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Patriotika Ismail
"Latar belakang: Sarkopenia menjadi masalah kesehatan yang penting dan banyak di jumpai di negara maju dan berkembang. Faktor risiko sarkopenia bersifat multifaktor. Data prevalensi dan faktor risiko sarkopenia di Indonesia masih terbatas, khususnya dimasa pandemi COVID-19 yang sudah dihadapi Indonesia selama dua tahun. 
Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi dan faktor risiko sarkopenia pada populasi usia lanjut di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumopada masa pandemi COVID-19.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan desain uji potong lintang di poliklinik geriatri dan penyakit dalam RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo mulai dari bulan November hingga Desember 2021. Subjek dengan kriteria usia >60 tahun, tidak terdapat gangguan penyakit akut saat pemeriksaan, serta tidak mengalami depresi atau gangguan kognitif berat yang tidak didampingi caregiver/keluarga diambil sebagai subjek penelitian. Pemeriksaan menggunakan kuesioner SARC-F, dan pasien dengan nilai 4 dianggap sarkopenia. Karakteristik pasien dengan sarkopenia dibandingkan untuk menilai faktor risiko sarkopenia. 
Hasil:  Terdapat 253 subjek penelitian dengan proporsi sarkopenia 41,5% (IK 95% 35,45-47,55%). Faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan sarkopenia pada penelitian ini adalah jenis kelamin perempuan, aktivitas menurun (sedentary-aktifitas kurang), status fungsional ketergantungan, penyakit hipertensi, dan penyakit jantung (p < 0.05)
Kesimpulan: Proporsi sarkopenia pada penelitian adalah 41,5% dengan faktor risiko yang berhubungan adalah jenis kelamin, hipertensi, penyakit jantung, status fungsional ketergantungan dan aktivitas yang menurun (sedentary-aktifitas kurang). Oleh sebab itu perlu menjadi perhatian dan pencegahan pada subjek dengan karakteristik tersebut. 

Introduction: Sarcopenia is a prevalent and increasing problem in elderly worldwide. It is also related to various debilitating conditions and poor prognosis. Etiology of sarcopenia is multifactorial. However, the data in Indonesia is still limited. Moreover, not much has been discussed about the prevalence and risk factors for sarcopenia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aim: To determine the prevalence and risk factors of sarcopenia in elderly patients in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: An observational study with cross-sectional design was performed in Geriatric and internal medicine Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia, on November 2021 to December 2021. Patients 60 years old and suspected to have sarcopenia were included in the study, while patients with conditions making them unable to undergo examination or in acute conditions were excluded. Patients were defined as having sarcopenia if SARC-F showed a total value of 4. Clinical characteristics of patients were compared to predict sarcopenia.
Results: There were 253 subjects included in this study. A total of 105 (41.5%) subjects were diagnosed to suffer from sarcopenia. Predicting factors of sarcopenia in subjects were woman gender, sedentary physical activity, dependent on activities of daily living, hypertension, and heart disease (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of sarcopenia in elderly at Cipto Mangunkusumo was 41.5%. Indonesian elderly with female gender, sedentary-low physical activity, dependent on activities of daily living, hypertension, and heart disease are more prone to suffer from sarcopenia. Therefore, extra attention and prevention are needed for individuals with the characteristics.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hildebrand Hanoch Victor
"Latar Belakang. Pneumonia nosokomial adalah infeksi paru yang terjadi setelah pasien dirawat di rumah sakit setelah lebih dari 48 jam, tanpa adanya tanda dari infeksi paru pada saat perawatan. Jika dibandingkan dengan individu usia muda, pada individu usia lanjut lebih sering didapatkan adanya penyakit infeksi yang bersumber dari komunitas dan nosokomial dengan hasil akhir yang lebih buruk. Penilaian domain Pengkajian Paripurna Pasien Geriatri (P3G) diharapkan dapat menjelaskan faktor yang berperan terhadap pneumonia nosokomial pada pasien usia lanjut.
Tujuan. Mengetahui proporsi pasien usia lanjut yang dirawat di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan mengalami pneumonia nosokomial dan apakah domain P3G merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian pneumonia nosokomial.
Metode. Kohort retrospektif dengan melihat rekam medis pasien usia ≥ 60 tahun yang menjalani rawat inap dalam rentang waktu Januari-September 2019 di ruang rawat medis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Geriatri RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan mengambil data sekunder dari penelitian divisi geriatri. Sampel yang diambil adalah pasien yang dirawat inap dengan usia ≥ 60 tahun yang mengalami pneumonia nosokomial. Pengolahan data menggunakan aplikasi Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 16.0. 
Hasil. Dari 228 subjek, proporsi pneumonia nosokomial pada pasien usia lanjut yang menjalani rawat inap adalah 31,14%. Rerata usia adalah 69 tahun dengan rentang usia subjek antara 60-89 tahun. Status nutrisi (RO 2,226, IK95% 1,027-4,827) dan status fungsional (RO 3,578, IK95% 1,398-9,161) merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian pneumonia nosokomial pada pasien usia lanjut yang menjalani rawat inap di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Simpulan. Proporsi pasien usia lanjut yang mengalami pneumonia nosokomial adalah 31,14%. Status nutrisi dan status fungsional merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian pneumonia nosokomial pada pasien usia lanjut yang dirawat di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.

Background. Nosocomial pneumonia is a lung infection that occurs after the patient is hospitalized for more than 48 hours, without any signs of pulmonary infection at the time of treatment. When compared with young individuals, elderly individuals are more likely to have community-sourced and nosocomial infections with worse outcomes. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) domains are expected to explain the factors that contribute to nosocomial pneumonia in elderly patients.
Objective. To determine the proportion of elderly treated at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital and experienced nosocomial pneumonia and whether the CGA domains influence nosocomial pneumonia.
Methods. A retrospective cohort by looking at the medical records of patients aged 60 years or older who were hospitalized in the medical ward of Geriatric Internal Medicine at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo National Central General Hospital in January-September 2019 and taking secondary data from the geriatric division research. The samples were taken from hospitalized patients aged 60 years or older who had nosocomial pneumonia. Data processing using the application of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 16.
Result. From 228 subjects, the proportion of nosocomial pneumonia in elderly patients who were hospitalized was 31,14%. The mean age was 69 years with the subject's age range between 60-89 years. Nutritional status (OR 2.226, CI 95% 1.027-4.827) and functional status (OR 3.578, 95% CI 1.398-9.161) are factors that influence the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in elderly patients who are hospitalized at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital.
Conclusion. The proportion of elderly patients with nosocomial pneumonia was 31.14%. Nutritional status and functional status are factors that influence the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in elderly patients who are hospitalized at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arinny Shafira Khairunisa
"Latar Belakang: Lansia merupakan individu berusia 60 tahun ke atas yang memiliki kerentanan yang tinggi untuk mengalami masalah kesehatan baik umum maupun gigi dan mulut dibandingkan dengan kelompok usia lainnya. Adanya masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut tersebut mengharuskan lansia untuk mengakses perawatan gigi dan mulut yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Namun, pandemi Covid-19 hadir dan lansia menjadi individu dalam kelompok paling rentan untuk terpapar oleh virus ini. Beberapa dampak yang dialami lansia akibat pandemi Covid-19 antara lain menurunnya kondisi fisik, menurunnya tingkat aktivitas fisik, hingga berdampak pada aspek psikologis seperti meningkatnya gejala depresi, ansietas, serta rasa kesepian. Terdapat alat ukur yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai kondisi tersebut antara lain Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Covid-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS), serta Questionnaire for Assessing the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Accompanying Mitigation Efforts on Older Adults (QAICPOA). Namun, pengembangan serta penggunaan alat ukur CAS dan QAICPOA secara komprehensif belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia Tujuan: Memperoleh alat ukur yang valid dan reliabel untuk menilai kecemasan terkait Covid-19 serta melihat adanya efek psikologis pada lansia yang membutuhkan perawatan gigi dan mulut di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode: Pengembangan alat ukur skala kecemasan terkait Covid-19 (CAS-Id) dan QAICPOA dilakukan melalui tahap adaptasi lintas kultural untuk mendapatkan kuesioner yang dapat dipahami oleh responden. Selanjutnya, pengembangan CAS-Id dilanjutkan dengan melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis univariat dilakukan terhadap ketiga komponen efek psikologis yang diteliti yaitu depresi, ansuetas, serta dampak isolasi sosial berdasarkan faktor sosiodemografi pada lansia. Total subjek penelitian adalah 171 orang. Hasil: Uji validitas dan reliabilitas pada alat ukur Covid-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS) dalam penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai Cronbach’s alpha 0,783 dan r = 0,700 dengan p-value 0,000 (p < 0,05) sehingga berhasil mendapatkan alat ukur yang bersifat valid dan reliabel. Adapun efek psikologis pada lansia yang membutuhkan perawatan gigi dan mulut menunjukkan adanya depresi ringan hingga sedang, ansietas sedang hingga tinggi, serta kesulitan dalam mengakses layanan kesehatan rutin dan mengalami rasa kesepian pada lansia berdasarkan sosiodemografi. Kesimpulan: Alat ukur CAS-Id dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kecemasan terkait Covid-19 dengan baik pada lansia sehingga diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk penelitian berikutnya yang menilai aspek kecemasan pada individu lainnya. Adanya efek psikologis bersifat ringan, sedang, hingga berat dapat menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi lansia dalam mendapatkan perawatan gigi dan mulut sehingga diperlukan sebuah solusi untuk mengatasi hal ini.

Background: The elderly are individuals aged above 60 years and are susceptible to experiencing health problems, both general and dental compared to any other age groups. The existence of dental health problems requires the elderly to access dental care that is compatible with their needs. However, the Covid-19 pandemic makes the elderly as individuals in the most vulnerable group to be exposed to the virus. Some of the impacts experienced by the elderly due to the Covid-19 pandemic include decreased of physical conditions, decreased levels of physical activity, even to have an impact on psychological aspects such as increased symptoms of depression, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness. There are measuring tools that can be used to assess these conditions, including the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Covid-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS), and the Questionnaire for Assessing the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Accompanying Mitigation Efforts on Older Adults (QAICPOA). However, the development and comprehensive use of CAS and QAICPOA as measuring instruments has never been applied in Indonesia. Objective: To obtain a valid and reliable measuring tool to assess anxiety related to Covid-19 and to see the psychological effects on the elderly who need dental and oral care during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: The development of the Covid-19-related anxiety scale (CAS-Id) and QAICPOA was carried out through a cross-cultural adaptation stage to obtain a questionnaire that the respondents could comprehend. Furthermore, the development of CAS-Id was continued by conducting validity and reliability tests. Univariate analysis was carried out on the three components of the psychological effects studied, namely depression, anxiety, and the impact of social isolation based on sociodemographic factors in the elderly. The total research subjects were 171 people. Results: Test the validity and reliability of the Covid-19 Anxiety Scale (CAS) measuring instrument in this study obtained a Cronbach's alpha value of 0.783 and r = 0.700 with a p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05) and makes it succeeded in obtaining a valid and valid measuring instrument. reliable. The psychological effects on the elderly who need dental and oral care show mild to moderate depression, moderate to high anxiety, and difficulties in accessing routine health services and experiencing loneliness in the elderly based on sociodemography. Conclusion: The CAS-Id measuring instrument can be used to measure anxiety related to Covid-19 well in the elderly, so it is hoped that it can be used for future studies that assess aspects of anxiety in other individuals. The existence of mild, moderate, to severe psychological effects can be one of the factors that affect the elderly in getting dental and oral care so that a solution is needed to overcome the issue"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Julianto
"Deskripsi Lama Tinggal Dan Depresi Dalam Perawatan Terus Menerus Lansia Di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Perubahan kondisi fisik lansia itu menjalani perawatan panjang di Rumah Sakit bisa menjadi faktor penyebab depresi, di mana depresi dapat mengganggu kegiatan sehari-hari para lansia, kualitas hidup, dan menjadi prediktor kematian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan deskripsi dari lama perawatan orang tua yang dirawat di rumah sakit dan untuk mengetahui mereka skor depresi selama perawatan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah individu di atas usia 60 yang menjalani perawatan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik secara lisan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan prospektif desain kohort dan menggunakan metode purposive sampling dalam pengumpulan data yang melibatkan 32 Orang tua. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata lama perawatan lansia lebih panjang dari standar yang ditetapkan, skor skrining depresi pada lansia meningkat pada akhir perawatan dibandingkan dengan awal pengobatan, dan karakteristik responden mempengaruhi lama perawatan dan depresi skor skrining. Penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi data awal atau tambahan informasi untuk pengembangan penelitian di bidang keperawatan gerontik dan sebagai bahan evaluasi dalam meningkatkan kompetensi dan peran perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan komprehensif.

Description of Length of Stay and Depression in the Continuous Care of the Elderly at the RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Changes in the physical condition of the elderly undergoing lengthy treatment in a hospital can be a factor in causing depression, where depression can interfere with the daily activities of the elderly, quality of life, and be a predictor of death. The purpose of this study is to determine the description from the old care of parents who were hospitalized and to find out them depression score during treatment. The sample in this study is the individuals above age 60 who underwent treatment at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and capable communicate well verbally. This type of research is descriptive with prospective cohort design and using purposive sampling method in data collection involving 32 Parents. The results of this study indicate that the average length of treatment the elderly are longer than the standard set, depression screening scores in the elderly increase at the end of treatment compared to the beginning of treatment, and Respondent characteristics affect length of stay and depression screening score. This research is expected to be preliminary or additional data information for the development of research in the field of nursing and gerontik evaluation materials in improving the competence and role of nurses in providing comprehensive nursing care.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irsanty Collein
"Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh pemahaman mendalam tentang makna spiritualitas pada klien HIV/AIDS dalam konteks asuhan keperawatan.Rancangan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif fenomenologi dengan desain deskriptif eksploratif. Penelitian ini memperoleh lima tema yaitu (1) mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan, (2) menghargai hidup pasca diagnosis HIV, (3) butuh dukungan dari orang terdekat, (4) mempunyai harapan untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik di hari depan,dan (5) kebutuhan spiritual yang tidak terpenuhi. Sebanyak 7 partisipan berpartisipasi menceritakan pengalamannya. Metode wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan lapangan merupakan alat bantu pengumpulan data. Data di analisis menggunakan metode Collaizi (1978). Hasil penelitian menyarankan perawat perlu melakukan pengkajian spiritual pada klien HIV/Aids selama di rawat di RS sehingga perawat dapat memberikan intervensi keperawatan yang tepat untuk membantu klien

This study aims to explore the meaning of spirituality in HIV / AIDS patients in the nursing care at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. This research is a qualitative research phenomenology design with descriptive explorative. There were five themes in this research including more attach to God, respect for life after HIV diagnosis, need a support system, hope for a better life and patient's spiritual need?s were not fulfilled. Seven participants were recruited in this study 7 participants.In-depth interviews, field note and the observation sheet were used to collect data. The seven procedural steps proposed by Collaizi (1978) were utilized in data analysis.The result suggested nurses are supposed to make an assessment for spiritual needs as a nursing intervention and optimize nursing curriculum."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widyastuti Retno Annisa
"Tujuan: Mengetahui tingkat kualitas hidup pada usia lanjut di Klub Jantung Sehat (KJS) Kelurahan Pondok Kelapa serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, dipandang dari faktor sosiodemografi, status fungsional serta kesehatan mental.
Metode: Desain observasional potong lintang deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 69 subjek yang didapat secara konsekutif, berusia ≥ 60 tahun dan memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Penilaian kualitas hidup dengan kuesioner European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), tingkat kesehatan mental menggunakan Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) serta dilakukan penilaian status fungsional dengan uji performa 6 Minutes Walking Test (6MWT).
Hasil: Kualitas hidup pada 62,3% subjek memiliki hasil baik dengan nilai EQ5D Indeks tertinggi yaitu 1.000. Status fungsional didapatkan jarak tempuh 6MWT 401,73 ± 49,75 meter. Kesehatan mental 98,5% subjek memiliki nilai normal. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor usia (p = 0,009), dengan subjek berusia rerata 66 tahun (berkisar 60 ? 79 tahun) memiliki kualitas hidup yang lebih baik dibandingkan subjek berusia rerata 61,5 tahun (berkisar 60 - 82 tahun). Faktor sosiodemografi lain, status fungsional serta tingkat depresi tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna (p > 0,05).
Kesimpulan: Kualitas hidup usia lanjut dalam penelitian ini mayoritas baik, dengan faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor usia. Subjek lebih tua memiliki kualitas hidup lebih baik, dapat disebabkan karena pada usia lebih muda terdapat penambahan angka individu yang tidak bekerja dan pensiunan yang cukup signifikan, sehingga mereka harus beradaptasi berkaitan dengan hal tersebut.

Objective:To know the quality of life in elderly joining "Klub Jantung Sehat" (KJS) Pondok Kelapa and the factors that influence it, in terms of sociodemographic factors, functional status, and mental health.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional observational study in 69 subjects taken consecutively, elderly ≥ 60 years old who met the study criteria. Quality of life were assessed with European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), mental health with Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), and functional status by 6 Minutes Walking Test (6MWT) performance test.
Results: Quality of life in 62.3% subjects had good results with the highest value of EQ5D index 1,000. Functional status with the 6MWT distance 401.73 ± 49.75 meters. Mental health in 98.5% subjects were normal. The most influence factorwas age (p = 0.009), with the mean of 66 years old (range 60-79 years) had a better quality of life than mean 61.5 years old (range 60 - 82 years). Other sociodemographic factors, functional status, and depression levels did not have a significant association (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Quality of life majority ofsubjectswere good, with the most influence factor was age. Older subjects had a better quality of life, this might be caused by at younger age there was a significant increased inelderly individuals who did not work and retired, so they had to adapt more to this condition.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr Asyurati Asia
"Meningkatnya populasi lansia di dunia termasuk Indonesia merupakan dampak dari kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi bidang kesehatan dan sosial ekonomi. Keadaan ini mengakibatkan bertambahnya berbagai penyakit lanjut usia termasuk gigi dan mulut. Berbagai faktor risiko yang muncul seiring proses penuaan mengakibatkan hilangnya gigi geligi. Akan tetapi faktor risiko yang paling berperan dengan kehilangan gigi di Indonesia masih belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini memperoleh indeks prediksi kehilangan gigi berdasarkan faktor-faktor risiko. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol pada 208 lansia berusia >60 tahun, 82 subjek kasus dengan kehilangan gigi >12 dan 126 kontrol dengan kehilangan gigi < 12. Mayoritas subjek adalah perempuan 82,7%; usia >65 tahun 53,9%; pendidikan menengah 51,9%, kebersihan mulut sedang 51,2%, pendarahan gusi ringan 44,4%; penghasilan rendah 94,7%; periodontal indeks berat 61,2%; tekanan darah tinggi 79,8%; fungsi kognitif normal 74,5%; dugaan diabetes melitus 22,6%; perilaku baik 52,4%; kepadatan tulang normal 81,6%, kehilangan perlekatan gingiva baik 62,9%, aktivitas sehari-hari normal 90,4%. Model akhir yang didapat adalah dugaan diabetes melitus, perilaku, dugaan demensia, kehilangan perlekatan sedang dan buruk memiliki hubungan dengan kehilangan gigi pada lansia. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu indeks prediksi kehilangan gigi dengan faktor risiko yang paling berperan terhadap kehilangan gigi pada lansia.

The expanding population of elders in Indonesia and worldwide influenced by the advances in science and technology, especially the health and socio-economic progress. The aging process results in susceptibility to infection of the oral cavity resulting in loss of teeth. The aim of this study was to develop and test a model of tooth loss prediction index based on risk factors. A case-control study was conducted among 208 elders aged above 60 years old, 82 subjects who had lost more than 12 teeth were participated as case group while 126 subjects who had lost 12 or less teeth were participated as control group. At examination, 53.9% of participants were aged above 65 years old, with 82.7% females, 51.9% were middle educated, 51.2% have moderate oral hygiene level, 44.4% have mild level of gingival bleeding, 94.7% have low income, 61.2% have severe periodontal index, 79.8% having hypertention, 74.5% having normal cognitive function, 22.6% diabetes melitus, 52.4% having good oral health behavior, 81.6% with normal bone density, 62.9% good level of gingival attachment loss, 90.4% having normal daily activity. Logistic regression analyses demonstrated that diabetes melitus, oral health behavior, cognitive function, moderate and severe level of gingival attachment loss were associated with tooth lost. The study produced a tooth loss prediction index based on risk factors most responsible for tooth loss in elderly.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Fitriana
Latar belakang: Perawatan-kembali 30 hari merupakan salah satu parameter penting yang berhubungan dengan biaya kesehatan tinggi dan outcome yang buruk, namun hal ini berpotensi dicegah. Usia lanjut merupakan kelompok yang rentan mengalami perawatan dengan karakteristik khusus yang dapat dinilai dengan pengkajian paripurna pasien geriatri (P3G). Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan komponen P3G merupakan faktor prognostik perawatan-kembali pada pasien usia lanjut sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai model prediksi perawatan-kembali 30 hari pada populasi ini. Belum ada penelitian prospektif yang khusus menilai komponen P3G sebagai model prediksi perawatan-kembali 30 hari.
Tujuan: Mengembangkan model prediksi perawatan-kembali 30 hari pada pasien usia lanjut yang dirawat di bangsal medik RS Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Metode: Penelitian adalah studi kohort prospektif pada 263 subjek usia >60 tahun yang diikuti hingga 30 hari pasca rawat. Data demografis dan komponen P3G dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan rekam medik saat perawatan. Analisis kesintasan secara bivariat dan multivariat berjenjang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hazard ratio. Dikembangkan suatu model prediksi dan persamaan fungsi hazard untuk memprediksi risiko perawatan-kembali 30 hari pasca rawat. Komponen P3G yang diukur adalah skor FRAIL (fatigue, resistance, ambulance, illness, loss of weight), Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15), Mini nutrition Assessment short form (MNA-SF), Activity Daily Living (ADL)-Barthelindex, Cumulative illness rating scale-geriatric (CIRS-G), Zarits-4 item screening test, uji Mini Cog, dan polifarmasi.
Hasil: Status nutrisi dan status depresi berhubungan secara signifikan dengan perawatan-kembali 30 hari dengan HR 2,368 (IK95%: 1,412-3,972, p=0,001) dan HR 1,627 (IK95%: 1,080-2,450, p=0,02), berurutan. Model prediksi menggunakan dua komponen tersebut memiliki AUC 0,663, Hosmer Lemeshow Goodness-of fit test 0,48, p<0,005. Probabilitas perawatan kembali 30 hari pada subjek dengan gangguan nutrisi dan depresi menggunakan persamaan fungsi Hazard adalah 79%.
Simpulan: Status nutrisi dan status depresi memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan perawatan-kembali 30 hari. Model prediksi perawatan-kembali 30 hari yang menggunakan komponen ini memiliki tingkat diskriminasi tidak terlalu baik dengan performa yang baik, namun dapat dihitung menggunakan suatu persamaan cox proportional Hazard.

associated with high costs and poor outcomes for hospitalized elderly patients. This population are vulnerable for hospital admission due to aging-related characteristics which can be assessed by comprehensive geriatrics assessment (CGA). Several studies have shown that CGA components were related to 30-day readmissions in elderly patients, on the contrary, only few studies consider these components as predictive score.
Objective: To develop a prediction model for 30 days unplanned readmission in elderly patients who are treated in medical ward of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Methods: A prospective observational study followed 312 subjects aged >60 years old from admission to 30 days after discharge. Demographic data and CGA components were compeleted through interviews and medical records. Bivariate followed by stepwise multivariate survival analysis was used. Then, a prediction score and a hazard functional equation were developed to predict the risk of 30 days unplanned readmission. The CGA components measured were FRAIL score (fatigue, resistance, ambulance, illness, loss of weight), Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15), Mini nutrition Assessment short form (MNA-SF), Activity Daily Living (ADL)-Barthel index, Cumulative illness rating scale-geriatric (CIRS-G), Zarits-4 item screening test, Mini Cog test, and polypharmacy.
Results: Nutritional and depression status were significantly related to 30-day unplanned readmission with HR 2,368 (CI95%: 1,412-3,972, p=0,001) and HR 1,627 (CI95%: 1,080-2,450, p=0,02), respectively. Prediction model using these two components had AUC 0,663, Hosmer Lemeshow Goodness-of-fit test 0,48, p<0.005. Probability for readmission in a patient with nutritional and depression problem on the 30th days after discharge using functional hazard equation was 79%.
Conclusion: Nutritional and depression status have significant relationship with 30-day unplanned readmision. The prediction model had moderate level of discrimination but good calibration. Also, a cox proportional hazard equation can be calculated as an alternative. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albertus Rivelino Bouw
"[Tujuan : Mengetahui komponen manakah dari EQ-5D yang paling berhubungan
terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut, menilai hubungan
komponen EQ-5D terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di
RSUPNCM serta menilai hubungan antara usia lanjut yang bekerja maupun tidak
bekerja terhadap penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi, kardiovaskular maupun
penyakit lainnya.
Metode : Desain observasional potong lintang deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 150 responden yang didapat secara konsekutif, berusia ≥ 60 tahun dan memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Penilaian kualitas hidup dengan kuesioner European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), pemeriksaan fungsi kognitif menggunakan formulir Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), penilaian aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari dengan Barthel Index, pemeriksaan depresi menggunakan formulir Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), serta penilaian kondisi kesehatan responden hari itu dengan menunjukkannya pada Visual Analog Scale (VAS).
Hasil : Penilaian kualitas hidup menggunakan EQ-5D menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden tidak ada masalah atau nilai 1, kecuali pada komponen rasa kesakitan / tidak nyaman sebagian besar responden yaitu sebanyak 97 responden (64.7%) memperlihatkan beberapa masalah atau nilai 2. Semua responden memiliki nilai MMSE yang normal dengan nilai tengah 27 dimana nilai minimumnya 25 dan maksimum 30. Pada penilaian Barthel Index didapatkan nilai tengah 17 dengan nilai minimum 5 dan maksimum 20 serta modus 19 (32%).
Pada pemeriksaan menggunakan GDS didapatkan nilai tengah 3 dengan nilai minimum 0 dan maksimum 9 serta modus 2 (37,3%). Penilaian kualitas hidup menggunakan EQ VAS didapatkan nilai tengah 70 dengan nilai minimum 50 dan maksimum 100 serta modus 70 (30,7%). Nilai tengah usia 68 tahun (berkisar 60-88 tahun).
Kesimpulan : Komponen EQ-5D yang paling berhubungan terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM adalah komponen rasa kesakitan / tidak nyaman. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dengan korelasi negatif antara semua komponen EQ-5D terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia lanjut yang bekerja maupun tidak bekerja terhadap penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi, kardiovaskular maupun penyakit lainnya.

Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%) showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.;Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related
to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations
component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess
the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease
such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was
conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and
met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European
Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using
the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of
daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a
sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%)
showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal
with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the
Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using
GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and
mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the
middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as
the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly
inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a
significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components
of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. ;Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related
to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations
component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess
the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease
such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was
conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and
met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European
Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using
the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of
daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a
sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%)
showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal
with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the
Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using
GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and
mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the
middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as
the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly
inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a
significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components
of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. , Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related
to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations
component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess
the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease
such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was
conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and
met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European
Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using
the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of
daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a
sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%)
showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal
with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the
Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using
GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and
mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the
middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as
the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly
inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a
significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components
of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. ]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deviera Minelly Noor
Latar Belakang: Gangguan keseimbangan dan mobilitas merupakan penyebab terbesar disabilitas pada usia lanjut 60 tahun atau lebih. Keseimbangan dan mobilitas merupakan faktor penting dalam melakukan aktivitas fungsional. Masalah paling serius dari gangguan mobilitas adalah kecenderungan usia lanjut untuk jatuh dan menjadi cedera akibat jatuh. Faktor lainnya yang mempengaruhi jatuh adalah rasa takut jatuh. Latihan keseimbangan dapat menurunkan insiden jatuh pada usia lanjut, namun usia lanjut yang berisiko jatuh sering menolak untuk mengikuti program latihan di rumah sakit. Program latihan di rumah memungkinkan individu untuk latihan secara mandiri, dengan biaya yang murah, dan sesuai untuk usia lanjut dengan keterbatasan akses ke fasilitas latihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan keseimbangan yang dilakukan di rumah selama 8 minggu terhadap mobilitas fungsional dan rasa takut jatuh pada usia lanjut.
Metode: Disain penelitian ini adalah Randomized Controlled Trial. Populasi terjangkau adalah usia lanjut ≥ 60 tahun yang ada di Poliklinik Geriatri Terpadu dan Poliklinik Rehabilitasi Medik rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara consecutive sampling, dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara randomisasi permutasi blok. Kelompok keseimbangan diberi latihan keseimbangan dan kelompok kontrol diberi latihan penguatan ekstremitas atas selama 8 minggu. Untuk menilai mobilitas fungsional digunakan uji Time Up and Go (TUG), sedangkan rasa takut jatuh dinilai dengan instrumen Falls Efficacy Scale – International (FES-I).
Hasil: 94 responden mengikuti program latihan sampai selesai, kelompok keseimbangan (46 orang) dengan rerata umur 69,7 ± 6,03 tahun, dan kelompok kontrol (48 orang) dengan rerata umur 70,35 ± 6,95 tahun. Nilai uji TUG kelompok keseimbangan pada minggu ke-1 adalah 10,11 (7,41-16,52) detik dan menurun menjadi 9,24 (7,11-17,00) detik setelah 8 minggu latihan, (p < 0,001), dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol terdapat penurunan yang signifikan pada uji TUG minggu ke-1 dan minggu ke-8, p = 0,001. Nilai FES-I minggu ke-1 adalah 23,0 (16-38), dan setelah 8 minggu latihan terdapat penurunan menjadi 18,5 (16-35), p < 0,001, namun dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan, p = 0,166 Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan mobilitas fungsional yang bermakna secara statistik berdasarkan uji TUG pada kelompok keseimbangan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, setelah 8 minggu latihan. Dan terdapat penurunan rasa takut jatuh yang diukur menggunakan nilai FES-I pada kelompok keseimbangan setelah 8 minggu latihan, namun dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol tidak ada perbedaan bermakna.

Background: Impaired balance and mobility are the biggest cause of disability in the elderly 60 years or more. Balance and mobility is an important factor in performing functional activities. The most serious problem is the tendency of the mobility-impaired elderly to fall and be injured by falling. Another factor affecting the fall is fear of falling. Balance training can reduce the incidence of falls in the elderly, however, older adults who are at risk usually refuse to participate in hospital-based exercise programs. Home-based exercises may allow individuals to practice independently, with low cost, and may be appropriate for the elderly with limited access to exercise facilities. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of balance exercises done at home for 8 weeks on functional mobility and the fear of falling in the elderly.
Methods: The design of the study was randomized controlled trial. The population was the elderly ≥ 60 years old at Integrated Geriatric Polyclinic and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Polyclinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta who fit the criteria. Sampling was done by consecutive sampling, and were divided into two groups by randomized block permutation. The balance group was given balance exercises and the control group was given upper extremity strengthening exercises for 8 weeks. Functional mobility was assessed by Time Up and Go test (TUG), and to assess fear of falling was used the Falls Efficacy Scale - International (FES-I) instrument.
Results: 94 respondents were completed the exercise program, the balance group (46 people) mean age 69.7 ± 6.03 years old, and the control group (48 people) mean age 70.35 ± 6.95 years old. TUG test in balance group was 10.11 (7.41-16.52) seconds at week-1 and improved to 9.24 (7.11-17.00) seconds after 8 weeks training, (p < 0.001). Compared to the control, the balance group had significantly improvement between TUG test week-1 and week-8, p = 0.001. FES-I test in balance group was 23.0 (16-38) at week-1 and after 8 weeks there is a decline to 18.5 (16-35), p < 0.001, but compared to the control group showed no significant difference, p = 0.166 .
Conclusion: There is statistically significant increasing of functional mobility based on the TUG test in the balance group compared to the control group, after 8 weeks of training program, and there is a statistically significant reduction in fear of falling were measured using FES-I instrument in the balance group after 8 weeks of training program, but compared to the control group there is no significant difference."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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