ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari job characteristic, rewards and recognition, perceived organizational support, perceived supervisor support, procedural justice, dan distributive justice sebagai anteseden terhadap job engagement dan organization engagement sebagai employee engagement serta job satisfaction , organization commitment, intention to leave dan organizational citizenship behavior sebagai konsekuensi pada karyawan di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan data yang diambil dari 356 sampel karyawan yang berdomisili dan bekerja di wilayah DKI Jakarta melalui online survey. Hasil yang didapatkan melalui structural equation modelling menunjukkan bahwa variabel job characteristic, rewards and recognition, procedural justice dan distributive justice yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap job engagement. Variabel job characteristic, rewards and recognition, perceived supervisor support, procedural justice dan keadilan distributive memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap organization engagement. Selain itu, job engagement dan organization engagement terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap job satisfaction , organization commitment, intention to leave dan organizational citizenship behavior. Namun hanya job enagement yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan negatif terhadap keinginan karyawan untuk keluar dari perusahaan. Saran yang ditawarkan kepada perusahaan yang ada di Wilayah DKI Jakarta diantaranya yaitu penilaian kinerja yang lebih efektif, sistem reward yang memperhitungkan masa kerja karyawan, dan adanya briefing untuk memantau pekerjaan dan menjalin komunikasi antara atasan dan karyawan
ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the effect of job characteristics, rewards and recognition, perceived organizational support, perceived support of superiors, procedural justice and distributive justice as an antecedent to job engagement and organization engagement as employee engagement and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, a desire to get out and organizational citizenship behavior as a consequence of the employees in the Jakarta area. The hypothesis was tested using data taken from a sample of 356 employees who live and work in Jakarta area through an online survey. The results obtained through structural equation modeling showed that the variables of job characteristics, rewards and recognition, procedural justice and distributive justice has a significant and positive effect on job engagement. Variable job characteristics, rewards and recognition, perceived supervisor support, procedural justice and distributive justice has a significant and positive influence on the organization engagement. In addition, job engagement and engagement organization shown to have positive and significant impact on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, a desire to get out and organizational citizenship behavior. But the only job enagement who have significant and negative effect on the willingness of employees to leave the company. Suggestions are offered to companies that are in the Jakarta area among which more effective performance appraisal, reward systems that take into account the period of employment, and their briefings to monitor the work and establish communication between supervisors and employees"