algorithm based on top ten algorithms in data mining survey produced by IEEE in 2006 International Conference on Data Mining. The best prediction results provided through Artificial Neural Networks algorithm with 96,73 accuracy rate. This prediction model offers advantages for insurance company with cyber liability product by reducing claim spread probability over cyber risk loss event. Prediction model can also be beneficial for company in general by providing an effective and efficient way to mitigate cyber risks through false negatives error avoidance in risk management."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bara Hitapuru
"Penelitian ini merupakan studi pustaka terkait Analisis Kemampuan Security Operations Center SOC Sebagai Sistem Pertahanan Siber dalam Mengatasi Ancaman Serangan Siber di Indonesia dimana berdasarkan laporan The Global Cybersecurity Index2017, Indonesia termasuk dalam negara dengan keamanan siber yang lemah menempati peringkat ke-69. Sedangkan menurut Australian Strategic Policy Institute ASPI 2017, cyber maturity Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-12 dari 25 negara anggota se Asia-Pasifik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1 menganalisis kemampuan Security Operations Center SOC sebagai sistem pertahanan siberdalam mengatasi ancaman serangan siber di Indonesia dan 2 menganalisis kendala Security Operations Center SOC sebagai sistem pertahanan siberdalam mengatasi ancaman serangan siber di Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori ancaman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1 kemampuan SOC BSSN sebagai pertahanan siber masih belum baik terutama pada aspek people, 2 terdapat beberapa kendala SOC diantaranya pimpinan masih belum sadar akan pentingnya SOC, tingkat kompleksitas dalam membangun dan menerapkan prosedur, serta dalam pembangunan memerlukan waktu yang lama dan modal yang besar. Hasil analisis ancaman serangan siber menunjukkan bahwa level ancaman serangan siber di Indonesia berada pada kategori tinggi, sehingga membahayakan kepentingan Negara dan mempengaruhi ketahanan nasional.
This study is a literature study on the Analysis of Security Operations Center SOC Ability as a Cyber Defence System in Overcoming Cyber Attack Threats in Indonesiawhere, according to The Global Cybersecurity Index 2017, Indonesia is included in a country with weak cyber security ranked 69th. Meanwhile, according to Australian Strategic Policy Institute ASPI 2017, cyber maturity Indonesia is ranked 12th from 25 member countries of Asia Pacific. This research uses qualitative approach with data collection through interview and literature study. This study aims to 1 analyze the capabilities of the Security Operations Center SOC as a cyber defense system in overcoming the threat of cyber attack in Indonesia and 2 to analyze the constraints of Security Operations Center SOC as a cyber defense system in overcoming the threat of siber attacks in Indonesia. The theory used is the theory of threats. The results of this study are 1 the ability of SOC BSSN as cyber defense is not good, especially in the people aspect, 2 there are some SOC obstacles including the leader still not aware of the importance of SOC, the level of complexity in building and implementing procedures, long time and big capital. The results of the analysis of cyber threats indicate that the threat level of cyber attacks in Indonesia is in the high category, thus endangering the interests of the State and affecting national resilience. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wheeler, Evan
Amsterdam: Syngress, 2011
005.8 WHE s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatur Rahman Stoffel
"Teknologi komputasi cloud merupakan sebuah pool besar yang terdiri dari sumber daya komputasi yang di virtualisasikan, sehingga pengguna dapat mengakses dan menggunakannya. Cloud telah diadaptasi oleh banyak perusahaan besar di bidang IT, seperti Google, IBM, Amazon dan masih banyak lagi. Oleh karena itu, keamanan pada teknologi cloud menjadi prioritas utama, sehingga bisa terhindar dari serangan cyber. Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) merupakan sebuah serangan cyber yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan akses terhadap sistem atau jaringan, sehingga bisa melakukan pencurian data. Berbeda dengan teknik pencurian data biasa yang bersifat "smash and grab", APT akan tetap berada pada sistem target dalam periode waktu tertentu, sehingga penyerang bisa mengakses dan mengambil data target secara terus menerus, tanpa bisa terdeteksi. Hal ini membuat APT menjadi salah satu ancaman cyber yang sulit untuk dicegah, khususnya pada cloud environment. Metode keamanan analitik menjadi salah satu solusi yang bisa digunakan untuk bisa mengatasi serangan APT pada cloud environment, hal ini dikarenakan data yang dihasilkan semakin banyak, dan infrastruktur dari cloud juga mempunyai kapasitas yang besar untuk bisa menangani banyak nya data yang dihasilkan, sehingga metode keamanan lama yang sering diterapkan menjadi tidak lagi efisien. Salah satu metode keamanan analitik yang dapat diterapkan pada teknologi cloud adalah dengan menggunakan Security Information Event Management (SIEM) yang disediakan oleh banyak vendor seperti IBM dengan IBM QRadar. Hasilnya didapatkan bahwa kinerja tingkat deteksi SIEM dengan IBM Qradar terhadap ancaman serangan APT tidak optimal dengan pendeteksian hanya sebesar 57,1% dan yang terdeteksi sebagai kategori penyerangan sebesar 42,9% dari total 4 serangan yang dilancarkan. Hal ini dikarenakan IBM Qradar memerlukan beberapa ekstensi tambahan, sehingga membutuhkan resource komputasi yang lebih besar agar bisa meningkatkan kemampuan deteksi terhadap serangan APT.

Cloud computing technology is a large pool of virtualized computing resources, so that users can access and use them. Cloud has been adapted by many large companies in the IT field, such as Google, IBM, Amazon and many more. Therefore, security in cloud technology is a top priority, so that it can avoid cyber attacks. Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a cyber attack that aims to gain access to a system or network, so that it can carry out data theft. Unlike the usual "smash and grab" data theft technique, the APT will remain on the target system for a certain period of time, so that attackers can access and retrieve target data continuously, without being detected. This makes APT one of the most difficult cyber threats to prevent, especially in cloud environments. Analytical security methods are one of the solutions that can be used to overcome APT attacks in the cloud environment, this is because more and more data is generated, and the infrastructure of the cloud also has a large capacity to be able to handle a lot of data generated, so the old security method which are often applied become inefficient. One of the analytical security methods that can be applied to cloud technology is to use Security Information Event Management (SIEM) that have been provided by many vendors such as IBM with IBM Qradar. The result shows that the performance of SIEM detection rate with IBM Qradar against APT attack is not optimal with only 57.1% detection rate and 42.9% detected as an attack category out of a total of 4 attacks launched. This is because IBM Qradar needs some additional extension, thus requiring more additional computing resources in order to increase the detection rate ability against APT attack."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Indra Laksmana
"Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian mengenai pelaksanaan Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik di Kampus Universitas Tarumanagara (Untar). Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa kasus-kasus gangguan keamanan di lingkungan Kampus Untar masih relatif besar dan cenderung meningkat. Kondisi fisik Untar yang terdiri dari tujuh blok bangunan dengan ratusan ruangan-ruangan kelas, laboratorium, pusat komputer, kantin, bank dan jumlah mahasiswa yang terus meningkat membuat kampus ini menjadi rentan terhadap gangguan keamanan dan kejahatan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan lapangan didukung dengan metode wawancara dan menghimpun dokumen terkait. Wawancara dilakukan kepada para petugas terkait dengan pengelolaan pengamanan kampus.
Hasil penelitian dianalisa secara kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelemahan dalam sistem manajemen sekuriti antara lain bahwa sistem pengamanan kampus terlalu mengandalkan tenaga-tenaga outsourcing, sehingga mereka kurang mempunyai rasa memiliki. Disamping kekurangan tenaga keamanan, juga kekurangan jumlah sarana pengamanan seperti CCTV dan sarana penghalang, serta kurangnya koordinasi dengan pihak kepolisian. Oleh sebab itu disarankan untuk memperkuat tenaga pengamanan internal, pengintegrasian sistem pengamanan tenaga internal dan tenaga outsourcing dan kepolisian, melengkapi sarana prasarana pengamanan serta pemberdayaan tenagatenaga pengamanan melalui program pelatihan.

The thesis analyzes the result of the research conducted on the implementation of physical security management at the Tarumanagara University (Untar). The facts showed that the number of cases against security at the Untar campus is relatively big and tend to increase. The physical condition of Untar campus consisting of several building blocks with hundreds of class-room and the increasing number of students make the Untar campus is facing the potential security problems and threats.
The research was conducted by using field research method, supported by interviews and documents collection. Interviews were conducted to a number of key informants related to security management of Untar campus. The result of the research were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively.
The result of the research showed the lack of the security management system at the Untar campus, among other that the security personnel is too much dependent on the contract and outsourced employees, who have a relatively low of sense of belonging. Also there has been insufficient security means such as CCTV and physical border installation, as well as the lack of coordination with the police officers. Therefore, it is adviced to empower internal security personnel, to integrate internal and outsourced employees and the role of police into an integrated physical security management system, improve security device and installations and empower security personnel through training programs.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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