"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor motivasi pelaku UMKM untuk menjadi Halalpreneurs dilihat dari attitude seperti awareness of halal entrepreneurship, intrinsic motivation, effort to seek out opportunity, creativity and motivation, honesty and integrity, risk-taking attitude, relative advantage and perceived desirability, subjective norm yang terdiri atas family support and peer influence, dan perceived behavioral control yang tediri atas perceived feasibility and goverment support serta religiosity. Data diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner kepada 239 responden muslim yang sedang memiliki dan menjalankan usahanya sendiri. Analisis data dilakukan melalui analisis deskriptif dan partial least squares menggunakan Smart PLS 3.0.
Hasilnya adalah intrinsic motivation, effort to seek out opportunity, relative advantage, perceived desirability, family support, serta perceived feasibility memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap halalpreneurial propensity. Sedangkan awareness of halalpreneurship, creativity and innovation, honesty and integrity, perceived governmental support, peers influence, risk taking attitude, serta religiousity tidak memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap halalpreneurial propensity.
This study aims to know the motivational factors of SMEs entrepreneurs to become Halalpreneurs based on their attitude such as awareness of halal entrepreneurship, intrinsic motivation, effort to seek out opportunity, creativity and motivation, honesty and integrity, risk taking attitude, relative advantage and perceived desirability, Subjective norm such as family support and peer influence, and Perceived behavioral control such as perceived feasibility and goverment support and religiosity. Data were collected from questionnaire that gathered 239 muslim respondents that have their own business. Data were then analyzed using descriptive analysis and partial least square in SmartPLS 3.0. From the result, intrinsic motivation, effort to seek out opportunity, relative advantage, perceived desirability, family support, and perceived feasibility positively influenced halalpreneurial propensity. Meanwhile awareness of halalpreneurship, creativity and innovation, honesty and integrity, perceived governmental support, peers influence, risk taking attitude, and religiousity did not positively influence halalpreneurial propensity. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018