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Endah Sri Wahyuni
"Rumah Sakit merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memerlukan kerja shift bagi karyawannya termasuk perawat. Dampak kerja shift yang terutama adalah gangguan Circadian ritme yang menyebabkan gangguan pada pola tidur, kekurangan tidur dan kelelahan yang berakibat terjadinya penurunan kewaspadaan . Di Rumah Sakit ini beberapa kesalahan pemberian obat terjadi terutama pada perawat dinas shift malam, oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor - faktor yang berhubungan dengan penurunan kewaspadaan.
Metode penelitian : Berupa studi cross sectional (potong lintang) . Jumlah sampel pada kelompok perawat rawat inap sebesar 45 orang yang diambil secara alokasi proporsional dari masing - masing unit. Data penelitian didapat dari medical check up, PK3RS, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik, pengisian kuesioner dan tes Pauli yang dilakukan dua kali setelali shut pagi dan setelah shift malam.
Hasil Penelitian : Didapatkan penurunan tingkat kewaspadaan pada perawat shift malam dan prevalensi penurun kewaspadaan sebesar 71,1 %. Faktor yang berhubungan paling kuat dengan penurunan kewaspadaan adalah beban kerja berlebih (p = 0,0004) dan faktor yang tidak bermakna tetapi mempunyai angka yang mendekati adalah pola tidur / lama tidur siang (p = 0,0767)
Diskusi : Dari penelitian ini terbukti bahwa shift malam mengakibatkan penurunan kewaspadaan dan secara statistik terbukti bahwa faktor beban kerja berlebih (p < 0,05) bermakna dalam mempengaruhi penurunan kewaspadaan. Faktor lain seperti pola tidur, strategi tidur dan kualitas tidur walaupun secara statistik tidak terbukti tetapi kenyataannya berpengaruh. Ini terbukti dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Ohida T(et al). Maka dari itu untuk mencegah dan mengurangi penurunan kewaspadaan perlu pemahaman yang sama baik dari pihak manajemen, perawat dan dokter perusahaan.

Hospital activities required shift work to provide services for its patients especially nurses are at work for 24 hours. The impact of shift work is mainly Circadian rhythm disturbances which impact on sleeping disorder, sleep lost and fatigue-ness and this cause decreased of alertness. At Hospital "X", some failures caused by shill nurse especially at night shill, are related to giving the wrong medicine to patients. Therefore, this study conduct to identify the prevalence and other factors related to the decreased of alertness.
Method: Cross sectional study, 45 nurses served at in - patient section used as sample. The research data's are compiled from Medical check-up, Committee Safety and Health Work, observation, physical examination, questionnaires and a psychological Pauli-test conducted twice, after night shift and after day shift.
Result: Decreased grade of alertness from night shift nurses, and the prevalence decreased of alertness is 71,1 %. The most influence factor related to decreased of alertness is the work overload (p = 0,0004) and another factor is the length of sleep during day time of nurses, which statistically is not significant (p = 0,0767), however worth while to mention as an influence factor.
Discussion: This research has proven that night shift caused to decreased of alertness and statistically significant relation between overload work (p< 0,05) with decreased of alertness. The other factors like sleep pattern, sleep strategic were statistically not significant but in fact these factors can significantly related with decreased of alertness. In Ohida T (et al) study already proved those factors could effect to decrease of alertness. As a follow-up, to prevent decreased of alertness for the nurses, a coordination need to conduct between management, nurses and safety doctor in hospital to improve this matter.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janti Undari
"Latar belakang dan Tujuan
Rumah sakit tidak bisa dipisahkan dari peran para perawatnya. Kini rumah sakit lebih rnenyarupai suatu industri kesehatan dengan segala tuntutan maupun dampaknya, antara lain stres kerja yang berinteraksi dengan faktor-faktor sosiodemografis, kardiavaskuler, dan lingkungan dapat menjadi salah sate penyebab timbulnya hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hipertensi dikaitkan dengan faktor stresor kerja dan faktor lain yang berhubungan pada perawat di suatu rumah sakit di Jakarta
Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong lintang, dengan pendekatan analisa rev-Iasi Cox. N1mgal:km1 diagnose hiperteasi sesuai kritaria dalarn The Seventh Report of The Joint National Committee On Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC VII). Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik sosiodemograli, karakteristik lingkungan kerja, pengukuran tekanan darah, pengukuran indeks masa tubuh (oleh Laboratory Unit SEAMED-TROPMED RCCN - UI), dan pengukuran sires kerja dengan menggunakan kuesioner Survai Diagaastik Sires. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 233 perawat suatu tumah sakit di Jakarta, tahun 2006.
Dari 233 subjek penelitian 85 orang dikeluarkan dengan kriteria prahipertensi, selanjutaya dari pengoiahan 148 subjek diperoleh 37 (15,8%) subjek dengan hipertensi stadium 1 & 2. Risiko hipertensi berkaitan dengan stresor kerja ketaksaan peran secara moderat (RR suaian=1,95; 95%CI=0,98-3,86; p=0,055). Faktor yang berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap risiko hipertensi meliputi: jenis kelamin dimana laki-laki memiliki risiko hampir 4 kali lipat menderita hipertensi dibandingkan perempuan (RR suaian=3,85; 95%CI=1,90-7,80; p=0,000); indeks masa tubuh berlebih 1 gemuk memiliki risiko 2,25 kali lipat untuk menderita hipertensi dibandingkan normal (RR suaian=2,25; 95%CI=1,08-4,69; p=0,030); serta masa kerja lebih dari 21 tahun berisiko 2,32 kali lipat untuk menderita hipertensi dibandingkan mereka yang mesa kerjanya kurang dari 10 tabun (RR suaian2,32; 95%CI=1,03-5,17; p O,007), sedangkan mesa kerja lebih dad 10 tahun-20 tahun (RR suaian'2,22; 95%CI=0,91-5,41; p=1,101) dan adanya keluarga sedarah yang menderita hipertensi (RR suaian=1,76; 95%CI=0,88-3,51; p=0,105) berpengaruh secara moderat (p< 0,25).
Stresor kerja ketaksaan peran mempertinggi risiko hipertensi secara moderat, faktor sosiodemografis lebih berperan oleh karena itu perlu intervensi yang tepat untuk mencegahnya.

Hospital service including nursing service as one of its major role, is now changing from just health and care of patients into health industries with high demznds and responsibilities. This situation an create job stresses, which may produce hypertension when interacted with sociodemographic, genetic, cardiovascular and environmental factors. The objective of this study is to obtain the relationship between hypertension and job stress and other associated factors among nurses in X hospital.
This study used cross-sectional methods with Cox's-regression analyses, for 233 nurses in a semi military hospital in Jakarta, in 2006. Hypertension was diagnosed in accordance to The Seventh Report of The Joint National Committee On Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment Of High Blood Pressure (INC V'1) criteria. Collected data included sociademographic-environmental characteristics, BP and BMI measurements (HMI measured by Laboratory Unit SEAMEO-TROPMED RCCN - UI), and job stressors characteristics measured with an Indonesian version of The `Survei Diagnostik stres' questionnaire. Adjustments were made far possible confounders. The analyses were repeated for stratified categories of role ambiguity, gender, BMI, and familial traits for hypertension.
The study revealed that from 233 subject 37 (15,8%) was diagnosed for hypertension stage 1 & 2. The analyses was on 148 subjects as 85 were excluded due to being diagnosed for Prehypertens ion. A moderate relationship was found between the risk of hypertension and the role ambiguity as job stresor (RR adjuste&1,95; 95%CI=0,98-3,86; per,055). Other factors showed strong relationship with hypertension due to job stresses are: "gender. malt has nearly 4 times to get risk of hypertension compared to female (RRa' 3,85; 95%CI=1,90-7,80; p=0,000); 2 BMI greater than 25 kgfm2 (RRa-2,25; 95%CI=1,08-4,69; p=0,030); 33 working at the same place more than 20 years (RRa=,32; 95%CI=1,03-5,17; p-A007). On the other hand working more than 10 years (RRa 2,22; 95%CI=0,91-5,41;p=0,101) and familial trait for hypertension (R.Rt 1,76; 95%CI=0,88-3,51; p=0,105) show a moderate relationship to hypertension due to job stress.
Role ambiguity as a part of job stressors moderately increases the risk of hypertension, while genetic - sociodemographicfactors play more important roles in increasing the risk. Therefore, intervention is greatly needed to manipulate genetic-sociodemogragphic factors to prevent hypertension with its side effects.
BP, blood pressure; BM1, body mass index; SEAMEO-TROPMED RCCN - UI, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization -- Tropical Medicine and Public Health regional Center fo Community Nutrition - University of Indonesia; RRa, relative risk adjusted.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayati Darmawi
Prevalensi obesitas meningkat di seluruh dunia termasuk
Indonesia. Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko dari berbagai penyakit yang dapat
menyebabkan turunnya performa dan produktifitas pekerja. Salah satu faktor yang
dihubungkan sebagai faktor risiko obesitas adalah kerja gilir. Kerja gilir lazim
digunakan oleh pekerja dibidang pelayanan kesehatan seperti perawat. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh kerja gilir terhadap risiko berat badan berlebih
dan obesitas serta faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya pada perawat di rumah
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain comparative cross sectional
membandingkan IMT 43 perawat kerja gilir dengan 43 perawat bukan kerja gilir.
Dilakukan penilaian terhadap faktor-faktor risiko yang dinilai dapat meningkatkan
risiko berat badan berlebih dan obesitas antara lain jenis kelamin, usia, status
perkawinan, riwayat obesitas dalam keluarga, kebiasaan olahraga, riwayat merokok,
jumlah jam tidur dan asupan kalori.
Hasil: Prevalensi berat badan berlebih dan obesitas pada perawat kerja gilir di
rumah sakit adalah 69.8% dan prevelensi berat badan berlebih dan obesitas pada
perawat bukan kerja gilir di rumah sakit adalah 48.4%, ditemukan hubungan
bermakna antara kerja gilir dengan berat badan berlebih-obesitas dengan OR =
2.418 (1.000 ? 5.851). Faktor risiko yang meningkatkan risiko berat badan berlebih
dan obesitas adalah kerja gilir, jumlah jam tidur kurang dari 7 jam dan asupan kalor
Kesimpulan: Dari semua faktor, asupan kalori berlebih merupakan faktor risiko dominan dengan OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).ABSTRACT
The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in
Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the
performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity
is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including
nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight
and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses.
Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work
regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered
increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital
status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours
of sleep and calorie intake.
Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift
work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A
significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR =
2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight
and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake
of excessive calories.
Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).;Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in
Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the
performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity
is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including
nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight
and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses.
Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work
regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered
increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital
status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours
of sleep and calorie intake.
Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift
work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A
significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR =
2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight
and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake
of excessive calories.
Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235).;Background: The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, including in
Indonesia. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases that can cause a decline in the
performance and productivity of workers. One factor that is associated with obesity
is shift work. Shift work is commonly needed for health care workers, including
nurses. This study aimed to assess the association of shift work with overweight
and obese as well as other related factors among hospital nurses.
Method: This study used a comparative cross-sectional design comparing the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of 43 nurses working shifts with 43 nurses who only work
regular hours. An assessment was conducted of the risk factors that are considered
increasing the risk of being overweight and obese among others gender, age, marital
status, family history of obesity, exercise habits, smoking history, number of hours
of sleep and calorie intake.
Results: The prevalence of being overweight and obese in hospital nurses on shift
work was 69.8% and in nurses not on shift work at the hospital was 48.4%. A
significant relationship between shift work with overweight-obesity with OR =
2.418 (1.000-5.851) was found. Risk factors that increase the risk of overweight
and obesity were shift work, number of hours of sleep less than 7 hours and intake
of excessive calories.
Conclusion: Of all the factors, excessive caloric intake is the dominant risk factor with OR = 4.473 (1.781-11.235)."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susila Indrayani
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain kuantitatif kualitatif
yang bertujuan mengetahui dan menggambarkan faktor ? faktor yang berhubungan dan yang
berhubungan paling dominan dengan keinginan pindah bekerja (turnover intention) perawat
di Rumah Sakit X di Balikpapan. Penelitian dilaksanakan metode cross sectional dengan
menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 199 orang responden yaitu perawat, serta melakukan
wawancara mendalam kepada 5 orang informan dari pihak manajemen dan kepala bagian di
rumah sakit X di Balikpapan. Dari penelitian kuantitatif didapatkan faktor pengembangan
karir, kompensasi dan komunikasi yang berhubungan dengan keinginan pindah bekerja, dan
faktor komunikasi yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap keinginan pindah bekerja.
Sedangkan penelitian kualitatif menunjukkan faktor komunikasi antara pihak manajemen dan
perawat kurang begitu baik. Maka seharusnya pihak manajemen lebih memperhatikan
masalah komunikasi tersebut sehingga seluruh informasi dapat sampai kepada perawat.

This is descriptive analytical study with quantitative qualitative design aims to describe and
analysis factors related to the intention to move out of nurses at X hospital in Balikpapan.
The study collected using questionnaire to 199 nurses, followed by in-depth interviews to 5
senior management, 1 cheif ward and 1 secretary of commite of hospital. Career
development, compensation, and communications are mean factor influencing the intention to
move out. Qualitative method validated the important communication between the
management and nurses which is not in a good condition. The management should formed a
special meeting for nurses to collect the aspiration nurses in order to increase the sense of
involvement which decrease to desire to move out.;This is descriptive analytical study with quantitative qualitative design aims to describe and
analysis factors related to the intention to move out of nurses at X hospital in Balikpapan.
The study collected using questionnaire to 199 nurses, followed by in-depth interviews to 5
senior management, 1 cheif ward and 1 secretary of commite of hospital. Career
development, compensation, and communications are mean factor influencing the intention to
move out. Qualitative method validated the important communication between the
management and nurses which is not in a good condition. The management should formed a
special meeting for nurses to collect the aspiration nurses in order to increase the sense of
involvement which decrease to desire to move out., This is descriptive analytical study with quantitative qualitative design aims to describe and
analysis factors related to the intention to move out of nurses at X hospital in Balikpapan.
The study collected using questionnaire to 199 nurses, followed by in-depth interviews to 5
senior management, 1 cheif ward and 1 secretary of commite of hospital. Career
development, compensation, and communications are mean factor influencing the intention to
move out. Qualitative method validated the important communication between the
management and nurses which is not in a good condition. The management should formed a
special meeting for nurses to collect the aspiration nurses in order to increase the sense of
involvement which decrease to desire to move out.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Susanto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan pada pekerja pada shift malam dengan sistem Double Shift Di PT. X Proyek Y Th. 2016. Seperti kita ketahui bahwa angka kecelakaan kerja pada industri konstruksi sangat tinggi yang menelan korban jiwa yang tidak sedikit dan kerusakan properti yang cukup besar. Salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi pada kecelakaan kerja adalah kelelahan yang dialami para pekerja. Banyak defenisi tentang kelelahan, tetapi secara garis besar dapat dikatakan bahwa kelelahan merupakan suatu pola yang timbul pada suatu keadaan, yang secara umum terjadi pada setiap individu, yang telah tidak sanggup lagi untuk melakukan aktivitasnya. Kerangka Teori yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teori dari Grandjean (1988) yang ditulis dalam bukunya yang berjudul "Fitting The Task to The Man". Dimana pada tahapan sensasi kelelahan dipengaruhi oleh faktor pekerjaan yang monoton, faktor intensitas dan faktor durasi tekanan fisik dan mental pekerjaan, faktor kondisi lingkungan; suhu, pencahayaan dan kebisingan, penyakit dan faktor nutrisi yang buruk dan faktor beban mental; tanggung jawab, kekhawatiran dan adanya konflik. Diharapkan hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran akan pentingnya manajemen kelelahan guna meminimalkan risiko kecelakaan kerja. Rekomendasi yang diberikan diharapkan manajemen Proyek Y dimasa yang akan datang dapat memenuhi aspek keselamatan dalam melaksanakan sistem Double Shift dengan cara menerapkan Manajemen kelelahan secara konsisten dan menyeluruh untuk mencegah dan meminimalkan risiko akibat bekerja malam pada sistem Double Shift ini.

The objective of this research is to analyze the risk factors related to the fatigue level of night shift workers of Double Shift system in Project Y, X Company, year 2016. Work-related accidents on construction industry have resulted in a high number of fatalities and sizeable property damage. One of the contributing factors in workrelated accidents is fatigue felt by the workers. There are many definitions of fatigue, but the one which is generally agreed is that of a pattern which arises in a situation where individuals are no longer able to perform their activities. The theory framework used in this research is the one by Grandjean (1988), written in his book "Fitting the Task to the Man". The stages of fatigue are influenced by factors such as monotonous work, intensity and duration of work?s physical and mental stress, environmental conditions (temperature, lighting, and noise), diseases or illnesses, and poor nutrition, and mental load factors (responsibilities, worries, and conflicts). It is to be hoped that the result of this research will raise awareness of the importance of fatigue management in order to minimize the risk of work-related accidents. Recommendations given in this research are intended to help the Y Project management meet the safety aspects in the Double Shift system with the constant and thorough implementation of fatigue management to prevent and minimize risks caused by the system?s working nights."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Mulia Sari
"Terbatasnya waktu respon, penurunan daya tahan tubuh, serta banyaknya prosedur invasif yang dilakukan perawat kepada pasien menjadi penyebab tingginya risiko infeksi terkait pelayanan kesehatan di instalasi gawat darurat dan ruang perawatan intensif. Insiden infeksi terkait pelayanan kesehatan dapat dicegah dan dihindari melalui penerapan kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar. Namun, tingkat kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar pada perawat masih tergolong rendah. Perilaku kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar pada perawat dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti faktor demografi, predisposisi, pemungkin, dan penguat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar pada perawat. Desain riset menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini melibatkan 100 perawat ruang perawatan intensif dan IGD yang dipilih dengan menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Nilai kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar perawat relatif cukup rendah yaitu sebesar 54.66 (SD = 4.68) atau sekitar 67.89 persen dari total nilai kepatuhan tertinggi. Hasil penelitian lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa usia (p = 0.939), lama bekerja (p = 0.564), jenis kelamin (p = 0.064), tingkat pendidikan (p = 0.870), unit kerja (p = 0.078), jenjang karir (p = 0.919), pelatihan (p = 0.065), pengetahuan (p = 0.137), sikap (p = 0.738), ketersediaan fasilitas (p = 0.810), standar prosedur operasional (p = 0.229), dan dukungan atasan (p = 0.436) tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna. Hanya efikasi diri (p = 0.009) yang memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa efikasi diri merupakan faktor yang esensial untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan rumah sakit untuk menyelenggarakan atau menggiatkan program atau aktivitas yang mampu meningkatkan efikasi diri perawat agar tingkat kepatuhan kewaspadaan standar perawat dapat meningkat.

The limited response time, decreased immune system, and many invasive procedures performed by nurses to the patient are responsible for the high risk of healtcare-associated infections (HAIs) in the emergency and intensive care units. The incidence of HAIs can be prevented and avoided through compliance on standard precautions. However, the level of nurses compliance on standard precautions is still low. The compliance on standar precautions can be influenced by several factors, such as demographic, predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors. This study aimed to identify factors affecting nurses compliance on standard precautions.  This study used descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The study involved 100 intensive care and emergency care nurses who were selected using convenience sampling method. Data were collected using questionnaires. The study revealed that the mean score of nurses compliance on standard precaution was 54.66 (SD = 4.68) or 67.89 percent of the total correct score. The results of the study, furthermore, showed that there was no significant correlation between age (p = 0.939), working experience (p = 0.564), gender (p = 0.064), level of education (p = 0.870), working unit (p = 0.078), level of career (p = 0.919), training (p = 0.065), knowledge (p = 0.137), attitude (p = 0.738), facility (p = 0.810), standard operational procedure (p = 0.229), managerial support (p = 0.436) with standard precaution compliance. Only self-efficacy showed significant correlation with standard precaution compliance (p = 0.009). The study concluded that self- efficacy could increase nurses compliance on standard precautions. The results of the study recommended the hospitals conducting programs or activities that may enhance nurses efficacy, because it can improve nurses compliance on standar precautions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Masalah etik kerap dihadapi oleh perawat. Kepala ruangan berperan penting dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menyelesaikan masalah etik yang dihadapi perawat di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan kepala ruangan dalam penyelesaian masalah etik perawat di rumah sakit. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional yang melibatkan 96 perawat selevel kepala ruangan di satu rumah sakit umum tipe A di Jakarta. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan keputusan masalah etik diukur menggunakan kuesioner Managerial Ethical Profile (MEP) scale yang dikembangkan oleh Casali (2010) dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan terdiri atas faktor individu, faktor organisasi, dan faktor eksternal. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor individu dan eksternal berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan kepala ruangan dalam penyelesaian masalah etik perawat (p <0,001; r2 = 0,491) dan faktor individu merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan pengambilan keputusan kepala ruangan dalam penyelesaian masalah etik perawat. Faktor individu mencakup pengembangan moral dan kemampuan-pengalaman professional. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya program yang menguatkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan kepala ruangan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk penyelesaian masalah etik melalui diskusi kasus terkait masalah etik yang dihadapi oleh perawat.

Nurses often face ethical problems. The head nurse in the ward has an important role in making decisions to solve nurses' ethical problems in the hospital. This study aims to identify factors related to the head nurses' decision-making in solving nurses' ethical problems in the hospital. This study's design was a cross-sectional study involving 96 nurses at the head of the room in a public hospital in Jakarta. The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique. Ethical decision making was measured using the Managerial Ethical Profile (MEP) scale questionnaire developed by Casali (2010), and related factors consisted of individual factors, organizational factors, and external factors. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results showed that individual and external factors were related to the head nurses' decision-making in solving nurses' ethical problems in the hospital (p <0.001; r2 = 0.491). The individual factors were the most related to the head nurses' decision-making in solving nurses' ethical problems in the hospital. Individual factors include moral development and professional experience. This study recommends the need for a program that strengthens and improves the head nurses' decision-making ability in solving nurses' ethical problems in the hospital through discussion of cases related to ethical problems faced by nurses."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I. G. K. Wijasa
"Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan gambaran kepuasan tenaga perawat yang bertugas di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Persahabatan Jakarta. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut dilakukan penelitian survai, yang sifatnya deskriptif korelatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional.
Berdasarkan penelitian kepustakaan, diperoleh pemahaman bahwa kepuasan kerja dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai keadaan seperti : prestasi kerja, pemberian penghargaan, pemberian tanggung jawab dan pemberian kesempatan berkembang.
Pola hubungan tersebut diteliti kebenarannya terhadap perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUP Persahabatan, Jakarta. Data-data yang diperlukan, dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner terstruktur, yang selanjutnya diolah serta dianalisis.
Sampel penelitian dipilih secara purposive yakni seluruh perawat yang bertugas di Ruang Rawat Inap Bedah sebanyak 60 orang. Adapun profil perawat yang menjadi sampel penelitian adalah 86,7% merupakan perawat wanita dan 13,3% perawat pria. Sebagian besar responden (45%) telah bekerja kurang dari 10 tahun, 40% antara 11-20 tahun dan 15% telah bekerja lebih dari 20 tahun. Sebanyak 70% dari responden berusia antara 30-50 tahun dan selebihnya (30%) berusia 22-29 tahun. Dilihat dari pendidikannya, sebagian dari mereka (83,4%) responden berpendidikan SPK, selebihnya 10% berpendidikan D3 Keperawatan, 3,3% S1 Keperawatan dan 3,3% berpendidikan lain-lain yang setara dengan SPK.
Hasil penelitian tentang gambaran kepuasan kerja menunjukkan bahwa 61,7% perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap Bedah RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta, dinyatakan telah mendapat kepuasan kerja. Sebanyak 88,3% menyatakan puas terhadap bentuk penilaian prestasi; 31,7% menyatakan puas terhadap penghargaan; 70% menyatakan puas terhadap tanggung jawab yang diberikan; 46,&% menyatakan puas terhadap kesempatan berkembang; dan 53,3% menyatakan puas terhadap pekerjaannya.
Selain dari pada itu didapatkan pula gambaran faktor intrinsik perawat yang dinyatakan telah mendapatkan penilaian prestasi amat baik 41,7%; yang diberi penghargaan 43,3%; yang diberi tanggung jawab 43,3% dan yang diberi kesempatan berkembang 11,7%.
Setelah dilakukan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square terhadap hubungan keempat faktor intrinsik dan kepuasan kerja, ternyata hanya ada dua faktor intrinsik yang menunjukan hubungan bermakna yakni: faktor prestasi kerja (x=3,72469, df=1 dan c=O,05) dan faktor tanggung jawab (x=4,5.1776, df 1 dan c=0,05).
Oleh karena itu dari hasil penelitian ini, disarankan kepada Pimpinan RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta untuk mempertahankan dan menyempurnakan pola penilaian prestasi dan pemberian tanggung jawab kepada perawat dalam rangka meningkatkan kepuasan kerja serta secara bertahap meningkatkan/memperbaiki pola pemberian penghargaan dan pemberian kesempatan berkembang agar lebih bermakna.

The objective of this study is to get information about job satisfaction of the nurses working in the hospital wards, of Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Persahabatan, Jakarta. In this respect, a descriptive correlative field research was conducted by utilizing a Cross Sectional approach.
Based on literature study, it was found that job satisfaction is influenced by various conditions such as work performance, reward achievement, responsibility of growth.
In this study, such correlation patterns were observed to a number of nurses working in the surgery wards of RSUP Persahabatan, Jakarta. The necessary data were collected trough a structured questionnaire which were then processed and analyzed.
Samples of the study were selected purposively, those are 60 nurses working in surgery wards, consisting of females, (86,7%) and males (13,3%). A part of them (45%) had worked for less than 10 years, 40% between 11 and 20 years and 15% for more 20 years. Of the total respondents, 70% were 30 to -50 years old and the rest (30%) were between 22 and 29 years old. According to the educational background, most respondents (83,4%) graduated from the Nursing High School (SPK), 10% from Nursing Academy, 3,3% from the University and 3,3% from other institutions equal to the Nursing High School.
This study of job satisfaction found that 61,7% of the respondents, nurses in the surgery wards of RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta, said they had got satisfaction. Of the total respondents, 88,3% were satisfied with the performance; assessment with the reward achievement (31,7%); with the responsibility their job (70%); the possibility of growth (46,7%); and with the job (53,3%).
Besides, the study also found some intrinsic factors of the respondents which were stated as having the best performance (41,7%); rewards (43,3%); responsibility (43,3%) and possibility of growth (11,7%).
Having done the bivariat analysis by utilizing the Chi-Square statistical test on the correlation of the four intrinsic factors and job satisfaction, there were only two intrinsic factors showing significant correlation namely performance assessment factor (x=3,72469, df1 and a=0,05 and responsibility factors (x=4,51776, ,:11 and a-0,05).
Based on the study results and in order to increase job satisfaction of the nurses, it is suggested to RSVP Persahabatan Jakarta management to maintain the patterns of existing working system and to improve gradually the patterns of responsibility, reward achievement and possibility of growth so that it correlate to the nurse's performance assessment.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Dwi Hermana
"Pekerja kesehatan berisiko terpapar darah dan cairan tubuh yang terinfeksi (bloodborne pathogen) yang dapat menimbulkan infeksi HBV, HCV dan HIV melalui berbagai cara, salah satunya melalui luka tusuk jarum atau benda tajam lainnya. Di RSUD Cianjur kejadian luka tusuk karena jarum pada perawat cukup tinggi walaupun sudah dilakukan pelatihan terintegrasi. Melihat permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya luka tusuk karena jarum atau benda tajam lainnya; mengidentifikasi jenis tindakan dan keadaan tidak aman, hubungan tindakan dan keadaan tidak aman dengan terjadinya luka tusuk karena jarum.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Metoda Deskriptif Analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah Perawat di Instalasi Rawat Inap, Bedah Sentral dan Gawat Darurat dengan Metoda Purposive sampling dan jumlah sampel total sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah perawat yang mengalami luka tusuk cukup tinggi, penyebab luka tusuk terbanyak karena jarum suntik atau jarum jahit jaringan, jenis tindakan tidak aman yang terjadi adalah; tidak menggunakan sarung tangan, menempatkan spuit/peralatan diatas meja tindakan, beban kerja berlebihan dan tidak menggunakan teknik satu tangan. Tindakan tidak aman berhubungan secara bermakna dengan terjadinya luka tusuk karena jarum atau benda tajam lainnya, tindakan tidak aman juga secara bermakna berhubungan dengan terjadinya luka tusuk karena jarum atau benda tajam lainnya pada Perawat berpengetahuan baik, berketerampilan baik dan pernah dilatih. Keadaan tidak aman yang teridentifikasi adalah: tidak selalu tersedia alat pelindung, keadaan tidak aman tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan tingkat pengetahuan, keterampilan dan Perawat yang pernah dilatih tetapi berhubungan secara bermakna dengan Perawat yang belum pernah dilatih. Standar kerja dan peralatan yang dimiliki masih kurang. Untuk mencegah terjadinya luka tusuk karena jarum atau benda tajam lainnya maka perlu peningkatan surveilans kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja, pelatihan dan perbaikan prosedur kerja serta pemenuhan sarana peralatan.

Health workers pose some risks from the exposure to blood borne pathogen such as HBV, HCV and HIV such as those needle stick injury. Nurses in the needlestick injury incidents at Cianjur Regional Hospital is high, don. The objective of this research are to investigate the factors related with occurrence of needlestick injury; to identify type of unsafe act and unsafe condition contributed to accident resulted into needlestick injury.
The research design was based on analytical descriptive with cross sectional approach. Sample was taken from the nurses at the Installations of Inpatient, Central Surgery and Emergency using the purposive sampling method.
Result suggested that the nurses which high occurrence needlestick injury caused by hollowbome needle and suturing needle. Unsafe act related with needlestick injury and significantly with good knowledge, good skill and trained nurses. Identified unsafe condition is not usually available of personal protective equipment (PPE), unsafe condition is not related with good knowledge, good skill, trained nurses but significantly related to untrained nurses. Working standard procedure and equipment are improperly. To prevent needlestick injury, the improvement shell be taken by surveillance of work accident, work related diseases, training, work procedure and to full fill equipment and facility.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ike Gunawiarsih
"Fungsi pelayanan rumah sakit bertujuan untuk memproduksi pelayanan yang bermutu kepada masyarakat.
Pelayanan keperawatan sebagai sub sistem dari pelayanan rumah sakit harus melaksanakan pelayanan selama 24 jam sehinga harus dilakukan pengaturan staffing perawat melalui rotasi kerja secara bergiliran selama 24 jam kerja yang terdiri dari 3 shift kerja yaitu shift pagi, sore dan malam.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal perawat yang berhubungan dengan persepsi perawat tentang shift kerja malam.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari hubungan antara faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal perawat yang berhubungan dengan persepsi perawat tentang shift shit kerja malam.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik regresi logistik sederhana dan dari hasil analisis bivariat, 17 faktor yang diduga secara teoritis dan empiris berhubungan dengan persepsi perawat tentang shiftl kerja malam didapat 10 faktor yang mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik, dengan nilai p S 0,05 sedangkan 7 faktor lainnya tidak terbukti mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik.
Disarankan agar menggunakan informasi hasil penelitian ini untuk kebijakan manajemen sumber daya manusia khususnya kebijakan dan pengaturan Staffing dan rotasi perawat.

The Factor which are Related with Nurse Perception about Night Shift Work at Prof DR Sulianti Saroso Hospital, North JakartaThe function of hospital services in order to produce good quality services to the public.
Nursing service as a subsystem of hospital service have to perform services during 24 hour, so it needs a regulation of nurse staffing by shifting on job rotation during 24 hour ( work time) which are divided into three shifts, there are morning ,evening, and night shifts.
The purpose of this study was to looking for a relation between the internal and external factors of nurse which are related with nurse perception about night shift work.
This study was used a simple logistic regretion technique and from a bivariat analysis result, 17 factors which are suppose theoritical and empirical related to the nurse perception about night shift work, there was found 10 factors which are significant related statistically with p 0.05 and other 7 factors are not proved have a significant relation statistically.
Suggested that to use this information, the result of this study, for the human resources management policy, especially staffing regulation and nursing rotation policy."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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