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Maria Syelvrida Tumina
"Sifon adalah tradisi sunat pria yang berasal dari suku Atoin Meto yang dapat menjadi sumber penularan HIV/AIDS bagi perempuan Sifon. adanya ritual perempuan Sifon yang melayani hubungan seksual pada pria yang telah menjalani sunat Sifon tanpa pengaman/kondom, dapat menjadi sumber penularan penyakit menular seksual dan HIV/AIDS. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi pengalaman perempuan Sifon menjalani tradisi ritual Sifon dalam konteks penularan HIV/AIDS. Metode yang digunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria inklusi: perempuan suku Atoin Meto usia > 18 tahun, telah menjadi perempuan Sifon minimla 6 bulan. Partisipan direkrut melalui dukun di desa Nekbaun kabuoaten Kupang dan Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Analisis data menggunakan metode Collaizi. Hasil: sebanyak 13 perempuan Sifon yang diwawancarai pada penelitian terdapat 4 tema: 1)Perempuan Sifon mempunyai pengetahuan yang rendah tentang penularan HIV/AIDS melalui Sifon, 2)menjadi perempuan Sifon karena korban penipuan pria Sifon, 3) perempuan Sifon mengalami gejala Penyakit Menular Seksual setelah Melayani Sifon, 4) adanya keyakinan bahwa Obat Kampung (Obat Timor) dapat  mengatasi sakit yang diderita setelah melayani Sifon. Interpretasi terhadap pengalaman perempuan Sifon menjalani ritual Sifon mengindikasikan bahwa Sifon merupakan faktor risiko penularan HIV/AIDS pada perempuan. Program edukasi yang bersifat preventif dan promotif yang peka budaya diperlukan dalam upaya mengurangi risiko penularan HIV/AIDS.

Sifon is a ritual tradition after male circumcision from the Ation Meto tribe that can be a factor related to HIV/AIDS transmission for Sifon women. Sifon women who serving sexual intercourse to men after circumcision without safety or without condoms, become a source of transmisson of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this paper is to explore the experience of sifon women undergoing sifon rituals traditions in the context of HIV/AIDS transmission. The method used in this study with a phenomenological approach using a purposive sampling technique. Inclusion criteria: Atoin Meto thnix women aged > 18 years, have been a Sifon women for at least 6 months. Participants were recruited through traditional helaers in Nekbaun village of Kupang district and Siuth Central Timor district. Data analysis used the Colaaizi method. Results: as many as 13 women were interviewed for the study, there were 4 themes: 1)Sifon women had lower knowledge of HIV/AIDS transmission through sifon, 2)became sifon women because of a victim of a male sifon fraud, 3)sifon women were exposed to sexually transmitted infections after serving sifon, 4)the belief that traditional medicine (Timor medicine) can overcome the pain suffered after sifon. Interpretation of the experience of sifon women undergoing sifon rituals indicated that sifon is a risk factor for transmitting HIV/AIDS to women. Preventive and promotive educational programs with cultural approach are needed in effort to reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tia Atnawanty
"Perilaku seksual berisiko merupakan aktivitas yang memiliki dampak negatif pada kehidupan seseorang yang melakukannya, dapat terjadi karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang HIV/AIDS, kesalahpahaman penularan HIV, dan stigma pada ODHA di masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan pengetahuan
HIV/AIDS dan stigma HIV/AIDS terhadap perilaku seksual berisiko pada Suku Atoin Meto. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan teknik consecutive
sampling pada 142 responden Atoin Meto. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat
hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan HIV/AIDS terhadap perilaku seksual
berisiko (p value = 0,035, ɑ = 0,05; OR = 2,360), sedangkan pada variabel stigma
HIV/AIDS, tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna. Pada analisis multivariat akhir
dengan regresi logistik berganda, variabel yang berpengaruh adalah pengetahuan
HIV/AIDS, jenis kelamin dan pendapatan, yang paling mempengaruhi adalah jenis
kelamin (p value = 0,006, ɑ = 0,05; OR = 6,349). Diperlukan intervensi khusus seperti
edukasi pendidikan rutin sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dan
menurunkan perilaku seksual berisiko pada masyarakat etnis khususnya Atoin Meto.

Risky sexual behavior is an activity that has a negative impact on the life of a person who
does it, can be occur due to lack of knowledge about HIV / AIDS, misunderstanding of
HIV transmission, and stigma on ODHA in society. The purpose of this study was to
identify the relationship of HIV/AIDS knowledge and the stigma of HIV/AIDS to risky
sexual behaviors in the Meto Atoin Tribe. This study used cross sectional design with
consecutive sampling techniques on 142 Respondents atoin Meto. The results showed a
significant link between HIV/AIDS knowledge of risky sexual behaviors (p value = 0.035,
0.05; OR = 2,360), while in the hiv/AIDS stigma variable, there is no meaningful
relationship. In the final multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regressions, the
influential variables are HIV/AIDS knowledge, gender and income, the most affecting
being gender (p value = 0.006, 1 = 0.05; OR = 6,349). Special interventions such as
routine education are needed in an effort to increase hiv/AIDS knowledge and reduce risky sexual behavior in ethnic communities, especially Atoin Meto.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apri Adiari Manu
"Tradisi sifon dilakukan saat Iuka sunat belum benar-benar sembuh, dan rentan terhadap pcnularan PMS termasuk HIV/AIDS. Tradisi ini mulai berkembang di Kota Kupang dan diiakukan oleh pemuda-pemuda suku lain diluar suku Atoin-Melo. Untuk itu perlu diketahui apa yang mendorong pelaku sunat untuk melakukan swan dan bagaimana persepsi terhadap penularan PMS. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Kupang dengan menggunakan pcndekaian kualitatif dengan disain RAP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi terhadap kcrentanan penularan PMS masih kurang dan motivasi untuk kejantanan, kebersihan, dan kcsehatan merupakan ii-:ktor yang mcndorong informan melalcukan sunat tmdisional syfon. Penelitian ini menyarankan untuk dilakukan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang bahaya penularan PMS dan perlunya melakukan sunat yang sehat.

Sifon tradition was done when the post circumcision injm'y not yet healed thus it was very susceptible of sexual transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS. The tradition staned to develop in Kupang and done by male youth who were not Atoin-Metto tribe. Thus it was necessary to find out what the reinforcing factors of doing sifon and how is the perception of STD infection. This quantitative research was done in Kupang with RAP design. The result showed tha there was still lack of perceived susceptibility of STD. Issues of masculinity, cleanliness and health were become reinforcing factors toward informants in doing sifon traditional circumcision."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajriyati Nur Azizah
"Duapertiga Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) berusia dewasa mengalami depresi. Depresi merupakan respon terhadap masalah psikososial akibat diagnosa positif HIV yang menyebabkan isolasi diri dan perilaku beresiko bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi ini menggambarkan pengalaman depresi ODHA dewasa menjalani tugas perkembangan psikososialnya. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 8 orang dan data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam. Enam tema yang dihasilkan: perjalanan penyakit merubah seluruh aspek kehidupan, menutup diri sebagai respon terhadap stigma, depresi sebagai respon kehilangan, strategi psikososial sebagai pilihan koping, kesadaran akan makna spiritual, dan kekuatan dukungan sosial dalam pencapaian peran dan harapan. Penelitian menyarankan ketersediaannya layanan keperawatan bagi ODHA berbasis komunitas.

Two-thirds of adult people with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) suffer from depression. Depression is a response to psychosocial problems as a result of HIV positive diagnosis that causes self-isolation and suicide risk transmit. The goal of this qualitative with phenomenological study was to describe the experience of depression in adult people with HIV/AIDS undergoing psychosocial developmental tasks. This research was involved 8 participants with in-depth interview as a methode to collect the data. Six themes marked the experience: the course of the disease changes all aspects of life, hide the HIV status as a response to stigma, depression as a response to loss, psychosocial as alternative coping strategy, awareness of spiritual meaning, and the strength of social support in the achievement of roles and expectations. Research suggested the availability of nursing services for PLWH community based."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Bestari
"Resiko penularan HIV dari Ibu ke bayi dinegara berkembang meningkat cepatdisebabkan oleh minimnya akses intervensi. Di Indonesia sendiri kasus HIV semakinmeningkat ditiap tahunnya dan kasus HIV banyak terjadi di usia produktif dimana padausia ini banyak terdapat ibu hamil yang sangat rentan untuk dapat menularkan HIVkepada bayinya. Provinsi Kepulauan Riau merupakan provinsi yang sangat dekatdengan negara tetangga Singapura dan Malaysia , sehingga merupakan daerah yangsangat rentan untuk terjadinya penularan HIV/AIDS. Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukanupaya untuk pencegahan penyebaran penularan HIV/AIDS lebih luas terutama pada ibuhamil melalui program Pencegahan Penularan HIV/AIDS dari Ibu ke Anak PPIA.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku ibu hamil dalam pencegahanpenularan HIV dari Ibu ke Anak PPIA di Kota Tanjungpinang. Desain penelitianadalah cross-sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel merupakan ibu hamilyang datang ke puskesmas berjumlah 130 responden. Variable yang diteliti yaitu umur,tingkat pendidikan, status perkawinan, pekerjaan, pengetahuan, sikap, dukunganpetugas kesehatan, dukungan suami dan keterpaparan informasi. Variabel tersebutdiukur dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang diolah hingga multivariat denganmenggunakan uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil analisis univariat didapatkan bahwa ratarataibu yang berkunjung ke puskesmas mempunyai perilaku buruk sebesar 56,2.
Hasil uji chi-square didapatkan hasil bahwa yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibuhamil dalam pencegahan penularan HIV dari Ibu ke Anak PPIA yaitu sikap ibu,keterpaparan informasi kesehatan dan dukungan petugas kesehatan. Variabel yangpaling dominan mempengaruhi perilaku ibu adalah dukungan dari tenaga kesehatandengan nilai OR= 6,420 yang artinya Ibu yang mendapat dukungan dari petugaskesehatan akan berperilaku baik 6,240 kali lebih besar dibandingkan Ibu hamil yangtidak mendapatkan dukungan dari tenaga kesehatan, setelah dikontrol oleh variablependidikan, sikap dan keterpaparan informasi. Direkomendasikan kepada DinasKesehatan dan Puskesmas agar dapat meningkatkan upaya promosi kesehatan tentangHIV/AIDS dan meningkatkan komunikasi, informasi, dan edukasi KIE serta konselingtentang HIV/AIDS kepada ibu hamil agar ibu hamil mau melakukan pemeriksaan HIVselama kehamilan.

The risk of HIV transmission from mother to baby in developing countries is increasingrapidly due to lack of access to intervention. In Indonesia, HIV cases are increasingevery year and HIV cases occur in productive age which many pregnant women rsquo s veryvulnerable to be able transmitting HIV to their babies. Riau Islands province is aprovince that very close to neighboring countries Singapore and Malaysia , so it is avery vulnerable area for the occurrence of HIV AIDS transmission. Therefore, effortsshould be made to prevent HIV AIDS spread more widely, especially for pregnantwomen through the program Prevention of HIV AIDS from the mother to child PPIA.
This study aims to determine the behaviour of pregnant women in prevention ofHIV transmission from mother to child PPIA in Tanjungpinang City. This studydesign is cross sectional with quantitative approach. Samples are pregnant women whocame to the health centers amounted to 130 respondents. The variables studied wereage, education level, marital status, occupation, knowledge, attitude, health officersupport, husband support and information exposure. The variables were measured usinga multivariate treated questionnaire using multiple logistic regression tests. The result ofunivariate analysis showed 56,2 average of mothers who visited Primary HealthCentre had bad behaviour.
The result of chi square test showed that related to pregnantwoman rsquo s behaviour in prevention of HIV AIDS from the mother to child PPIA ismother attitude, health information exposure and health officer support. The mostdominant variable that influence mother behaviour is support from health manpowerwith OR 6,420 which means that mother who get support from health officer willbehave better 6,240 times bigger than mother who do not get support from healthworker, after controlled by education variable, attitude and information exposure. It isrecommended for Health Department and Primary Health Centre to improve healthpromotion efforts on HIV AIDS and improve communication, information, andeducation IEC and HIV AIDS counseling to pregnant women so then that pregnantwomen are willing to perform HIV test during pregnancy.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Dewi Pusparini
"[Penelitian ini membahas tentang modal sosial apa saja yang dimiliki LSM Bandungwangi sekaligus melihat bagaimana peran modal sosial tersebut dalam upaya pencegahaan penularan HIV AIDS yang dilakukan di kalangan PSP. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Bandungwangi sebagai sebuah LSM memiliki modal sosial berupa jaringan sosial yang menciptakan ikatan sosial antara Bandungwangi dengan PSP lembaga donor pemerintah. LSM lain dan antar Staf dalam Bandungwangi sendiri Ikatan sosial ini nyatanya membangun nilai dan norma bersama mengenai kebiasaan sehari hari nilai bekerja sebagai PSP dan kelebihan Bandungwangi dalam menjangkau komunitas PSP. Nilai dan norma bersama ini yang kemudian membangun kepercayaan antar aktor. Bentuk modal sosial seperti ini menandakan bahwa bonding dan bridging Bandungwangi kepada aktor aktor tersebut berhasil dibangun. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kelemahan modal sosial Bandungwangi terletak pada jaringannya dengan LSM lain yang kurang dimaksimalkan. Masing masing bentuk modal sosial yang dimiliki LSM Bandungwangi juga terbukti berperan dalam membangun komunikasi kordinasi meningkatkan reputasi hingga menciptakan tindakan kolektif upaya pencegahan penularan HIV AIDS pada tataran partisipasi kegiatan. Penelitian ini mengisi kekosongan pembahasan mengenai modal sosial LSM dalam upaya pencegahan penularan HIV AIDS di kalangan PSP yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus pada LSM Bandungwangi. Terdapat 12 informan dalam penelitian ini yang dipilih secara purposive.

This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers. This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS. The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers. This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers. Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi's bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build. The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi's social capital is social network with other NGO. Each of these forms Bandungwangi's social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS. This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before. This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta. Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling.;This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi rsquo s bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital is social network with other NGO Each of these forms Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling;This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi rsquo s bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital is social network with other NGO Each of these forms Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling, This study discusses about what kind of social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers This study also looking for how social capital influence of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS The finding shows that Bandungwangi as an NGO has social capital there are social network who created social tie among Bandungwangi sex workers funding organizations government another NGOs and Stafs in Bandungwangi who was sex workers This social tie builds the collective values and norms about daily habits work rsquo s point of view as sex workers Collective values and norms build the trust between the actors This kind of social capital mark that Bandungwangi rsquo s bonding and bridging to another actors perfectly build The finding also shows that the weakness of Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital is social network with other NGO Each of these forms Bandungwangi rsquo s social capital also proved instrumental in building communication coordination improved reputation and creating collective action to participation activities of preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS This study fills a void a discusiion about social capital NGO in preventing the contagious of HIV AIDS by women sex workers that has never been done before This study using qualitative approach with study case strategy in Bandungwangi NGO in East Jakarta Consist of twelfth participants they were selected by purposive sampling]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Arisdiani
"[Waria yang merupakan salah satu populasi kunci dalam peningkatan HIV/AIDS, di Kota Kendal diperkirakan berjumlah lebih dari 400 orang. Dari seluruh kasus HIV/AIDS yang ada di Kendal waria menduduki urutan kelima. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mendalam tentang pengalaman hidup waria dengan HIV/AIDS. Penelitian ini menerapkan desain penelitian deskriptif fenomenologi dengan wawancara mendalam. Sebelas partisipan diperoleh dengan
teknik purposive sampling. Dari hasil penelitian ini teridentifikasi 7 tema yaitu 1) Mengenali identitas diri sebagi waria, 2) Preferensi seksual terhadap laki-laki, 3) Persepsi waria terhadap sumber penularan HIV/AIDS, 4) Arti kehidupan bagi waria dengan HIV/AIDS, 5) Mengalami diskriminasi, 6) Bentuk dukungan waria dengan HIV/AIDS, 7) Hambatan dalam mengakses pelayanan kesehatan. Kesimpulan: seluruh waria menyadari identitas diri sebagai waria, dan mereka
memahami pekerjaan dan perilaku seks beresiko menjadi sumber penularan HIV/AIDS. Sebagian waria mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses layanan kesehatan akibat adanya diskriminasi;Transgenders is one of the key populations in the increasing in HIV / AIDS case,
is estimated more than 400 people in the city of Kendal. The cases of transgender with HIV in Kendal is ranked on the top five. This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of transgender life experiences with HIV / AIDS. This research applies research design of descriptive phenomenology with depth interview. Eleven participants were recruited by purposive sampling technique. From the results of this study identified seven themes: 1) Recognize identity as a transgender, 2) sexual preference to males, 3) Perception transgenders against
the source of transmission of HIV / AIDS, 4) The meaning of life for transgenders with HIV / AIDS, 5) Experience discrimination, 6) The support transgenders with HIV / AIDS, 7) Barriers in accessing health services. Conclusion: the entire transgender realize identity as transgender, and they understand the work and unsafe sexual behavior becomes a source of transmission of HIV / AIDS. Most transgenders have difficulty in accessing health services due to discrimination;Transgenders is one of the key populations in the increasing in HIV / AIDS case,
is estimated more than 400 people in the city of Kendal. The cases of transgender
with HIV in Kendal is ranked on the top five. This study aims to gain a deeper
understanding of transgender life experiences with HIV / AIDS. This research
applies research design of descriptive phenomenology with depth interview.
Eleven participants were recruited by purposive sampling technique. From the
results of this study identified seven themes: 1) Recognize identity as a
transgender, 2) sexual preference to males, 3) Perception transgenders against
the source of transmission of HIV / AIDS, 4) The meaning of life for transgenders
with HIV / AIDS, 5) Experience discrimination, 6) The support transgenders with
HIV / AIDS, 7) Barriers in accessing health services. Conclusion: the entire
transgender realize identity as transgender, and they understand the work and
unsafe sexual behavior becomes a source of transmission of HIV / AIDS. Most
transgenders have difficulty in accessing health services due to discrimination, Transgenders is one of the key populations in the increasing in HIV / AIDS case,
is estimated more than 400 people in the city of Kendal. The cases of transgender
with HIV in Kendal is ranked on the top five. This study aims to gain a deeper
understanding of transgender life experiences with HIV / AIDS. This research
applies research design of descriptive phenomenology with depth interview.
Eleven participants were recruited by purposive sampling technique. From the
results of this study identified seven themes: 1) Recognize identity as a
transgender, 2) sexual preference to males, 3) Perception transgenders against
the source of transmission of HIV / AIDS, 4) The meaning of life for transgenders
with HIV / AIDS, 5) Experience discrimination, 6) The support transgenders with
HIV / AIDS, 7) Barriers in accessing health services. Conclusion: the entire
transgender realize identity as transgender, and they understand the work and
unsafe sexual behavior becomes a source of transmission of HIV / AIDS. Most
transgenders have difficulty in accessing health services due to discrimination]"
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ngasu, Kristina Everentia
"HIV/AIDS merupakan penyakit menular yang menyerang sistem immun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali dan memahami berbagai pengalaman pasien HIV/AIDS dengan TB dalam mengkonsumsi obat antiretroviral dan anti tuberculosis. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan kepada enam orang partisipan. Analisis data dengan menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tujuh tema, yaitu pengalaman minum obat, perubahan fisiologi, perubahan psikologi, perubahan sosiologi, permasalahan ekonomi, pengalaman di pelayanan kesehatan serta spirit dan spiritualitas. Berdasarkan tema yang dihasilkan, disarankan agar perawat dapat memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang komprehensif dan holistik mencakup biopsikososial spiritual pada pasien karena mereka mengalami perubahan-perubahan besar dengan HIV/AIDS.

HIV / AIDS is an infectious disease that attacks the immune system. This study aims to explore and understand the various experiences of HIV / AIDS with TB patients in consuming antiretroviral and anti-tuberculosis drugs. Qualitative research method with phenomenological approach used in this study. In-depth interviews carried out to six participants. Analysis of the data by using Colaizzi method. This research identify seven themes, namely experience taking medication, changes in physiology, psychology changes, changes in sociology, economic problems, experience in health car and spirit & spiritualit. Based on the theme generated, it is recommended that nurses can provide a comprehensive and holistic biopsychosocial spiritual nursing care cover to patients as they undergo major changes with HIV / AIDS.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baiq Fitria Frisma Lita
"Abstrak merupakan ikhtisar suatu tugas akhir yang memuat permasalahan, tujuan, metode penelitian, hasil, dan kesimpulan Latar belakang: Pada anak usia muda, kejadian HIV/AIDS didominasi oleh transmisi maternal baik saat kehamilan, persalinan ataupun menyusui. Kebutuhan nutrisi anak dengan HIV/AIDS mengalami peningkatan akibat infeksi. Anak dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar masih bergantung pada orang tua atau pengasuh mereka termasuk dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman pengasuh dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi anak dengan HIV/AIDS. Metode dan subjek: Penelitain ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan wawancara semi terstruktur. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 orang pengasuh anak dengan HIV/AIDS. Penelitian dilakukan di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan wawancara tatap muka dan online. Hasil: Penelitian ini menghasilkan empat tema yaitu: 1) berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi sesuai kemampuan ekonomi, 2) menyesuaikan dengan kondisi atau karakteristik anak dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisinya, 3) menghadapi kesulitan pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi anak saat anak sakit dan 4) ada dukungan berupa perhatian dan informasi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi anak. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menghasilkan 4 tema sebagai gambaran bagaimana pengalaman pengasuh dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi anak dengan HIV/AIDS. Gambaran tersebut dapat menjadi refleksi bersama bagi pelayanan terpadu HIV/AIDS yang melibatkan multi disiplin agar dapat memperhatikan aspek kebutuhan nutrisi anak dengan HIV/AIDS sesuai rekomendasi

Background: The incident of HIV/AIDS in young children is dominated by maternal transmission during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. The nutritional needs of children with HIV/AIDS have increased due to infection. Children in meeting basic needs still depend on their parents or caregivers, including inmeeting nutritional needs. Aims: This study aims to determine how caregivers experience in meeting the nutritional needs of children with HIV/AIDS. Methods and subjects: This study used a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews. The informants in this study were 10 caregivers of children with HIV/AIDS. The research was conducted in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara with face-to-face and online interviews. Result: This study resulted in four themes, i.e.: 1) trying to meet nutritional needs according to economic ability, 2) adjusting to the conditions or characteristics of children in fulfilling their nutritional needs, 3) facing difficulties in meeting children's nutritional needs when the child is sick and 4) there is support in the form of attention and information. in meeting the nutritional needs of children. Conclusion: This study produces 4 themes which describe how caregivers experience in meeting the nutritional needs of children with HIV/AIDS. This description can be a shared reflection for integrated HIV/AIDS services that involve multi-disciplines in order to pay attention to the nutritional needs of children with HIV/AIDS according to the recommendations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noor Farida
"Penyakit HIV/AIDS yang merupakan salah satu dari 10 penyakit terbesar didunia yang memiliki angka mortalitas dan morbiditas tinggi. Pada tahun 2016 menurut Infodatin AIDS bahwa DKI Jakarta adalah yang tertinggi untuk penderita HIV. Salah satu cara penularannya adalah penularan secara vertikal dari ibu ke anak, saat kehamilan, persalinan dan menyusui. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apakah faktor sosidemografi ibu, faktor Ibu, faktor obstetri dan faktor anak berhubungan dengan penularan HIV/AIDS pada anak.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan bulan Juli 2017 di RSUP Fatmawati. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol dengan sample anak usia 2-5 tahun, sebesar 33 anak sebagai kasus (anak dengan HIV positif)dan 33 anak sebagai kontrol (anak denganHIV negatif) dari ibu yang menderita HIV positif.
Dari hasil analisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 20.0 didapatkan bahwa untuk variabel yang dinyatakan adanya hubungan adalah faktor sosioekonomi ( OR=4,7; CI=1,45-15,07), stadium klinis HIV (OR=26,7; CI=3,25-218,86), jumlah CD4 ibu (OR=19,3; CI=5,29-70,66), lama ibu minum ARV(OR=7,4; CI=1,87-29,84), cara persalinan (OR=6,7; CI=1,35-33,75) dan prematuritas anak saat kelahiran (OR=16,5; CI=3,37-80,31).Sedangkan variabel yang tidak ada hubungan adalah dari faktor sosiodemograi yaitu usia, pendidikan , pekerjaan dan paritas ibu menunjukan tidak adanya hubungan dengan penularan HIV/AIDS pada anak.

HIV / AIDS disease is one of the top 10 diseases in the world that have high mortality and morbidity. In 2016 according to Infodatin AIDS that DKI Jakarta is the highest for people with HIV. One way of transmission is vertical transmission from mother to child, during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding. This research wanted to know whether mother's sosidemography factor, mother factor, obstetric factor and child factor related to HIV / AIDS transmission in child.
This research was conducted from May until July 2017 at Fatmawati General Hospital. In this study used a control case design with a sample of 2-5 year olds, 33 children as a case (HIV positive children) and 33 children as control (HIV negative children) from HIV positive mothers.
From the result of the analysis by using SPSS 20.0 it is found that for the variable which stated the existence of the relation is socioeconomic factor (OR = 4,7; CI = 1,45-15,07), clinical stage HIV (OR = 26,7; CI = 3, 25-218,86), mother's CD4 cell count (OR = 19.3, CI = 5.29-70.66), duration of mother taking ARV (OR = 7,4; CI = 1.87-29,84), (OR = 6,7; CI = 1.35-33,75) and prematurity of the child at birth (OR = 16.5; CI = 3.37-80,31). While the variables that have no correlation are from sosiodemograi factor that is age, education, work and parity of mother showed no relation with HIV / AIDS transmission in child.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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