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Ditemukan 105055 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abdul Wakhid
"Library performance measurement is one of a strategy to evaluate utilization of library resources. The objective of this study was to identify indicators needed to measure the performance and to design an counting system measurement at Open Service at National Library of Indonesia. The measurement indicators were based on ISO 11620:2008 consisting of 45 indicators. It was selected 10 indicators: 1) percentage of required titles in the collection (RTC); 2) shelving accuracy (SA); 3) staff per capita (LS); 4) collection turnover (CT); 5) loans per capita (LPC); 6) in-library use per capita (IUC); 7) library visits per capita (LVC); 8) percentage of target population reached (PTPR); 9) user satisfaction (AUS); 10) user services staff as a percentage of total staff (USSPTS). The indicators were selected through four stages: 1) selecting indicators related to activities in the Indonesia National Library and removing indicators related to activities that are not conducted in the institution; 2) removing indicators related to cost; 3) identifying and selecting indicators related to vision and mission by the questionnaire; 4) analizing the results of the questionnaire and setting the indicators that have an average value of the results greater than 0 as an selected indicator. The results of managements attitude that required the a performance counting system. System design was developed based on the system requirements and managements needs. The system that was able to process data into information of performance. The system was integrated with the integrated national library system (INLIS) and the data that were not available in INLIS were manually input. Steps of system developing were defining use case, description use case, activity diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, object role/relational mapping and entity relationship diagram. "
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indreswari Nurmalia
"One of librarys most important element of the library is collection. The rise information and technology, has improved library needs to transforms into digital era. Library users preferred e resources collections. The National Library of Indonesia (NLI) realized e resources collection has become one of the primary collection. During these five years, there are not enough research about usage of e resources collection services evaluation. This research took evaluation of the usage of e resources collection services with a quantitative approach of the ISO 11620:2014 as general standard for library performance indicators. ISO 11620:2014 is a statement of symbol, numeric, and verbal that is obtained through the library statistics and data that is used to characterized the library performance indicators. There are 6 (six) performance indicators that are used as benchmark in assesing how far e resources collection is used in The NLI on 2014 2015. Those 6 (six) indicators are : (1) The percentage of e resources collection that is not used); (2) the number of content unit downloaded per capita; (3) the number of visitors that join the e resources training; (4) the expense of the e resources collection procurement; (5) the percentage of expenditure on the provision of information for the collection of e resources; (6) Percentage of library staff who provide the guidance of the eresources collection services for. This research found that e resources usage collections services in The NLI is not optimized. E resources collections service has not maximized for following reasons. First, The NLIs e resources is in balanced referring to covered subjects. The high e resources collections that were not used by user, only 3% of the whole e resources collections are used by users. Although, the level of content downloaded unit per capita for each e resources collections decreased from the previous year. E journals downloaded are more higher than the e books and e videos downloaded from whole e resources collections. In 2015, the number e books and e video downloaded are less than 5 per 1000 user. PROQUEST download decreased from 2.7 to 1.9 for all users served. These conditions was caused by lack of e resources development policy that becomes controlling in the process of collection management at the National Library of Indonesia. NLI needs to improve the e resources development a primary missions to create a great form of national collections. Second, NLI need to set priority in providing technology based services. E resources training and promotion are also need to set up as priority to colleges that have limited infrastructure and internet access. There are a large number user can be a potential gateway to increasing e-resources usage. This research found users were trained at the NLIs e resources has decreased in 2015. There was about 3 users per 1000 the NLIs users in the previous year. Third, the level of the percentage of staff who provide training increased by 12.34% from the previous year. Although there was improvement the percentage of the GCC staff training is still very small compared with the number of staff at service center. Librarians competencies also needed to improve e resources training in NLI. Librarian must have competenciies as much skill in providing information services in technology, has skill in searching strategy using e resources. The research also found evaluation of e resources usage at NLI will increase. Fourth, in terms of budget indicators issued for the provision of information in the form of a collection of e resources shows the results are quite positive. Costs incurred for the provision of e resources collections always increase every year. The research recommended further research related to the application of e resources system performance measurement standards. It is important for the evaluation of performance of e resources development at NLI to improve performance even better in the future."
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Organisasi tidak mungkin dapat mencapai tujuan tanpa dukungan anggota organisasi. Hal ini tidak terkecuali berlaku pula bagi organisasi pemerintahan yang bersifat nonprofit. Organisasi tidak mungkin dapat mencapai tujuannya secara optimal tanpa kontribusi dari segenap jajaran pegawainya. Program kerja yang telah disusun sedemikian rupa dalam rangka mencapai target-target tertentu bisa sia-sia apabila tidak disokong oleh kinerja pegawai yang optimal. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa kinerja merupakan faktor yang tidak bisa ditawar dalam kehidupan organisasi, karena kinerja ádalah prasyarat dan sekaligus modal dasar untuk membangun kinerja organisasi. Kinerja organisasi tidak akan optimal tanpa dukungan kinerja pegawai yang optimal pula.
Bagi organisasi pemerintahan yang memberikan pelayanan publik, kinerja dapat terkait dengan pelayanan publik (masyarakat) sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) dengan segenap Kantor Wilayah dan Kantor Pelayanan Pajak yang berada di bawah naungannya. Sebagai unit organisasi pemerintah, DJP memberikan pelayanan publik dalam bidang perpajakan. Namun, seperti unit kerja organisasi pemerintah lainnya, kinerja pegawai pajak yang dilakukan DJP tidak selamanya mulus. Indikasinya antara lain tampak dari masih adanya keluhan masyarakat atas pelayanan yang diberikan aparatur DJP, misalnya yang terkait dengan kekurangramahan aparatur saat memberikan pelayanan, kekurangtanggapan aparatur terhadap persoalan yang dihadapi masyarakat wajib pajak, dan kekurangsabaran aparatur dalam membantu wajib pajak yang mengalami kesulitan mengisi Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan (SPT). Kecenderungan seperti ini tidak terkecuali juga muncul di Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Timur, yang menjadi obyek penelitian ini.
Kondisi tersebut tentu saja tidak berdiri sendiri. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja seseorang dalam menjalankan tugasnya, yang diantaranya adalah: motivasi, kemampuan, harapan, aktualisasi diri, kecerdasan emosional, kecerdasan spiritual, sikap, kepuasan kerja, pengetahuan, kreativitas, persepsi, kompetensi, disiplin, komitmen organisasi, komunikasi organisasi, pelatihan, kepemimpinan, koordinasi, iklim organisasi, kompensasi, manajemen sdm, budaya organisasi, konflik peran, karakteristik pekerjaan, lingkungan kerja, penilaian kinerja, dan Pelaksanaan pengawasan wajib pajak untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pemenuhan kewajiban perpajakannya maka pemerintah melalui instansi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak berupaya untuk senantiasa memantau potensi penerimaan pajak. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai adalah pajak atas konsumsi umum dan dalam negeri, yaitu Pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai tersebut hanya atas konsumsi barang kena pajak dan atau jasa kena pajak yang dilakukan di dalam negeri.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sesuai dengan pernyataan yang tercantum dalam kuesioner yang diberikan terdapat 18 (delapan belas) variabel yang mempengaruhi kinerja, dimana terdapat 4 ( empat ) faktor yang mempunyai mempengaruhi signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai yaitu kreativitas, kemampuan melayani dengan sigap dan tepat waktu, kepuasan dan manajemen sumber daya manusia . Sedangkan 14 (empat belas) faktor yang lain ternyata tidak mempunyai dampak yang signifikan dengan kinerja yaitu, harapan, motivasi, sikap, kepuasan, komitmen, kompensasi, iklim organisasi, penilaian kinerja, kompetensi, kebersediaan untuk berbagi, kenyamanan untuk saling menghargai, kesiapan melayani tanpa diskriminasi, aktualisasi diri, dan pimpinan.
Dengan adanya faktor-faktor yang signifikan semoga menjadi perhatian Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, khususnya Kantor Wilayah DJP Jakarta Timur, agar dapat mengaplikasikan faktor yang signifikan tersebut terkait dengan kinerja para pegawainya. Sedangkan terhadap faktor ? faktor yangtidak berpengaruh secara signifikan menjadi perhatian bagi para pimpinan di lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, agar proses modernisasi yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak tidak terganggu. Faktor-faktor tersebut dapat ditingkatkan lebih baik lagi, supaya dapat bersinergi dengan empat faktor yang signifikan dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Timur, sehinggaa visi dan misi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak secara keseluruhan dapat terwujud.

It is impossible for an organization to achieve its goal without the support from its members. It applies also to non profit governmental organization without exception. It is impossible for an organization to achieve the goal optimally without the contribution of all of its employees. The work program already prepared in such a way in the frame of achieving the certain targets will be useless if not supported by the optimum performance of the employees. It indicates that the performance is the undeniable factors in the life of organization, because it is the prerequisite as well as basic capital to establish an organization performance. The organization performance will not be optimum without the support from the employee having optimum performance too.
For a governmental organization giving the public service, the performance may relate to the public service as done by the Directorate General of Taxes with all of Territorial Offices and Tax Service Offices under its shelter. As a governmental organization unit, Directorate General of Taxes gives the public service in tax matter. However, like other governmental organization work unit, the tax service performance of Directorate General of Taxes will not always be smooth. It is indicated among others from the grievances conveyed by the people about the service rendered by the apparatus of Directorate General of Taxes, for example the unfriendly apparatus when rendering the service, non responsive apparatus to the problem encountered by taxpayers and impatient apparatus in assisting the taxpayers having difficulty in filling in Tax Annual Return (SPT) Form. This kind of tendency is also occurred in Territorial Office of Directorate General of Tax of East Jakarta being the object of this research.
Such condition is of course not independent. There are many factors that may affect the performance of someone in performing his tasks which are among others motivation, ability, hope, self actualization, emotional intelligent, spiritual intelligent, attitude, work satisfaction, knowledge, creativity, perception, competence, discipline, organization commitment, organization communication, training, leadership, coordination, organization climate, compensation, human resources management, organization culture, role conflict, work characteristic, work environment, performance evaluation and taxpayer supervision to improve the obedience of fulfillment of tax obligation, the government through Directorate General of Tax endeavors to always monitor the tax revenue potency. The Value Added Tax is the tax of public and domestic consumption, namely the imposition of such Value Added Tax will only be on the taxable consumptive goods and or taxable service made in the home country.
Based on the research findings in accordance with the statement contained in the questioner already given there are 18 (eighteen) variables affecting the performance, where 4 (four) out of it giving the significant influence to the employee?s performance namely creativity, ability to serve skillfully and timely, satisfaction and human resources management. While 14 (fourteen) other factors are proven having no significant impact to the performance namely hope, motivation, attitude, satisfaction, commitment, compensation, organization climate, performance evaluation, competence, willingness to share, convenience for mutual appreciation, readiness to serve on non discriminative basis, self actualization, and leadership.
By those significant factors may the Directorate General of Taxes gives its attention, especially Territorial Office of Directorate General of Taxes of East Jakarta in order to be able to apply the significant factor relating to the performance of its employees. Whereas regarding the insignificant affecting factors, the management within the environment of Territorial Office of Directorate General of Taxes should pay the attention in order that the modernization process will not be uninterrupted. Those factors are improvable to the better manner that it can be synergized with the four significant factors in the frame of improving the service performance of Territorial Office of Directorate General of Taxes of East Jakarta that the vision and mission of Directorate General of Taxes can entirely be realized."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrini Evianty
CV. RP merupakan perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak di bidang retail
(perdagangan eceran). Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan stok di seluruh tempat
penjualan RP memiliki 2 pabrik, yaitu konveksi dan pabrik rajut. Konversi
dikelola secara outsourcing, dimana RP menyediakan peralatan, bahan baku dan
modal kelja. Sementara pabrik rajut dikelola sendiri. Sebagai perusahaan retail
pendapatan RP sangat tergantumg pada omzet (hasil penjualan) dari seiiap tempat
penjualannya yang sekarang berjumlah 33 tempat penjualan.
Dengan banyaknya tempat penjualan yang dimiliki serta pabrik L yang ada
maka RP harus mempekerjakan banyak lenaga kerja Untuk menjalankan
aktivitas sehari-hari, RP memiliki 19 orang karyawan di kantor pusat, 45 orang
SPG (Sales Promotion Girl), 20 orang di konveksi dan 35 orang di pabrik rajut
Sebagian besar karyawan RP berusia antara 19-26 tahun, penclidikan SMU dan
yang sederajat, dan belum memiliki pengalaman kerja sebelum bekelja di RP.
Rata-rata karyawan telah bekerja lebih dari 3 tahun, kecuali SPG dan karyawan
pabrik yang keberadaannya Sangat tergantung pada kebutuhan penjualan clan
produksi pada waktu tertentu
RP Blum melalmkan pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dengan balk,
seperti perencanaan sumber daya manusia, proses relcrutmen, seleksi, penempatan
yang terstruktur, pelatihan dilakukan sambil bekerja, dan belum memiliki sistem
evaluasi kinerja. Meskipun menyadari pentingnya pengelolaan sumber daya
manusia, namun waktu dan perhatian pimpinan masih terpusat pada usaha untuk
meningkatkan pendapatan dan memajukan perusahaan.
Saat ini Pimpinan RP mengeluhkan penjualan yang tems menunm,
padahal produk yang dihasilkan diakui dari segi kualitas, mode, maupun harga
yang teljangkau. Sikap dan hasil kerja karyawan juga dinilai tidak seperli yang
diharapkan (kurang tanggung jawab dalam menyelesaikan tugas, tidak disiplin,
suka bergunjing, melakukan kecurangan, dll). Meskzipun perusahaan berada
dalam situasi yang sulit, Pimpinan RP bertekad untuk bertahan dan terus
memajukan perusahaan. Konsekwensinya RP harus bersikap Ientur clan selalu
menyesuaikan did dengan perubahan yang terjadi di luar. Untuk im RP harus
meningkatkan efektivitas dan kualitas kinerja karyawannya
Setelah menganalisa situasi dan kondisi perusahaaan maupun karyawan
RP serta membandingkan beberapa altematif yang munglcin dilakukan, Penulis
agar RP menerapkan sistem manajemen kinerja. Sistem
rnanajemen kinelja merupakan suatu proses atau serangkaian proses yang
dilakukan dalam mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi dan mengembangkau kinerja
individu untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran organisasi. Proses ini melibatl-can
komunikasi yang berkesinambungan dan dilakukan dalam kemitraan antam
seorang karyawan dau penyelia langsungnya, Komponen sistem manajemen
kinexja terdiri dari perencanaan kinerja, coaching dan evaluasi kinelja.
Untuk dapat menerapkan sistem manajemen lcinenja dibutuhkan sosialisasi
lebih dulu agar karyawan dapat mengenali konsepnya dan mengetahuj cam
melakukannya. Mengingat kesulitan RP untuk secara khusus melakukan
pelatihan, maka dalam sosialisasi ini karyawan juga diminta untuk
mempraktekkan inforrnasi yang diperolehnya Sehingga bagi RP program ini
akan terasa lebih efisien daxi segi tenaga, waktu dan biaya, namun cukup efektif
Sebelum masuk ke tahap sosialisasi ini, ada beberapa hal yang hams dilakukan
oleh RP, seperti penetapan visi, misi, strategi dan merampungkan job descrgotion
setiap jabatan. Pada tahap awal, program sosialisasi sistern manajemen kinerja
dilaksanakan bagi karyawan di kantor pusat sebagai senual operasional RP."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Opong Sumiati
"Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan dan pembinaan jabatan fungsional pustakawan, di antaranya adalah motivasi pegawai memilih jabatan fungsional pustakawan.Untukitu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami latar belakang, alasan, sumber dan pola terjadinya motivasi serta hambatan maupun kernudahan yang dialami pegawai Deputi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Perpustakaan (Deputi II), Perpustakaan Nasional RI dalam memilih jabatan fungsional pustakawan.
Motivasi merupakan peristiwa konstruksi mental dan sosial yang harus dipahami secara holistik, maka pendekatan konstruktivisme/interpretatif merupakan paradigma yang tepat untuk memahaminya, sedangkan model penelitian yang digunakan adalah grounded theory. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara sampling teoritis melalui wawancara, observasi dan kajian dokumen. Kemudian data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan cara constant comparative untuk menemukan tema hasil penelitian.
Tema yang berhasil ditemukan dari observasi ada 5 buah, dari kajian dokumen ada 5 buah dan dari hasil wawancara ada 15 buah. Gabungan dari tema tersebut menurunkan 4 buah kategori utama, yaitu: Sistem fungsional pustakawan rumit dan menyulitkan sehingga kurang menarik minat pegawai Deputi II; Sistem dan mekanisme kerja organisasi Deputi II menurut pandangan pegawai tidak memberikan peluang untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme fungsional pustakawan; Pegawai Deputi II memilih fungsional pustakawan karena ada kemudahan saat masuk mendapat tunjangan jabatan, kenaikan golongan, jabatan dan pangkat yang melekat, kecepatan naik golongan, perpanjangan masa pension, dan peningkatan kinerja; Dorongan dari teman, alasan, anggota tim penilai, pejabat struktural danpejabat pembina pustakawan berperan dalam menumbuhkan dan memperkuat motivasi pegawai Deputi II untuk memilih jabatan fungsional pustakawan.
Berdasarkan kategori-kategori tersebut diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan erat dengan motivasi pegawai memilih jabatan fungsional pustakawan adalah: Kondisi sistem fungsional pustakawan, system/mekanisme kerja organisasi dan pribadi pegawai itu sendiri.

There are many factors that influence in building and developing a librarian functionary position. This research is to find out about background, reason, source and role on how motivation be created, and what obstacles and advantages were faced by employees at the Deputy of the Development on Library Resources (Deputy II) at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia in choosing librarian functionary position.
Motivation is a way of thinking construction and social phenomenon, so it has to be understood as a whole entity, and constructivism/interpretative approach is the right paradigm for understanding, and die model research used is grounded theory. Data gathering method is done by theoretical sampling through interview, observation and documentation study. Then data were analyzed by constant comparative way for finding the theme of the research result.
There are 5 themes on observation, 5 themes on documentation study, and 15 themes on interview. The merge of those themes generates 4 main categories, i.e. Librarian functionary system is difficult and hard to do, and so Deputy II employees less interested; System and mechanism of organization work at Deputy II according to employees not give a chance for developing librarian functionary professionalism; The reasons Deputy II employees to choose the librarian functionary position are: easy to enter, get position allowance, rise of class position, parallel between position and class, long retirement period, increase performance; Get support from friend, chief member of librarian evaluating team, structural and senior librarian official role in growing and strengthening the motivation of Deputy II employees for choosing librarian functionary position.
Based on those categories it was concluded, that the most related factors on employees' motivation to choose librarian functionary system are the condition of librarian functionary system itself, Working mechanism/system of the institute, and the employees' personal preference."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Nusantari
"Untuk melihat keberhasilan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi dalam menjalankan fungsinya perlu dinilai kinerja perpustakaan bersangkutan. Ada banyak cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja perpustakaan perguruan tinggi. Dengan mengevaluasi kinerjanya, perpustakaan diharapkan akan terus meningkatkan dirinya sehingga perpustakaan dapat tetap berkompetisi. Manajemen pengetahuan meruapakn salah satu alat yang dapat menolong perpustakaan dalam kondisi ini. Sesuai tujuan manajemen pengetahuan yaitu penggunaan pengetahua n untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi agar dapat berkompetisi, diharapkan penerapannya akan dapat meningkatkan kinerja perpustakaan perguruan tinggi."
Jakarta: Pusat jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi ( Perpustakaan Nasional RI), 2009
020 VIS 11:2 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengukuran kinerja organisasi merupakan pondasi dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan berbasis kinerja sebagaimana tertuang dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 81 Tahun 2010 tentang Grand Design Reformasi Birokrasi 2010- 2025. Sasaran Strategis Reformasi Birokrasi di fase akhir ini (2020-2024) adalah terwujudnya pemerintahan berbasis kinerja, dimana basisnya adalah pengukuran kinerja. Oleh karena itu setiap organisasi pemerintah pusat dan daerah, harus mampu mewujudkan organisasinya agar berkinerja secara terukur. Penelitian menggunakan metode campuran untuk tujuan penelitian yaitu: 1)Menjelaskan 12 tahapan penerapan balanced scorecard dalam perbaikan akuntabilitas kinerja termasuk perbaikan perencanaan dan penganggaran serta pengelolan kinerja pemerintah; 2)Menjelaskan perkembangan kinerja KKP melalui peningkatan capaian empat perspektif BSC; dan 3)Menjelaskan peningkatan kinerja organisasi KKP sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan balanced scorecard. Penilaian kinerja organisasi dilakukan dengan kategori capaian NKO (Nilai kinerja organisasi): rendah/merah dimana X < 80%; sedang/kuning 80% ≤ X < 100%; tinggi/hijau 100% ≤ X ≤ 120%. Adapun NKP (Nilai kinerja perspektif): rendah/merah X<75%; sedang/kuning 75%≤X<90%; tinggi/hijau 90% ≤ X ≤ 120%; dengan bobot perspektif BSC 1) learn and growth (bobot 30%) ; 2) internal process (bobot 30%); 3) customer (bobot 15%) dan 4) perspektif stakeholder (bobot 25%). Pendekatan kuantitatif melalui penjelasan statistik deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan keempat perspektif tersebut dalam perbaikan akuntabilitas kinerja KKP. Sementara pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih dalam mengenai penerapan BSC secara komprehensif. Dari empat perspektif dalam BSC menggambarkan tingkat capaian kinerja organisasi berjenjang dari level Menteri, Level Eselon I, Eselon II, Eselon III, hingga level eselon IV berdasarkan output-outcome pada sistem aplikasi pengukuran kinerja, yaitu sebanyak 1.122 IKU pada tahun 2015; 11.653 IKU pada tahun 2016; dan 13.050 IKU di tahun 2017. Hasil uji signifikansi sakip KKP berdasarkan standar nilai maksimal Kementerian PAN & RB, yaitu rata-rata di atas 0,5 (95%), sedangkan pencapaian kinerja organisasi pada BSC perspektif stakeholder KKP sebesar 96% (2015); 90% (2016); dan 95% (2017); dengan Nilai Kinerja Organisasi (NKO) yaitu 112% (2015); 104% (2016) dan 98% (2017). Berdasarkan hasil uji hubungan antar persepektif BSC, ditemukan hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung dimana perspektif Pertumbuhan dan Pembelajaran (Learn & Growth) memiliki hubungan langsung positif terhadap Internal proses IP (proses bisnis) sebesar 0.329; hubungan langsung positif terhadap CP (Customer perspective)sebesar 0.006; hubungan langsung negatif terhadap SH (stakeholder) sebesar -0.047. Perspektif IP memiliki hubungan positif terhadap CP sebesar 0.123 dan hubungan langsung ke SH positif 0.108. Dari hasil ini memperlihatkan bahwa antar perspektif memiliki hubungan meskipun nilai hubungan ini kecil namun tidak bisa diabaikan karena berlakunya prinsif kausalitas dari output hingga menghasilkan outcome/impact. Hal ini dapat dipahami bahwa perubahan indikator kinerja yang sifatnya outcome untuk pencapaian arah strategi (Strategic objective) organisasi, dibutuhkan jangka waktu yang lama. Hubungan tidak langsung yang rendah yaitu antara LG terhadap CP sebesar 0.038; IP terhadap SH sebesar 0.078, LG terhadap SH sebesar 0.066. Adapun sebaran intervensi sosial KKP ditemukan level macro pada perspektif. Pada level mezzo ditemukan pada perspektif costumer, sedangkan level micro lebih banyak ditemukan pada perspektif proses bisnis. Hasil capaian outcome pada stakeholder perspektif tertinggi dicapai pada tahun 2015 yaitu 96%; 2016 (90%) dan tahun 2017 (95%).

Organizational performance measurement is the foundation in realizing performance-based government as stated in Presidential Regulation Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform 2010-2025. The strategic target of Bureaucratic Reform in this final phase (2020-2024) is the realization of performancebased government, where the basis is performance measurement. The research uses mixed methods for research purposes, namely: 1) Explaining the 12 stages of implementing the balanced scorecard in improving performance accountability including improving planning and budgeting as well as managing government performance; 2) Explaining the development of KKP performance through improving the achievements of the four BSC perspectives; and 3) Explaining the improvement of KKP organizational performance before and after using the balanced scorecard. Organizational performance assessment is carried out in the category of NKO achievement (Organizational Performance Value): low/red where X < 80%; medium/yellow 80% X < 100%; high/green 100% X 120%. The NKP (Perspective performance value): low/red X<75%; medium/yellow 75%≤X<90%; high/green 90% X 120%; with BSC perspective weight 1) learn and growth (weight 30%); 2) internal process (weight 30%); 3) customer (weight 15%) and 4) stakeholder perspective (weight 25%). Quantitative approach through descriptive statistical explanations to describe the four perspectives in improving the accountability of KKP performance. Meanwhile, the qualitative approach is to obtain more in-depth information on the comprehensive implementation of the BSC. The four perspectives in the BSC describe the level of organizational performance achievement in tiers from the Minister level, Echelon I, Echelon II, Echelon III, to echelon IV levels based on the outputs of the performance measurement application system, which were 1,122 KPIs in 2015; 11,653 KPIs in 2016; and 13,050 KKP in 2017. The results of the KKP sakip significance test are based on the maximum standard value of the Ministry of PAN & RB, which is above 0.5 (95%), while the achievement of organizational performance in the BSC of the KKP stakeholder perspective is 96% (2015) ; 90% (2016); and 95% (2017); with Organizational Performance Value (NKO) of 112% (2015); 104% (2016) and 98% (2017). Based on the results of the relationship test between BSC perspectives, a direct and indirect relationship was found where the Growth and Learning perspective has a positive direct relationship to the Internal IP process (business process) of 0.329; positive direct relationship to CP (Customer perspective) of 0.006; negative direct relationship to SH (stakeholder) of -0.047. IP perspective has a positive relationship to CP of 0.123 and a direct relationship to SH is positive of 0.108. These results show that there is a relationship between perspectives, although the value of this relationship is small, it cannot be ignored because the principle of causality applies from the output to the outcome/impact. It can be understood that changes in performance indicators, which are outcome in nature, for achieving the organization's strategic objectives, need a long period of time. The low indirect relationship between LG and CP is 0.038; IP to SH is 0.078, LG to SH is 0.066. Meanwhile, the distribution of social intervention in the KKP was found at the macro level in perspective. At the mezzo level it is found in the customer perspective, while the micro level is found more in the business process perspective. The outcome of the highest stakeholder perspective was achieved in 2015, namely 96%; 2016 (90%) and 2017 (95%)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Detty Suryati
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk menelaah komitmen para pimpinan dan kepala bidang terhadap pelaksanaan manajemen promosi jasa di perpustakaan serta pemahaman para kepala bidang terhadap konsep manajemen promosi jasa; menelaah pengetahuan dan pemahaman para pelaksana promosi jasa terhadap teknik promosi dan pengetahuan para petugas jasa layanan terhadap teknik layanan jasa perpustakaan. Mengidentifikasi kendala pelaksanaan promosi jasa, mendapatkan gambaran model bauran promosi, menelaah persepsi para pengguna terhadap pelaksanaan promosi jasa perpustakaan.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI), Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Ilmiah (PDII) - LIPI, dan di Pusat Perpustakaan Pertanian dan Komunikasi Penelitian (P-3KP) sejak bulan September 1997 sampai Mei 1998. Penelitian menggunakan metoda deskriptif kualitatif-kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposif, data dikumpulkan dengan penyebaran kuesioner, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumenter. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Komitmen pimpinan terhadap manajemen promosi jasa di PNRI dan PDII: baik, sedangkan pimpinan P-3KP berpendapat cukup baik.
Komitmen para kepala bidang ke tiga perpustakaan terhadap pelaksanaan manajemen pemasaran dan promosi secara keseluruhan cukup baik, tetapi pemahaman mereka terhadap konsep manajemen pemasaran umumnya kurang baik. Pemahaman kepala bidang PNRI terhadap kondisi Strength Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) ternyata kurang baik. Pengetahuan dan pemaha¬man para Relaksana promosi jasa ke tiga perpustakaan terhadap teknik promosi jasa umumnya kurang baik, mereka ternyata belum mengenal dan memahami kerangka konsep Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA) sebagai tugas promosi.
Kendala utama pelaksanaan promosi jasa di ke tiga perpustakaan ialah kurangnya pemahaman para pengelola dan pelaksana promosi terhadap manajemen dan teknik promosi jasa di perpustakaan. Para petugas layanan jasa ke tiga perpustakaan umumnya hanya memiliki keterampilan bidang perpustakaan, tetapi kurang pengetahuan keterampilan di bidang pemasaran jasa, kurang mengenal memahami teknik layanan jasa proaktif sehingga hanya sedikit yang bersikap proaktif. PNRI menerapkan 5 teknik Bauran Promosi: Publisitas (P) 44,57%, Hubungan masyarakat (H) 37,73%, Penjualan perorangan (PS) 11,05%, Pemasaran langsung (PL) 5,3%, dan Promosi penjualan (SP) 1,35%. PDII menerapkan 4 teknik Bauran Promosi yakni P=46,38%, H=32,04%, PS=20,46%, dan SP=1,12 %. P-3KP menerapkan 3 teknik Bauran Promosi: P=79,7%; PS=14,03% dan H=6,27%. Para pengguna ke tiga perpuskaaan umumnya pernah mendengar menyaksikan teknik promosi: P, PS, dan H, tetapi frekuensinya sedikit. Teknik promosi PL dan PS perlu ditingkatkan frekuensinya. Kebersihan dan kenyamanan ke tiga perpustakaan sudah cukup memadai, kecuali PDII dan P-3KP masih kurang memadai.
Disimpulkan: Komitmen pimpinan dan kepala bidang ke tiga perpustakaan terhadap pelaksanaan manajemen promosi jasa perpustakaan: cukup baik. Bauran promosi cukup bervariasi tetapi kurang proporsional serta pemahaman teknik pelaksanaan promosi jasa dari para pengelola pelaksana promosi masih kurang.

This research is aimed at analysing the commitment amongst heads of libraries and their divisions on the implementation of library service promotion management and the head of divisions' comprehension on its concept. Analyzing knowledge and perception amongst service promotion officers as well as service officers on promotion methods. Identifying obstacles of the method of service implementation. obtaining promotion mix model, and also finding out user perceptions on library service promotion.
Research had been carried out at the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia (PNRI), Centre for Scientific Documentation and Information, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PDII-LIPI), and at the Centre of Agriculture Library and Research Communication (P-3KP) since December 1997 to May 1998. This case study approach used a qualitative-quantitative descriptive method. The purposive sampling was applied. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, interviews, observations, and study. Those were analysed by using qualitative and quantitative methods.
Commitment of leadership on service promotion management both PNRI and PDII¬LIPI are good while P-3KP is relatively good. Generally, commitments amongst head of divisions on the implementation of library service promotion are relatively good, but their perceptions on the service promotion are less good. It is proved that the knowledge of heads of divisions in PNRI concerning condition of Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) is less good. Knowledge and comprehension of service promotion practitioners in the three libraries to the service promotion is generally less good and they have not familiar with the concept of Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA) as promotion tasks.
The main problem of service promotion implementation in the three libraries is the lack of comprehension among managers and promotion officers to the management and service promotion methods in libraries. Service officers of the three libraries generally only have library skills without mastering knowledge and skill in service marketing. They have not comprehend pro-active service methods, so that only a few of them who do it. The application of promotion mix in PNRI is conducting by applying five promotion methods based on funding priority on 44,57 % Publicity (P), 37,73 % Public Relations (H), 11,05 % Personal Selling (PS), 5,3 % Direct Marketing (PL) and 1,35 % Sales Promotion (SP). PDII-LIPI implements four promotion methods, those are 46,58% P, 32,04% H, 20,46% PS, and 1,12% SP. P-3KP applies three promotion methods 79,7% P, 14,03% PS, 6,27% H. The fact, users of these libraries have heard or identify promotion methods of P, PS and H in each library although it is still difficult to be conducted. The promotion methods which are necessarity and frequently to be conducted are PL and PS. Cleanness and comfortability is relatively good, except for PDII-LIPI and P-3KP which are less tidy and comfortable.
It is found that commitments among head of libraries and head of divisions on library sevices promotion are relatively good. Promotion mix applied on the three libraries relatively varies but less proportional, because of the lack of knowledge and comprehension of managers and promotion officers to the application of promotion method in their library.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penilaian kinerja karyawan perpustakaan merupakan fenomena baru dalam dunia perpustakaan khususnya manajemen perpustakaan. Perpustakaan UI mulai tahun 2003 sudah menerapkan penilaian kinerja dan belum pernah dievaluasi apakah hasilnya positif atau negatif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap penilaian kinerja di Perpustakaan UI dan (2) mengidentifikasi persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap pemberian kompensasi di Perpustakaan UI.
Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan Perpustakaan UI yang berjumlah 35 orang. Penarikan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, dan jumlah responden yang ditetapkan sebanyak 34 orang.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survei dengan instrumen pengumpulan datanya berupa kuesioner dan wawancara. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan adalah Skala Likert. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif, sementara signifikansi perbedaan persepsi diuji dengan menggunakan uji Nest dan oneway ANOVA.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa, persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap penilaian kinerja, adalah negatif dengan angka rata-rata 2,00. Sementara itu, persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap pemberian kompensasi juga negatif, dengan angka rata-rata 2,50. Hasil uji signifikansi perbedaan persepsi dalam hal persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap penilaian kinerja, berdasarkan karakteristik responden tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata. Sementara itu, persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap pemberian kompensasi, berdasarkan karakteristik responden juga tidak menunjukkan perbedaan nyata, dengan signifikansi di atas taraf nyata 0,05.
Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap penilaian kinerja di Perpustakaan UI adalah negatif (2) persepsi karyawan perpustakaan terhadap pemberian kompensasi di Perpustakaan UI juga negatif (3) tidak ada perbedaan persepsi secara signifikan berdasarkan karakteristik responden terhadap penerapan penilaian kinerja di Perpustakaan UI (4) tidak ada perbedaan persepsi secara signifikan berdasarkan karakteristik responden terhadap pemberian kompensasi di Perpustakaan UI.

Research in the area of performance appraisal of the library staff members is relatively a new phenomenon. Since 2003 the Library of the University of Indonesia has applied performance appraisal system to evaluate the performance of its staff members. Nevertheless, it has never been evaluated to know whether the result of the new system was perceived negatively or positively by its staff members.
This research aims (1) to identify the perception of library staff members toward performance appraisal system implemented by the Library of the University of Indonesia, (2) to identify the perception of the library staff members toward the provision of compensation system carried out by the Library of University of Indonesia.
In this study, the population covers all of the 35 staff members of the Library of the University of Indonesia. Purposive sampling is carried out as sampling technique. The sampling size is 34 respondents.
The research is basically a survey using questionnaire and interview for data collection. Likert Scale is employed in the questionnaire. Data is analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. In addition differences on perception is tested using the t-test and one-way ANOVA for its significance.
The results indicate that the staff members perception toward performance appraisal is negative with the average of 2,00. Whereas the staff members perception toward the provision of compensation is also negative with the average of 2,50. Thus far, there is no significant differences of respondents' perception on performance appraisal based on the respondents' characteristics. There is also no significant differences of respondents' perception toward the provision of compensation, based on the respondent's characteristics.
This research concludes that (1) the perception of the library staff members toward the performance appraisal at the Library of the University of Indonesia is negative, (2) the perception of the library staff members toward the provision of compensation at the Library of the University of Indonesia is also negative, (3) there is no significant differences on perception, based on the respondents' characteristics, toward the implementation of performance appraisal system in the Library of the University of Indonesia, (4) there is no significant differences of perception, based on the respondents' characteristics, toward the provision of compensation in the Library of the University of Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Dzaki Muthalib
Laporan Magang ini bertujuan untuk membahas kemampuan mahasiswa FakultasEkonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia dalam mengenal, memahami, mengerti, dan mengaplikasikan informasi tentang manajemen sumber manusia yang dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan tempat internship/magang di PT. Merck Tbk.Untuk mengenal hal-hal yang berkaitan langsung dengan manajemen sumber manusia khususnya di prosedur rekrutmen, pelatihan dan manajemen kinerja. Penulis mengadakan penelitian baik dengan membandingkan teori-teori yang dipergunakan dan hasil observasi langsung di divisi sumber manusiaPT Merck Tbk.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa prosedur yang terdapat di PT. Merck Tbk mengenai rekrutmen, pelatihan dan manajemen kinerja telah sesuai dengan teori yang terdapat di buku yang digunakan sebagai bahan landasan/referensi.Adapun rekomendasi yang diberikan adalah agar disivi sumber daya manusia di PT. Merck Tbk tetap menjelaskan tentang kinerja prosedur tersebut ke pihak manajer maupun pegawai. Guna untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam melakukan prosedur tersebut agar kinerja divisi sumber daya manusia di PT. Merck Tbk lebih efisien.

The focus of this internship report is for the freshman student of Faculty ofEconomy and Business at University of Indonesia to recognize, understand, andapply information about the human resource management procedure carried out by the company where the internship program is occurred in PT. Merck Tbk.The purpose of this study is to understand the things that are directly related to the human resource management particularly in recruitment, training and performance management procedures. The authors conducted research in whichcomparing the theories used and the actual procedures withdirect observation method in PT. Merck Tbk.This internship report is written as a qualitative research. The result of this internship report shows that the actual procedures of recruitment, training and performance management in PT. Merck Tbk were matched to the theories in book used as a guidance reference.As for recommendation given to human resource division in PT. Merck Tbk is to keep clarify about the procedures to the managers and employes. In purpose of avoiding error in doing the procedures and to create efficient working performance for human resource division in PT. Merck Tbk"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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