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Robby Prihadi Aulia Erlando
Remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari masa anak-anak menjadi dewasa dengan tugas perkembangan mencari identitas diri. Remaja mengalami perubahan seiring dengan prosesnya menuju ke dewasa. Masa remaja adalah masa yang untuk sebagian individu akan mulai kesulitan mengatur arah dan tujuan dirinya sehingga menyebabkan remaja mudah sekali terkena pengaruh dari lingkungan dan memunculkan perilaku menyimpang. Prevalensi penyalahgunaan NAPZA di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 sebesar 3,2 persen atau setara dengan 2,29 juta orang pelajar. Kesiapan keluarga dalam merawat remaja yang telah menjalani proses rehabilitasi perlu diperhatikan. Tantangan pada keluarga seperti kehilangan kepercayaan dari orang lain, kehilangan keluarga dan mengalami proses berduka keluarga, penderitaan yang dialami keluarga, kewajiban dalam memenuhi kebutuhan untuk pengobatan dan lainnya menjadi masalah yang mungkin dialami oleh
keluarga dalam merawat remaja setelah kembali dari rehabilitasi. Tujuan: mengidentifikasi bentuk dukungan social dan informasi yang didapat oleh orang tua untuk merawat anak remaja penyalahguna napza. Metode: kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam. Hasil utama dari penelitian ini adalah didapatkan empat tema yaitu Upaya yang telah dan akan dilakukan pelaku rawat dalam proses penyembuhan anak, Perjalanan remaja menyalahgunakan napza, Keadaan psikologis pelaku rawat dalam merawat remaja, dukungan dan hambatan dari lingkungan.

Adolescence is a transitional period from childhood to adulthood with the task of developing self-identity. Teens experience changes along with the process towards adulthood. Adolescence is a time when for some individuals it will be difficult to set the direction and goals of themselves, causing adolescents to be easily exposed to the influence
of the environment and lead to deviant behavior. The prevalence of drug abuse in Indonesia in 2018 was 3.2 percent, equivalent to 2.29 million students. Family readiness in caring for adolescents who have undergone the rehabilitation process needs to be considered. Challenges in the family such as losing the trust of others, losing the family and experiencing the family grieving process, the suffering experienced by the family, the obligation to meet the need for treatment and others are problems that may be experienced by families in caring for adolescents after returning from rehabilitation. Objective: to identify forms of social support and information obtained by parents for caring for adolescent drug users. Method: descriptive qualitative using in-depth interviews. The main results of this research are four themes are obtained, namely the efforts that have been and will be carried out by care givers in the process of healing children, the journey of adolescents who abuse drugs, the psychological state of care givers in caring for adolescents, support and obstacles from the environment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atik Farihah
"Dalam penanganan penyalahgunaan narkotika diperlukan pendekatan komprehensif sehingga koordinasi lintas sektor mutlak diperlukan dalam membangun sinergitas sesuai dengan peran Kementerian/Lembaga masing-masing. Kebijakan yang disusun harus berorientasi pada pemenuhan hak atas rehabilitasi yang komprehensif dengan memenuhi prinsip ketersediaan, akses, penerimaan, dan kualitas.
Tujuan penelitian membahas tugas dan fungsi masing-masing Kementerian/Lembaga terkait pelaksanaan rehabilitasi bagi pecandu Narkotika, pelaksanaan koordinasi antar Kementerian/Lembaga dalam mencapai sinergitas pelaksanaan rehabilitasi Narkotika, menganalisa kendala yang dihadapi dalam mencapai sinergitas dan menjelaskan bentuk strategi kebijakan yang dilakukan dalam memenuhi hak atas rehabilitasi yang komprehensif sebagai bagian dari hak dasar manusia atas kesehatan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus eksplanatoris melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, triangulasi, dan fokus grup diskusi.
Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan permasalahan menunjukkan bahwa belum terbentuknya sinergitas antar pemangku kebijakan sehingga segala pencapaian dalam menata program rehabilitasi menjadi tidak efektif dan efisien. Pada dasarnya empat elemen diatas merupakan satu kesatuan yang saling terkait dalam membentuk suatu strategi, yaitu Sistem Nasional Rehabilitasi Narkotika Komprehensif dengan melibatkan pemangku kebijakan, pelaksana dilapangan dan elemen-elemen masyarakat. Fungsi utama dalam sistem ini sebagai acuan dalam penyelenggaraan rehabilitasi narkotika yang komprehensif dengan melakukan penyederhanaan rantai birokrasi, penguatan koordinasi antara Kementerian/Lembaga dan terciptanya efektif dan efisien dalam anggaran.
Untuk dapat menyusun suatu sistem yang bersifat nasional diperlukan suatu organisasi yang kuat dengan berbagai macam latar belakang pengalaman sehingga mampu melihat permasalahan dari berbagai aspek, baik itu aspek medis, sosial ataupun aspek lainnya dan memiliki jalur kordinasi lintas sektor ataupun jalur koordinasi ke daerah yang solid.

In the handling of narcotic abuse, a comprehensive approach is needed. As such, a cross-sector coordination is fundamentally required to build synergies by each ministry or institution. A policy has to be oriented to the fulfilment of the right to comprehensive rehabilitation by meeting the principles of availability, access, acceptance, and quality.
The purpose of the study discusses duties and functions of each Ministry/Institution related to the implementation of rehabilitation for narcotic addicts, the implementation of coordination among Ministries/Institutions in achieving synergy of the implementation of narcotic rehabilitation. The study also analyses obstacles encountered in achieving the synergy and explains a form of policy strategies implemented in fulfilling the right to the comprehensive rehabilitation as a part of the basic human right to the health. This research is a qualitative research with an explanatory case study through interview, documentation, triangulation, and focus group discussion.
The results show that the synergy among stakeholders has not yet been accomplished so that all achievements in managing the rehabilitation program becomes ineffective and inefficient. In essence, the four elements mentioned above are an interconnected unity to form a strategy, namely The National System of Comprehensive Narcotic Rehabilitation by involving stakeholders, field workers and societies. The primary function of this system is as a reference in implementing the comprehensive narcotic rehabilitation by simplifying a bureaucratic chain, strengtheningcoordination between Ministries/Institutions and creating an effective and efficient budget.
To conclude, to arrange a national system requires a strong organisation with various experience to be able to see the problem from different aspects, e.g. medical aspect, social or other aspects. The national system must also have cross-sector coordination or coordination to a solid area.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Ni`Ma Hayati
"Fungsi keluarga merupakan salah satu hal yang penting dalam proses pemulihan pecandu NAPZA. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi gambaran pemenuhan fungsi keluarga terhadap anggota keluarga yang menjalani proses rehabilitasi NAPZA di RSKO. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dari 25 pasien yang menjalani rehabilitasi rawat inap di RSKO dengan teknik total sampling. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi pemenuhan fungsi keluarga; 72 % pada fungsi afektif, 64% pada fungsi ekonomi, 60% pada fungsi pemeliharaan kesehatan, 64% pada fungsi reproduksi, dan 48% pada fungsi sosialisasi. Secara umum, 60% responden terpenuhi fungsi keluarganya. Tenaga kesehatan, khususnya perawat, di unit rehabilitasi RSKO diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan program-program yang mendukung interaksi antara pasien dengan keluarganya agar fungsi keluarga tetap terpenuhi selama proses rehabilitasi.

Functioning of family is the one important thing in the recovery process of drug addicts. This study aims to identify the description of the functioning of the family against family members undergoing drug rehabilitation in RSKO. This study design is descriptive of the 25 patients undergoing inpatient rehabilitation in RSKO with total sampling technique. Results of the study identify the functioning of the family; 72% on affective function, 64% in the functioning of the economy, 60% on health care function, 64% of the reproductive function, and 48% in the socialization function. In general, 60% of respondents met the family function. Health workers, particularly nurses, in rehabilitation unit of RSKO is expected to optimize the programs that support the interaction between patients with their families in order to keep the family functioning during the rehabilitation process.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mayda Wardianti
"This research is done based on consideration of the needs to improve the efforts in overcoming drug abuse problems that recently have been more complex. The drug abuse problems are now happened in remote areas as well as in big city. The victims include the productive ages, such as children and teenagers. Therefore this problem should be overcome; otherwise it will threaten the continuity of this country development.
Since the Government has limitation in providing the services to overcome the drug abuse, therefore the local society has a good potency that could be developed to involve in overcoming drug abuse problems, happened in their area. The Government (Ministry of Social Affairs) develops program policy as the efforts to increase participation of the society. One of the efforts is to empower the society, such as develop a group of adjacent based on community for the drug abuser.
This activity is referring to the concepts of the program implementation evaluation, community-based rehabilitation, empowering strategy, and communication. Therefore this research is implemented towards the object of the research that has theoretical based.
The objectives of this research are:
1.To have a comprehensive picture of the implementation of the adjacent activities to overcome drug abuse problems.
2.Identifying obstacles and supports as well as implementing these activities. Hopefully, this research can generate some recommendations for RBM Saroja activity program especially, and to be able to develop community-based rehabilitation program.
The implementations of this research uses several techniques on data collection, and then it is proceed and interpreted descriptively refer to the background of the problems, concepts of this research and field observation. This research will give common description on the research field.
The result of this research show that the implementation of adjacent program for drug abusers, which has been conducting, by RBM Saroja still need the improvement in some aspects, such as: Communication, Human Resources, Funding, and Support from the Government. Most of the adjacent activities for drug abusers need capability in communication skill of RBM Saroja's human resources, since they have task to influence the drug abusers to reduce the risk of the drug abuse; they have to approach to drug abusers and their family member, they have to deliver drug prevention messages. So the RBM Saroja's have to work hard in learning those matters. Human resources of RBM Saroja are full employment, and they don't have enough lime to do social work as adjacent of drug abusers. RBM Saroja has to train special staff of adjacent to assist in reaching the hidden population. Since they have budget limitation, they implement only some of their activities to overcome drug abuse problems.
The RBM Saroja has support from the Directorate of Drug Victims Rehabilitation and Services of Ministry of Social Affairs (DiLPRSKN), such as in funding, training, and consultation. The local government, Department of Social Welfare Provincial Office needs to improve their coordination and development to RBM Saroja. RBM Saroja may involve on planning formulation and activities of overcoming drug abuse problem, which has been carrying out by the Department of Social Welfare Provincial Office."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurwahidah Hasan
"Therapeutic Community (TC) bertujuan untuk merubah perilaku penyalahguna NAPZA. Program TC sarat dengan aspek asertivitas namun sejumlah residen yang keluar TC mengalami kekambuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan tingkat asertivitas residen yang telah menjalani TC minimal 6 bulan dan mengetahui asertivitas berdasarkan karakteristik tertentu. Metode survei dengan sampel 217 residen dari 5 fasilitas rehabilitasi digunakan melalui teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrumen skala asertivitas dari teori Galassi dan Galassi (1977, dalam Rakos, 1991) dan dianalisis dengan metode distribusi frekuensi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan asertivitas tinggi pada 110 residen dan asertivitas rendah pada 107 residen. Tingkat asertivitas rendah didominasi oleh kelompok residen wanita, usia remaja, lulusan pendidikan dasar, dan dari suku Jawa. Tingkat asertivitas tinggi didominasi kelompok residen usia dewasa muda, lulusan perguruan tinggi, dan dari suku Bugis dan Betawi. Perlu dilakukan pengkajian terhadap asertivitas sebelum menjalani program, meningkatkan motivasi dan perhatian, serta melakukan pendekatan yang tepat terhadap karakteristik residen yang beragam.

Therapeutic Community (TC) aims to change the behavior of substance abusers. TC program are loaded with aspects of assertiveness, but a number of residents discharged from TC performed relapse. This study aimed to desribe the level of residents' assertiveness who have been undergoing TC for at least 6 months, and to describe their assertiveness based on certain characteristics. Survey method was used through purposive sampling technique with a sample of 217 residents of 5 rehabilitation facilities. Datas were collected by assertiveness scale made from the theory of Galassi and Galassi (1977, in Rakos, 1991) and analyzed by frequency distribution method.
The results showed high assertiveness at 110 residents and low assertiveness at 107 residents. Low assertiveness residents were dominated by group of women, teens, basic education graduates, and from Javanese. High level of assertiveness were dominated by young adult group, college graduates, Buginese and Betawinese. It's essential to do an assesment on assertiveness before residents undergoing the program, increasing motivation and attention, as well as doing the right approach to many characteristics of the residents.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukman Nulhakim
Meningkatnya angka harapan hidup memberi kontribusi pada jumlah populasi
lansia dari tahun ke tahun yang cenderung meningkat. Salah satu upaya yang
dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kesehatan lansia
adalah pelayanan dan perawatan lansia di Panti Sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui hubungan karakteristik dan perilaku perawatan petugas panti
terhadap kepuasan kelompok lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha BM di DKI
Jakarta. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross
sectional. Jumlah sampel penelitian untuk petugas 128 orang sedangkan untuk
lansia 128 orang berdasarkan metode simple random sampling dengan teknik
pengambilan berdasarkan proporsional sampel setiap panti. Analisa data
menggunakan Chi Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Terdapat hubungan antara
perilaku perawatan petugas panti dengan kepuasan kelompok lansia, khususnya
sikap (p=0,039) dan keterampilan (p=0,038). Variabel paling dominan adalah
keterampilan OR= 3.992. Perlunya peningkatan sumber daya manusia baik berupa
pelatihan atau pendidikan formal dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di panti
guna meningkatkan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan lansia

Increasing rate of life expectation give a contribution to quantity of aged population
year by year. One of efforts that done by government in increasing prosperity and
health of aged was attendance and care for aged in social house. This research aims
to know the correlation between characteristic and caregiver's behaviour with the
satisfaction of aged in social house Tresna Werdha BM of DKI Jakarta. The
research design descriptive correlation that used was cross sectional. Meanwhile the
research samplers were 128 caregivers and 128 ageds, the collecting of sampling
technic used simple random sampling. Analysis data was done by using chi-Square
test and multiple logistic regression. The result of research was gainned that
existing a correlation between caregiver's behaviour and the satisfaction of aged
community, especially for attitude (p=0,035) and skill (p=0,038). And then the
dominant variable was skill OR=3,992. It was suggested to improve human
resource (caregiver) on training and in formal education to increase quality of
service in house for increasing prosperity and health of aged."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahusilawane, Elvina Katerin
"Latar Belakang. Penyalahgunaan zat merupakan masalah global yang berkembang dengan angka kekambuhan yang cukup tinggi. Undang undang no 35 tahun 2009 mewajibkan semua penyalahguna zat untuk mengikuti rehabilitasi, namun terdapat perbedaan pendapat terkait efektifitas terapi berdasarkan keinginan untuk mengikuti rehabilitasi. Faktor yang turut berperan dalam keberhasilan rehabilitasi adalah tingkat kesiapan untuk berubah yang terlihat dari motivasinya. Implikasi UU no 35 dapat dilihat melalui perbedaan tingkat motivasi dan hubungannya dengan karakteristik serta mekanisme koping dari individu yang telah menjalani rehabilitasi berdasarkan keinginannya. Metode. Potong lintang melibatkan 100 orang penyalahguna zat yang telah mengikuti rehabilitasi selama periode bulan Juli-September 2014 di Balai Besar Rehabilitasi BNN. Pengukuran tingkat motivasi dengan instrumen University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA) dan mekanisme koping diukur dengan instrumen Brief-Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (Brief-COPE). Hasil. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada tingkat motivasi antara penyalahguna zat yang mengikuti rehabilitasi secara sukarela dengan yang tidak sukarela setelah mengikuti proses terapi rehabilitasi. Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat motivasi dengan mekanisme koping (nilai p 0.001). Mekanisme koping yang digunakan pada subyek dalam penelitian berupa emotion-focus koping dan skor mekanisme koping yang terbanyak pada tingkat sedang. Simpulan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat motivasi pada penyalahguna zat yang telah menjalani rehabilitasi berdasarkan keinginan.
Background. Substance abuse is a growing global problem at a fairly high recurrence rate. Indonesia narcotics law no 35 in 2009 requires compulsory treatment for people with drug dependence, nevertheless there are many differences in opinions regarding the effectiveness of therapy based on the willingness to participate. Factors that contribute to the outcomes of rehabilitation s the readiness to change seen by motivation. The implications of the Law No. 35 can be seen through motivational level differences and its relationship with the characteristics and coping mechanisms of substance abusers who have undergone a rehabilitation based on the willingness to be rehabilitated. Method. A crosssectional involving 100 substance abusers who have undergone a rehabilitation program during the period July-September 2014 at BNN rehabilitation center. Motivation level measurement by University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA) instrument and coping mechanism by Brief-Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (Brief-COPE) instrument. Result. There is no significant differences of motivational level between voluntary and compulsary substance abuser. There is a relationship between the level of motivation with coping mechanisms (p-value 0.001). Coping mechanisms used by the subject is emotionfocused coping with the highest score is at moderate level. Conclusion.There is no difference of motivational level among substance abusers who have undergone a rehabilitation program based on the willingness."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tumpal Eben Ezer
"Penjatuhan sanksi rehabilitasi terhadap penyalahguna narkotika adalah suatu tindakan yang penting karena disatu sisi penyalahguna narkotika merupakan korban dari tindak pidana narkotika. Dalam Pasal 54 Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika menjelaskan bahwa pecandu Narkotika dan korban penyalahgunaan Narkotika wajib menjalani rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial, kerangka yuridis yang telah ada di dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika serta Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 25 tahun 2011 tentang pelaksanaan wajib lapor pecandu narkotika seharusnya digunakan dalam penerapannya pada masing-masing sub sistem peradilan pidana agar upaya pengobatan dan juga perawatan bagi penyalahguna, guna menyelaraskan penerapan rehabilitasi tersebut Mahkamah Agung telah mengeluarkan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung (SEMA) No.04 Tahun 2010, begitu juga dengan Badan Narkotika Nasional mengeluarkan Peraturan Kepala BNN Nomor 2 Tahun 2011, Kejaksaan Agung pada tanggal 12 Januari 2012 telah menerbitkan Surat Edaran Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Umum Nomor : B-136/E/EJP/01/2012 perihal tuntutan rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial, sedangkan Polri masih menyiapkan Rancangan Peraturan Kapolri tentang Penanggulangan Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di lingkungan Polri untuk di jadikan pedoman Penyidik dalam melakukan rehabilitasi terhadap penyalahguna Narkotika yang menjadi Pecandu atau korban Penyalahgunaan Narkotika. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut penulis nantinya akan membahas mengenai harmonisasi antara ukuran-ukuran yang digunakan oleh Kepolisian, Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), Kejaksaan dan Pengadilan dalam merehabilitasi dilanjutkan dengan peranan Jaksa sebagai penyaring perkara dalam penanganan kasus-kasus Narkotika dan kewenangan penuntut umum dalam penanganan perkara Narkotika.

Rehabilitation sanctions against drug abusers is an important measure because on one hand, drug abusers are victims of crime narcotics. In Article 54 of Law No. 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics explain that addicts Narcotics and Narcotic abuse victims to undergo compulsory medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, the existing legal framework in the Act No. 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics and Government Regulation No. 25 of 2011 on the implementation of compulsory reporting of drug addicts should be used in the application on each - each sub-system of criminal justice in order to attempt treatment and also care for abusers, in order to harmonize the implementation of the rehabilitation of the Supreme Court has issued a Circular Letter of the Supreme Court (SEMA) No.04 of 2010, as well as with the National Narcotics Agency chief BNN issued Regulation No. 2 of 2011, the Attorney General on January 12, 2012 has issued Circular Attorney General for General Crimes Number: B-136/E/EJP/01/2012 demands concerning medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation, while the police are still preparing the Draft Police Regulation on Narcotics Abuse Reduction in the police to make the guidelines at Investigators in rehabilitating narcotics abusers who become addicts or victims of Narcotics Abuse. In this regard the authors will discuss the harmonization between size - the size used by the Police, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), and courts in rehabilitating followed by a role as a filter Attorney handling the case in the case - Narcotics and authority of the public prosecutor in handling Narcotics cases.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Saeful Rahmat
Penelitian fenomenologi deskriptif ini menggali pengalaman mantan penyalahguna NAPZA dalam menjalani hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain fenomologi deskriptif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan catatan lapangan, hasil verbatimnya dianalisa menggunakan pendekatan Colaizzi. Tema penelitian yang ditemukan adalah Alasan berhenti menyalahgunakan NAPZA, alasan kembali relapse, respon awal adaptasi mantan penyalahguna NAPZA di masyarakat, upaya perubahan agar dapat diterima orang lain, kehilangan kepercayaan dari masyarakat, mendapatkan stigma dari masyarakat, kekhawatiran dari keluarga untuk terjadinya relapse, diskriminasi terhadap mantan penyalahguna NAPZA, persepsi negatif masyarakat terhadap mantan penyalahguna NAPZA, menggunakan koping positif, sistem dukungan yang diperoleh mantan penyalahguna NAPZA, harapan mantan penyalahguna NAPZA terhadap pihak-pihak terkait. Mantan penyalahguna NAPZA mengalami stigma dikeluarga dan masyarakat serta merasakan kebosanan saat kembali kemasyarakat setelah terapi rehabilitasi karena tidak ada kegiatan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya penempatan perawat komunitas sebagai educator, konsultan, advokat di keluarga, masyarakat dan di lembaga rehabilitasi NAPZA.

The study explores the experiences of drugs abuser former undergo living in social in Bogor. This study uses descriptive phenomenological design. Data is obtained through an in-depth interview and field note then analyzed by using Colaizzi's method. The theme of research identified are reason stop abusing drugs, relapse reason, self efficacy response adaptation drug abuser former in society efforts to change to acceptable others, society treatment, and living in the society. Drug abuser former experienced stigma in families and the community as well as feel boredom when they come back after rehabilitation therapy because there was no activity. This study recommended the deployment of community nurses as educator, a consultant an advocate in families, the community and drugs rehabilitation institution."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Astuti
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan latar belakang meningkatnya kasus tindak pidana dan penyalahgunaan narkotika yang di lapas. Lapas sebagai tempat pemidanaan berfungsi untuk melaksanakan program pembinaan terhadap para narapidana, dimana melalui program yang dijalankan diharapkan narapidana yang bersangkutan setelah kembali ke masyarakat dapat menjadi warga yang berguna di masyarakat. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mengamati proses pelaksanaan rehabilitasi dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan rehabilitasi di Lapas Khusus Narkotika Klas IIA Jakarta. Selanjutnya dalam upaya menggali informasi yang lengkap tentang topik penelitian ini, maka peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada pihak informan yang dilakukan metode snow ball sampling. Informan yang dijadikan narasumber antara lain narapidana, petugas lapas dan DirjenPas. Dari hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan bahwa Lapas Khusus Narkotika Kelas IIA Jakarta tidak ada bedanya dengan lapas umum. Lapas Khusus Narkotika Kelas IIA Jakarta hanya melaksanakan rehabilitasi sosial terhadap narapidana, karena keterbatasan sarana prasarana, petugas, program layanan dan biaya. Rehabilitasi narkotika harus dilaksanakaan secara komprehensif melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu rehabilitasi medis, rehabilitasi sosial dan pascarehabilitasi. Sebagai lapas yang memiliki kekhususan, Lapas Khusus Narkotika Kelas IIA Jakarta belum mempersiapkan perencanaan untuk ruang perawatan detoksifikasi, asesmen, konseling ,vokasional dan SDM. Hal ini tentunya menghambat proses pemulihan napi dari ketergantungan narkotika, karena dalam menjalankan tugas dan fungsi dalam pembinaan napi narkotika, sarana prasarana dan petugas tidak memiliki kompetensi dibidang tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini diharapkan agar lapas dapat bekerjasama dengan instansi terkait dalam perencanaan mulai dari persiapan sarana prasarana, program, anggaran dan SDM dalam pelaksanaan rehabilitasi narkotika terhadap narapidana.

This report is written based on increase of crime and drug abuse in prisons. The prison as a place of punishment serves to implement improving our inmates, which in the programs expected convict who concerned after returning into their community could be useful citizens in their community. In this study, the researchers observed the process of implementation of rehabilitation and the obstacles faced in the implementation of rehabilitation in Prison as Specially for Narcotic class IIA Jakarta. Furthermore, in an effort to dig up the complete information about the topic of this research, the researchers conducted interviews to the informants by snow ball sampling method. Informants who were made by the speakers were prisoners, prison officers and Director General. For the results of the research, researchers found that a Prison Specially Narcotic class IIA Jakarta it makes no difference to the common prison. The Prison for Narcotic class IIA Jakarta only carry out for social rehabilitation to convict due to limited facilities and infrastructure, officers, service programs and fees. Narcotics rehabilitation must be implemented comprehensively through several phases namely medical rehabilitation, social rehabilitation and post rehabilitation. As a specific prisons, it has not prepared the planning for treatment room detoxification, assessment, counseling, vocational and human resources rooms. This certainly impeded the process restoring process of prisoners from drug dependence, because their duty and function for developing convict narcotic, facilities and infrastructures and officials did not have competence in that field. In this study, it is expected that prisons can be cooperate with related agencies in planning from preparation of infrastructure, programs, budget and human resources in the implementation narcotic to convict."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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