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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jehan Amanda
Abstrak :
Istilah emosi yang selama ini digunakan seperti marah, sedih, takut belum memiliki batasan yang jelas sehingga sulit dibedakan. Valensi merupakan salah satu dimensi yang dapat lebih jelas membedakan emosi yang dirasakan seorang individu. Valensi diukur melalui status updates di Twittter karena Twitter sekarang ini dapat digunakan sebagai alat untuk menangkap emosi yang dirasakan individu melalui status updates yang ditulis individu di Twitter. Pengukuran valensi melalui Twitter sudah dilakukan sebelumnya dalam beberapa penelitian (Kloumann, Danforth, Harris, Bliss, & Dodds, 2012; Dodds, Harris, Kloumann, Bliss, & Danforth, 2011). Dalam penelitian ini, penulis ingin mencoba pengukuran valensi melalui Twitter di Indonesia. Selain akan melihat distribusi valensi yang ada melalui Twitter, baik valensi kata maupun valensi partisipan, penelitian ini juga akan melihat ada atau tidaknya kesamaan valensi diantara individu yang berteman. Hal ini dikarenakan terdapat kesamaan diantara individu yang berteman (Baker, 1983). Selain itu, hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Fowler dan Christakis (2008) juga menunjukkan bahwa emosi seorang individu tergantung oleh emosi individu lain yang terhubung dengannya, seperti keluarga, teman, tetangga. Analisis jejaring sosial berdasarkan hubungan pertemanan juga dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran hubungan pertemanan diantara partisipan. ......The term has been used in emotion such as anger, sadness, fear does not have clear boundaries so it?s difficult to distinguish. Valence is a dimension in emotion that can more clearly distinguish which emotions is felt by an individual. Valence is measured through status updates on Twitter because now it can be used as a tool to capture one invidual?s emotion through status updates on Twitter. Measurement of the valence through Twitter already done before in several research (Kloumann, Danforth, Harris, Bliss, & Dodds, 2012; Dodds, Harris, Kloumann, Bliss, & Danforth, 2011). In this study, the authors want to try to measure the valence through Twitter in Indonesia. Besides the valence distribution, both word valence and participants valence, the study will also look at whether there is any similarity valence between individuals who are friends. This is because there are similarities among individuals who are friends (Baker, 1983). In addition, the results of research conducted by Fowler and Christakis (2008) also showed that the emotions of an individual depends on the emotions of other individuals who connected with them, such as family, friends, neighbors. Social network analysis based on friendship also made to see the picture of the friendship among the participants.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Blanca Ayesha Rachman
Abstrak :
Emotional Victim Effect (EVE) menjelaskan bagaimana ekspresi emosi pada korban berdampak pada persepsi kredibilitas laporannya. EVE ditemukan dalam berbagai penelitian terhadap korban kekerasan seksual perempuan. Namun, EVE masih belum banyak dieksplorasi untuk korban laki-laki. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan eksperimen untuk mengetahui apakah EVE ditemukan pada laki-laki korban kekerasan seksual. Partisipan penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa Ilmu Hukum yang telah lulus mata kuliah hukum acara pidana (N=138) yang direkrut menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel convenience sampling. Partisipan menyaksikan video tentang seorang laki-laki yang melaporkan kejadian kasus kekerasan seksual yang dialaminya. Kelompok eksperimen menyaksikan video korban dengan ekspresi emosi negatif yang kuat sedangkan kelompok kontrol menyaksikan video korban dengan ekspresi emosi netral. Hasil utama penelitian ini adalah EVE tidak ditemukan pada laki-laki korban kekerasan seksual karena tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari ekspresi emosi negatif korban terhadap persepsi kredibilitas laporannya. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa semakin tinggi penerimaan mitos pemerkosaan laki-laki berhubungan dengan semakin rendahnya persepsi kredibilitas terhadap korban. Temuan pada penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya upaya peningkatan pemahaman dan sensitivitas oleh masyarakat terutama aparat penegak hukum terhadap laporan kekerasan seksual laki-laki. ......Emotional Victim Effect (EVE) explains how a victim's expression of emotion impacts the perceived credibility of their report. EVE was found in various studies of female victims of sexual assault. However, EVE has still not been explored much for male victims. In this study, researcher conducted an experiment to find out whether EVE was found in male victims of sexual assault. The participants in this research were law students who had passed the criminal procedural law course (N=138) who were recruited using convenience sampling techniques. Participants watched a video of a man reporting a case of sexual assault he had experienced. The experimental group watched a video of a victim with strong negative emotional expressions while the control group watched a video of a victim with neutral emotional expressions. The main result of this research is that EVE was not found in male victims of sexual assault because there was no significant effect of the victim's negative emotional expression on the perceived credibility of his report. Furthermore, this research also found that higher acceptance of male rape myths was associated with lower perceived credibility towards the victim. The findings of this research highlight the importance of efforts to increase understanding and sensitivity by the community, especially law enforcement officers, towards reports of male sexual assault.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gistilisanda Fauzin Hundra
Abstrak :
Hasil survei KPAI sepanjang tahun 2011 hingga 2016 terdapat 12.202 kasus anak dan remaja Indonesia terlibat perilaku berisiko. Daerah Jabodetabek menjadi daerah dengan kasus anak dan remaja terbanyak yang terlibat perilaku berisiko yaitu 5.160 kasus. Regulasi diri remaja menjadi faktor protektif terhadap perilaku berisiko. Pola asuh orang tua dan kemampuan regulasi emosi orang tua menjadi faktor protektif utama terhadap perilaku berisiko remaja dan kemampuan regulasi diri remaja. Berdasarkan pemaparan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran mediasi pola asuh orang tua terhadap kontribusi dari strategi regulasi emosi orang tua terhadap regulasi diri remaja. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan multiple regression dengan model template Hayes yaitu model empat dengan menggunakan satu variabel mediator. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 157 pasang partisipan penelitian yaitu ayah, ibu, dan remaja yang diperoleh dari SMP 73 Tebet, SMA 3 Bogor, dan SMP 8 Depok dengan menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga alat ukur yaitu The Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) untuk mengukur regulasi diri partisipan remaja, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) untuk mengukur regulasi emosi orang tua, serta Parenting Style Four Factor Questionnaire (PSFFQ) untuk mengukur pola asuh orang tua. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi berganda pada partisipan remaja menunjukkan bahwa adanya peran mediasi dari pola asuh authoritative ayah pada kontribusi strategi regulasi emosi reappraisal dan suppression ayah terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri remaja. Adanya peran mediasi dari pola asuh authoritarian ibu pada kontribusi strategi regulasi emosi reappraisal ibu terhadap kemampuan regulasi diri remaja.
The results of the KPAI survey from 2011 to 2016 included 12,202 cases of Indonesian children and adolescents involved in risk behaviour. Jabodetabek is the area with the most cases of children and adolescents involved in risk behaviour, namely 5,160 cases. Adolescent self-regulation becomes a protective factor against risk behaviour. Parenting and parents emotional regulation abilities become the main protective factors towards adolescent risk behaviours and adolescent self-regulation abilities. Based on that explanation, this study aims to examine the mediating role of parenting towards the contribution of parents emotional regulation strategies to adolescent self-regulation. Data analysis of this study used multiple regression with the Hayes template model, namely model four with using one mediator variable. The sample of this study consisted of 157 pairs of study participants namely fathers, mothers, and adolescents obtained from 73 Tebet Middle School, 3 Bogor High School, and Depok 8 Middle School by using accidental sampling method. There are three measuring instruments in this study, namely The Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (ASRI) to measure teenage participant self-regulation, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) to measure parents emotional regulation, and Parenting Style Four Factor Questionnaire (PSFFQ) to measure parenting. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis on adolescent participants showed that there is a mediating role of paternal authoritative parenting on contribution of the paternal emotion regulation (reappraisal and suppression) to adolescent self-regulation abilities, then there is a mediating role of maternal authoritarian parenting on contributing of maternal emotion regulation (reappraisal) to adolescent self-regulation abilities.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riskia Ramadhina Sukriananda
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara regulasi emosi dengan civility di konteks media sosial pada 278 remaja. Regulasi emosi diukur dengan difficulties of emotion regulation scale (DERS) yang disusun oleh Gratz & Roemer (2004), dan telah diadaptasi oleh Listyani (2014). Sedangkan civility diukur dengan Incivility in Online Learning Environment Scale (IOLES) yang disusun oleh Clark, Wreth & Ahten (2012) yang telah diadaptasi. Data diolah dengan teknik statistik Pearson Product Moment. Temuan penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara regulasi emosi dengan civility di konteks media sosial pada remaja (r = 0,306; p<0,01). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin meningkat kemampuan regulasi emosi seseorang maka semakin meningkat pula tingkah laku civil. Implikasi dan saran penelitian didiskusikan lebih lanjut.
This study examined the relationship between emotion regulation and civility in social media context among 278 adolescences. Emotion Regulation is measured by Difficulties of Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) which is developed by Gratz & Roemer (2004) and adapted by Listyani (2014). In this research, civility is measured by Incivility in Online Learning Environment Scale (IOLES) which is developed by Clark, Wreth & Ahten (2012) and has been adapted. Data was processed using Pearson Product Moment method. The result revealed the positive and significant correlation between emotion regulation and civility in social media context among adolescence (r = 0,306; p<0,01). The conclusion is higher level of emotion regulation predicts higher level of civility. Research implications and suggestions are discussed.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Guilford Publications, 2014
152.4 HAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dona Ardalisa
Abstrak :
[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis berperan sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara persepsi siswa mengenai iklim emosional kelas dan keterlibatan siswa. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner lapor diri yang diisi oleh 391 siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) kelas 7 dan kelas 8 dari tiga SMP Negeri di Depok. Hasil analisa mediasi menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara persepsi siswa mengenai iklim emosional kelas dan keterlibatan siswa dimediasi secara parsial oleh pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis. Hasil penelitian tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar psikologis siswa di kelas berperan dalam menjelaskan hubungan antara persepsi siswa mengenai iklim emosional kelas dan keterlibatan siswa. ......The aim of this study was to explore the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement. Data were collected through self-report questionnaire filled by 391 of 7th-grade and 8th-grade Junior High School students from three Public Junior High Schools in Depok. The result of mediation analyses showed that the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement was partially mediated by basic psychological needs satisfaction. It indicated that student’s basic psychological needs satisfaction in the classroom took part in explaining the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement.;The aim of this study was to explore the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement. Data were collected through self-report questionnaire filled by 391 of 7th-grade and 8th-grade Junior High School students from three Public Junior High Schools in Depok. The result of mediation analyses showed that the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement was partially mediated by basic psychological needs satisfaction. It indicated that student’s basic psychological needs satisfaction in the classroom took part in explaining the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement.;The aim of this study was to explore the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement. Data were collected through self-report questionnaire filled by 391 of 7th-grade and 8th-grade Junior High School students from three Public Junior High Schools in Depok. The result of mediation analyses showed that the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement was partially mediated by basic psychological needs satisfaction. It indicated that student’s basic psychological needs satisfaction in the classroom took part in explaining the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement., The aim of this study was to explore the role of basic psychological needs satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement. Data were collected through self-report questionnaire filled by 391 of 7th-grade and 8th-grade Junior High School students from three Public Junior High Schools in Depok. The result of mediation analyses showed that the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement was partially mediated by basic psychological needs satisfaction. It indicated that student’s basic psychological needs satisfaction in the classroom took part in explaining the relationship between student’s perception of classroom emotional climate and student engagement.]
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Nabila Haswar
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara penerimaan orang tua dengan aspek-aspek pada kemampuan sosial-emosional anak disabilitas fisik (tunarungu, tunadaksa, tunanetra, tunawicara). Penerimaan orang tua didefinisikan sebagai kontinum penerimaan hingga penolakan yang diberikan orang tua kepada anak mereka. Sedangkan kemampuan sosial-emosional adalah kemampuan yang dapat diajarkan dan dipelajari yang dapat digunakan individu untuk mengelola emosi, berperilaku efektif, bertahan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkannya, menghargai proses belajar, berinteraksi dan bekerja sama dengan orang lain secara efektif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua anak disabilitas fisik yang menyekolahkan anaknya pada pendidikan tingkat dasar. Total partisipan yang berhasil dikumpulkan berjumlah 120 orang tua. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif menggunakan alat ukur Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionare untuk mengukur penerimaan orang tua dan alat ukur Elementary Students Social and Emotional Skill Survey untuk mengukur kemampuan sosial-emosional anak disabilitas fisik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang positif yang signifikan antara penerimaan orang tua dengan aspek social competence anak disabilitas fisik. Selain itu didapatkan pula hasil yang tidak signifikan pada hubungan penerimaan orang tua dengan aspek persistence dan self control pada anak disabilitas fisik.
This study was conducted to determine the relation between parental acceptance and aspects of the social-emotional skill of physically disabled children (deaf, disabled, visually impaired, and speech impaired). Parental acceptance is defined as continuum reception to rejection that parents give to their children. While social-emotional skill are abilities that can be taught and learned that can be used by individuals to manage emotions, behave effectively, survive to achieve their desired goals, appreciate the process of learning, interact and work together with others effectively. Participants in this study were parents of physically disabled children who send their children to elementary level education. The total number of partisipants was collected 120 parents. This research was conducted with a quantitative method using Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionare to measure parental acceptance and Elementary Students Social and Emotional Skill Survey to measure the social-emotional skill of physically disabled children. The results showed a positive relation between the parental acceptance with social competence of sosio-emosional skill in physically disabled children. Besides that, resulft showed that the relation between parents acceptance with aspects of persistence and self control of socio-emotional skill in children with physical disabilities were not significant.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewa Ayu Fitriyanti
Abstrak :
Mengkonsumsi makanan berlebihan sebagai respon emosi negatif yang dapat merugikan kesehatan individu dan mengarah pada kematian. Di masa pandemi muncul suatu trend menerapkan perilaku sehat yang marak diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah benar terdapat efek moderasi yang signifikan dari regulasi emosi pada hubungan emotional eating dan perilaku sehat (aktivitas fisik dan konsumsi makanan sehat) di masa pandemi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah non-eksperimental dan cross-sectional. Partisipan penelitian ini merupakan 129 dewasa muda Indonesia berusia 18-25 tahun (64,3% perempuan; Musia = 21,50, SD = 1,37) yang memiliki tingkat BMI minimal 25 kg/m2. Emotional eating di ukur menggunakan Emotional Eating – Revised (EES-R), regulasi emosi diukur menggunakan Difficulties in Emotion Regulation – Short Form (DERS-SF), dan perilaku sehat diukur menggunakan Skala Perilaku Sehat. Melalui analisis moderator menggunakan Hayes PROCESS ditemukan bahwa tidak adanya peran moderator dari regulasi emosi pada hubungan emotional eating dan perilaku sehat (b = 0,002, t(129) = 1,158, p > 0,001). Artinya, pada tiap tingkat regulasi emosi, tidak terdapat perubahan kekuatan hubungan antara emotional eating dan perilaku sehat yang signifikan. Melalui analisis korelasi Pearson ditemukan emotional eating memiliki korelasi positif dan tidak signifikan dengan perilaku sehat (r (129) = 0,10, p > 0,01); emotional eating memiliki hubungan positif secara signifikan dengan regulasi emosi (r(129) = 0,23, p < 0,01) artinya individu dengan skor tinggi pada regulasi emosi cenderung memiliki tingkat emotional eating yang tinggi pula. Terakhir, regulasi emosi memiliki korelasi positif dan tidak signifikan dengan perilaku sehat (r (129) = 0,03, p > 0,01).
Consuming excessive food as a negative emotional response which can be detrimental to individual health and lead to death. During a pandemic, there is a trend to applying healthy behaviors and widely studied. This research aims is to determine whether there is a significant moderating effect of emotional regulation on the relationship between emotional eating and healthy behavior (physical activity and consumption of healthy foods) during pandemic. The research design used was non-experimental and cross-sectional. Participant in this study were 129 Indonesian young adult aged 18-25 years (64.3% women; Mage = 21.50, SD = 1.37) who had a BMI level at least 25 kg/m2. Emotional eating was measured using Emotional Eating – Revised (EES-R), emotional regulation was measured using Difficulties in Emotion Regulation – Short Form (DERS-SF), and healthy behavior was measured by using Skala Perilaku Sehat. Through a moderator analysis using Hayes PROCESS, it was found that there was no moderating role for emotional regulation on the relationship between emotional eating and healthy behavior (b = .002, t (129) = 1.158, p > .001). This means that at each level of emotional regulation, there is no significant change in the strength of the relationship between emotional eating and healthy behavior. Through Pearson correlation analysis, it was found that emotional eating has a positive and not significant correlation with healthy behavior (r (129) = .10, p > .01); emotional eating has a significant positive relationship with emotional regulation (r (129) = 0.23, p < .01) meaning that individuals with high scores on emotional regulation tend to have high levels of emotional eating as well. Finally, emotion regulation has a positive and not significant correlation with healthy behavior (r (129) = 0.03, p > .01).
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Junita
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan dari tingkat stres dengan strategi emotion-focused coping: fangirling/fanboying pada mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Penelitian ini melibatkan 439 mahasiswa di Universitas Indonesia, Data analisis dengan menggunakan Chi-Square untuk mengetahui hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat stres dan strategi emotion-focused coping: fangirling/fanboying berdasarkan bentuk, waktu, dan durasi kegiatan. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh p=0,019 berdasarkan bentuk kegiatan dan <0,001 berdasarkan durasi kegiatan, artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat stres dengan strategi emotion-focused coping: fangirling/fanboying pada mahasiswa berdasarkan bentuk dan durasi kegiatan. Sedangkan untuk waktu kegiatan, didapatkan p=0,814, artinya tidak terdapat adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat stres dengan strategi emotion-focused coping: fangirling/fanboying pada mahasiswa berdasarkan waktu kegiatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat stres pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia berada pada tingkat sedang (73,8 %), tingkat ringan (11,8%), dan tingkat tinggi (14,4%). Kesimpulannya, mahasiswa harus menemukan bentuk kegiatan strategi koping yang tepat bagi dirinya yang dilakukan dalam durasi waktu yang tepat dan terbatas agar tidak memberikan dampak yang buruk bagi tingkat stres mahasiswa. ......This research aims to identify the relationship between stress levels and emotion-focused coping strategies: fangirling/fanboying in students, especially University of Indonesia students. This study used a cross-sectional design with cluster random sampling technique. This research involved 439 students at the University of Indonesia. Data analysis used Chi-Square to determine the significant relationship between stress levels and emotion-focused coping strategies: fangirling/fanboying based on the form, time and duration of the activity. The statistical test results obtained p=0.019 based on the form of activity and <0.001 based on the duration of the activity, meaning that there is a significant relationship between stress levels and emotion-focused coping strategies: fangirling/fanboying in students based on the form and duration of the activity. Meanwhile, for activity time, p=0.814 was obtained, meaning that there was no significant relationship between stress levels and emotion-focused coping strategies: fangirling/fanboying in students based on activity time. The research results showed that the stress level of University of Indonesia students was at a moderate level (73.8%), mild level (11.8%), and high level (14.4%). In conclusion, students must find the right form of coping strategy activity for themselves which is carried out in the right and limited time duration so that it does not have a bad impact on the student's stress level.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library