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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Risha Safitri Hasanah
Abstrak :
Gadget menjadi suatu barang yang populer saat ini, termasuk pada anak-anak. Menggunakan gadget secara berlebihan dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan anak tidak memiliki waktu untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara penggunaan gadget dan aktivitas fisik anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini melibatkan 101 responden siswa sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur yang dipilih menggunakan teknik cluster sampling dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara penggunaan gadget dan aktivitas fisik nilai p= 0,082 . Hal ini dapat terjadi karena setiap anak memiliki perbedaan kebiasaan, meskipun anak suka bermain gadget tetapi anak juga tetap dapat aktif melakukan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada orang tua untuk membatasi penggunaan gadget pada anak dan menganjurkan anak untuk tetap aktif melakukan aktivitas fisik.
Gadgets has become popular across generation. Children who overuse of gadgets may spent less time on physical activities. Aim of this research is to identify the correlation of gadgets usage and physical activity of school age children. This research is using cross sectional design with cluster sampling method to 101 respondents in Kecamatan Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur elementary school. Correlation test using chi square showed that there is no correlation between gadget use and physical activity among school age children p value 0,082 . Variation of children rsquo s behavior may affect the result, children can use excessive gadgets and still physically active. This research recommend that parents should limits on the time that children gadget use throughout the day and encourage to be physically active.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dzurrotun Nafisah
Abstrak :
Tingkat kebugaran yang rendah merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskuler. Berbagai penelitian di tingkat dunia maupun Indonesia telah membuktikan rendahnya tingkat kebugaran pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kebugaran berdasarkan aktivitas fisik, jenis kelamin, status gizi, dan asupan energi serta zat gizi pada siswa Sekolah Dasar Avicenna Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan. Desain studi penelitian ini yaitu cross sectional. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah status kebugaran, sedangkan variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah aktivitas fisik, jenis kelamin, status gizi, dan asupan zat gizi energi, karbohidrat, protein, lemak, zat besi, vitamin C, dan kalsium . Pengukuran status kebugaran dilakukan dengan metode 20 m shuttle run. Data status gizi diperoleh dengan pengukuran tinggi badan dan berat badan, sedangkan data asupan zat gizi diperoleh dengan metode food recall 1x24 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan tingkat kebugaran berdasarkan aktivitas fisik, jenis kelamin, dan status gizi. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan hasil bahwa aktivitas fisik merupakan faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kebugaran. Status kebugaran yang baik dapat diperoleh dengan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik, mempertahankan status gizi normal, dan mengkonsumsi zat gizi secara seimbang.
Low level of fitness is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Various studies at the world and Indonesia have proven the low level of fitness in children. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the difference fitness level based on physical activity, sex, nutritional status, and intake of energy and nutrients in elementary school students Avicenna Jagakarsa South Jakarta. The design of this study is cross sectional. The dependent variable in this study is fitness status, and the independent variable in this study is physical activity, sex, nutritional status, and nutrient intake energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat, iron, vitamin C, and calcium . Measurement of fitness status was done by 20 m shuttle run test. Nutritional status data obtained by the measurement of height and weight, while nutrient intake obtained by food recall 24 hours. The result of this study showed that there were differences of fitness level based on physical activity, sex, and nutritional status. Multivariate analysis result show that physical activity is dominant factor that affecting fitness. Good fitness status can be gained by increasing physical activity, maintaining normal nutritional status, and consuming nutrients in balanced way.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shelly Shalihat
Abstrak :
Kurangnya aktivitas fisik pada anak dapat menyebabkan kejadian penyimpangan gizi yaitu berupa kegemukan dan obesitas yang dapat menimbulkan kejadian penyakit lainnya seperti diabetes, jantung koroner dan sebagainya. Proporsi aktivitas fisik yang kurang aktif berdasarkan umur, tertinggi pada kelompok umur 10 ndash; 14 tahun sebesar 49,6 Riskesdas 2013. Berdasarkan pendidikan angka proporsi tertinggi kurangnya aktivitas fisik berada pada kelompok pendidikan tidak tamat Sekolah Dasar SD atau Madrasah Ibtidaiyah MI yaitu sebesar 33,0. SD IT Ummu l Quro mengalami sedikit peningkatan angka obesitas setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2017 angka obesitas di SD IT Ummu l Quro mencapai kurang lebih 30 dari total keseluruhan siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aktivitas fisik pada anak di SD IT Ummu l Quro Kecamatan Beji Kota Depok tahun 2018 dengan mengunakan mix methode yaitu studi kuantitatif dan studi kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah didapatkan bahwa gambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aktivitas fisik pada siswa SD IT Ummu l Quro adalah faktor pemungkin enabling yang terdiri dari sarana prasarana serta faktor penguat reinforcing yang terdiri dari pembiasaan orang tua, dukungan guru, peraturan disekolah, program pemerintah.
Lack of physical activity in children can lead to the occurrence of torture of nutrition that is in the form of obesity and obesity that can cause events such as diabetes, coronary heart and so forth. The proportion of inactive physical activity was age, the highest among the 10 14 years age group was 49.6 Riskesdas 2013. Based on education, the figures are the most effective in the education group did not complete elementary school SD or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah MI that amounted to 33.0. SD IT Ummu 39 l Quro, slightly faster, figures, numbers every year. In 2017 obesity rates in SD IT Ummu 39 l Quro reach approximately 30 of the total students. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect the physical in children in Elementary School IT Ummu 39 l Quro Beji District Depok city in 2018 by using a mixed method of quantitative studies and qualitative studies. The result of this research is to know the factors that influence the activity of the students of SD IT Ummu 39 l Quro is a enabling factor consisting of various facilities and infrastructure. Reinforcing factor consisting of parents, teachers, school rules, government programs.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Talitha Dinda Gunawan
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pandemi coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) secara global menyebabkan pemerintah Indonesia untuk menerapkan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) sebagai upaya pencegahan transmisi COVID-19. Kebijakan ini berdampak pada perubahan gaya hidup anak melalui penutupan sekolah dan fasilitas rekreasional sehingga terjadi penurunan aktivitas fisik dan perubahan pola tidur anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan gangguan tidur pada anak usia sekolah dasar di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional yang dilakukan pada 437 subjek. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder tahun 2020 yang menggunakan Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) dan Children Sleep Habits Questionnaire-Abbreviated (CSHQ-A). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 60,87% subjek tidak aktif dan sebanyak 73,23% subjek mengalami gangguan tidur selama pandemi COVID-19. Hasil uji analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan gangguan tidur (p=0,248). Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar anak usia sekolah dasar tidak aktif melakukan aktivitas fisik, kurang tidur pada hari biasa, tidur cukup pada akhir pekan, dan mengalami gangguan tidur selama pandemi COVID-19. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan gangguan tidur pada anak usia sekolah dasar selama pandemi COVID-19. ......Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) globally affected the Indonesian government to implement the large-scale social restriction to prevent the COVID-19 transmission. The policy has altered children’s lifestyles through the closure of schools and recreational facilities which caused the decline in children’s physical activity level and the alteration of children’s sleep pattern. This study aims to determine the relationship between elementary school-aged children’s physical activity level and sleep disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This study was conducted with a cross-sectional design on 437 subjects. The research used secondary data collected in 2020 to obtain the data through the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C) and the Children Sleep Habits Questionnaire-Abbreviated (CSHQ-A). The data were analyzed using the Chi-square analysis test. Result: This study showed that 60,87% of the subjects were not physically active and 73,23% of the subjects had sleep disorders. The statistical analysis test showed no significant relationship (p 0.05) between children’s physical activity level and sleep disorders. Conclusion: The majority of elementary school-aged children were not physically active and had sleep disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. There was not a significant relationship between elementary school-aged children’s physical activity level and sleep disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salma Nabila
Abstrak :
Penelitian terkait mental well-being sudah mulai banyak dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup serta mencegah terjadinya masalah kesehatan mental yang saat ini sudah terlihat sejak usia anak. Akan tetapi, di Indonesia bukti terkait mental well-being masih terbatas, terutama hubungannya dengan faktor terkait gizi, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk meningkatkan bukti tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran mental well-being serta faktor terkait gizi yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional melibatkan 315 siswa kelas 4 dan 5 dari 5 sekolah dasar negeri terpilih di Banten. Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa mental well-being memiliki korealsi positif dengan aktivitas fisik r=0,47. ......Researches on mental well being have been widely established to improve quality of life and to prevent mental health problems which have affect children and young people. However it is still rarely done in Indonesia, especially its relationships with nutrition related factors. The aim of this study was to show associations between nutrition related factors with mental well being among elementary school students. A cross sectional study was conducted involving 315 students of grade 4 and 5 from 5 purposely selected schools in Banten, year 2016. Statistical analysis generated positive correlation between mental well being and physical activity r 0,44.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hahn, Fredrick
Abstrak :
All parents want their children to be healthy, fit, and more active, but there is a pervasive myth that keeps many kids from reaching their full potential. A popular miscon cep - tion is that young athletes shouldn't engage in strength train ing because it is harmful. However, current research, including a recent study from the Mayo Clinic, indicates that nothing could be further from the truth. Strength training is the single most effective exercise method for reversing adolescent obesity and can dramatically alter and improve a child's body composition. With his blockbuster book The Slow Burn(t) Fitness Revolution, renowned personal trainer Fredrick Hahn revealed the secret to strengthening muscles, enhancing flexibility, burning fat and improving performance in just 30 minutes a week. Now, in Strong Kids, Healthy Kids, he shows parents, caregivers, teachers, and doctors how his fitness program can change the lives of children and teens everywhere, no matter what their athletic ability. Whether a child is inactive or a competitive athlete looking to take his performance to the next level, he can become much stronger and fitter. As the founder of the Mighty Tykes and Teens(t) program, Hahn is an expert on child fitness. With this proven program, all children can build their selfesteem, improve their performance, and lead healthier lives.
New York: American Management Association;, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Adolescent need special attention due to their physical and psychosocial development. Studies about nutrional status of Adolescent girls have been last explored in Indonesia. To assess overweight Adolescent girl related to their socio-demographic condition. The data was part of the basic Healt Research 2010, which was a cross sectional and non intervention study. It covered 22 provinces, 441 district/municipalities, anf 70.000 house hold. The sampling was based on economical status and urban/rural racio. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from weight and height measured from all participants. The author analyzed 21.799 non pregant girls aged 10-19 years by calculating Crude odds ratio and Adjusted odds ratio between overweight and normal weight and their socio demograpic variables. 45.3% underweight ( BMI <18.5), 44,0% normal weight (BMI 18.5-22.9), 5,7% overweight-1 ( BMI 23.3-24.9), 4.0% overweight-2 (25.0-29.9) and 1.1% obese (BMI <_30). Those who were married were 1.87 fold more likely to be overweight(95% Cl:1.48-2.36), those who lived at urban area were 1.26 fold more likely to be overnight (95% cl: 1.09-1.45). In adjusted models, those aged 10-12 years were 1.48 fold more likely to be overweight (95% Cl:1.25-1.76) and those with the highest quintile was 1.82 fold more likeli to be overweight (95% Cl: 1.47-2.24). The high levels of overnight among Adolescent girs were a public healt concern. A higher prevalance of overweight was mainly was mainly found in married Adolescent, those who lived in urban area, the younger ones and those with highher socioeconomic strata. It needs a comperhensive Adolescent healt program.
BULHSR 14:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library