ABSTRAKLatar Belakang. Gangguan fungsi kognitif dapat terjadi pada pekerja yang terpajan toluen. Gangguan fungsi kognitif tersebut terutama adalah penurunan memori, atensi dan konsentrasi, yang dapat menurunkan produktifitas kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi gangguan fungsi kognitif dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Metode Penelitian. Desain potong lintang dilakukan pada 102 orang pekerja perempuan usia 19-40 tahun dan pendidikan minimal SMA. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium serta MMSE. Kriteria inklusi adalah masa kerja ≥ 1 tahun dan bersedia menjadi responden dengan menandatangani informed consent. Kriteria eksklusi adalah hamil, menstruasi,merokok, minum alkohol, riwayat cedera kepala, hipertensi, gula darah dan dislipidemia. Faktor risiko yang diteliti antara lain umur, status perkawinan, masa kerja, lama kerja, kepatuhan pakai masker , stres kerja dan status gizi. Umur, status perkawinan,masa kerja dan lama kerja diambil dari data HRD. Status gizi didapatkan dari perhitungan Indeks Massa Tubuh. Kepatuhan pakai masker berdasarkan pengawasan kepatuhan APD. Stres kerja dinilai menggunakan kuesioner Survey Diagnostik Stress . Hasil. Walaupun kadar toluen didapat lebih kecil dari nilai ambang batas toluen , didapatkan prevalensi gangguan fungsi kognitif sebesar 52 %. Area kognitif yang menurun adalah atensi kalkulasi dan visuospasial. Faktor risiko yang secara bermakna mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif adalah masa kerja, lama kerja, kepatuhan pemakaian masker, stres kerja yang meliputi konflik peran, ketaksaan peran, beban kerja kualitatif, beban kerja kuantitatif, pengembangan karir dan tanggung jawab rekan kerja. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan konflik peran merupakan faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif ( OR 7,546 Interval kepercayaan 95% 1,5 ? 41,88 ) Kesimpulan. Prevalensi penurunan fungsi kognitif studi ini lebih besar dari penelitian sebelumnya dan teori. Aspek kognitif yang menurun didominasi oleh atensi kalkulasi dan visuospasial. Konflik peran merupakan faktor risiko yang paling mempengaruhi gangguan fungsi kognitif.
ABSTRACTBackground. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention ? Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 ? 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention ? calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment;Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention – Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 – 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention – calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment, Background. Cognitive Function Impairment can happen among workers expose by Toluene. This impairment mainly effect in attention, concentration and memory function, and can decrease working productivity. This study aims to calculate the prevalence of Cognitive Function impairment and related risk factors Method. Cross sectional design study was conducted on 102 female workers, age 19-40 years old and graduated from senior high school. Age and education were obtained from secondary data, and followed by interviews, physical and laboratory examination and Mini Mental States Examination. The inclusion criteria were age ≥ 1 year of work and willing to be the subject of research. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy, menstruation, smoker, Alcohol consumption, history of head injury, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and Dyslipidemia. Risk factor included in this study were age, marital status, duration of work,time of work, PPE obedience ,work stress and nutritional status. Age, Marital status, Duration and Time of work were from secondary data of HRD department. Nutritional status was obtained from body mass index calculation. face mask obedience was obtained from data of wearing mask compliance. Work stress was assessed using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of Cognitive Function Impairment was 52 % , mainly at Attention – Calculation and Visuospasial Aspect respectively. Significant risk factors ( p value < 0,05 ) in this study were duration of work and time of work, PPE obedience and all of work stress domain. The Result of multivariate analysis show that conflict of role was the most influence factor ( OR 7,546 C.I 95% 1,5 – 41,88 ) Conclusion. This study found that the prevalence of cognitive function impairment was higher than theory and other similar studies . Cognitive aspects mainly affected were attention – calculation and visuospatial. Conflict of role was the most inluence risk factor relating with cognitive function impairment]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014