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Agi Satria Putranto
Latar Belakang. Striktur usus merupakan suatu bentuk komplikasi dari hernia stangulata, yang menyebabkan obstruksi usus setelah beberapa bulan pascaoperasi. Kejadian striktur usus sangat berkaitan dengan fibrosis. Namun tidak semua fibrosis usus akan menjadi striktur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran TGF-β, sitoglobin, miR-21, miR-29b sebagai faktor dalam memprediksi striktur usus pada tikus dengan studi eksperimental penjepitan usus.
Metode. Studi dilakuakn di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia pada 2018-2019. Hewan coba yang digunakan di dalam penelitian adalah galur Sprague-Dawley dewasa muda berusia 6-8 minggu dengan berat 150-200gram. Tikus di anestesi menggunakan ketamin dan dilakukan laparotomi untuk melakukan tindakan penjepitan pada usus tikus. Penjepitan menggunakan cable tie dengan ukuran diameter lilitan 6 mm dan terlebih dahulu lindungi plastik rigid, pada bagian ileum terminal. Spesimen yang diperoleh berupa bagian usus di antara jepitan sepanjang 1 cm serta darah dari jantung pada jam ke-6 dan ke-24. Untuk pemeriksaan histopatologi diberikan pulasan hematoksilin-eosin dan Masson trichrome. Analisa serum biokimia menggunakan RT-PCR dan ELISA.
Hasil. Serat kolagen ditemukan bermakna pada perlakuan jam ke-6 vs kontrol (10.66±4.66; p<0.05) dan jam ke-24 vs kontrol (17.98±6.93; p<0.01) serta deposit serat kolagen paling banyak terdapat pada lapisan submukosa. Deposisi kolagen usus diikuti peningkatan konsentrasi miR-21 baik pada serum (med.6jam=54.25; p>0.05&med.24jam=37 ;p>0.05) maupun jaringan (med.6jam=21.9; p<0.05&med.24jam=144 ;p>0.05) Deposisi kolagen usus diikuti peningkatan miR-29b baik serum (med.6jam=631.5; p>0.05 & med.24jam=863.5 ; p>0.05) maupun jaringan (med.6jam = 675; p>0.05& med.24jam=759.5 ; p>0.05). Deposisi kolagen usus diikuti dengan peningkatan yang bermakna pada TGF-β serum (medp.6jam= 32.85; p<0.05&med.24jam = 24.87; p<0.05) maupun jaringan (medp.6jam=14.8; p<0.05&med.24jam=58.32; p<0.05). Deposisi kolagen usus diikuti dengan peningkatan bermakna sitoglobin serum (medp.6jam=162.9; p<0.05&medp.24jam=263.72; p<0.05) dan jaringan (medp.6jam=2712.61; p<0.01&medp.24jam=1308.38; p>0.05). Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara serat kolagen dengan TGF-β jaringan (r= 0.436; p=0.033). Uji diagnostik menunjukkan TGF-β serum yang tinggi dan sitoglobin yang tinggi yang diperiksa pada jam ke 24 setelah jepitan memiliki sensitivitas yang tinggi untuk mendeteksi serat kolagen (fisher<0.01; sensitivitas 100%; spesifisitas 63%).
Simpulan. Pemeriksaan serum TGF-B dan sitoglobin yang dilakukan secara bersamaan pada waktu 24 jam mempunyai hubungan dengan peningkatan serat kolagen yang berpotensi menjadi fibrosis sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor kejadian striktur usus.

Background. Intestinal stricture has been a troublesome complication following strangulated hernia, which may result in intestinal obstruction after several months postsurgery. The occurrence of intestinal stricture is closely related to fibrosis. Not all of the fibrotic lesions, however, lead to stricture. The present study is aimed to investigate the role of TGF-β, cytoglobin, miR-21, miR-29b and collagen deposition as factors in predicting the occurrence of intestinal stricture in the rats underwent experimental intestinal strangulation.
Methods. The study was conducted in Animal Cluster and Laboratories at Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia during 2018-2019. Adult, male Sprague-Dawley rats of 6-8 weeks old, 150-200 g were used in the study. Following anesthesia with ketamine, the rats were laparotomized and intestinal strangulation was conducted bymeans of a cable tie. Intestinal tissues and blood samples were collected at 6 and 24 hours of strangulation. Tissue samples were stained with Hematoxylin-eosin and Massons trichrome to visualize collagen and pathological alteration. TGF-β, cytoglobin, miR21 and miR29b were determined in blood sera and tissue samples and analyzed using RT-PCR and ELISA.
Results. Collagen fiber was found to be significant at the 6th hour vs. control (10.66 ±4.66; p <0.05) and 24th hour vs control (17.98 ± 6.93; p <0.01), most collagen fibers deposit were found in the submucosal layer. Increase in intestinal collagen deposition was followed by an increase in the concentration of miR-21 both in serum (med.t.6 hours = 54.25; p> 0.05 & med. t.24 hours = 37; p> 0.05) and tissue (med.t.6 hours = 21.9; p <0.05 & med.t.24 hours = 144; p> 0.05) Increase in deposition of intestinal collagen followed by an increase in miR-29b both serum (med. t.6 hours = 631.5; p> 0.05 & med. t.24 hours = 863.5; p> 0.05) and tissue (med. t.6 hours = 675; p> 0.05 & med. t.24 hours = 759.5; p> 0.05). Increase in intestinal collagen deposition was followed by a significant increase in serum TGF-β (med.t.6 hours = 32.85; p <0.05 & med.t.24 hours = 24.87; p <0.05) and tissue (med.t.6 hours = 14.8; p <0.05 & med t.24 hours = 58.32 hours); p <0.05). Increase in intestinal collagen deposition was followed by a significant increase in serum cytoglobin (med.t.6 hours = 162.9; p <0.05 & med. t.24 hours = 263.72; p <0.05) and tissue (med.t.6 hours = 2712.61; p <0.01 & med.t.24 hours = 1308.38; p> 0.05). There was a significant correlation between collagen fiber and TGF-β tissue (r= 0.436; p = 0.033). Diagnostically, high serum TGF-β and cytoglobin that were examined at 24 hours after strangulation occur have high sensitivity to detect collagen fiber (fisher <0.01; sensitivity 100%; specificity 63%).
Conclusions. Simultaneous increase of serum TGF-β and cytoglobin at 24 hours of strangulation associated with increased collagen fibers may become potential factors in predicting intestinal stricture in the rat underwent experimental strangulated intestines"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Infeksi saluran cerna oleh cacing dan protozoa memiliki prevalensi cukup tinggi dan masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia, terutama pada anak-anak. Dengan faktor sampah sebagai sumber penyebaran penyakit infeksi parasit usus, kawasan Bantar Gebang merupakan salah satu kawasan yang berisiko tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi dan hubungannya dengan jarak rumah terhadap Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Desain penelitian ialah Cross-Sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada Februari 2012 sampai Juni 2014 di RT 01 RW 01, RT 01 RW 03 dan Sekolah Alam, Desa Ciketing, Kecamatan Sumur Batu, Bantar Gebang, Bekasi dan terkumpul sebanyak 139 responden yang melakukan pemeriksaan feses dan mengisi kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 72,7 % anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang terinfeksi parasit usus yang didominasi infeksi protozoa dengan infeksi Blastocystis hominis terbanyak (52,2 %). Data sebaran responden diketahui paling banyak (61,2 %) tinggal pada jarak dekat (kurang dari 10 meter) dengan TPA. Hasil uji Chi-Square, tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara infeksi parasit usus dengan jarak rumah terhadap TPA (p=0,766). Disimpulkan, Prevalensi infeksi parasit usus pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang adalah 72,7 % dan tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara infeksi parasit usus dengan jarak rumah terhadap Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA).
, Gastrointestinal worms and protozoa infections have high prevalence and are still problems in Indonesia, especially in children. Waste factor is the source of intestinal parasites infectious disease spread, and Bantar Gebang is one of the high-risk area. This study aims to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in children at Bantar Gebang landfill, Bekasi and its relationship with the distance of home to the landfill (TPA). The study design was cross-sectional. The study was done in February 2012 until June 2014 at RT 01 RW 01, RT 01 RW 03 and Sekolah Alam, Ciketing village, Sumur Batu sub-district , Bantar Gebang, Bekasi, and collected 139 respondents who have stool examination and filled the questionnaire. Results of the study found 72.7 % children at Bantar Gebang landfill infected with intestinal parasites witch is dominated by protozoa infection with the most one is Blastocystis hominis infection (52.2 %). Data distribution of the respondents known most (61.2 %) lived in short distance (<10 meters) with landfill. Results of Chi-Square test, there was no significant relationship between intestinal parasite infection with the distance of home to the landfill (p = 0.766). As the conclusion, prevalence of intestinal parasite infections in children at Bantar Gebang landfill is 72.7 % and there was no significant relationship between intestinal parasite infection with the distance of home to the landfill (TPA).
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najmah Muhammad Kuddah
Di Indonesia, kubis sering dikonsumsi mentah sebagai lalapan, hal ini dapat meningkatkan kejadian infeksi parasit usus. Adanya asumsi masayarakat mengenai perbedaan kebersihan antara sayuran dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian mengenai prevalensi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kubis di pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi potong lintang analitik observasional. Sampel sayuran kubis yang berasal dari 20 pasar tradisional dan 20 pasar swalayan Jakarta. 100 gram kubis dari setiap sampel direndam selama 24 jam dengan larutan garam jenuh. Air rendaman disaring kemudian disentrifugasi (teknik sedimentasi). Hasil endapan dilihat dibawah mikroskop untuk identifikasi kontaminasi parasit usus jenis STH dan protozoa. Didapatkan 100% kubis di pasar tradisional dan 90% di pasar swalayan positif terkontaminasi parasit usus. Total jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan 3530/mL(55,5% pasar tradisional, 44,5% pasar swalayan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kontaminasi parasit usus di pasar tradisional dan swalayan(p< 0,05). Telur A.lumbricoides terbanyak ditemukan di kedua jenis pasar. Penggunaan larutan garam jenuh sebagai media perendaman bermakna dibandingkan dengan air sebagai kontrol (p<0,05). Dengan demikian, jenis pasar tempat menjual sayuran kubis bermakna terhadap kontaminasi parasit usus.

In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study. Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets. The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.;In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study.
Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets.
The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites., In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study.
Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets.
The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Rosadi Seswandhana
"Bibir dan langit-langit sumbing merupakan kelainan kongenital yang paling sering terjadi. Operasi langit-Iangit biasanya merupakan tahap kedua rekonstruksi dan dilakukan pada usia kurang lebih 1 - 2 tahun, dengan rata-rata usia 1,5 tabun. Kejadian fistula pascapalatoplasti primer berkisar antara 10 sampai 23 persen dari semua teknik operasi yang dilakukan. Kejadian fistula sering dihubungkan . dengan lebar celah dan ketegangan yang terjadi pada saat insetting flap palatum setelah . dibebaskan. Fistula dapat dicegah bila ketegangan dapat diatasi dengan baik atau lebar celah kecil. Fistula dapat diamati dalam 3 minggu pertama pascabedah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari korelasi nilai rasio lebar celah dan lebar palatum dengan kejadian fistula pascapalatoplasti primer. Penelitian kohort prospektif dilakukan pada 16 subjek penelitian (kemaknaan 0,05 dan kekuatan 0,95). Sepuluh subjek laki-laki dan 6 subjek wanita dengan usia rata-rata 22,31 C± 5,86) bulan. Rerata kadar hemoglobin 11,46 C± 1,20) g%, rerata hitung lekosit 9500 C± 2515,55) fmm3
• Rerata berat badan 10,18 C± 1,32) kg, dan nilai z antropometri berat badan berdasarkan usia rata-rata -1,66 C± 1,22). Lebar celah secara keseluruhan paling lebar di bagian junction (13, 50 ± 2,94 mm) palatum molle dan palatum durum dan yang paling sempit di anterior (9,68 ± 2,35 mm). Lebar sisa palatum yang paling lebar pada bagian posterior (26,56 ± 3,17 rnrn) sedangkan yang paling sempit pada daerah anterior (21,53 ± 3,96 mm). Lebar arkus palatum yang terbesar ada pada daerah posterior (39,93 ± 4,40 mm) dengan lebar arkus tersempit pada daerah anterior (31,22 ± 3,17 mm). Pada semua subjek dilakukan palatoplasti dengan menggunakan teknik two flap - three layers suturing. Kejadian fistula adalah 1 dari 16 subjek penelitian (6,25%). Analisis korelasi menggunakan regresi logistik antara kejadian fistula dengan faktor-faktor pra-bedah, nilai rasio lebar celah dengan lebar sisa palatum dan rasio lebar celah dengan lebar arkus palatum tidak berrnakna secara statistik (95% CI melalui angka 1).
Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar bagi ahli bedah agar tidak terlalu kuatir dengan kondisi lebar celah langit-Iangit pada setiap pasien, dan teknik two flap - three layers suturing dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai teknik operasi yang cukup sederhana narnun dapat memberikan hasil kejadian fistula yang cukup rendah."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risma Kristi Utami
Infeksi parasit usus masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia terutama pada masyarakat dengan kondisi sanitasi yang buruk. Masalah infeksi parasit usus perlu mendapat perhatian karena dapat mempengaruhi proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi parasit usus pada murid sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Setu, Bekasi. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional dengan subjek murid sekolah dasar negeri dan madrasah ibtidaiyah. Subjek diberikan penjelasan mengenai apa yang akan dilakukan lalu diminta mengumpulkan feses keesokan harinya. Pemeriksaan feses dilakukan di laboratorium parasitologi dengan cara pemeriksaan langsung. Jumlah sampel yang diperoleh adalah 133 pot feses.
Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan terdapat infeksi parasit usus sebesar 65,4% yang didominasi oleh Blastocystis hominis. Murid laki-laki yang terinfeksi adalah 72,1% dan perempuan 59,7%. Murid madrasah yang terinfeksi sebanyak 66,6% dan murid sekolah dasar negeri 64,67%. Uji chi square menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada infeksi parasit usus dengan jenis kelamin (p=0,134) maupun jenis sekolah (p=0,792). Kesimpulannya, infeksi parasit usus tidak berhubungan dengan jenis kelamin maupun jenis sekolah.

Intestinal parasites infection is a widespread problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. It spreads among the people living in overcrowded population with poor sanitation and lack of clean water. This problem needs attention because it gives negative impacts on the growth and development process of children. The purpose of this research is to find the prevalence of intestinal parasite among elementary school students in Setu, Bekasi. This research is an analytical-observative research with cross-sectional study using students in state elementary school and madrasah ibtidaiyah as subjects. Explaining the procedure and collecting samples on the next day were conducted in this research. The examination uses direct examination method using microscope in parasitology laboratorium.
From 133 samples, there were 65,4% positive result. Most of them are Blastocystis hominis. Prevalence of parasites on boys are 72,1% and on girls are 59,7%. Prevalence of parasites was 66,6% in madrasah ibtidaiyah and 64,67% in state elementary school. Chi square test shows that there is no relationship between intestinal parasite infection with either gender (p=0,134) or type of school (p=0,792). It means all boys and girls studying in state elementary school or madrasah ibtidaiyah have the same possibility to be infected by intestinal parasites."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Studi terbaru mendasari pentingnya permeabilitas usus dan inflamasi kronis dalam patogenesis DMT2. Studi kami membandingkan konsentrasi FABP2 dan YKL40 sebagai penanda permeabilitas usus dan peradangan di antara normoglikemia, pradiabetes, dan DMT2. Kami merekrut 122 peserta (45 normoglikemik, 26 pradiabetes, dan 51 DMT2) di antaranya kami mengukur kadar FABP2 dan YKL-40 serum puasa menggunakan metode ELISA. Tingkat FABP2 secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada kelompok DMT2 [2,890(1,880 – 4,070)] dibandingkan dengan kedua pradiabetes [2,025 (1,145 – 2,343), p=0,0085] dan kelompok normoglikemia [1,72 (1,250 – 2,645), p=0,011 ]. Tingkat YKL-40 juga secara signifikan lebih tinggi pada kelompok DMT2 [68,70 (44,61 – 166,6)] dibandingkan dengan kedua pradiabetes [28,85 (20,64 – 41,53), p<0,0001] dan kelompok normoglikemia [28,64 (19,25 – 43,87), p<0,001]. Studi kami mengamati bahwa kadar FABP2 dan YKL-40 tertinggi pada kelompok T2DM yang mendukung bukti yang tersedia tentang peran gangguan permeabilitas usus dan peradangan kronis tingkat rendah dalam patogenesis T2DM.

Recent studies underlie the importance of intestinal permeability and chronic inflamamation in the pathogenesis of T2DM. Our study compared the concentrations of FABP2 and YKL40 as markers of intestinal permeability and inflammation among normoglycemia, prediabetes and T2DM. We recruited 122 participants (45 normoglycemic,  26 prediabetes, and 51 T2DM) of whom we measured the fasting serum levels of FABP2 and YKL-40 using ELISA method. The levels of FABP2 were significantly higher in the T2DM group [2.890(1.880 – 4.070)] in comparison to both prediabetes [2.025 (1.145 – 2.343), p=0.0085] and normoglycemia group [1.72 (1.250 – 2.645), p=0.011]. The levels of YKL-40 were also significantly higher in the T2DM group [68.70 (44.61 – 166.6)] in comparison to both prediabetes [28.85 (20.64 – 41.53), p<0.0001] and normoglycemia group [28.64 (19.25 – 43.87), p<0.001]. Our study observed that the levels of  FABP2 and YKL-40 were highest in the T2DM group supporting the available evidences on the role of intestinal permeability disruption and chronic low-grade inflammation in the pathogenesis of T2DM."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Eko Jatmiko
Sayuran kemangi yang sering dikonsumsi secara mentah misalnya sebagai lalapan, dapat menjadi media transmisi infeksi parasit usus yaitu Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) dan kista protozoa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan metode potong lintang, menggunakan 40 sampel sayuran kemangi yang dibeli secara acak dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan di Jakarta. Dua puluh sampel dari pasar tradisional dan 20 sampel dari pasar swalayan kemudian direndam selama 24 jam dalam larutan garam cuka dan air sebagai kontrol. Perendaman ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh jumlah kontaminasi parasit usus. Data berupa jumlah telur STH atau kista protozoa kemudian diproses dengan SPSS versi 20 dan dianalisis dengan uji t tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 14 sampel terkontaminasi STH, 7 sampel dari pasar tradisional dan 7 sampel dari pasar swalayan, dan seluruh sampel (100%) terkontaminasi kista protozoa. Jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan sebesar 1780 pada pasar tradisional dan 1550 pada pasar pasar swalayan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p > 0,05) antarajumlah kontaminasi parasit usus yang ditemukan pada pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta, dan diperoleh perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) antara jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan pada media perendaman larutan garam cuka dan air. Jenis pasar tidak mempengaruhi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kemangi dan penggunaan larutan garam cuka sebagai media perendaman berpengaruh terhadap jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan.

Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780 from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780 from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.;Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites., Basil is often consumed uncooked, instance as lalapan, but it can be a medium of transmission of the intestinal parasites infection, Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) and protozoan cysts. This research used an observational analytic crosssectional method, which used 40 samples of basil purchased randomly from the traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta. Twenty samples from traditional
markets and 20 samples from selservice markets were soaked in acetous salt solution and water as a control study to obtain the number of STH eggs or protozoan cysts. Data were processed by SPSS 20 version then analyzed by t test or Mann Whitney. Result of research showed 14 samples were contaminated by STH, 7 from traditional markets and 7 from selfservice markets, and all samples (100%) were contaminated by protozoan cysts. The number of parasites is 1780
from traditional markets and 1550 from selfservice markets. Results of this research showed, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites in traditional and selfservice markets in Jakarta, and there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the prevalence of intestinal parasites by sedimentation method in acetous salt solution and water. Type of
market does not affect the prevalence of intestinal parasites in basil, and acetous salt solution as soaking media in sedimentation method, affects the prevalence of parasites.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mikha Eliana Wati
Flotasi merupakan metode pemeriksaan feses untuk mendiagnosis infeksi cacing usus. Larutan yang dipakai dalam metode flotasi bervariasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan sampel feses yang ada di Laboratorium Parasitologi FKUI. Sampel diperiksa dengan metode flotasi larutan gula jenuh dan NaCl jenuh dengan tujuan membandingkan efektivitas kedua larutan. Uji Wilcoxon mendapatkan adanya perbedaan bermakna antara gula jenuh dan NaCl jenuh dalam mendeteksi telur Ascaris lumbricoides p = 0,002 dan Trichuris trichiura p = 0,002 . Rerata telur yang ditemukan gula jenuh untuk A. lumbricoides ialah 3.346,9/gram dan untuk T. trichiura ialah 149,2/gram. Jika dibandingkan dengan rerata telur yang ditemukan NaCl jenuh ialah 1.385,2/gram untuk A. lumbricoides dan 35,2/gram untuk T. trichiura maka gula jenuh lebih baik dalam mendeteksi telur cacing usus. Hal ini disebabkan berat jenis larutan gula jenuh yang dapat menjangkau kisaran berat jenis telur untuk telur dapat mengapung. Berbeda dengan gula jenuh, NaCl jenuh tidak dapat mengapungkan telur yang berat jenisnya melebihi berat jenis larutan. Oleh karena itu, gula jenuh dapat direkomendasikan untuk dijadikan larutan rutin menggantikan NaCl jenuh dalam pemeriksaan feses metode flotasi.

Flotation is a method in stool examination to diagnose infection of intestinal helminths. Solutions was used in flotation method vary. This study used cross sectional design with stool samples in Laboratory of Parasitology FKUI. Sampels are examined by flotation of saturated sugar and saturated NaCl with aim of this study was to compare effectiveness both solutions. Wilcoxon test showed significantly different between saturated sugar solution and saturated NaCl solution in detecting eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides p 0,002 and Trichuris trichiura p 0,002 . Mean of eggs that found by saturated sugar for A. lumbricoides was 3.346,9 gram and for T. trichiura was 149,2 gram. If these were compared with mean of eggs that found by saturated NaCl that was 1.385,2 gram for A. lumbricoides and 35,2 gram for T. trichiura, saturated sugar is better than saturated NaCl in detecting eggs of intestinal helminths. It was caused by saturated sugar rsquo s specific gravity can cover range of eggs rsquo specific gravity so eggs could float. Unlike saturated sugar, saturated NaCl could not float the eggs that have specific gravity more than solution rsquo s specific gravity. Therefore saturated sugar can be recommended to be used as a routine solution replaces saturated NaCl in stool examination flotation method."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rino Nugrahaputra
"Infeksi parasit di intestinal adalah masalah endemik utama yang biasanya ditemukan pada daerah dengan status ekonomi yang rendah, padat penduduk, dan higienitas yang buruk. Pekerja perkebunan dan keluarganya yang tinggal di Desa Pacet mempunyai risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk terinfeksi parasit intestinal karena mereka sering berkontak dengan tanah.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi infeksi parasit intestinal pada siswa-siswi madrasah di Desa Pacet dan hubungannya dengan tingkat pendidikan mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada tanggal 10-11 September 2011 di Desa Pacet, Cianjur. Seluruh siswa-siswi (171 orang) diminta untuk mengumpulkan feses mereka untuk diperiksa secara mikroskopik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi parasit intestinal siswa-siswi tsanawiyah adalah 53% dan aliyah 49% tetapi hasil tersebut tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (chi square, p=0,626). Jumlah infeksi tunggal A. lumbricoides adalah 4 orang, T. trichiura 3 orang, B. hominis 69 orang, G. lamblia 2 orang, dan E. Coli 2 orang. Infeksi campuran B. hominis dan A. lumbricoides berjumlah 5 orang, serta B. hominis dan E. Coli berjumlah 4 orang. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi STH dan G. lamblia cukup rendah serta tidak terdapat hubungan di antara prevalensi infeksi parasit intestinal dan tingkat pendidikan.

Intestinal parasitic infection is a major endemic problem found in the area with low economic status, densely populated rural areas, and poor hygiene. Plantation worker and their family who lives in Pacet village has greater risk of getting infected by parasitic infection because they often contact with soil.
The aim of this study is to know the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among madrasah students in Pacet and its association with the level of education. This study used a cross-sectional design. Data was collected in 10-11 September 2011 in Pacet Village, Cianjur. All students (171 people) were asked to collect their stool sample then examined microscopically.
The result showed the prevalence of intestinal parasitic in tsanawiyah student was 53% while aliyah was 49% but the difference was not significant (chi square, p=0,626). Total single infection among students that were infected by A.lumbricoides is 4 students, T. trichiura 3 students, B.hominis 69 students, G.lamblia 2 students, and E.coli 2 students. Mixed infection of B.hominis with A.lumbricoides in 5 students and B.hominis with E.coli in 4 students. It was concluded that STH and G.lamblia infection is low and no association between the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection with the levels of education.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrew John Widya Sieman
Infeksi parasit intestinal masih menjadi salah satu penyakit infeksi yang sering ditemui di seluruh dunia, terutama di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk di Indonesia. Di lingkungan dengan tingkat sanitasi yang rendah, seperti di pemukiman dekat tempat pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA), infeksi ini akan lebih mudah terjadi. Pada penelitian ini, akan diteliti mengenai tingkat infeksi parasit intestinal dan hubungannya dengan kebiasaan anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi dalam menjaga kebersihan kuku. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2012, dan didapatkan subyek penelitian sebanyak 100 anak. Data diolah menggunakan program SPSS 21.0, menggunakan uji Chi-square. Dari data yang terkumpul, didapatkan angka infeksi parasit intestinal pada anak-anak di TPA Bantar Gebang sebesar 80,0%, dengan rincian berikut: Blastocystis hominis (59,0%), Giardia lamblia (34,0%), Trichuris trichiura (30,0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,0%), dan Entamoeba histolytica (1,0%). Didapatkan pula bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara frekuensi menggunting kuku, sebagai parameter kebersihan kuku, dan infeksi parasit intestinal (P > 0,05).

Intestinal parasites infection is currently still a commonly found infectious disease worldwide, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. In areas with relatively low sanitation levels, such as residential areas near Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA), this infection is more likely to happen. This study aims to observe the association of intestinal parasite infection and nail hygiene in children living in TPA Bantar Gebang, Bekasi. The design used in this study was cross-sectional. Data was collected in May 2012, with a total of 100 children as subjects. The data was then processed using SPSS 21.0 with Chi-square test. It is found that the infection rate of intestinal parasites infection in children living in TPA Bantar Gebang was 80,0%, which consisted of Blastocystis hominis (59,0%), Giardia lamblia (34,0%), Trichuris trichiura (30,0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (4,0%), and Entamoeba histolytica (1,0%). The result showed that there was no association between the frequency of nail trimming, as a parameter of nail hygiene, and intestinal parasites infection (P > 0,05)."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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