ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Jaminan kesehatan Nasional mempermudah masyarakat untuk
mengakses dan mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan bermutu termasuk kesehatan
gigi. Dokter gigisebagai pemberi pelayanan kesehatan tingkat pertama diharapkan
berpartisipasi dalam mendukung Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Tujuan:
Diperolehnyapemahaman determinan kesediaan dokter gigi sebagai pemberi
pelayanan kesehatan dalam Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Metode: Penelitian
Cross Sectional terhadap dokter gigi praktek swasta menggunakan kuesioner.Data
dianalisis menggunakanujichi square dan regresi logistik.Simpulan: Pengetahuan
tentang paket manfaat dan sikap terhadap kapitasi ditemukan memberikan
kontribusi terhadap kesediaan dokter gigi.
ABSTRACTBackground:A national health insurance makes people easier to access and
obtain quality health care including dental health. Dentists as the first level health
service providers are expected to participatein supporting the National Health
Insurance Program. Objective: To elucidatedeterminants dentistwillingnessto
becomehealth care provider for the national health insuranceMethods: Crosssectional
study on private practice dentists using questionnaires. Data were
analyzed usingchi square test and logistic regression.Conclusions: Knowledge on
benefit package and attitude toward capitation found to have significant
contribution to dentist willingness, Background:A national health insurance makes people easier to access and
obtain quality health care including dental health. Dentists as the first level health
service providers are expected to participatein supporting the National Health
Insurance Program. Objective: To elucidatedeterminants dentistwillingnessto
becomehealth care provider for the national health insuranceMethods: Crosssectional
study on private practice dentists using questionnaires. Data were
analyzed usingchi square test and logistic regression.Conclusions: Knowledge on
benefit package and attitude toward capitation found to have significant
contribution to dentist willingness]"