"The Business of television media industry was rising back after hit by the monetary crisis few years ago. The local autonomy which was put into effect by the government at almost the same time, and the issue of new regulation ?Article No. 32/2002?, regarding "Broadcast", push a head the growth of the new local TV Stations and will affect the map of TV Media lndustry in Indonesia in the future.
Pay Television (Pay TV), regardless the distribution way of broadcasting relay, e.g.: Kabelvision (distributed through ?Cable") and lndovision (distributed through ?Satellite? ), slowly but sure have started making some new breakthroughs by creating new marketing strategies to gain more customers. Free-to-Air TV is not the competitor of Pay TV, and they could become a mutual partner each other.
This research is aimed to analyze the business opportunity of Pay TV and Free-to-Air TV in Indonesia. The big opportunity was predicted to Free-to-Air TV and Pay TV if it were seen through the point of view from the big number of population, the number of potential households and the wide geographic area. But especially for Pay TV, the realization is quite difhcult as there are some elements involved in reaching the succeed possibility, like internal- and external environment, which make the result is not the same with the expectation. In this research, the factor which influenced the most to the business opportunity is the income level and education level (value worth 0.4745) and then followed by the capital, infrastructure and technology."