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"Latar belakang : Tumor mediastinum memiliki angka kematian yang tinggi dari keseluruhan pasien dengan massa mediastinum. Saat ini sudah ada kemudahan akses untuk mendapatkan pelayanan diagnosis histopatologi dan pembiayaan pengobatan tumor mediastinum, namun belum ada penelitian mengenai kesintasan 1 tahun tumor mediastinum sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dilakukan untuk melakukan penilaian profil tumor mediastinum dan kesintasan 1 tahun di RSCM.
Tujuan : Mengetahui profil dan kesintasan 1 tahun tumor mediastinum di RSCM.
Metode : Studi potong lintang dilakukan untuk menilai profil dan kesintasan 1 tahun tumor mediastinum. Studi dilakukan dengan menelusuri rekam medik 104 pasien yang telah didiagnosis tumor mediastinum di RSCM selama bulan Januari 2011-Juni 2018.
Hasil : Dari 721 pasien yang rekam mediknya ditelusuri, sebanyak 104 pasien (67 pria dan 37 wanita) dengan usia rerata 44,33 ± 15,79 tahun dijadikan sampel setelah melalui kriteria eksklusi. Manifestasi klinis ditemukan pada 100 pasien dengan gejala terbanyak ialah sesak napas (60 kasus). Mediastinum anterosuperior menjadi lokasi terbanyak tumor mediastinum (85 kasus). Jenis tumor yang paling sering ditemukan ialah timoma (31 kasus). Dua puluh satu pasien menjalani biopsi insisi untuk mendapatkan diagnosis histopatologi. Sebanyak 62 pasien memiliki riwayat pengobatan dengan pengobatan terbanyak adalah operasi (28 kasus). Kesintasan 1 tahun tumor mediastinum di RSCM sebesar 62% dengan mean survival 9,25 bulan (8,29 -10,2 bulan).
Kesimpulan : Didapatkan profil tumor mediastinum yang bervariasi dibandingkan penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, serta kesintasan 1 tahun tumor mediastinum di RSCM pada rentang Januari 2011-Juni 2018. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan dengan sampel yang lebih banyak meliputi center lain di Indonesia untuk dapat menggambarkan profil dan kesintasan tumor mediastinum secara Nasional.

Background : Mediastinal tumor has a high mortality rate among patients with mediastinal mass. There are some improvement to histopathological diagnosis service and treatment access for mediastinal tumor recently, but no recent studies about 1-year survival rate of mediastinal tumors. Therefore, this research was done to assess mediastinal tumor profile and 1-year survival rate at RSCM.
Aim : To assess mediastinal tumor profile and 1-year survival rate at RSCM.
Methods : Cross-sectional design was used to assess mediastinal tumor profile and its one-year survival rate. This study was done by exploring 104 medical records of patients diagnosed with mediastinal tumor at RSCM during January 2011-June 2018.
Results : From all 721 patientss medical records explored, there are 104 patients was taken as samples following exclusion criteria, including 67 males and 37 females with mean age of 44,33 ± 15,79 years. Clinical manifestation was found in 100 patients, with dyspnea was the most common symptom (60 cases). Anterior superior mediastinal area was the most common location of mediastinal tumor (85 cases). The most frequent tumor found was thymoma (31 cases). Twenty one patients underwent incisional biopsy to achieve histopathological diagnosis. A total of 62 patients had treatment history with the most common treatment was surgery (28 cases). One-year survival rate of mediastinal tumor at RSCM was 62% with mean survival of 9,25 months (8,29-10,2 months).
Conclusion : Mediastinal tumor profiles in our series varied from some previously published reports. We reported 1-year survival of mediastinal tumors in the RSCM in during January 2011-June 2018. Further studies are needed with more samples covering other centers in Indonesia to be able to describe national profile and survival of mediastinal tumors."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albar Abshar Muhamad
"Tumor odontogenik merupakan jenis tumor yang sering terjadi di regio kepala leher terutama di rongga mulut. Badan Kesehatan Dunia WHO telah membuat klasifikasi yang baru terhadap jenis tumor odontogenik. Kejadian tumor odontogenik di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal di antaranya kondisi demografi, sosioekonomi dan keadaan klinis masing-masing individu. Penelitian mengenai tumor odontogenik masih sangat sedikit dilakukan di Indonesia sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui frekuensi dan distribusi tumor odontogenik di Indonesia periode 2012-2015. Analisis dilakukan pada 118 rekam medik pasin tumor odontogenik. Frekuensi dan distribusi dilihat berdasarkan umur, jenis kelamin, lokasi, pekerjaan, pendidikan, diagnosis tumor, jenis perawatan, spesialisi, gambaran histopatologis, lama rawat inap dan tingkat rekurensi. Mayoritas pasien berusia 31-40 tahun 26,27. Tumor odontogenik ditemukan lebih banyak pada laki-laki dengan rasio 1.03:1. Tingkat pendidikan paling banyak adalah tamat SMA, 35 pasien 29,67. Mayoritas pasien tidak bekerja sebanyak 26 pasien 22,03. Ameloblastoma merupakan jenis tumor paling banyak yaitu 101 kasus 85,60. Tumor odontogenik paling banyak ditemukan di rahang bawah sebanyak 102 kasus 86,44. Penanganan tumor paling banyak dilakukan oleh spesialis bedah mulut sebanyak 91 kasus 77,12. Rata-rata lama rawat inap pasien adalah 9,87 7,60 hari. Terjadi 15 kasus rekurensi pada jenis tumor ameloblastoma.

Odontogenic tumor is a common tumor in the head and neck regio especially oral cavity. World Health Organization WHO in 2005 currently reclassify the classification of tumor odontogenic. The incidence of the odontogenic tumor in Indonesia were depends on demographic conditions, socio economic and clinical condition of the patients. The research about odontogenic in Indonesia are currently limited so this research are conducted to see the frequency and distribution of odontogenic tumor in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital from 2012 2015. 118 medical records was analyzed. Frequency and distribution analyzed concerning age, gender, location of tumor, educational level, occupation, diagnosis, treatment, specialization, histopatologic type, length of stay, and reccurent rate. Most of the patients were 31 40 years old in age 26,27. Odontogenic tumor mostly happen in man with ratio 1.03 1. The educational level of the patients mostly are graduated high school student 29,67 and mostly are not work 22,03. Ameloblastoma is the most common odontogenic tumor 85,60. Mandible is the common site of the odontogenic tumor 86,44. The treatment of the odontogenic tumor mostly done by the oral and maxillofacial surgeon 77,12. Mean of patient length of stay were 9,87 7,60 days. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardy Wildan
"Latar Belakang. Kanker kolorektal merupakan penyakit keganasan ketiga terbanyak di dunia dan memiliki mortalitas yang cukup tinggi terutama bila ditemukan pada stadium lanjut. Kesintasan pasien KKR stadium IV dan faktor yang berhubungan perlu diketahui untuk menentukan perbaikan pada tata laksana KKR. Tujuan. Mengetahui kesintasan satu tahun pasien kanker kolorektal stadium IV serta hubungan usia, lokasi tumor, lokasi metastasis, kemoterapi, terapi target, serta diferensiasi tumor dengan kesintasan dalam satu tahun Metode. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kohort retrospektif dengan subyek penelitian pasien kanker kolorektal stadium IV yang berobat ke RSCM sejak Januari 2018 hingga Mei 2020. Data pasien dan faktor yang berhubungan diambil dan dilakukan pengamatan selama 1 tahun sejak pasien pertama kali terdiagnosis stadium IV. Kesintasan dinilai dengan metode Kaplan-Meier dan dilanjutkan dengan uji log-rank untuk faktor yang berhubungan. Hasil. Penelitian ini berhasil mengumpulkan 214 subyek dengan kesintasan 1 tahun sebesar 43% dengan median kesintasan 11 bulan. Pasien yang memiliki berat badan kurang [HR 1,495; IK 1,028-2,173; (p=0,035)] dan tidak mendapatkan kemoterapi [HR 4,466; IK 3,027-6,588; (p=<0,001)] merupakan faktor yang bermakna secara statistic terhadap kesintasan satu tahun pasien KKR stadium IV di RSCM. Kesimpulan. Kesintasan satu tahun pasien KKR stadium IV di RSCM hampir sama dengan negara Asia lain. Pemberian kemoterapi dan berat badan kurang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan mortalitas KKR stadium IV.
Background. Colorectal cancer is the third most common types of cancer in the world. Colorectal cancer has high mortality especially when found in later stage. The survival and its associated factors should be known to improve the cancer treatment. Objective. This study was undertaken to document one year survival for colorectal cancer and whether age, tumor side, metastatic location, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and tumor differentiation are associated with one year survival. Methods. This study is a retrospective cohort study. The subjects are stage IV colorectal cancer patients in RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo since January 2018-May 2020. Data of patients and its mortality status within one year is documented since the patients diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer. Survival was done using Kaplan-Meier method and continued with log-rank test. Result. We collected 214 subjects and 1 year survival rate is 43% with survival median of 11 months. Patients who are underweight [HR 1,495; 95% CI 1,028-2,173; (p=0,035)] and did not received chemotherapy [HR 4,466; 95% CI 3,027-6,588; (p=<0,001)] were associated with one year survival of mCRC in RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Conclusion. One year survival for mCRC in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo is similar to other Asian countries. Chemotherapy and underweight were associated with survival in 1 year observation."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustaqim Prasetya
"Latar Belakang: Gangguan penglihatan adalah gejala kedua yang sering muncul pada tumor otak setelah nyeri kepala. Gejala gangguan penglihatan yang paling sering terjadi pada tumor otak adalah penurunan visus atau tajam penglihatan (low vision sampai kebutaan), sedang tanda yang paling sering dijumpai adalah atrofi n. optikus dan papilledema. Penurunan tajam penglihatan yang dialami penderita tumor otak dapat sangat berat hingga berupa kebutaan. Sampai saat ini belum terdapat data angka kejadian gangguan penglihatan sampai kebutaan pada tumor otak di Indonesia.
Metode: Sebagai studi potong lintang analitik, dikumpulkanlah data pasien penderita tumor otak di atas usia 6 tahun yang datang berobat ke poliklinik Bedah Saraf FKUIRSCM pasien September 2013 hingga Februari 2014 dari catatan rekam medis.
Hasil: Jumlah pasien tumor otak yang mengalami buta sebanyak 37 orang (34,6 %) dengan usia rata-rata 45,3 (SD 11,3 tahun). Sebesar 86,5 % penderita berada pada usia produktif 15-54 tahun. Dari 37 pasien tumor otak yang buta terlihat proporsi gejala penyerta terbesar adalah sefalgia (terutama sefalgia kronis), diikuti oleh gangguan oftalmologi lain. Data pemeriksaan funduskopi hanya ditemukan pada kurang dari 50 % penderita, dengan temuan yang terbanyak adalah papil atrofi.
Kesimpulan: Besar angka kebutaan pada pasien tumor otak menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ini tidak hanya menjadi masalah medis saja tetapi juga masalah sosial yang serius. Banyaknya jumlah pasien tanpa data funduskopi menandakan masih lemahnya standar pemeriksaan neurooftalmologi ataupun pencatatan yang ada saat ini, padahal pemeriksaan funduskopi berperan sangat penting mendeteksi dini kejadian tumor otak pada pasien dengan gangguan penglihatan.

Background: Vision impairment is the second most common symptom in brain tumor after headache, with decreased visual acuity or low vision as its most common manifestation, and optic nerve atrophy and papilledema as its most common sign. Blindness may be the final outcome of this impairment. Until now, there is no data regarding the prevalence of vision impairment in brain tumor patient in Indonesia.
Method: As a analytic cross-sectional study, data is collected from the medical record regarding brain tumor patient above the age of 6 years old who were seen in the neurosurgery facility in FKUI-RSCM from September 2013 to February 2014.
Result: As much as 37 patient (34,6%) brain tumor patient were found to be blind; mean age was 45,3 years old (SD 11,3 years old), with 86,5% patient was in the productive age 15-54 years old. The commonest related symptoms was headache (especially chronic headache), followed by other ophthalmologic symptoms. Funduscopy data was found only in less than 50% patient; the commonest finding was optic nerve atrophy.
Conclusion: Blindness rate in brain tumor patient is not just a medical issue, but also a social one. Funduscopy usage must be encouraged more to provide early detection for brain tumor patient with vision impairment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almira Divashti Adna
"Latar Belakang Pada tahun 2020, ditemukan total kasus kanker serviks mencapai 36.633 kasus dengan 21.003 di antaranya adlaah kasus kematian di Indonesia. Pasien kanker serviks stadium awal diberikan pilihan tatalaksana pembedahan umumnya berupa histerektomi. Pilihan terapi ajuvan juga diberikan guna mengurangi risiko terjadinya kekambuhan. Dengan tingginya kasus kematian kanker serviks di Indonesia, diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait angka kesintasan pasien kanekr serviks yang dilakukan histerektomi radikal di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2010-2018 dengan memerhatikan dilakukan atau tidaknya terapi ajuvan dan ada tidaknya kekambuhan yang terjadi pada pasien. Metode Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain penelitian kohort retrospektif. Data diambil dari rekam medik dan dianalisis kesintasannya dengan metode Kaplan-Meier. Hasil Didapat sebanyak 9,1% (7 orang) pasien mengalami kematian (event) dan 90,9% (70 orang) pasien bertahan hidup dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun dari tanggal tatalaksana histerektomi radikal dilakukan. Pada analisis bivariat antara variabel usia, stadium, terapi ajuvan, dan kekambuhan terhadap kesintasan tidak ditemukan adanya P Value < 0,05 sehingga tidak ada perbedaan ataupun hubungan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan Kesintasan tiga tahun pasien kanker serviks yang dilakukan histerektomi radikal di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2010-2018 sebesar 90,9%.

Introduction In 2020, the total number of cervical cancer cases was found to reach 36,633 cases with 21,003 of them being deaths in Indonesia. Patients with early stage cervical cancer are given surgical treatment options, generally in the form of hysterectomy. Adjuvant therapy options are also given to reduce the risk of recurrence. With the high number of cervical cancer deaths in Indonesia, further research is needed regarding the survival rate of cervical cancer patients who undergo radical hysterectomy in National Referral Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo in 2010-2018 by paying attention to whether or not adjuvant therapy was carried out and whether or not there was a recurrence. Method This research is a descriptive analytical study and using a retrospective cohort design. Data were taken from medical records and analyzed for survival using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results It is found that 9.1% (7 people) of patients experienced death (event) and 90.9% (70 people) of patients survived within three years from the date the radical hysterectomy was carried out. In the bivariate analysis between the variables such as age, stage, adjuvant therapy, and recurrence, there is no P value < 0.05 was found (no significant difference). Conclusion Three-year survival of cervical cancer patients who undergo radical hysterectomy in National Referral Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo in 2010-2018 was 90.9%."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rossalyn Sandra Andrisa
"Latar belakang : Tumor ganas adneksa mata merupakan keganasan epitel yang berasal dari kelopak mata, konjungtiva dan kelenjar kelenjar yang berada pada jaringan tersebut. Tumor ini sebenarnya mempunyai prognosis baik bila diobati pada stadium dini.
Metode : Dilakukan studi historical cohort dengan survival analysis. Subyek adalah penderita tumor ganas adneksa mata yang berobat ke poliklinik subbagian Tumor Mata FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada periode 1 Januari 1996 sampai 31 Desember 2000 mendapat tindakan operasi. Analisis data menggunakan cara cox proportional hazard dan analisis life table menurut metode Kaplan-Meier.
Hasil : Dari 74 penderita tumor ganas adneksa mata didapat angka harapan hidup 74.24%. Penderita terbanyak adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa (51.4%), karsinoma set basal (28.4%), adenokarsinoma (14.8%) dan melanoma maligna (5.4%). Metastasis memberikan resiko tertinggi terhadap kematian HR 51.69(9.72-274.76), kelompok tumor karsinoma sel skuarnosa - adenokarsinoma HR 4.91 (0.62-38.81), penderita mendapat tambahan radiasi HR 10.72(1.25-92.18), dan jenis operasi eksenterasi HR 7.63(1.59-36.48)
Kesimpulan : Faktor resiko yang berhubungan dengan kematian adalah metastasis, kelompok tumor karsinoma sel skuamosa dan adenokarsinoma, dilakukan tindakan radiasi dan tindakan eksenterasi orbita.

Background : Malignant eye adnexa tumor originates from epithelium of eye lid, conjunctiva, and nodes of those tissues. The prognosis of this tumor is good if it is treated during the initial stadium.
Method : A historical cohort study was carried out with survival analysis. The subject of the study were patients with malignant eye adnexa tumor who went to Sub-division of Eye Tumor FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from the period of January I, 1996 to December 31, 2000 and received surgical treatment. Data analysis used was cox proportional hazard and life table analysis with Kaplan Meier method.
Result : From 74 patients with malignant eye adnexa tumor we obtained a survival rate of 74.24%. Most of them suffer from squamous cell carcinoma (51.4%), basal cell carcinoma (28.4%), adenocarcinoma (14.8%) and melanoma maligna (5.4%). Metastasis contributes to a high risk of death HR 51.69 (9.72-274.76), squamous cell carcinoma - adenocarcinoma group type HR 4.91 (0.62-38.81), patients receiving additional radiation treatment HR 10.72 (1.25-92.18), and exenteration HR 7.63 (1.59-36.48).
Conclusion : The risk factor which causes death is metastasis, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma group type, radiation treatment and exenteration of the orbit were done.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erni Mudhiati S
"Latar belakang penelitian: Tumor sel germinal di mediastinum relatif jarang terjadi. Tumor ini dapat bersifat jinak maupun ganas, yang bersifat ganas mempunyai prognosis buruk. Pada saat ini terapi multimodaliti dapat meningkatkan angka tahan hidup pasien tumor sel germinal mediastinum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka tahan hidup keseluruhan atau overall survival rate, karakteristik pasien dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi angka tahan hidup pasien tumor sel germinal mediastinum di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta.
Metodologi penelitian : Penelitian ini merupakan kohort retrospektif pada populasi pasien yang didiagnosis tumor sel germinal mediastinum periode Januari 2007 sampai dengan Desember 2012. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUP Persahabatan dengan pengamatan sejak Januari 2007 sampai Desember 2013. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan rumus proporsi untuk menganalisis karakteristik dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi angka tahan hidup sedangkan angka tahan hidup dianalisis sesuai dengan jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Data penelitian diambil dari catatan rekam medis RSUP Persahabatan.
Hasil : Angka tahan hidup keseluruhan atau overall survival rate tumor sel germinal mediastinum pada penelitian ini adalah angka tahan hidup 1 tahun sebesar 42,1%, 2 tahun sebesar 22,8%, 3 tahun sebesar 15,8%, 4 tahun sebesar 10,5% dan 5 tahun sebesar 8,8% sedangkan masa tengah tahan hidup keseluruhan 23 minggu (5,75 bulan). Karakteristik tumor sel germinal mediastinum didapatkan lebih banyak pada laki-laki (80%) dengan median usia 21 tahun dan terutama pada kelompok usia 20-29 tahun (43,3%). Gejala klinis terbanyak adalah sesak napas (66,7%), tampilan pasien terbanyak PS2 (50%) dengan jenis tumor sel germinal mediastinum terbanyak adalah teratoma (53,3%) diikuti nonseminoma (40%) dan seminoma (6,7%). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi angka tahan hidup tumor sel germinal mediastinum adalah tampilan pasien, terapi, penyulit dan lokasi tumor.
Kesimpulan : Pada analisis bivariat, tampilan pasien, lokasi tumor, penyulit dan terapi bermakna mempengaruhi angka tahan hidup 1 tahun tetapi pada analisis multivariat hanya variabel lokasi tumor yang bermakna mempengaruhi angka tahan hidup 1 tahun.

Background research : In mediastinal germ cell tumors are relatively rare. These tumors can be benign or malignant , which has a poor prognosis malignant . At this time multimodaliti therapy can improve the survival rate of patients mediastinal germ cell tumors . This study aims to determine the overall survival rate, patient characteristic and factors affecting the survival rate of patients mediastinal germ cell tumors in the Persahabatan hospital Jakarta.
Research methodology : This study is a retrospective cohort in a population of patients diagnosed germ cell tumors of the mediastinum period January 2007 to December 2012 . The study was conducted in the of Persahabatan hospital with observations from January 2007 to December 2013. Sampling using the formula proportions to analyze the characteristic and factors that influence survival rate where as the survival rate was analyzed according to the number of samples that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria . Data were taken from the medical record of Persahabatan hospital.
Results : The overall survival rate of mediastinal germ cell tumors in this study was survival rate 1 year 42,1 %, 2 years 22,8%, 3 years 15,8 %, 4 years 10,5% and 5 years 8.8 % while the overall survival of the middle period of 23 weeks are 5,75 months. Mediastinal germ cell tumor characteristic found more in males ( 80 % ) with a median age of 21 years and especially in the age group 20-29 years ( 43,3 % ). Most clinical symptoms are shortness of breath ( 66,7 % ), most patients display a PS2 ( 50 % ) with mediastinal germ cell tumors are teratomas majority ( 53,3 % ) followed nonseminoma ( 40 % ) and seminomas ( 6,7 % ). Factors affecting the survival rate of mediastinal germ cell tumors are views of patients, treatment, complications and location of the tumors.
Conclusion : In bivariate analysis, display the patient, location of tumor, and treatment complications significantly affect 1 year survival rate but variable in the multivariate analysis only tumor location was significantly affect 1 year survival rate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astuti Pitarini
Pendahuluan Penggunaan megaprostesis sebagai pilihan dalam manajemen LSS
memberikan harapan baru bagi pasien tumor tulang di Indonesia. Namun, sampai
saat ini belum ada data hasil luaran dari tata laksana ini.
Metode Penelitian ini merupakan prospektif observational pada 34 pasien tumor
tulang di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2011-2015. Diagnosis ditegakkan
melalui Clinical Pathological Conference. Evaluasi pascaoperasi dilakukan pada
bulan ke-3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, dan 48 dengan menggunakan skoring dari MSTS.
Luaran onkologi dievaluasi dengan adanya rekurensi dan metastasis jauh.
Komplikasi berupa infeksi, dislokasi, cedera saraf dan pembuluh darah, serta
gangguan mekanisme ekstensor juga dievaluasi.
Hasil Dua orang ahli bedah muskuloskeletal onkologi melakukan operasi LSS dan
rekonstruksi dengan megaprostesis. Dua pasien dieksklusi karena keputusan
intraoperatif untuk memakai non modular endoprostesis. Kehilangan darah
intraoperatif memiliki median (RAK) 890,0 (700,0?1200,0) ml. Skor MSTS
sebagian besar pasien menunjukkan kategori baik dan sangat baik, yaitu 67.9%
baik pada MSTS 6 bulan, 79,2% baik pada MSTS 9 bulan, 63.4% sangat baik
pada 12 bulan, 90% sangat baik pada 24 bulan dan 100% sangat baik pada MSTS
36 bulan. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara karakteristik pasien yaitu jenis
tumor (p=0,001), usia (p=0,039), jenis kelamin (p=0,049), dan hasil laboratorium
ALP (p=0,031) dengan luaran fungsional MSTS 3 bulan. Terdapat hubungan
bermakna antara karakteristik pasien yaitu perdarahan intraoperatif (p=0,013) dan
ALP (p=0,009) dengan mortalitas; dan juga antara tumor tulang yang menjalani
rekonstruksi jaringan lunak ekstensif dengan komplikasi (p=0,019) namun antara
lokasi tumor dan komplikasi tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna.
Kesimpulan Luaran fungsional pada pasien yang dilakukan rekonstruksi
megaprostesis adalah baik dan sangat baik sehingga dapat menjadi tatalaksana
pilihan bagi pasien tumor tulang yang akan menjalani LSS. Luaran onkologi pada
pasien yang dilakukan prosedur LSS baik dengan rendahnya rekurensi lokal, metastasi, dan komplikasi. ABSTRACT
Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence.;Introduction Advancement in bone tumor management has elaborated surgeon?s
choice of treatment not merely sentenced the patients into a limb ablation.
Likewise, patients with bone tumors, regardless its malignant nature and limited
survival time, had an equal privileges to opt for LSS to experience a better quality
of life. In this study, we manage to evaluate the functional and oncologic outcome
of lower extremity bone tumors following a LSS using megaprosthesis.
Methods Thirty-four patients with lower extremity bone tumors were
prospectively reviewed between 2011 and 2015 in a tertiary referral general
hospital. All patients were managed through a Clinical Pathology Conference.
Functional outcome was evaluated using MSTS score and follow up was recorded
at 3, 6, 12 months; and 2, 3, 4 years.
Results Two orthopedic musculoskeletal oncologic surgeons were performing the
surgeries. Two patients were excluded because the final instruments used were
not a modular type. The final result of functional score was good to excellent with
67.9% good at 6 months, 79,2% good at 9 months, 63.4% excellent at 12 months,
90% excellent at 24 months and 100% excellent at 36 months. Complications
occurred and varied. A statistical significant result was found between age
(p=0,001), age (p=0,039), gender (p=0,049), SAP (p=0,031) and 3 months
functional outcome; between intraoperative blood loss (p=0,013) and mortality,
as well as SAP with mortality (p=0,009); between tumor that underwent extensive
soft tissue reconstruction procedure and complication (p=0,019).
Conclusion Megaprosthesis reconstruction in bone tumors gives a good and
excellent result, which provides orthopaedic oncologic surgeons a rationalization
to make a selective decision-making in tumor cases regardless its survival and
tumor type. Oncologic outcome as well gave out good result with low incidence of far metastasis and local recurrence."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Afdhal
"Latar belakang: Pemeriksaan MRI pada glioblastoma dapat membantu diagnosis dengan tingkat akurasi tinggi. Nilai ADC pada MRI bisa menjadi indikator prognosis, meskipun belum sering diterapkan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami peran nilai ADC dalam meningkatkan prediksi kesintasan pasien glioblastoma.
Tujuan: Mengkaji angka kesintasan pasien glioblastoma yang mendapatkan terapi kemoradiasi serta hubungannya dengan nilai ADC dan faktor lainnya.
Metode: Angka kesintasan dan nilai ADC minimum diambil dari pemeriksaan MRI kepala post-operasi, pre-kemoradiasi pada 20 pasien dari periode 2017 hingga 2023 yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Analisis kesintasan dilakukan dengan metode Kaplan-Meier. Uji Log Rank digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh faktor-faktor determinan termasuk nilai ADC terhadap kelangsungan hidup.
Hasil: Rerata usia sampel dalam pemelitian ini adalah 43,6 +/- 16,4 tahun. Terdapat 14 pasien laki-laki (70%), dan 6 pasien perempuan (30%). sebanyak 6 pasien (30%) memiliki nilai ADC ≥ 0,8 x 10-3 mm2/s dan terdapat 14 pasien (70%) memiliki nilai ADC < 0,8 x 10-3 mm2/s. Analisis kesintasan memperlihatkan perbedaan median kesintasan hidup pada kelompok nilai ADC ≥ 0,8 x 10-3 mm2/s dan < 0,8 x 10-3 mm2/s, yaitu sebesar 12 bulan dan 10 bulan dengan nilai p=0,850.
Kesimpulan: Pasien dengan nilai ADC < 0,8 x 10-3 mm2/s memiliki tren kesintasan yang lebih singkat dua bulan dibandingkan dengan pasien dengan nilai ADC ≥ 0,8 x 10-3 mm2/s yang masing-masing median kesintasannya sebesar 10 bulan dan 12 bulan.

Background: MRI examinations for glioblastoma can aid in diagnosis with a high level of accuracy. The Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) value in MRI can serve as a prognostic indicator, although it has not been widely applied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to understand the role of ADC values in improving the prediction of survival in glioblastoma patients.
Objective: To examine the survival rates of glioblastoma patients undergoing chemoradiation therapy and its relationship with ADC values and other factors.
Methods: Survival rates and minimum ADC values were extracted from post- operative, pre-chemoradiation head MRI examinations of 20 patients meeting the study criteria from the period 2017 to 2023. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method, and the Log Rank test was employed to evaluate the impact of determinants, including ADC values, on survival.
Results: The mean age of the sample in this study was 43.6 +/- 16.4 years. There were 14 male patients (70%) and 6 female patients (30%). Six patients (30%) had ADC values ≥ 0.8 x 10-3 mm2/s, while 14 patients (70%) had ADC values < 0.8 x 10-3 mm2/s. Survival analysis revealed a median survival difference in the ADC ≥ 0.8 x 10-3 mm2/s and < 0.8 x 10-3 mm2/s groups, namely, 12 months and 10 months, with a p-value of 0.850.
Conclusion: Patients with ADC values < 0.8 x 10-3 mm2/s had a trend of two months shorter survival compared to patients with ADC values ≥ 0.8 x 10-3 mm2/s whose median survival was 10 months and 12 months.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putra Yudhistira Pratama
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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