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Aldrian Hanif
"Kelelahan merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan yang melibatkan pengemudi kendaaraan bermotor, salah satunya supir truk. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis adanya hubungan antara kelelahan dengan usia dan indeks massa tubuh sehingga dapat ditemukan langkah penanganan yang tepat. Variabel yang diteliti adalah usia dan indeks massa tubuh. Penelitian ini bersifat cross sectional dan kuantitatif. Identifikasi dilakukan melalui observasi langsung menggunakan kuesioner International Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC) dan analisis dengan metode chi square untuk melihat ada tidaknya hubungan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa usia dan indeks massa tubuh tidak memiliki hubungan dengan kelelahan.

Fatigue is one of the main cause of accident that involves vehicles, on of them are truck drivers. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between age and body mass index (BMI) with work fatigue so that the appropriate control can be determined. Variables studied are age and body mass index. This research uses cross sectional method and quantitative approach. Identification of variables are done through observation using International Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC) questionnaire and the analysis of the relationship uses chi square method. Result of the analysis showed that there are no relations between age and BMI with work fatigue on truck drivers.

Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ceriya Liliyana
Jurnal ini membahas pemaknaan iklan Coca Cola berbahasa Belanda di internet yang berlatar belakang warna merah. Penelitian jurnal ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menganalisis secara mendalam data yang diperoleh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaparkan makna yang terdapat dalam iklan Coca Cola berbahasa Belanda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketiga iklan ini mengandung tujuan dan pesan yang berbeda-beda. Di samping itu, iklan Coca Cola juga berupaya membuat asosiasi positif terhadap produk yang diiklankan, dengan menggunakan pilihan kata tertentu. Peran indeks, ikon, dan simbol sebagai pendukung juga terlihat jelas membangun pesan yang disampaikan oleh tiga iklan Coca Cola berbahasa Belanda yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini.

This article discusses meaning of the Coca Cola advertisement in Dutch on the internet with a red background. This research using qualitative methods by analyzing in details the data obtained. The aim of this study is to explore the meaning of Dutch Coca Cola advertisement. The results of this study indicate that these three advertising contain different aims and messages. In addition, Coca Cola advertisements also seek to make positive associations of the products advertised, using certain word choices. The role of indexes, icons, and symbols are also important to build the messages to be delivered to the public."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rithie, Glenn Lord
"At globalization era nowadays, more and more many challenges faced by all businessmen in marketing the product. Therefore in face of the challenge all businessmen claimed to be able to plan and determine optimal marketing strategy in improving market compartment.
PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia-Jakarta is peripatetic company in light beverage industry with cola's aroma, in Jakarta. In this time in the industry more and more competitor so that company better start to stand by itself to facing competition. In this case company have to own business strategy which do not holding on to previous experience only but also require to look for new information and use costing resource maximally so that the business can expand better. PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia-Jakarta run product strategy and price as important element in marketing program which is very have an effect on to, decision of purchasing by consumer.
This research aim to blow farther concerning implementation of product strategy and price by PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia - Jakarta, and also its influence to decision of purchasing by consumer. Based on to target of the research hence the main theory is used as reference is Marketing mix theory, Especially at price and product strategy, and also theory Decision Making of Consumer in Purchasing.
From result of research by used Analytic Descriptive Research Method with associative character by survey approach to research location and of Structure Equation Model (SEM) to 218 consumers spread in region of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabotabek) toward price and product strategy, shows that the product characteristic, market price analysis, and pricing strategy have influence of significant to decision of consumer to buy Coca-Cola's light beverage. This Matter is caused by customer tend to buy product with attribute which is easy to be recognized, owning to top-rat onto consumer's eyesight, and can be obtained with the competed price_ Individually, product strategy quality specially, product have an effect on to consumer's decision in purchasing of Coca-Cola's light beverage_ This Matter show that product with high quality can give impact to customer's loyalty. Hereinafter, price strategy specially at pricing strategy very has an effect on to decision of consumer in purchasing of Coca-Cola's light beverage. This Matter in line with Coca-Cola's strategy which is use price strategy where price sell standard ( snugly price) to each tidiness which is determined for all market segment have been accepted better by consumer and become one of the excellence competed to all competitor."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Redjeki Andajani
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debby Eka Putri
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis gambaran terhadap sistem proteksi kebakaran, sarana penyelamatan jiwa, dan manajemen kebakaran di Mega Distribution Centre Coca Cola Europacific Partners Cibitung Plant. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif melalui observasi online, wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan kondisi aktual dengan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 26 Tahun 2008, Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 20 Tahun 2009, dan Standar Nasional Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem proteksi kebakaran aktif memiliki nilai persentase tingkat pemenuhan sebesar 94% dengan kategori baik, sistem proteksi kebakaran pasif memiliki nilai persentase tingkat pemenuhan sebesar 100% dengan kategori baik, sarana penyelamatan jiwa memiliki nilai persentase tingkat pemenuhan sebesar 100% dengan kategori baik, dan manajemen kebakaran memiliki nilai persentase tingkat pemenuhan sebesar 100% dengan kategori baik. Hasil akhir menunjukkan rata-rata pemenuhan sistem proteksi kebakaran, sarana penyelamatan jiwa, dan manajemen kebakaran di Mega Distribution Centre Coca Cola Europacific Partners Cibitung Plant yaitu sebesar 98,5%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Mega Distribution Centre Coca Cola Europacific Partners Cibitung Plant telah memenuhi standar dan peraturan.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the overview of the fire protection system, means of escape, and fire management in Mega Distribution Centre Coca Cola Europacific Partners Cibitung Plant. This research uses a descriptive analytic method with a semi-quantitative approach through online observation, interviews, and document review. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the actual conditions with Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 26 Tahun 2008, Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 20 Tahun 2009, dan Standar Nasional Indonesia. Based on the results of the research, the active fire protection system has a fulfillment rate percentage value of 94% with a good category, a passive fire protection system has a 100% compliance rate percentage value in the good category, means of escape has a 100% compliance rate percentage value with a good category, and fire management has a percentage value of 100% compliance rate with good category. The final result showed an average of 98,5% fulfillment of the fire protection system, means of escape, and fire management in Mega Distribution Centre Coca Cola Europacific Partners Cibitung Plant. This shows that the overall fulfillment average at the Mega Distribution Centre Coca Cola Europacific Partners Cibitung Plant has met the requirements in applicable regulations and standards."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raka Pradhana Fajri
"Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker yang paling banyak ditemukan pada wanita dengan 2,3 juta kasus baru pada tahun 2020. Klasifikasi berdasarkan ekspresi reseptor hormon penting diketahui karena tiap subtipe dapat berbeda dalam karakteristik klinis, strategi pengobatan, dan prognosis. Penelitian hubungan faktor risiko usia dan IMT terhadap subtipe kanker payudara yang telah dilakukan masih menghasilkan kesimpulan yang bertentangan dan belum konklusif sehingga penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RCSM pada April-Mei 2024 dengan mengakses rekam medis 180 pasien kanker payudara primer yang datang ke Poli Bedah RSCM pada tahun 2022 dan menjalani pemeriksaan patologi anatomi dan imunohistokimia. Diperoleh 180 subjek dengan 82,8% berusia >40 tahun dan 17,2% berusia ≤40 tahun. Ditemukan 51,1% subjek obesitas, 27,2% berat badan normal, 16,1% berat badan berlebih, dan hanya 5,6% berat badan kurang. Ditemukan subtipe luminal mencakup 72,8% kasus dan non-luminal 27,2% kasus. Subtipe dengan proporsi paling banyak ditemukan adalah tipe luminal B dengan 41,1%, diikuti tipe luminal A 31,7%, TNBC 17,2%, dan HER2-enriched 10%. Analisis chi-square antara usia dengan subtipe kanker payudara serta IMT dengan subtipe kanker payudara tidak menemukan hubungan yang bermakna. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia ataupun IMT terhadap subtipe molekuler kanker payudara yang signifikan di RSCM tahun 2022.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women with 2.3 million new cases in 2020. Classification based on hormone receptor expression is important because each subtype can differ in clinical characteristics, treatment strategies and prognosis. Research on the relationship between risk factors of age and BMI on breast cancer subtypes that has been carried out still produces conflicting conclusions and is not yet conclusive, so further research needs to be carried out. This research was conducted at RCSM in April-May 2024 by accessing the medical records of 180 primary breast cancer patients who came to the RSCM Surgical Clinic in 2022 and underwent anatomical pathology and immunohistochemical examinations. There were 180 subjects with 82.8% aged >40 years and 17.2% aged ≤40 years. It was found that 51.1% of subjects were obese, 27.2% were normal weight, 16.1% were overweight, and only 5.6% were underweight. It was found that the luminal subtype covered 72.8% of cases and non-luminal 27.2% of cases. The subtype with the highest proportion found was luminal B type with 41.1%, followed by luminal A type 31.7%, TNBC 17.2%, and HER2-enriched 10%. Chi-square analysis between age and breast cancer subtype and BMI and breast cancer subtype did not find a significant relationship. There was no significant relationship between age or BMI and breast cancer molecular subtype in RSCM in 2022."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Noor Aqilla Maharani
"Latar belakang: Menarke merupakan kondisi ketika seorang remaja putri mengalami menstruasi pertama kali. Di Indonesia, usia menarke diketahui mengalami tren penurunan. Menarke dini dapat meningkatkan berbagai risiko terjadinya masalah-masalah kesehatan, di antaranya masalah reproduktif dan psikologis. Perubahan gaya hidup hingga asupan nutrisi diyakini menjadi faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi usia menarke baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh, aktivitas fisik, dan konsumsi ultra-processed food dengan usia menarke.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain cross-sectional. Pengukuran berat badan dan tinggi badan, pengisian kuesioner, dan wawancara 24 hour recall dilakukan dalam pengumpulan data. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Mann-Whitney. Uji post-hoc Mann-Whitney juga dilakukan untuk variabel yang signifikan.
Hasil: Didapatkan 91 sampel yang sudah menstruasi dari 3 sekolah dasar dan 1 sekolah menengah pertama di Jakarta Barat. Berdasarkan analisis data, didapatkan terdapat hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh dan usia menarke (p < 0,011). Namun, tidak didapatkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik dan konsumsi ultra-ptocessed food terhadap usia menarke (p > 0,05).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan usia menarke, sedangkan aktivitas fisik dan konsumsi ultra-processed food tidak berhubungan dengan usia menarke.

Introduction: Menarche is a condition when a young woman experiences menstruation for the first time. In Indonesia, the age of menarche is known to experience a downward trend. Early menarche can increase the risk of various health problems, including reproductive and psychological problems. Changes in lifestyle and nutritional intake are believed to be factors that can affect the age of menarche either directly or indirectly. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between body mass index, physical activity, and consumption of ultra-processed food and age at menarche.
Methods: This study was conducted with cross-sectional design study. Measurement of weight and height, filling out questionnaires, and interview using 24 hours recall were carried out in data collection. Data analysis in this study used the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Post-hoc test using Mann-Whitney test was also performed for significant variable.
Results: There were 91 samples who had menstruated from 3 elementary schools and 1 junior high school in West Jakarta. Based on data analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between body mass index and age at menarche (p < 0.011). However, there was no relationship found between physical activity and consumption of ultra-processed food on the age of menarche (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: There is a relationship between body mass index (BMI) and age at menarche, while physical activity and consumption of ultra-processed food are not associated with age at menarche.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jhon Martua Malau
"Kelelahan pengemudi truk menjadi faktor risiko penting di sebagian besar kecelakaan lalu lintas. Statistik menunjukkan kelelahan pengemudi truk menyumbang sekitar 10-15% dari kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan. Kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan lalu lintas pada pengemudi truk yang kelelahan delapan kali lebih tinggi daripada pengemudi truk yang cukup istirahat. Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (2019), dari tahun 2015- 2019, jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan rata-rata 4,87 persen per tahun. Korlantas POLRI mencatat jumlah kecelakaan sepanjang 2019 sebanyak 116.411. Jumlah tersebut naik 6,59 persen dibandingkan pada tahun 2018 dengan 109.215 kejadian. Kecelakaan mobil barang menempati posisi ketiga dengan jumlah kecelakaan 5,02 persen atau sekitar 5,822 kejadian. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat fatigue serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keluhan fatigue pada pengemudi truk. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Juli – Oktober 2021 di PT.X sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang transportasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 64 pengemudi truk. Data dianalisis dengan uji statistik chi square. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 89% responden mengalami fatigue sedang dan 11% responden mengalami fatigue tinggi. Dari penelitian ini diketahui ada hubungan antara kualitas tidur, durasi kerja dan beban lingkungan kerja dengan keluhan fatigue pada pengemudi truk (p<0,05). Sedangkan faktor individu berupa usia dan kebiasaan merokok, kuantitas tidur, serta faktor beban mental berupa beban kerja, jadwal kerja diketahui tidak memiliki hubungan dengan keluhan fatigue pada pengemudi truk (p>0,05).

Fatigue is a significant factor regarding safety issues such as transportation incident. Statistics show truck driver fatigue accounts for about 10 to 15% of serious road traffic accidents. The likelihood of a traffic accident occurring in an exhausted truck driver is eight times higher than for a well rested truck driver. According to the Badan Pusat Statistik (2019), During the 2015-2019 period, the number of traffic accidents in Indonesia increased by an average of 4.87 percent per year. Korlantas POLRI recorded the number of accidents throughout 2019 as many as 116,411. The number is up 6.59 percent compared to 2018 with 109,215 events. Accidents on truck cars occupy the third position based on the type of vehicle with the number of accidents 5.02 percent or about 5,822 incidents. Therefore, this study aims to describe the level of fatigue and the factors associated with complaints of fatigue on truck drivers. This research was conducted in July – October 2021 at PT. X as a company engaged in the transportation sector. This research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional study design. The sample in this study were 64 truck drivers. The data were then analyzed by chi square statistical test. The results of the study showed that 89% of respondents experienced moderate fatigue and 11% of respondents experienced high fatigue. From this research, it is also known that there is a relationship between sleep quality, duration of work and work environment load with complaints of fatigue in machinists (p <0.05). While individual factors in the form of age and smoking habits, sleep quantity and mental burden factors in the form of workload, work schedules are known to have no relationship with fatigue complaints among drivers (p>0.05)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefanus Satria Sumali
Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) merupakan parameter seorang anak kurus, normal, gemuk ataupun obese. Kegiatan anak mempengaruhi kadar lemak tubuh karena konsumsi karbohidrat yang berlebihan tanpa disertai aktivitas yang seimbang menyebabkan penumpukan lemak sebaliknya bila energi tersebut tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan maka lemak akan digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya kadar lemak tubuh. Demikian juga dengan distribusi tekanan plantar karena anak obese dengan aktivitas rendah, tekanan plantar lebih tinggi dibandingkan anak obese dengan aktifitas tinggi sehingga aktifitas subyek penelitian harus dihomogenisasi untuk memperoleh hasil yang akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan IMT (kurus, normal, gemuk dan obese) dengan lemak tubuh dan distribusi tekanan plantar saat berdiri dan berjalan pada anak usia 8-10 tahun. Metode : desain penelitian adalah observasional cross sectional / potong lintang dengan jumlah 33 anak sebagai subyek penelitian dengan lifestyle sedentary karena aktifitas mempengaruhi kadar lemak tubuh dan distribusi tekanan plantar. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur kadar lemak tubuh menggunakan timbangan Tanita dan puncak tekanan (peak pressure) dengan menggunakan alat Matscan. Tekanan plantar diukur saat berdiri dan berjalan. Hasil :. Anak dengan IMT gemuk mempunyai korelasi yang kuat dengan lemak tubuh (r=0,6333) dan anak dengan IMT obese mempunyai korelasi yang sangat kuat terhadap lemak tubuh (r=0,8) sedangkan anak dengan IMT kurus juga mempunyai korelasi terhadap lemak tubuh tetapi korelasinya lemah (r=0,2582). IMT juga berhubungan dengan distribusi tekanan plantar saat berdiri dan berjalan terutama daerah midfoot sedangkan untuk anak kurus ditemukan adanya peningkatan tekanan pada daerah hindfoot sewaktu heelstrike. Kesimpulan : IMT berhubungan dengan kadar lemak tubuh dan distribusi tekanan plantar terutama pada anak dengan IMT gemuk dan obese

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a parametric to know wheather a child is underweight, normal, overweight or obese. Children activity affects fat body percentage because consumption excessive carbohydrate with less activity will increase fat deposit. In other words if the energy cannot provide children activity then fat will be used as energy and this will decrease the fat deposit. And so with the plantar pressure distribution because obese children with lower activity , their plantar pressure are higher than obese children with high activity and therefore research subjects had to be homogenized to get an accurate result. This research aims are to know the relation between BMI (underweight, normal, overweight or obese) and plantar pressure distribution during standing and walking in children with age 8-10 years old. Methode: Design of this research is cross sectional with 33 children as research subjects with lifestyle sedentary. The research was done with Tanita’s weigher to measure fat body percentage and Matscan to meassure the peak pressure during standing and walking. Result : overweight children has a stong correlation with fat body (r=0.6333) and obese chidren has a very strong correlation with fat body (r=0.8). Underweight children also has a correlation with fat body but it’s a weak correlation (r=0.2582). BMI also has correlation with plantar pressure distribution during standing and walking expecially midfoot while underweight children has an increase peak pressure at the hindfoot while Conclussion : BMI influence both fat body and plantar pressure distribution expecially in overweight and obese children"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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