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Arya Zidan Satria
"Dalam melakukan pemungutan pajak, suatu negara hendaknya harus berdasarkan kepada peraturan perundang-undangan dan asas-asas dalam pemungutan pajak. Hal tersebut harus diterapkan kepada setiap wajib pajak, termasuk kepada para perusahaan pertambangan. Dalam faktanya, banyak terjadi sengketa perpajakan antara pemungut pajak dengan para perusahaan pertambangan, contohnya adalah sengketa antara PT Freeport Indonesia dengan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak pada Putusan Pengadilan Pajak Nomor PUT-114507.16/2014/PP/M.IIIB Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimanakah pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai PT Freeport Indonesia pada saat menggunakan mekanisme kontrak dan mekanisme perizinan. Serta dibahas pula mengenai analisis putusan tersebut ditinjau dari keberlakuan Kontrak Karya II pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 2009, penerapan asas equality, dan penerapan asas certainty. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa Putusan Pengadilan Pajak Nomor PUT-114507.16/2014/PP/M.IIIB Tahun 2018 tidak mempertimbangkan mengenai keberlakuan dari Kontrak Karya II pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 42 Tahun 2009, serta tidak melaksanakan pemenuhan dari asas-asas pemenuhan pajak yaitu asas equality dan asas certainty.

In carrying out tax collection, a country should be based on statutory regulations and principles in tax collection. This must be applied to every taxpayer, including mining companies. In fact, there are many tax disputes between tax collectors and mining companies, for example the dispute between PT Freeport Indonesia and the Directorate General of Taxes in the Tax Court Decision Number PUT-114507.16/2014/PP/M.IIIB 2018. This research discusses how the imposition of Value Added Tax of PT Freeport Indonesia when using the contract mechanism and the licensing mechanism. The analysis of the decision was also discussed in terms of the validity of the Contract of Work II after the enactment of Law Number 42 of 2009, application of the principle of equality, and application of the principle of certainty. The results of this study state that the Tax Court Decision Number PUT- 114507.16/2014/PP/M.IIIB of 2018 does not consider the validity of the Contract of Work II after the enactment of Law Number 42 of 2009, and does not fulfill the principles of tax compliance. namely the principle of equality and the principle of certainty.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, Agustinus
"Pelaksanaan pengawasan wajib pajak untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pemenuhan kewajiban perpajakannya maka pemerintah melalui instansi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak berupaya untuk senantiasa memantau potensi penerimaan pajak. Pajak Pertambahan Nilai adalah pajak atas konsumsi umum dan dalam negeri, yaitu Pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai tersebut hanya atas konsumsi barang kena pajak dan atau jasa kena pajak yang dilakukan di dalam negeri.
Seiring dengan telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah ketentuan tentang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas kegiatan membangun sendiri sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 16 C Undang-undang Nomor 11 Tahun 1994 dan aturan Iainnya sebagai aturan pelaksanaan Pasal 16 C Undang-undang Nomor 11 Tahun 1994. Pemerintah selalu berupaya menambah potensi pajak demi peningkatan penerimaan Negara. Oleh sebab itu sekecil apapun pengaruhnya untuk penerimaan Negara harus dipantau dan diawasi oleh aparat pajak sebagai pelaksana undang-undang untuk terus meningkatkan kesadaran wajib pajak akan kewajiban perpajakan.
Adapun metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode deskriptif dimana data diperoleh melalui proses wawancara mendalam (in depth interview), observasi dan studi kepustakaan. Data yang diolah berupa data kualitatif dari hasil wawancara dan data sekunder tentang hasil penerimaan dari PPN membangun sendiri di KPP Jakarta Setiabudi Satu.
Mengacu kepada administrasi perpajakan dan konsep perpajakan dimana administrasi perpajakan merupakan implementasi kebijakan perpajakan guna mewujudkan ketentuan yang sudah ditetapkan dalam aturan perpajakan. Kebijakan perpajakan seyogianya memenuhi perlakuan pajak yang baik, pendekatan keadilan pajak, dan dalam penghitungan pajak didasari pada dasar pengenaan pajak. Dalam penghilungan biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam membangun sebuah bangunan dapat dilakukan melalui metode pendekatan penilaian property berupa pendekatan perbandingan harga pasar (sales comparison approach), pendekatan biaya (cost approach), pendekatan pendapatan (capitalization approach), sedangkan pemungutan pajak dipakai sesuai dengan system pemungutan pajak yang berlaku.
Kesimpulan yang didapat antara Iain bahwa untuk melaksanakan pengawasan PPN membangun sendiri di KPP Jakarta Setiabudi Satu lebih banyak memberikarl himbauan kepada para pemilik bangunan sebab terbukti cukup efektif dalam upaya mengamankan penerimaan Negara. Sedangkan untuk tahun 2004 dalam penentuan pajak terutang dalam proses penerbitan Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar pada dasarnya adalah dengan menetapkan pendekatan pengeluaran biaya rata-rata per meter persegi dengan melihat perbandingan harga bangunan di pasar dan data NJOP PBB karena wajib pajak tidak mempunyai administrasi yang memadai akan data pengeluaran yang telah dilakukan dan wajib pajak pada umumnya hanya menunjukkan Surat Ijin Mendirikan bangunan yang dieluarkan oleh Pemda.
Untuk itu disarankan dalam upaya mengoptimalkan penerimaan PPN membangun sendiri perlu ada koordinasi dengan pihak Pemda dan upaya sosialisasi ke kantor Pemda yaitu Kantor Kecamatan, serta ada pedoman dan daftar table biaya bangunan per meter persegi di wilayah tertentu yang dikeluarkan oleh badan resmi pemerintah.

The implementation of tax payers supervision to improve the compliance of their tax obligation then the government through institution Directorate General of Tax seeks to always monitor the tax revenue potential. Value Added Tax is a tax on public consumption and at domestic, as Value Added Tax levy only on consumption of taxable goods and or services that carry out in domestic area.
In line with the issuance of regulation conceming Added Value Tax by government on the self-development as stipulated in Article 16 C Law Number 11 year of 1994 and other regulations as the implementation rule of Article 16 C Law Number 11 year of 1994. The government always seeks to add the tax potential in order to increase the state revenues.
Therefore how small the its influence for the state revenues it should be monitored and supervised by tax officers as the executor of the law to continuously improve the tax payer awareness on the tax obligations.
The research method used is the descriptive method which data obtained through in depth interview, bibliography study and library research. The data processing like qualitative data that produced by in depth interview and the secondary data about tax revenue from Value Added Tax on developing activity itself at KPP Jakarta Setiabudi Satu.
Point at tax administration and tax concept where the tax administration seems an implementation of tax policy to create regulations that established in tax regulations. Tax policy should fulfill good tax treatment, tax equality approach, and tax accounting based on tax imposition base. In cost accounting that paid in development a building can do trough valuation property approach as sales comparison approach, cost approach, capitalization approach, while tax collection used according to the valid tax collection system.
Conclusions that can be taken for example Value Added Tax supervision implementation developing itself at KPP Jakarta Setiabudi Satu more relies on the urges to the building owners where in reality its enough effectively to secure state revenue. While for 2004 in determining indebted tax in the issuance process of Underpaid Tax Assessment (Surat Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar) basically was by establishing the average cost per m2 approach by considering the building price comparison in the market and data NJOP PBB as the tax payers do not have sufficient administration on the expenses data carried out and the tax payers in general only show License to Erect a Building (Surat Ijin Mendirikan Bangunan) issued by Local Government.
So suggest to the effort optimize revenues of the Value Added Tax developing itself it requires the coordination with the Local Government and the socialization efforts in Local Government office namely District Office in order and need guidance and cost table of building per meter quadrate at certain area which published by legal govemment committee.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Murlian
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai PPN atas Kegiatan Membangun Sendiri (PPN KMS) yang merupakan salah satu kewajiban perpajakan objektif yang melekat pada kegiatan membangun sendiri yang dilakukan tidak dalam kegiatan usaha atau pekerjaan oleh orang pribadi atau badan atas pembangunan rumah atau bangunan dengan kriteria tertentu. Pertimbangan utama diberlakukan kebijakan ini adalah untuk mencegah penghindaran pengenaan PPN. Dalam perjalanan waktu, ketentuan PPN KMS senantiasa mengalami perubahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan dengan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah asas keadilan pajak terpenuhi pada pengenaan PPN KMS dan aturan pelaksananya telah memenuhi asas kepastian hukum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa PPN KMS sama sekali tidak mencerminkan asas keadilan pemungutan pajak dan peraturan pelaksana PPN KMS tidak memberikan kepastian hukum karena peraturan yang ada selalu berubah-ubah atau inkonsistensi sehingga sangat membingungkan masyarakat yang melakukan kegiatan membangun sendiri.

This thesis discussed about the Value Added Tax imposed on activity of build on one's own that is one obligation taxation objective attached to to the activity of build on one’s own that conducted not within the business activity or work by individual or corporate for the construction of house or building with certain criteria. Activity of build on one's own that conducted not within its business activity or work, subject to Value Added Tax with consideration to prevent evasion of Value Added tax. In course of time, the provisions of the Value Added Tax imposed on activity of build on one's own constantly changing. The research was conducted with the study of librarianship and field studies with the aim of this study is to determine whether the principle of tax fairness are met on the imposition of Value Added Tax imposed on activity of build on one's own and rules of the organization has fulfilled the principle of legal certainty. Based on the results of this research thar the Value Added Tax imposed on activity of build on one's own in no way reflects the principle of tax fairness and the implementing regulation of the Value Added Tax imposed on activity of build on one's own does not provide legal certainty due to the ever-changing regulations or inconsistencies so very confusing communities that conduct activities to build on one's own."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Muzaenah
"Penelitianinimembahas mengenai analisis implementasi kebijakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atas jasa outsourcing dengan model paying agent dan full agent dengan mengambil studi kasus pada salah satu perusahaan outsourcing, yaitu Koperasi Karyawan XYZ. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskripstif. Hal ini disebabkan dalam tahap implementasi kebijakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atas jasa outsourcing dengan model paying agent dan full agent masih menimbulkan disputemengenai Dasar Pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai menurut Wajib Pajak dan menurut fiskus (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak), sehingga dalam tahap implementasinya menjadi sesuatu yang sangat menghambat.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa dalam tahap implementasi harus tetap berpedoman kepada peraturan ? peraturan dan kebijakan yang berlaku. Dalam hal jasa outsourcing dengan model apapun maka perlakuannya harus disesuaikan dengan kebijakan yang ada, apabila tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang ada di dalam kebijakan tersebut, maka atas jasa tersebut merupakan jasa kena pajak. Koperasi karyawan XYZ yang memberikan jasa outsourcing denganmodel paying agent ini, untuk tenaga kerja pengguna yang dibayarkan gajinya oleh Koperasi Karyawan XYZ tidak dikenakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, namun untuk yang atas tenaga kerja di Koperasi Karyawan XYZ maka tetap dikenakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai.

This study discusses the analysis of policy implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) on services outsourcing paying agent modeland agentfull agent modelby taking case study on one of the outsourcing companies, namely XYZ Cooperative employees. The study was a qualitative study with deskripstif analysis. This is because the policy implementation phase of the Value Added Tax (VAT) on services outsourcing model with paying agent and the full agent still poses a dispute regarding the Value Added Tax Base by taxpayers and by tax authorities ((Directorate General of Taxation), resulting in the implementation phase to be something is greatly inhibited.
The results of this study is that in the implementation phase must still be guided by the rules and policies. In the case of outsourcing services to any model of the treatment must be tailored to the existing policy, if it does not meet the requirements in the policy, then the service is a taxable service. XYZ Cooperative employees who provide outsourcing services to the paying agent models, the labor user for his salary paid by XYZ Cooperative employees are not subject to Value Added Tax, but for which the manpower in the XYZ Cooperative employees remain subject to Value Added Tax.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Athiyyah Muyassar Nursyam
"Indonesia merupakan penghasil rumput laut tropis terbesar dan peringkat ke dua sebagai eksportir rumput laut dunia. Dalam UU PPN Pasal 16B, rumput laut termasuk Barang Kena Pajak yang diberikan fasilitas berupa pembebasan PPN. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi kebijakan pembebasan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dan Implikasi kebijakannya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi lapangan dengan cara wawancara dan studi literatur.
Hasil penelitian ini, evaluasi kebijakan pembebasan PPN atas penyerahan rumput laut memenuhi kriteria efektifitas, efisiensi, responsivitas, simplicity, dan neutrality namun tidak memenuhi kriteria ketepatan.
Saran dari penulis seyogyanya pemerintah melakukan perbaharuan peraturan mengenai rumput laut dengan hasil ikan karena memiliki perbedaan proses penyerahan barang sampai ketangan konsumen yang akan berpengaruh pada implikasi PPN-nya.

Indonesia is the largest producer of tropical seaweed in the world and the second exporter of seaweed in the world. In VAT Law article 16B, seaweed include Taxable Goods that grant facilities VAT exemption. This study evaluates the VAT exemption policies and the policy implication.
This research uses qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used field study and literature study.
The result of this study, evaluation of VAT exemption policy on seaweed suitable with criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, responsivness, simplicity, and neutrality. But, it is not suit criteria of appropiateness.
Reccommendation from reasercher, government should change the definition of seaweed and fish because it has a process of delivering goods to consumers who it will be affect the implication of VAT.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brigita Ceranitha Nuraini
"Terdapat perbedaan pendapat antara bank dengan Direktorat Jendral Pajak DJP terkait perlakuan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) terhadap penjualan agunan yang diambil alih AYDA. Bank berpendapat bahwa atas penjualan (AYDA) tidak terutang PPN karena belum terjadi penyerahan dari debitor kepada bank dan penjualan AYDA bukan merupakan kegiatan usaha bank DJP berpendapat bahwa atas penyerahan AYDA tersebut terutang PPN berdasarkan Pasal 4 ayat 1 huruf a UU PPN. Melalui penelitian yuridis normatif dengan analisis deskriptif penulis menjelaskan penyerahan agunan dari debitor kepada bank sebagai kreditor pada saat pengambilalihan agunan dan perlakuan pengenaan PPN atas penjualan AYDA pada PT Bank Permata Tbk.

There are different opinions between the bank and the Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) regarding the treatment of Value Added Tax (VAT) on sales of foreclosed assets. Bank considers that there should be no VAT payable on the sale of foreclosed assets because submission of assets from the debtor to the bank has not occurred yet and thesale of foreclosed assets are not included in a bank's business activities DGT claims that there is VAT payable on the transfer of foreclosed assets under. Article 4 paragraph 1 letter a of VAT Law Through a juridical and normative study with a descriptive analysis the author explains the submission of collateral from the debtor to the bank as creditor at the time of collateral handover and the VAT treatment on sale of foreclosed assets at PT Bank Permata Tbk."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laurentia Tondita Hotmaintan
"Munculnya berbagai model usaha baru seiring perkembangan jaman menjadi tantangan di bidang perpajakan. Sejak disahkannya Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 2020 terdapat pengaturan baru mengenai bagaimana pemungutan Pajak
Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) oleh Penyelenggara Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik (PPMSE) Luar Negeri, dimana PPMSE yang memenuhi significant economic presence dapat ditunjuk oleh pemerintah dan diberikan Nomor Identitas
sehingga menjadi subjek pajak Indonesia dan tunduk pada hukum perpajakan Indonesia. Namun adanya peraturan tersebut pun belum mengakomodir praktik pemungutan pajak oleh PPMSE dengan baik, Indonesia masih kesulitan melakukan pengawasan yang excessive dan menerapkan sanksi administrative maupun pemutusan akses terhadap potensi tindak keagresifitasan pajak PPMSE. Kesulitan ini dikarenakan tidak adanya kewenangan pemerintah Indonesia untuk melakukan audit pada perusahaan yang tidak memiliki Bentuk Usaha Tetap di Indonesia.
Untuk itu dibutuhkan peraturan yang mengatur secara spesifik serta solusi berbasis teknologi untuk memastikan bagaimana kepatuhan PPMSE dalam melaksanakan
kewajibannya di bidang perpajakan.

The emergence of various new business models along with the times has become a challenge in the field of taxation. Since the passing of Law No. 2 of 2020 there is a new regulation regarding how to collect Value-Added Tax (VAT) by Trading Operators through Electronic Systems (PPMSE) Abroad, where PPMSE that meets a significant economic presence can be appointed by the government and given an Identity Number so that they become Indonesian tax subjects and are subject to Indonesian tax law. However, the existence of this regulation has not properly
accommodated the practice of tax collection by PPMSE, Indonesia is still having difficulty exercising excessive supervision and implementing administrative sanctions
or terminating access to potential acts of PPMSE tax aggressiveness. This difficulty is due to the absence of the authority of the Indonesian government to audit companies that do not have a Permanent Establishment (PE) status in Indonesia. For this reason, specific regulations and technology-based solutions are needed to ensure PPMSE
compliance in carrying out its tax obligations.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Ayu Dwi Wulandhari
ini menganalisis upaya hukum yang dilakukan oleh PT SCI dalam menghadapi sengketa Pajak Pertambahan Nilai tahun pajak 2014. PT SCI diperiksa oleh fiskus karena menyatakan lebih bayar pada SPT Masa PPNnya. PT SCI memiliki perbedaan pendapat dengan fiskus sehingga PT SCI mengajukan keberatan atas sengketa tersebut ke DJP. Keputusan keberatan menolak seluruh keberatan PT SCI dan PT SCI memilih untuk melanjutkan upaya hukum berupa banding ke pengadilan pajak. Berdasarkan analisis, PT SCI telah melaksanakan kewajibannya sebagai PKP. Namun, PT SCI belum melaksanakan manajemen pajak dengan baik sehingga masih banyak kesalahan dalam pelaksanaan hak dan kewajibannya. Pertimbangan yang perlu dilakukan sebelum keberatan adalah cost benefit analysis dan mengukur kemampuan wajib pajak dalam menyiapkan dokumen sebagai pendukung argumen keberatan. Secara formal, pengajuan keberatan PT SCI telah memenuhi ketentuan Pasal 25 UU KUP. Koreksi terjadi karena perbedaan persepsi terhadap peraturan perpajakan dan ketiadaan suatu dokumen. Menurut analisis, PT SCI ditolak keberatannya karena tidak dapat menunjukkan dokumen sebagai pendukung argumennya. PT SCI juga tidak memaksimalkan kesempatan-kesempatan yang dimiliki seperti pembetulan SPT dan pemberian tanggapan. Untuk melaksanakan banding, PT SCI perlu memperhatikan persyaratan formal dan material sesuai UU KUP dan pengadilan pajak serta memastikan kompetensi dari kuasa yang ditunjuk untuk menangani proses banding.

report explains about analysis of legal action taken by PT SCI in order to solve tax dispute in VAT tax year 2014. PT SCI was examined by fiscus for declaring overpayment in VAT rsquo s tax return. PT SCI disagree with the examination result so PT SCI submit an objection letter to DGT. The objection decision is rejecting all the objection. Then PT SCI choose to continue the legal action in the form of an appeal to the tax court. Based on the analysis, PT SCI has performed its obligations as PKP. However, PT SCI has not carried out the tax management properly so there are still many mistakes in the implementation of its rights and obligations. Consideration that need to be done before objection is cost benefit analysis and measure ability of taxpayer in preparing document as supporting argument objection. Formally, the filing of the objection of PT SCI has fulfilled the provisions of Article 25 of the KUP Law. Corrections occur because of differences in perceptions of tax laws and the absence of a document. According to the analysis, DGT rejected the objection because PT SCI cannot show the document as supporting its argument. PT SCI also didn rsquo t maximize their opportunity such as correcting tax return and gives response to fiscus. To carry out an appeal, PT SCI needs to pay attention to formal and material requirements in accordance with UU KUP and tax court.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Torganda Raymundus
"Kebijakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai untuk sektor perunggasan di Indonesia terdiri dari Kebijakan Pembebasan PPN bagi produsen ternak unggas dan Kebijakan Barang Tidak Kena Pajak bagi merupakan upaya pemerintah untuk menjaga kestabilan harga produk ternak agar terjangkau bagi masyarakat dan meningkatkan konsumsi daging pada masyarakat sekaligus memberikan dukungan bagi produsen untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitasnya dengan meminimalisasi beban pajak yang harus ditanggung. Penelitian ini menjelaskan struktur pungutan dan struktur insentif Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada mata rantai produksi dan konsumsi ternak unggas di Indonesia dalam perspektif kebijakan publik dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas produsen dan konsumsi masyarakat serta evaluasi kebijakan kebijakan insentif Pajak Pertambahan Nilai pada mata rantai produksi dan konsumsi ternak unggas di Indonesia dalam upaya mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional ditinjau dari perspektif evidence-based policy.


Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Pemerintah sebaiknya mencabut kebijakan pembebasan PPN pada tingkat produsen untuk menghindari cascading effect pada harga jual produk ternak unggas dan tidak menimbulkan distorsi kebijakan PPN sehingga mampu mengurangi beban pajak yang timbul (cost of taxation) baik dalam bentuk compliance cost yang terdiri dari direct money cost, time cost maupun psychological cost yang berdampak pada efisiensi industri terkait. Selain itu, Badan Kebijakan Fiskal sebaiknya mengganti instrumen insentif pembebasan PPN yang tidak komprehensif dan kontraproduktif dengan upaya meningkatkan produktivitas sesuai prinsip supply side tax policy dengan mempertimbangkan alternatif bentuk kebijakan Barang Tidak Kena Pajak untuk seluruh mata rantai produksi dan konsumsi ternak unggas

The Value Added Tax policy for the poultry sector in Indonesia consists of a VAT Exemption Policy for poultry producers and a Taxable Goods Policy for the government is an effort to maintain the stability of livestock product prices to be affordable for the community and increase meat consumption in the community while providing support for producers to can increase productivity by minimizing the tax burden that must be borne. This study explains the structure of levies and the structure of Value Added Tax incentives in the production and consumption chain of poultry in Indonesia in the perspective of public policy in an effort to increase producer productivity and public consumption and evaluate the policy of Value Added Tax incentive policies in the production and consumption chain of poultry in Indonesia in its efforts to support national food security is seen from an evidence-based policy perspective.


This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method with in-depth interview data collection techniques and documentation studies. The government should revoke the VAT exemption policy at the producer level to avoid the cascading effect on the selling price of poultry products and does not cause distortion of VAT policy so as to reduce the tax burden arising (cost of taxation) in the form of compliance costs that consist of money costs, time costs and psychological costs that have an impact on the efficiency of the related industry. In addition, the Fiscal Policy Agency should replace the non-comprehensive and counterproductive VAT exemption instruments with efforts to increase productivity in accordance with the principle of supply side tax policy by considering alternative forms of Non-Taxable Goods policy for the entire production chain and consumption of poultry

Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subandono Rachmadi
"The submission of recording products which include video and/or audio recording is regarded as submission of Tax Payable Goods that are imposed or payable of Value Added Tax. That provision is implicitly regulated in The Law No.8/1983 regarding Value Added Tax, as was last changed by Law No. 18/2000. Even though the alteration of the provision was regulated within different chapter, substantially the provision of Value Added Tax imposition on the submission of Video and/or audio recording products remains unchanged.
Further guidance toward the implementation of the Law was issued by The Minister of Finance and The Director General of Tax for its realization. The guidance of implementation is periodically modified to meet with particular condition. Up to this time, the guidance that has become the support for the implementation of VAT collection on video and/or audio recording products is The Decision of The Minister of Finance No.KMK-251/KMK.04/2002 dated May 31,2002 regarding the Alteration of the Decision of the Minister of Finance No.567/KMK.04/2000 concerning Other Value as Tax Assessment Base; The Decision of the Finance Minister No.KMK-86/KMK.03/2002 dated March 8,2002 concerning The System of Sticker Application in collecting and paying of VAT on the Submission of Video Recording products; The Decision of The Minister of Finance No.KMK-174/KMK.03/2004 dated April 2,2004 regarding Value Added Tax on the Submission of Audio Recording Products; The Decision of Director General of Tax No.KEP-81/PJ./2004 dated April 24,2004 and July 20,2004 concerning the determination of shape, size, color, contents, value text of VAT-PAID sticker and Assessment Base to calculate VAT on the Submission of Video Recording Products and the Pointing-out of Association that gives recommendation to the payment settlement of VAT-PAID sticker and system of settlement and its report; The Circular of The Director General of Tax No. SE-08/PJ.51/2003 dated April 2,2003 concerning the Value Added Tax on the Submission of Audio Recording products or Video Recording Products by distributor or agency or such; and the Circular ofthe Director General of Tax No. SE-05/PJ.51/2004 dated July 20, 2004, Issuance of Correction of the Decision by The Director General of Tax No.KEP-81/PJ./2004 regarding Value Added Tax on the submission of Audio Recording Products.
The mechanism of Value Added Tax collection on recording products as regulated in the above-said provisions has many controversial factors, for example, the collection of Value Added Tax that are imposed only to manufacturer level. Compared to the mechanism of Value Added Tax collection commonly applied, the so many controversial factors resulting will create problems to the neutrality of Value Added Tax as tax on consumption and also to the calculation of payable tax.
Problems over the imposition of Value Added Tax on the submission of video and/or audio recording products are analysed using descriptive-research analysis method. Justifying the Law of Value Added Tax 1984 and footing on the theory about Value Added Tax, there are some findings that the provisions regulating the mechanism of Value Added Tax collection on the submission of these recording products have given negative impacts to the Nation?s income in its implementation. Value Added Tax collection applied only to the producers' level and the Tax Assesment based on the given average Selling Price changes Value Added Tax to become single stage tax that potentially causes the loss of value added objects appearing within the distributors level and multiple-tax imposition. Viewed from the side of the yuridical formal and material justification, the said provisions not only deform the neutrality of Value Added Tax as tax on consumption, but also are in defiance ofthe Law of Value Added Tax of 1984.
The conclusion of the analysis over the problems is that the mechanism of VAT imposition on the submission of recording products has not achieved the targeted goal as mentioned in the VAT Law and the philosophy of VAT imposition as tax on consumption. The neglected neutrality in this tax imposition shall give influence toward the Tax Payers in calculating their payable tax that can also affect to the Nation?s Income. It is therefore proposed that improvement efforts be made by changing current implementation guidance with a new one that yuridical formal cmd material are not against VAT Law and in conformance with the philosophy of VAT as tax on consumption, but the improvement of the system shall be endeavored not to cause signiticant loss to the Nation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
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