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Ditemukan 183557 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
MGS A. Rachman Putra
"The paper reviews the standard ot' design and installation of the Active Fire Protection
Systems for hotel buildings to minimize tire risk. When a tire occurs, active
protection system is necessary that pinpoints its location. Once detected, the first line
of defense against tire is a sprinkler system or other active tire protection systems.
Active Fire Protection Systems are detectors & alarm systems, automatic sprinkler
systems, risers, extinguishing systems, and smoke control, all of which is aimed to
solve the problem of fire damage.
ln major cities around the world especially in Jakarta, hotel buildings have been, are
and will be designed and built to provide safe and comfortable space for human life
and various activities. The fire risk is inherent in the building itself and it is of utmost
importance to eliminate or keep this risk and its consequences as small as possible.
On December 3 lst, 1986 a tire occurred in the Dupont Plaza Hotel and Casino, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, lt happened because The Hotel did not have dispensary ot`the tire
protection system in each floor. When thc iirc came and burncd, the building could
not extinguish the tire because it did not have the needed tire detector and sprinklers
in place.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various hotel buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were
received to be viable for in dept analysis. The result of analysis shows clearly that the
active fire protection .tyvtents are positively correlated in a linear manner to three of
the key active fire protection variables. The key variables influencing building
reliability in good design and 'installation standard. The threc variables are heat
detector, portable exting-uis/ter, and rzulomatic sprinkler. This research can bc used t0
control and measure the standard design and installation of the hotel buildings."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Fire damage occurs in unpredictable time and can cause losses to the owner because of the damage. It can occur in buildings that do not have Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System in the building. By detecting and preventing against fire damage, which arise in unpredictable times will prevent loss of lives and assets of the buildings.
There has been considerable research into the fire damage such as at the Polo Condominium in Colorado. The Polo Condominium that was built in 1967 caught fire on October 31' because it did not have the Fire Protection System in each floor. When the fire came and burned the building interior, the building could not extinguish the fire because it did not have fire detector and sprinklers in place.
To solve the problem, in Jakarta there are a lot of guidelines such as the Minister Of Public Works Decree # 02IKPTSI1985 for Fire Safety in building. But from many fire damages, the guidelines could not accommodate the problem because the buildings did not incorporate Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System. Relevant research indicated that Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System are very important to detect and prevent against fire damage. In this research, the Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System are defined as Fire Safety Design which have been taken from many relevant theories and journals.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis. The result of the analysis shows clearly that the Fire Safety Design is positively correlated in a linear manner to four of the key Fire Safety Design variables. The four key variables influencing building reliability in design carried out by the consultant and controlled by the construction manager in the projects are : detection and fire alarm, building architecture, the designer's fire certificate and special equipment to stop fire_ This research can then be used to control and measure the quality of Future Fire Safety Design of the high rise building reliability in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakutlas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahlia Suryani
"Influence of Fire Safety Management (FSM) to Building Reliability in Preventing Fire Damage at Hotel Buildings in JakartaJakarta is the center of economic, politic, cultural activities and also the center of the state defense. Along with development in many sectors, numbers of building development grows accordingly with numerous functions: hotel, office, apartment, shop, amusement center, restaurant or a mix at the aforementioned functions. A commercially managed hotel should meet certain standards; one of them is fire prevention through a system that called Fire Safety Manage, rent. The existence of Fire Safety Management is important as most hotel guests have no or little knowledge at how to respond in case of fire.
This research on hotel Fire Safety Management is used to observe the correlation between application of Fire Safety Management and reliability of building in preventing and controling the damages caused by fire at hotels in Jakarta.
This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is gathered by distributing questioners to hotel building managers, data gathered is then analyzed by using statistic program SPSS 10.0 to obtain measurable and relevant indicators to improve reliability at a hotel building.
Data analysis shows same parameters in Fire Safety Management, Which are: Pre-estinguishment at fire : 50,0 %, Response to alarm and signal : 33,6 % , other variable from dummy analysis is : Identification potential at fire : 12, 3 %. The result at this research can be used to improve role of Fire Safety Management in building reliability in general and hotel building in specific."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nida Hanifah Nasir
"Skripsi ini membahas evaluasi kesesuaian antara sistem proteksi kebakaran aktif (sprinkler, alarm, detektor asap dan panas, APAR, pompa kebakaran dan hidran), pasif (konstruksi bangunan dan komaprtemen), sarana penyelamatan jiwa (sarana jalan keluar, Koridor, Tangga darurat, Tanda petunjuk arah, Pintu darurat dan Pencahayaan Darurat ) dan Manajemen Keselamatan Kebakaran Gendung (MKKG) dengan acuan peraturan di Indonesia berupa PERMEN PU No. 26/PRT/M/2008, PERWAL DEPOK No. 14 Tahun 2012, KEPMENAKER No.KEP.186/MEN/1999 serta beberapa Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan komparatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Aktif, Pasif, Sarana Penyelamatan Jiwa dan Manajemen Keselamatan Kebakaran Gedung (MKKG) yang tersedia belum sesuai dengan acuan yang digunakan.

This study discussed about suitability evaluation of active fire protection system (sprinkler, alaram, heat and smoke detektor, APAR/minor fire extinguisher, fire pump and hydrant), passive fire protection system (building construction and compartment), life saving equipment (exit way, corridor, emergency stairs, direction sign, emergency doors and emergency lighting) and building?s fire safety management with regulatory reference of Indonesia PERMEN PU No. 26/PRT/M/2008, PERWAL DEPOK No. 14 Tahun 2012, KEPMENAKER No.KEP.186/MEN/1999 and some of standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). This research used analytic descriptive research with comparative approach.
The result showed that evaluation of active and passive fire protection system, life saving equipment and building?s fire safety management which is available is not suitable with regulatory reference.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Budiyanto
"Kasus terjadinya kebakaran mengakibatkan kerugian baik secara material maupun kematian. Dampak kerugian semakin terasa apabila objek yang mengalami kebakaran merupakan bangunan vital yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan kesinambungan berputamya perekonomian baik secara mikro maupun makro. Bangunan Industri adalah sarana yang mempunyai fungsi tempat mengelola bahan baku menjadi bahan jadi (kegiatan kerja untuk produksi), sarana perakitan dan kegiatan lain sejenis. Kegiatan dalam Bangunan Industri akan mengalami hambatan bahkan dapat terhenti sama sekali jika terjadi kasus kebakaran. Kerugian yang terjadi dapat meluas sarnpai tingkat keinginan investor baik dalam negeri maupun penanam modal asing dalam melakukan investasinya.
Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kebakaran DKI Jakarta frekwensi terjadinya kebakaran dalam lima tahun belakang hampir 1000 kali pertahunya, khusus untuk Bangunan Industri yang terbakar sebanyak 443 bangunan. Fakta ini tentunya perlu mendapat perhatian terutama yang menyangkut Fire Safety Desain (FSD). Kepekaan perencanaan oleh Manajemen Konstruksi profesional terhadap FSD terutama Sistim Proteksi Pasif pada bangunan industri akan mempengaruhi kehandalan bangunan dalam mencegah terjadinya bahaya kebakaran.
Berdasarkan 35 sampel di Kawasan Industri Pulogadung yang ditabulasikan dari 46 yang disebarkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Sistem Proteksi Pasif disain jalan lingkungan memberikan kontribusi sebesar 53,4 % terhadap kehandalan bangunan dan kapasitas akses jalan masuk sebesar 28,7 % terhadap kehandalan bangunan dalam mencegah terjadinya kebakaran."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setio Wibowo
"Bahaya kebakaran yang timbul pada bangunan tinggi akan menyebabkan kerugian baik kehilangan aset (bangunan itu sendiri), jiwa dan kegiatan bisnis dimasa depan. Hal ini terjadi karena Fire Safety Design yang ada tidak mampu bertahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran tersebut. Dalam rangka mengatasi hal tersebut diatas maka dimulai dari tahap perencanaan maka pihak yang terkait dalam hal ini pihak Konsultan Perancang dapat memahami dan melakukan perencanaan terutama Fire Safety Design dengan efektif dan efisien sehingga dapat meminimalkan resiko kebakaran serendah mungkin. Walaupun telah dilakukan perencanaan sistem Fire Safety Design, namun resiko terhadap terjadinya kebakaran tetap ada, yang nantinya akan menimbulkan kerugian. Untuk menanggulangi hal tersebut diatas maka kerugian tersebut dapat dialihkan kepada pihak asuransi.
Penelitian ini akan menganalisa model konsultan perancang yang mampu melakukan perencanaan bangunan tinggi khususnya dalam bidang Fire Safety Design sehingga nantinya bangunan tinggi tersebut akan mampu bertahan terhadap bahaya kebakaran.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini didapat faktor penentu yang berpengaruh pada score kehandalan bangunan adalah 81.5% dipengaruhi oleh kursus/pelatihan/seminar tenaga ahli mengenai fire safety design dan 6% dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman konsultan secara umum. d. Variabel lain yang berpengaruh diluar variabel penentu yang masuk kedalam variabel dummy adalah kesesuaian dengan tuntutan proyek dalam hal jadwal, biaya dan mutu.
Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan kontribusi terhadap upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kehandalan bangunan tinggi perkantoran terhadap bahaya kebakaran, memberikan masukan terhadap owner dalam menentukan konsultan perancang yang dapat menghasilkan rancangan yang handal, memberikan informasi pada kontraktor agar dapat mengetahui cara-cara/nmetode yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kehandalan bangunan, memberikan informasi bagi konsultan perancang sebagai obyek penelitian, agar selalu melaksanakan prosedur/metode untuk menghasilkan rancangan yang handal, dengan mengetahui factor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kehandalan bangunan maka pihak asuransi dapat memperkirakan tingkat risiko yang harus ditanggungnya."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faizah Maryam Sidiqqah
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran di Gedung Yayasan LIA Pengadegan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan dilakukannya evaluasi sesuai dengan Permen PU No. 26/PRT/M/2008 dan Permen PU No. 20/PRT/M/2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar elemen sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran di Gedung Yayasan LIA Pengadegan sudah memenuhi standar. Persyaratan yang belum terpenuhi pada manajemen proteksi kebakaran adalah tata laksana operasional dan sumber daya manusia. Persyaratan pada sistem proteksi dan sarana penyelamatan kebakaran belum seluruhnya terpenuhi. Utilitas bangunan dan struktur bangunan umumnya telah terpenuhi. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh, sistem pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran di Gedung Yayasan LIA Pengadegan masih perlu ditingkatkan, terutama untuk perawatan dan pemeliharaan sarana sistem proteksi kebakaran.

This study aimed to analyze the implementation of fire prevention and control systems in Yayasan LIA Pengadegan. This research used descriptive analytic design from evaluation in accordance from Permen PU No. 26/PRT/M/2008 and Permen PU No. 20/PRT/M/2009. The results showed that most of the elements of fire prevention and control systems in the Yayasan LIA Pengadegan Building already met the standards. The requirements have not been met in the management of fire protection were operational governance and human resources. Requirements on fire protection systems and fire rescue facilities have not been entirely fulfilled. Utility buildings and structures have generally met the standards. In conclusion, prevention and fire fighting system in Building Pengadegan LIA Foundation still need to be improved, especially for the care and maintenance of fire protection systems."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Firdaus Sriyadi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kesiapan detektor, alarm, hidran, sistem pipa tegak, sprinkler, alat pemadam api ringan (APAR), bahan bangunan, dan konstruksi bangunan gedung dalam menghadapi bahaya kebakaran. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan dan persepsi pekerja terhadap alat proteksi kebakaran serta menjelaskan ketersediaan dana yang dialokasikan UI untuk penyediaan alat proteksi kebakaran. Jenis penelitian bersifat deskriptif observasional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 37 pekerja.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan tiga dari enam alat proteksi kebakaran aktif yang diteliti dalam keadaan tidak aktif. Alat proteksi kebakaran yang tidak aktif adalah detektor, alarm, dan sprinkler. Sedangkan alat proteksi kebakaran yang aktif adalah hidran, sistem pipa tegak, dan APAR. Bahan bangunan dan konstruksi bangunan siap dalam menghadapi bahaya kebakaran. Tingkat pengetahuan pekerja terhadap alat proteksi kebakaran dalam kategori baik, sedangkan tingkat persepsi pekerja terhadap alat proteksi kebakaran dalam kategori kurang baik. Belum ada alokasi dana dari UI untuk penyediaan alat proteksi kebakaran. Disarankan kepada pihak UI, K3 gedung X, dan K3L UI untuk saling berkoordinasi memperbaiki sistem proteksi kebakaran di gedung X UI.

This study aims to explain the readiness of detectors, alarms, fire hydrant, standpipe system, sprinklers, fire extinguisher (APAR), building materials, and building construction in the face of a fire hazard. In addition, this study also aims to measure the level of knowledge and perceptions of workers against fire protection tool and explain the availability of UI funds allocated for the provision of fire protection tool. Type a descriptive observational study. The sample in this study amounted to 37 workers.
Based on the results, three of the six active fire protection tool studied in an inactive state. Fire protection tool which is not active detectors, alarms, and sprinkler. While the tool is active fire protection hydrants, standpipe systems, and fire extinguisher. Building materials and construction ready to face the danger of fire. The level of knowledge workers against fire protection device in either category, while the perceived level of fire protection of workers against the tool in the unfavorable category. There has been no allocation of funds from the UI for the provision of fire protection. Recommended to the UI, K3 building X UI, and K3L UI to coordinate repair of fire protection systems in the building X UI.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raja Alif Fathullah
"Penelitian ini membahas implementasi dan analisisnya terkait sistem proteksi aktif dan pasif terhadap kebakaran kebakaran serta sarana penyelamatan jiwa yang ada di Jakarta International Stadium pada tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan metode semi-kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh tingkat kesesuaian keseluruhan implementasi yang menunjukkan nilai sebesar 77,79% pada Existing result dan dikategorikan “Cukup (C)”. Selain itu diperoleh pula nilai pada Proyecting result sebesar 84,65% yang dikategorikan "Baik (B)". Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi yang ada dianggap cukup mampu untuk mempertahankan konstruksi bangunan selama kebakaran terjadi, memberikan pertahanan pada bangunan untuk mencegah penyebaran api dan asap, melakukan pendeteksian, penginformasian, dan pemadaman api kebakaran, serta mampu untuk menyediakan sarana dan rute jalan keluar dan meminimalisir adanya hambatan yang dapat berdampak pada total waktu evakuasi penghuni hingga mencapai eksit pelepasan dan titik berkumpul sementara.

This study discusses the implementation and analysis of active and passive fire protection systems and means of egress at the Jakarta International Stadium in 2022. This study uses a descriptive analytic research design using a semi-quantitative method. Based on the results of the study, the overall level of conformity of the implementation showed a value of 77.79% in the Existing result and was categorized as "Enough (C)". In addition, the score on the Projecting Result was 84.65% which was categorized as "Good (B)". These results indicate that the existing implementation is considered capable of maintaining building construction during a fire, providing defense to the building to prevent the spread of fire and smoke, detecting, informing, and extinguishing fires, and being able to provide means and egress routes and minimize obstacles that can impact the total evacuation time of occupants until they reach the release exit and assembly point."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Till, Robert C.
"The Second Edition of this introduction to fire protection systems is completely revised and updated to offer the student, architect or engineer the basics of fire protection devices and equipment, and how they may be applied to any given project. Fire Protection: Detection, Notification, and Suppression reveals the “nuts and bolts” of fire protection system selection, design and equipment in an applied approach.
Whether a mechanical engineer, safety engineer, architect, estimator, fire service personnel, or student studying in these areas, the authors show the pros and the cons of protection systems being proposed, and how they should be compared to one another. It also gives non-fire engineering practitioners a sense of proportion when they are put in a position to select a consultant, and to give a sense of what the consultant may be doing and how a system is being matched to the hazard. Beginning fire protection engineers could also use its language for writing a report about these systems for a client."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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