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Mazaya Taridza
"Pengaruh kesadaran diri akan adanya evaluasi terhadap performa kerja diteliti dalam penelitian ini pada saat individu menyelesaikan permainan sudoku. Empat puluh mahasiswa diminta untuk menyelesaikan permainan sudoku dengan tingkat kesulitan mudah. Waktu penyelesaian dicatat dalam eksperimen independent-groups, di mana responden ditempatkan dalam dua kondisi yang berbeda yaitu kondisi dengan kehadiran penonton dan kondisi dengan tidak adanya kehadiran penonton. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan dalam durasi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan permainan dan responden tidak merasa bahwa mereka sedang dievaluasi saat mengerjakan permainan pada kedua kondisi tersebut. Hasil penemuan yang diperoleh dapat dikatakan tidak konsisten dengan teori yang digunakan karena mengimplikasikan bahwa tidak ada efek penilaian audiens terhadap performa kerja.

Speed of performance from the effect of evaluation apprehension is investigated as an individual is completing sudoku. Forty university students completed an easy sudoku game as they were timed in an independent-groups experiment where some were placed in a condition of audience present and a condition where the audience was not around. The study found that there was no difference in duration of time taken to complete the game in either condition and that participants did not feel they were being evaluated during the task in both conditions. Due to these findings, this study is inconsistent with the theory, as they imply that there was no existence of audience effects in the task performance."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatimah Azzahra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek kehadiran penonton terhadap performa seseorang dalam menyelesaikan tugas. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 40 mahasiswa dari Universitas of Queensland. Mereka dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok tanpa kehadiaran penonton dan kelompok dengan kehadiran penonton. Tugas yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah permainan Sudoku. Performa mereka diukur melalui waktu yang dihabiskan untuk menyelesaikan permainan sudoku dengan benar. Hasil penelitian menujukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan performa antara kedua kelompok.

The purpose of this current study is to know the audience effect under the condition of performing a task. There are 40 participants in this study that is categorised as student at the University of Queensland. Participants are divided into two different group, one with an audience presence and one without. A game known as sudoku is being used as the required task. Performance are measured through the overall time taken to complete the game in the right way. The results found that differences in performance across the two groups are not being found."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pramudya Arlingga Pandega
"Riset oleh Eller, Koschate, dan Gilson (2011) tidak menunjukkan arah dari pengaruh audiens dan menggunakan imajinasi dalam tahap pengoleksian data. Studi ini mengisi celah penelitian tersebut dan memakai tugas membaca yang berdasarkan model evaluation apprehension. 40 partisipan dari latar belakang yang berbeda-beda direkrut. Komposisinya terdiri atas 20 penutur Bahasa Inggris asli dan 20 penutur yang tidak asli. Kedua kelompok ditempatkan pada kondisi dengan audiens atau tanpa audiens. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penutur asli tampil lebih baik disbanding penutur yang tidak asli. Ditemukan juga bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara grup yang membaca di depan audiens dengan yang tidak. Hasil ini berlaku untuk semua kelompok penutur. Implikasi dan penjelasan teori alternatif didiskusikan.

Eller, Koschate, and Gilson’s (2011) study did not showcase audience effect’s direction and utilised imagination for data-collecting. This study addressed those gaps and employed a reading task based on the evaluation apprehension model. 40 participants of varying backgrounds were recruited. It comprised of 20 native English speakers and 20 non-native speakers. Both groups were assigned to either audience present or no audience condition. Results showed that native speakers did better than non-native speakers. It also showed that there was no significant difference between those who read in front of an audience and those who did not. This applied to both speaker groups. Implications and alternatives on the theory were discussed. Keywords: audience, evaluation, facilitation, fluency, inhibition."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
M.E. Diane Prameswari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji teori audience effect dan melihat apabila teori dapat direplikasikan dalam bermain permainan ponsel bernama Piano Tiles, sebagai sebuah cara untuk mengatasi krisis replikasi yang seringkali menjadi tantangan dalam bidang studi psikologi. Empat puluh mahasiswa dibagi menjadi dua grup independen: dengan audiens, dan tanpa audiens, dan diminta untuk bermain game Piano Tiles serta mengisi survey singkat tentang tingkat evaluasi. Skor peserta dalam permainan digunakan sebagai variabel dependen yang utama, dan survei tingkat evaluasi digunakan sebagai variabel dependen sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta dalam grup dengan audiens mendapatkan skor yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan dari peserta dalam grup tanpa audiens, bertentangan dengan drive theory oleh Zajonc. Kedua grup tidak mencapai tingkat evaluasi yang signifikan, membuktikan bahwa theory Rosenberg tentang tingkat evaluasi tidak berlaku untuk situasi ini. Teori distraction-conflict serta keterbatasan pada penghitungan skor pada permainan muncul sebagai alasan potensial mengapa hipotesis tidak didukung. Hasil dan implikasi studi ini dapat digunakan landasan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai audience effect pada penggunaan ponsel.

This study was aimed to test the audience effect theory and see if the theory can be replicated in playing a mobile phone game named Piano Tiles, as a way to address the replication crisis that has been a challenge in psychology field of study. Forty university students were divided into two independent-groups: one with audience and one with no audience, and were asked to play Piano Tiles game and fill out a short survey about levels of evaluation. The participants` score in the game acted as primary dependent variable and levels of evaluation survey was the secondary dependent variable. The result shows that participants with audience condition scored significantly higher than no audience condition, contrary to Zajonc`s drive theory. Both groups did not attain a significant evaluation apprehension, suggesting that Rosenberg`s evaluation apprehension theory did not appear in this situation. Distraction-conflict theory as well as the limitation of the scoring system of the game emerged as potential reason of the rejected hypotheses. The result and implications of this study can serve as a base for further research regarding audience effect in using mobile phone."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alis Suryani
"Algoritma Harmony Search merupakan algoritma metaheuristik yang diperkenalkan oleh Zong Woo Geem pada tahun 2001 dan terinspirasi dari proses improvisasi musik, dimana para musisi berusaha untuk memperbaiki nada sehingga menghasilkan kumpulan nada membentuk harmoni terbaik. Dalam skripsi ini algoritma Harmony Search digunakan dalam penyelesaian permainan Sudoku.
Permainan Sudoku merupakan suatu permainan penempatan angkaangka 1 hingga 9 pada matriks berukuran 9 × 9 dengan syarat di tiap baris, tiap kolom dan di tiap sembilan submatriks ukuran 3 × 3 berisi semua angka 1 hingga 9 tepat satu kali.

Harmony search algorithm is a Methaheuristic algorithm. It was introduced by Zong Woo Geem in 2001, which get the inspiration from the process of music improvisation, where musicians improvise their instruments? pitches searching for a perfect state of harmony. In this small thesis, harmony search algorithm used for solving of Sudoku game.
Sudoku game is a game that put numbers start from 1 until 9 into a 9 × 9 matrix according to the rules that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3 × 3 sub matrix that compose the matrix contains all of the number from 1 to 9 at once."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Nurfadila
"Efek audiens, yang mengacu pada bagaimana kehadiran orang lain dapat mempengaruhi perilaku individu, telah diteliti secara ekstensif di penelitian terdahulu sebagai bentuk pengaruh sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mereplikasi efek audiens dalam perspektif Evaluation Apprehension. Terdapat empat puluh mahasiswa S1 dari University of Queensland yang berpartisipasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen independent group dalam menginvestigasi efek keberadaan audiens terhadap performa tugas dalam dua kondisi: terdapat audiens dan tidak ada audiens. Performa tugas diukur melalui lima belas persamaan matematika. Tingkat evaluation apprehension diukur dengan menanyakan apakah partisipan merasa dievaluasi saat mengerjakan tugas persamaan matematika. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa bila dibandingkan dengan kondisi tidak ada audiens, kehadiran audiens dapat menurunkan performa. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini membuktikan tidak ada perbedaan antara level dari evaluation apprehension di dalam dua kondisi tersebut. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada mekanisme penghambatan sosial atau social inhibition mechanism, di mana tugas yang sulit menimbulkan respons dominan yang salah dan dapat mengakibatkan kinerja yang lebih buruk. Namun, aspek evaluation apprehension dalam penelitian ini belum dapat ditentukan berdasarkan hasil yang ditemukan.

The audience effect, which refers to how the presence of others can influence an individual's behaviour, has been extensively researched in the past as a form of social influence. The current study was attempted as a replication of audience effects from the evaluation apprehension perspective. Forty undergraduate students from the University of Queensland participated in the study. This study used an independent group experiment to investigate the effects of the presence of an audience on task performance in two conditions: audience and no audience condition. Participants’ task performance was assessed using fifteen mathematical equations. Evaluation apprehension level was measured by asking whether the participants feel evaluated while performing the task. The result of this study showed that when compared to the no audience condition, the presence of an audience could lower task performance. Furthermore, the study found no difference between levels of evaluation apprehension in both conditions. Results of the study implied the role of the social inhibition mechanism, in which a difficult task elicits an incorrect dominant response that could result in worse performance. However, the evaluation apprehension aspect in the study was yet to be determined from the results."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helda Aprilia
LATAR BELAKANG. Memori kerja merupakan ranah kognisi yang bertanggungjawab
terhadap sebagian besar masalah kognisi yang dialami seorang
usia lanjut.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manfaat mengisi
Sudoku terhadap fungsi memori kerja dan fungsi kognisi global usia lanjut.
METODE. Desain studi adalah uji klinis tidak tersamar. Subjek merupakan
warga Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta yang diambil secara
konsekutif kemudian dibagi acak menjadi dua kelompok, perlakuan dan kontrol.
Kelompok perlakuan melakukan latihan Sudoku 3x/minggu selama 12 minggu.
Memori kerja dinilai dengan Trail Making Test part B (TMT-B), fungsi kognisi
global dinilai dengan Montreal Cognitive Assesment versi bahasa Indonesia
HASIL. Terdapat 24 subjek pada kelompok perlakuan dan 27 subjek pada
kelompok kontrol. Terdapat 13 subjek yang memberikan kesan positif terhadap
latihan Sudoku. Penurunan waktu penyelesaian TMT-B sebesar 11,1 detik pada
kelompok perlakuan dan 18,8 detik pada kelompok kontrol, meskipun tidak
didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antar kedua kelompok (p = 0,816). Terdapat 8
subjek (33,3%) dari kelompok perlakuan dan 11 subjek (40,7%) dari kelompok
kontrol yang mengalami peningkatan nilaiMoCA-Ina (p = 0,530).
KESIMPULAN. Sudoku belum terbukti dapat meningkatkan fungsi memori
kerja dan fungsi kognisi global pada usia lanjut sehat, namun peningkatan fungsi
memori kerja yang terlihat pada kedua kelompok menandakan adanya plastisitas
neural pada usia lanjut yang bermanfaat untuk pemeliharaan fungsi kognitif.

BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. ;BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. ;BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. ;BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shobah Salamah
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai sifat-sifat matriks yang terdapat pada suatu matriks Sudoku. Matriks Sudoku merupakan matriks yang memenuhi aturan yang berlaku pada permainan Sudoku. Jika diberikan suatu matriks Sudoku tertentu, maka dengan menggunakan operasi elementer, transpos, dan operasi rotasi 90° searah jarum jam, dapat dibentuk matriks-matriks Sudoku yang lain. Sedangkan sifat-sifat yang dikaji adalah sifat-sifat umum yang terdapat pada suatu matriks seperti, determinan, transpos, nilai eigen, simetri atau tidak simetri, normal atau non normal.

This thesis discussed about properties of Sudoku matrix. Sudoku matrix is a matrix which is verified by a rule of Sudoku game. If a Sudoku matrix is given, then the other Sudoku matrices can be obtained by using an elementary operation, transpose, and rotation 90°. This thesis also explored about properties of matrix such as, determinant, transpose, eigenvalues, symmetric or nonsymmetric, normal or nonnormal."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrey Tantiara Kusumawardhani
"Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mereplikasi efek audiens (audience effect) dengan perspektif pemahaman evaluasi (evaluation apprehension). Empat puluh mahasiswa tingkat sarjana dari The University of Queensland terlibat sebagai partisipan dalam eksperimen ini. Studi ini menggunakan desain eksperimen independent group untuk mengukur kehadiran orang lain dalam dua kondisi: tanpa audiens dan dengan audiens. Pertama, kinerja tugas partisipan diukur dari kemampuan partisipan menyelesaikan 15 persamaan matematika sulit. Kedua, evaluation apprehension diukur dengan menggunakan survei pasca-eksperimen untuk melihat apakah partisipan merasa dievaluasi saat melakukan tugas. Hasil eksperimen ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipan dalam kondisi dengan audiens memiliki performa yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kondisi tanpa audiens. Namun, tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada evaluation apprehension antara dua kondisi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hambatan sosial atau social inhibition (tugas sulit yang berkinerja lebih buruk dengan kehadiran penonton) terjadi dalam eksperimen ini; namun, apakah hal ini terjadi karena evaluation apprehension tidak dapat ditentukan.

The study conducted a replication of audience effects from the evaluation apprehension perspective. Forty undergraduate students from the University of Queensland participated in the study. This study used an independent group experiment to investigate the presence of an audience in two conditions: audience and no audience condition. Participants’ performance assessed by involving fifteen mathematical equations. Evaluation apprehension level was measured by asking whether the participants feel evaluated while performing the task. The result of this study showed that the presence of an audience could lower performance compared to no audience. Furthermore, the study found no difference between levels of evaluation apprehension from both conditions. This implied the study found the social inhibition mechanism, in which a difficult task elicits an incorrect dominant response that could result in worse performance. However, the evaluation apprehension aspect in the study found to be undetermined."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lathifa Fadhila Arief
"Ruang kantor modern dengan desain terbuka memiliki lebih banyak gangguan pendengaran yang dapat mengganggu kinerja kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah kehadiran audiens yang mengganggu saat melakukan tugas yang mudah di kantor akan sejalan dengan teori distraction-conflict yang menyatakan bahwa melakukan tugas yang mudah di depan audiens dapat menghasilkan social facilitation. Penelitian ini menghipotesiskan bahwa ketika peserta melakukan tugas yang mudah, mereka akan bekerja lebih cepat secara signifikan dalam kondisi audiens (dengan gangguan dan tidak ada gangguan) daripada ketika mereka sendirian. Kami menguji tiga tingkat yang berbeda (sendirian, diamati tanpa gangguan, dan diamati dengan gangguan) pada 30 mahasiswa. Hasil menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan untuk kinerja dalam kondisi audiens (audiens yang tidak mengganggu dan audiens yang mengganggu) dibandingkan dengan kondisi sendiri. Temuan ini meskipun tidak konsisten dengan teori masih bisa berguna dalam memajukan teori dan praktik. Para penulis menyarankan untuk penelitian masa depan menggunakan sampel yang lebih besar dan melakukannya di dalam lingkungan kerja yang sebenarnya.

Modern day office space with open plan design has more auditory distraction that could interfere performance. This research aimed to test whether the presence of an audience with auditory distractions while doing an easy task in a work setting would be in line with distraction-conflict theory that suggests doing an easy task with an audience could produce social facilitation. It was hypothesized that participants when performing an easy task would perform significantly faster in audience conditions (distraction and no distraction) than when they are alone. We tested three different levels (alone, observed with no distraction, and observed with distraction) on 30 university students. Results showed there was no difference for performance in either audience condition (non-distracting audience and distracting audience) as compared to the alone condition. These findings though they are not consistent with the theory could still be useful in furthering the theory and practice. The authors suggest using a larger sample and doing it in a real work setting for future research."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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