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Teknologi 5G yang diharapkan dapat dikomersialisasikan mulai tahun 2020 diperlukan untuk memenuhi peningkatan permintaan komunikasi data. Salah satu tantangan mewujudkannya terletak pada pemilihan spektrum frekuensi yang tepat untuk implementasi 5G di Indonesia.

Tesis ini membahas secara spesifik aspek tekno-ekonomi dalam menguji kelayakan investasi spektrum frekuensi 28 GHz untuk 5G di Indonesia. Dua indikator utama yang dijadikan sebagai bahan masukan dalam pendekatan Cost-Benefit Analysis dalam studi ini yaitu faktor BHP Izin Penggunaan Spektrum Frekuensi yang dijadikan sebagai acuan biaya investasi operator dan faktor pendapatan operator dari sisi data layanan 4G.

Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa investasi pada spektrum frekuensi 28 GHz untuk implementasi 5G di Indonesia akan mencapai titik impas setelah melewati tujuh tahun semenjak implementasi komersial layanan 5G dimulai. Dalam jangka waktu sepuluh tahun investasi, operator memperoleh keuntungan finansial setelah berinvestasi layanan 5G pada spektrum frekuensi 28 GHz.

Selain operator, regulator dalam hal ini negara Indonesia juga dapat meningkatkan penerimaannya yang berasal dari BHP yang merupakan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak dari sektor industri telekomunikasi. Oleh karenanya, studi pada tesis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu referensi dan rekomendasi bagi regulator di Indonesia dalam menentukan spektrum frekuensi yang tepat untuk era 5G yang sebentar lagi akan dimulai.

The 5G technology that is expected to be commercialized starting in 2020 is needed to meet the increasing demand for data communication. One of the challenges in making it happen lies in the selection of the right frequency spectrum for the implementation of 5G in Indonesia.

This thesis discusses specifically the techno-economic aspects in testing the feasibility of investing the 28 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G in Indonesia. The two main indicators that are used as input in the Cost-Benefit Analysis approach in this study are the BHP factor Permission for the Use of Frequency Spectrum which is used as a reference for operator investment costs and operator income factors in terms of 4G service data.

Based on the analysis conducted, it was found that investment in the 28 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G implementation in Indonesia would break even after passing seven years since the commercial implementation of the 5G service began. Within ten years of investment, operators obtain financial benefits after investing 5G services in the 28 GHz frequency spectrum.

In addition to operators, regulators in this case the Indonesian state can also increase its revenue from BHP which is a Non-Tax State Revenue from the telecommunications industry sector. Therefore, the study in this thesis is expected to be one of the references and recommendations for regulators in Indonesia in determining the right frequency spectrum for the era of 5G which will soon begin.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lutfijamil Setiawan
"Teknologi 5G diperkirakan akan hadir pada tahun 2020. Dalam rangka mewujudkan hal ini, diperlukan ekosistem yang dapat mendukung pengimplementasian teknologi 5G secara optimal. Salah satu tantangan dalam mempersiapkan ekosistem 5G adalah alokasi penggunaan spektrum frekuensi. Spektrum frekuensi merupakan salah satu sumber daya telekomunikasi yang terbatas, sehingga perlu pengelolaan yang optimal dan efisien untuk dapat memanfaatkan teknologi 5G secara maksimal. Spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz menjadi spektrum hotspot yang banyak di rekomendasikan dalam pengimplementasian teknologi 5G di forum telekomunikasi global, karena memiliki kapasitas dan jangkauan yang cukup untuk teknologi 5G. Sayangnya di Indonesia, spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz merupakan spektrum eksisting yang digunakan untuk layanan satelit.
Dengan penyebaran optik yang belum merata, serta karakteristik Indonesia yang merupakan negara archipelago dan rawan akan bencana alam menyebabkan layanan satelit masih menjadi layanan mandatory yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian kali ini dilakukan analisis implementasi spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz untuk teknologi 5G di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode STEP (Sosial, Teknologi, Ekonomi, Policy). Pada penelitian ini model framework yang berbasis metode STEP digunakan untuk melakukan pendekatan dengan melihat permasalahan berdasarkan perspektif ekonomi, perspektif sosial, perspektif teknologi dan perspektif policy. Sehingga di dapatkan perspektif yang utuh dan dapat menganalisis penggunaan spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz dengan lebih akurat dan dapat mengambarkan kondisi industri yang ada saat ini untuk penggunaan spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz di Indonesia.
Dari hasil penelitian analisis implementasi spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz untuk teknologi 5G di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode STEP, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa baik teknologi 5G dan satelit sama-sama membutuhkan spektrum frekuensi 3.5 GHz untuk layananya. Oleh karena itu strategi yang harus dilakukan regulator adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, mengkaji secara teknis tentang kemungkinan sharing spektrum frekuensi, mengkaji secara ekonomi real manfaat yang didapatkan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat Indonesia dari layanan 5G. Terakhir mengadakan FGD agar hasil regulasi dapat diterima dan optimal.

5G technology is expected to be present in 2020. In order to achieve that, an ecosystem that can support the implementation of 5G technology optimally is needed. One of the challenges in preparing for the 5G ecosystem is the allocation of the use of the frequency spectrum. The frequency spectrum is one of the limited telecommunication resources, so it needs optimal and efficient management so that the impact of technological benefits can be felt to the maximum. The 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum is a spectrum of hotspots that are widely recommended in implementing 5G technology in global telecommunications forums, because it has sufficient capacity and reach for 5G technology. Unfortunately in Indonesia, the 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum is the existing spectrum used for satellite services.
With the uneven distribution of optics, and the characteristics of Indonesia which is an archipelago and prone to natural disasters, satellite services are still a mandatory service owned by Indonesia. Therefore, in this study an analysis of the implementation of the 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G technology in Indonesia was carried out using the STEP method (Social, Technology, Economy, Policy). In this study the framework model based on the STEP method is used to make approaches that not only see problems based on an economic perspective but also from a social perspective, a technological perspective and a policy perspective. So that we get a complete perspective and can analyze the use of the 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum more accurately and can describe the current industrial conditions for the use of the 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum in Indonesia.
From the results of an analysis of the implementation of the 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G technology in Indonesia using the STEP method, it was concluded that both 5G and satellite technologies both require a 3.5 GHz frequency spectrum for their services. Therefore the strategy that must be carried out by regulators is to provide education to the public, to study technically about the possibility of sharing the frequency spectrum, to assess economically the real benefits obtained by the government and the people of Indonesia from 5G services. The last is to hold an FGD so that the results of the regulation are acceptabel and optimal.that the 3.5 GHz frekuensi spektrum is more useful for being allocated to satellite services.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ageng Kharisma Putri
"Teknologi 5G saat ini digadang-gadang menjadi primadona operator seluler yang menawarkan jaringan internet dengan kecepatan tinggi bagi penggunanya. Namun dengan adanya keterbatasan spektrum frekuensi, pemerintah perlu mengalokasikan spektrum frekuensi untuk teknologi 5G ini. Salah satu kandidat spektrum frekuensi yang akan dialokasikan untuk implementasi teknologi 5G adalah spektrum frekuensi 3,5 GHz yang saat ini sudah dipakai oleh operator satelit (spektrum frekuensi Extended C-Band), sehingga pemerintah perlu melakukan realokasi frekuensi 3,5 GHz. Pemerintah akan menerima Pendapatan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) yang lebih besar dengan adanya realokasi spektrum 3,5 GHz. Namun, apabila teknologi 5G diimplementasikan pada frekuensi tersebut, operator satelit tidak bisa lagi memakai spektrum frekuensi tersebut. Hal ini tentu akan memberikan dampak penurunan terhadap performansi bisnis satelit karena operator satelit kehilangan kesempatan bisnisnya. Pemerintah perlu mempertimbangkan skema perhitungan kompensasi untuk operator satelit. Hasil perhitungan besaran nilai kompensasi tiap satelit akan berbeda, untuk Satelit A sebesar Rp 1.537.750.000.000, Satelit B sebesar Rp 1.476.246.000.000, dan Satelit C sebesar Rp 1.104.926.000.000. Tesis ini akan menganalisis perhitungan kompensasi untuk Satelit A, B, dan C sebagai dampak dari realokasi spektrum frekuensi 3,5 GHz.

Mobile operators believed that 5G could offer high-speed internet networks for their users. However, due to the limited frequency spectrum, the Government needs to reallocate the frequency spectrum for the 5G implementation. One of the frequency spectrum candidates for the 5G implementation is the 3,5 GHz frequency spectrum. But, currently, this frequency is allocated for satellite as Extended C-Band. The government will receive a larger Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) with the reallocation of the 3.5 GHz spectrum frequency. However, if 5G technology is implemented on these frequencies, satellite operators may no longer use Extended C-Band due to the interferences impacting the satellite operators' business. Satellite operators will suffer from losses since they lost their business opportunities. With frequency reallocation, it is necessary to provide fair compensation to satellite operators. The results of the compensation calculation is different for each satellite, for Satellite A of Rp. 1.537.750.000.000, for Satellite B of Rp. 1.476.246.000.000, and for Satellite C of Rp. 1.104.926000.000. This research contributes to formulation compensation for satellite A, B, and C as a result of the reallocation of the 3,5 GHz frequency spectrum."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akmal Hugo Prasetyo
"Skripsi ini mengembangkan simulasi pengaruh atenuasi hujan di skenario suburban tropis pada spektrum frekuensi 26 dan 41 GHz. Pengambilan spektrum frekuensi diambil berdasarkan alokasi frekuensi kerja untuk teknologi 5G-NR. Simulasi dibuat menggunakan simulator NYUSIM dari New York University dan bahasa komputasi matematis. Hasil dari simulasi diolah menggunakan model tersendiri untuk menghasilkan Power Delay Profile dan Outage Capacity. Kami telah melakukan simulasi pada 3 skenario kondisi jarak yang berbeda, yaitu Jarak 100 meter, Jarak 500 meter, dan Jarak 1000 meter. Dalam skenario kondisi jarak 100 meter, Outage Capacity terbesar bernilai 5 Gbps di 41 GHz yang diambil pada titik referensi outage 0.3. Dalam skenario kondisi jarak 500 meter, Outage Capacity terbesar bernilai 2.9 Gbps di 26 GHz yang diambil pada titik referensi outage 0.3. Dalam skenario kondisi jarak 1000 meter, Outage Capacity terbesar bernilai 3.5 Gbps di 26 GHz yang diambil pada titik referensi outage 0.3. Hasil dari simulasi ini mengindikasikan rugi atenuasi dari curah hujan mempengaruhi transmisi gelombang millimeter wave, akan tetapi dibandingkan dengan rugi-rugi lainnya seperti obstruksi gedung dan pepohonan seiring jarak bertambah akan membuatnya menjadi tidak signifikan dalam perhitungan kecepatan data.

This thesis develops the simulation of rain attenuation in tropic suburban scenario at frequency spectrum of 26 and 41 GHz. Frequency spectrum are decuded by work frequency allocation for 5G-NR technology. The simulation was made by NYUSIM simulator from New York University and numerical computation language. The end result of simulation were processed using owns model to produce Power Delay Profile and Outage Capacity. We have done a simulation on three different distance scenario, namely Distance 100 meter, Distance 500 meter, and Distance 1000 meter. In distance 100 meter scenario, best outage capacity is achieved by 5 Gbps at 41 GHz using outage reference point of 0.3. In distance 500 meter scenario, best outage capacity is achieved by 2.9 Gbps at 26 GHz using outage reference point of 0.3. In distance 1000 meter scenario, best outage capacity is achieved by 3.5 Gbps at 26 GHz using outage reference point of 0.3. The result of this simulation indicates that attenuation from rain losses affect the transmission of millimeter wave, but when compared to other losses e.g. obstruction by building or trees as the distance increases would render it insignificant in peak capacity calculation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryaguna Sudirjo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari faktor-faktor (functional value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value, dan monetary value) yang termasuk dalam nilai Theory of Consumption Value terhadap loyalty dengan mediasi satisfaction dalam konteks mobile payment dan Generasi-Z di Indonesia, khususnya pulau Jawa. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan variabel alternative attractiveness sebagai variabel moderasi yang dapat mempengaruhi satisfaction terhadap loyalty. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sebanyak 150 responden melalui teknik purposive sampling yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa functional value, social value, dan emotional value berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap satisfaction dan juga memediasi pengaruh tersebut kepada loyalty. Epistemic Value dan Monetary Value terbukti tidak berpengaruh terhadap satisfaction dan loyalty. Terakhir, variabel alternative attractiveness tidak signifikan dalam memoderasi pengaruh antara satisfaction dan loyalty. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa loyalitas Generasi-Z di Indonesia, khususnya pulau Jawa dipengaruhi oleh functional value, social value, dan emotional value.

This research aims to determine the influence of factors (functional value, social value, emotional value, epistemic value, and monetary value) included in the Theory of Concumption Value on loyalty with mediation of satisfaction in the context of mobile payments and Generation-Z in Indonesia, especially the island of Java. This research also uses the variable of alternative attractiveness as a moderating variable that can influence satisfaction with loyalty. This research used data from 150 respondents using a purposive sampling technique which was then analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Method (PLS-SEM). The results of this research conclude that functional value, social value, and emotional value have a direct influence on satisfaction and also mediate this influence on loyalty. Epistemic Value and Monetary Value are proven to have no effect on satisfaction and loyalty. Lastly, the alternative variable attractiveness is not significant in moderating the influence between satisfaction and loyalty. These results indicate that the loyalty of Generation-Z in Indonesia, especially the island of Java, is influenced by functional values, social values, and emotional values."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Hoga
"This paper will analyze the performance of adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDM4 over multipath fading with capture eject to increase throughput transmit data when traffic condition in saturation. To divine intervention we use algorithm to control level change transmission rate use user based on trqffic condition. Adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDA/L4 technique is technique access can do adaptation level transmission rate based trams condition. Using protocol access channel adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDAM combine between slotted ALOHA and DS-CDMA in wireless communication system. This method may users to do access simultaneously and using efficient spectrum is providential from adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDMA Performance of S-ALOHA DS-CDMA decrease on channel fading. To handle throughput decrease because amount bit on transmit packet, so capture effect can use to handle this problem. So effective throughput depend capture probability and probability packet success. From that result throughput adaptive slotted ALOHA DS-CDMA with capture eject on multipath fading channel increase with decrease capture ratio length bit packet and different number of path."
Jurnal Teknologi, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Salaam Mirfananda
Berbagai riset telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan sistem telekomunikasi seluler saat ini untuk diimplementasikan ke generasi berikutnya yaitu 5G. Salah satu fokus riset mengenai teknologi 5G adalah spektrum frekuensi, di mana banyak riset yang mengemukakan bahwa spektrum yang digunakan saat ini sudah tidak mampu mengakomodasi sistem telekomunikasi seluler kedepannya. Spektrum frekuensi yang menjadi kandidat pengganti spektrum yang telah digunakan saat ini berada di atas daerah 6 GHz beberapa diantaranya adalah 28 GHz, 38 GHz, 73 GHz. Spektrum di atas 6 GHz yang awalnya dianggap kurang cocok dengan sistem telekomunikasi seluler mulai dianggap cocok dengan berkembangnya riset. Meskipun dianggap cocok sebagai kandidat spektrum, site specific planning akan menjadi aspek yang penting jika teknologi 5G mengimplementasikan spektrum kandidat tersebut, karena performa dari sinyal yang dikirimkan akan sangat tergantung kepada tempat diimplementasikannya jaringan. Skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai simulasi performa dari beberapa spektrum frekuensi kandidat penerus telekomunikasi seluler jika diimplementasikan di lingkungan urban dari kota Jakarta dengan mempertimbangkan rugi ? rugi propagasi yang akan muncul pada proses transmisi. Dampak dari pengimplementasian kandidat spektrum terhadap spektrum juga akan disimulasikan dan dipelajari. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa rugi propagasi yang paling signifikan merupakan atenuasi karena bangunan. Atenuasi lain seperti tumbuhan akan memiliki rugi yang cukup besar, sedangkan atenuasi karena hujan dan atmosfer menunjukkan tingkat yang tidak signifikan dibandingkan rugi ? rugi yang lain.
Various researches on how to improve the current cellular system have been done to be implemented in future cellular technology, often called 5G. One of the aspects of researches focuses on the frequency spectrum that will be used on the next generation of cellular system. The frequency spectrum became a focus due to the prediction that the current frequency spectrum will not suffice to accommodate the amount of traffic that 5G will handle. The frequency spectrum that is predicted to replace the current frequency spectrum in the future is located beyond 6 GHz with 28 GHz, 38 GHz, and 73 GHz as a few examples of those candidates. Initially the beyond 6 GHz spectrum is considered to be incompatible with the cellular system due to propagation characteristics limitations, but recent researches have proven that the beyond 6 GHz has the capability to support next generation cellular system. Although it is considered that the beyond 6 GHz spectrum is able to become the frequency spectrum candidate supporting 5G, site specific planning will become an important focus where the transmission performance will heavily rely on the location where the network is implemented. This bachelor thesis will discuss the simulation of a few frequency spectrum candidates when implemented in the urban environment of Jakarta and considers the propagation losses that will occur during the transmission process. The impact of spectrum candidate implementation to coverage is also simulated and observed. Simulation results show that attenuation due to building penetration is the most significant loss of others. Vegetation attenuation will also have significant impact towards the transmission. Whereas rain and gaseous attenuation will show little significance compared to other propagation losses.
, Various researches on how to improve the current cellular system have been done to be implemented in future cellular technology, often called 5G. One of the aspects of researches focuses on the frequency spectrum that will be used on the next generation of cellular system. The frequency spectrum became a focus due to the prediction that the current frequency spectrum will not suffice to accommodate the amount of traffic that 5G will handle. The frequency spectrum that is predicted to replace the current frequency spectrum in the future is located beyond 6 GHz with 28 GHz, 38 GHz, and 73 GHz as a few examples of those candidates. Initially the beyond 6 GHz spectrum is considered to be incompatible with the cellular system due to propagation characteristics limitations, but recent researches have proven that the beyond 6 GHz has the capability to support next generation cellular system. Although it is considered that the beyond 6 GHz spectrum is able to become the frequency spectrum candidate supporting 5G, site specific planning will become an important focus where the transmission performance will heavily rely on the location where the network is implemented. This bachelor thesis will discuss the simulation of a few frequency spectrum candidates when implemented in the urban environment of Jakarta and considers the propagation losses that will occur during the transmission process. The impact of spectrum candidate implementation to coverage is also simulated and observed. Simulation results show that attenuation due to building penetration is the most significant loss of others. Vegetation attenuation will also have significant impact towards the transmission. Whereas rain and gaseous attenuation will show little significance compared to other propagation losses.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Dzimar Rizqi
"Munculnya teknologi 5G telah membuat teknologi tertentu dapat dicapai yang sebelumnya tidak dapat dicapai oleh 4G. Komunikasi Latensi Rendah Ultra-Reliable, sesuai dengan namanya adalah koneksi komunikasi dengan keandalan tinggi dan latensi rendah, Komunikasi Latensi Rendah Ultra-Reliable adalah bagian dari jaringan 5G yang mendukung aplikasi sensitif latensi seperti otomatisasi pabrik, mengemudi otonom, dan smart grid. Salah satu fitur utama Komunikasi Latensi Rendah Ultra-Reliable adalah latensi rendah, latensi rendah memungkinkan transmisi data dalam jumlah besar dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya. Komunikasi Ultra-Reliable Low Latency memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dengan teknologi 4G atau LTE, hal ini dikarenakan jaringan 4G sampai saat ini memiliki latency paling rendah yaitu 4 milidetik sedangkan Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication memiliki latency 1-milidetik yang artinya empat kali lebih cepat atau empat peningkatan efisiensi seratus persen. Dengan persyaratan latensi sangat rendah, Komunikasi Latensi Rendah Ultra-Reliable hanya dapat dimulai dengan teknologi 5G. Namun, kondisi ideal untuk komunikasi latensi rendah yang sangat andal belum tercapai. Oleh karena itu, diusulkan metode reservasi sumber daya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan teknologi Komunikasi Latency Rendah Ultra-Reliable dimana akan dibuat algoritma untuk cadangan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh komponen jaringan 5G seperti BTS dan peralatan pengguna. Algoritme akan mengelola reservasi pembukaan dan sumber daya lainnya sehingga lalu lintas jaringan Komunikasi Latensi Rendah Ultra-Reliable dapat memenuhi kriteria penundaan yang diharapkan. Dari hasil algoritma yang dibuat menunjukkan keberhasilan pada aspek delay namun untuk aspek reliabilitas masih terdapat kendala dimana jumlah perangkat pengguna masih terbatas. walaupun belum dapat memenuhi visi yang ingin dicapai, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pengembangan penelitian Komunikasi Ultra-Reliable Low Latency lainnya di masa yang akan datang.

The advent of 5G technology has made certain technologies achievable that were previously unattainable by 4G. Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication, as the name implies is a communication connection with high reliability and low latency, Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication is part of a 5G network that supports latency sensitive applications such as factory automation, autonomous driving and smart grids. One of the main features of Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication is that low latency, low latency enables the transmission of large amounts of data in the shortest amount of time. Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication has a significant difference with 4G or LTE technology, this is because the 4G network to date has the lowest latency of 4 milliseconds while Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication has a 1-millisecond latency which means four times faster or faster. four hundred percent efficiency improvements. With ultra-low latency requirements, Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication can only start with 5G technology. However, the ideal conditions for highly reliable low-latency communication have not yet been achieved. Therefore, a resource reservation method is proposed to meet the needs of Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication technology where an algorithm will be created to reserve resources owned by 5G network components such as BTS and user equipment. The algorithm will manage opening reservations and other resources so that the Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications network traffic can meet the expected delay criteria. From the results of the algorithm made, it shows success in the delay aspect, but for the reliability aspect there are still obstacles where the number of user devices is still limited. although it has not been able to fulfill the vision to be achieved, this research is expected to help the development of other Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication research in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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