Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi konsumsi protein hewani didominasi komoditas Ikan, elastisitas harga sendiri mempunyai tanda positif untuk semua komoditas, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa semua komoditas bersifat inelastis terhadap permintaan yakni perubahan permintaan lebih kecil dari perubahan harga. Elastisitas harga silang bernilai lebih dari 0, mengindikasikan bahwa antar komoditas pangan berhubungan saling menggantikan (substitusi). Elastisitas pendapatan untuk komoditas Daging bernilai lebih dari 1, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa Daging termasuk barang mewah, sedangkan komoditas Telur dan Ikan termasuk barang normal atau pokok sehari-hari (bernilai diantara 0 dan 1).
......This thesis is intended to get information about consumption pattern and household expenditures from animal protein source food especially fish product, furthermore used as indicator for household prosperity level in South Sumatera Province using Model LA/AIDS. This Model AIDS used to find out consumption pattern one commodity, correlation with its own price, correlation with other commodity prices, household leader income, location, household leader job, and household poor status. This research took random data sample as many as 400 unit from population South Sumatera Province, using Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) 2010 by Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS), with data and publication from Direktori Pengembangan Konsumsi Pangan 2013 by Badan Ketahanan Pangan Kementerian Pertanian, and supported with other publications from related institutions such as Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Kementerian Perdagangan. Indicated parameter seen from Price Elasticity of Demand, Cross Elasticity of Demand, and Income Elasticity of Demand toward animal protein food demand which grouped into three categories, Meat, Egg and Fish product, using model econometric LA/AIDS.The result shows that animal protein consumption proportion dominated by Fish product, Price Elasticity of Demand has positive results for all commodities indicating that quality demanded change is smaller than price change. Cross Elasticity of Demand are more than 0 for Meat and Egg commodity compared to Fish product, indicated a substitional relation between food categories. Income Elasticity of Demand for Meat has value more than 1, which shows that Meat is categorized as luxury goods, meanwhile Egg and Food product are categorized as normal or necessities goods."
Penelitian ini membahas tentang kegiatan rekrutmen dan seleksi pegawai di Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta Pondok Kopi yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga di Rumah Sakit tersebut. Desain penelitian dimulai dengan kuantitatif berupa kuesioner kepada pegawai SDI dan dilanjutkan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada pimpinan. Temuannya adalah: pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi sudah sesuai dengan kebijakan RS Nomor: 037/KEP/1.6.AU/D/2014 mengenai penerimaan dan pengangkatan pegawai. Sumber rekrutmen adalah internal dan eksternal. Pengumuman rekrutmen dilakukan secara terbuka dengan menginformasikan lowongan pekerjaan melalui web, koran dan memasang di papan pengumuman Rumah Sakit. Proses seleksi yang dilakukan yaitu seleksi administrasi, tes Al Islam, tes profesi, psikotes dan tes kesehatan. Sumber Daya Insani RS Jakarta Pondok Kopi sejauh ini belum dapat mencukupi semua kebutuhan tenaga melalui rekrutmen dan seleksi disebabkan karena kendala data pelamar yang tidak lengkap, sedikitnya pelamar, tidak adanya tempat yang cukup besar dan waktu yang terlalu pendek dari pengumuman tes ke tes berikutnya. Sarannya adalah pelamar mempelajari persyaratan, memberikan pengumuman lowongan melalui media social dan memperpanjang waktu pengumuman
This study analyzed the implementation of the recruitment and selection of employees in Jakarta Islamic Hospital Pondok Kopi to fulfill the employees needs at the hospital. The quantitative design study began with a questionnaire to employees in Human Resources unit and followed by in-depth interviews to the management. The findings were: The implementation of the recruitment and selection has been based on policy No. 037/KEP/1.6.AU/D/2014 on the acceptance and appointment of employees. The sources used for recruitment are internal and external sources. Announcement of recruitment is carried out openly by informing jobs via the web, newspapers and on the hospital bulletin board. The process of selection is by administration selection, Al Islam test, proper test, psycho test and health test. Human Resources unit in Jakarta Islamic Pondok Kopi Hospital so far not been able to meet all the workers needs through recruitment and selection due to incomplete data of the applicants, less applicants than expected, the place is not enough and time too short from the announcement of the test to the next test. Applicants should study the requirements thoroughly and vacancy announcement through social media and lastly to extend the time of announcemen