Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen risiko dalam siklus persediaan pada perusahaan manufaktur dan bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi untuk mengurangi risiko yang teridentifikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan usaha kecil menengah sebagai studi kasus karena memiliki sumber daya yang terbatas untuk menanggapi potensi risiko yang mengancam kelangsungan bisnis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui analisis dokumen, observasi, dan in-depth interview. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat risiko yang teridentifikasi pada siklus persediaan yang belum dimitigasi oleh pengendalian internal perusahaan. Risk maturity assessment yang dilakukan sebelum penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan berada pada tingkat risk naïve dan meningkat menjadi risk defined setelah penelitian.
This study aims to analyze risk management related to inventory cycle of manufacturing company and aims to provide a recommendation to mitigate the risks identified. This research used small-medium enterprise as a case study because it has restricted resources to respond potential risk that could threaten business going concern. The method used in this research is explorative qualitative method with case study approach. Data have been obtained through document analysis, observation, and in-depth interviews with parties involved in the management and operations of the company, such as General Manager, Retail Manager, Production Managers, Head of Warehouse, and Production Operators. The result shows that there are 24 operational risks identified on inventory management, including 2 risks with the category of extreme risk, 2 risks with high risk category, and 12 risks with medium risk category requiring further risk response. This research provides 3 mitigation proposals at extreme risk level, 3 mitigation proposals at medium risk level, and 7 mitigation proposals at moderate risk level recommendation to company that can be applied to mitigate risk so the company could upgrade its risk maturity level to higher level. This research also identified 12 company operations that can reduce the impact and possibility of risk. Risk maturity assessed shows that the company is on the risk naïve level and increased to risk defined level after the research.