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Aviantara Agung Nugraha
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara persepsi keadilan organisasi terhadap perilaku kewargaan organisasi (PKO) di PT. X. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasional dengan responden penelitian sebanyak 33 karyawan. Persepsi keadilan organisasi di ukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur persepsi keadilan organisasi yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur persepsi keadilan organsisasi (Rego & Cunha, 2006). Alat ukur persepsi keadilan organisasi terdiri dari 17 item (a=0,907). Sedangkan PKO diukur dengan alat ukur PKO yang dikembangkan oleh Podsakoff (1990 dalam Organ et al., 2000). Alat ukur PKO terdiri dari 24 item (a = 0,812). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi keadilan organisasi terhadap PKO (R = 0,741, p<.0,01). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa hanya dimensi keadilan informasi yang menunjukkan hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap PKO (R = 0,653, p<.0,01). Hal ini dapat diartikan semakin tinggi keadilan informasi maka akan semakin tinggi pula PKO. Peneliti kemudian merancang intervensi yang dapat meningkatkan keadilan informasi berupa pelatihan komunikasi efektif pada karyawan level jabatan manajer dan penyelia di PT. X. Tujuannya dengan meningkatkan keadilan informasi maka akan berdampak pada meningkatnya PKO di PT. X. Hasil evaluasi pemahaman menunjukkan signifikansi perbedaan pre-test dan post-test baik pada peserta pelatihan level karyawan maupun level penyelia (nilai t karyawan level manajer = -9,798 (p <0,05), nilai t karyawan level penyelia =- 6.364 (p< 0.05)). Hal ini dapat diartikan terjadi peningkatan pemahaman mengenai komunikasi efektif pada peserta pelatihan setelah pelaksanaan intervensi.
This research aims to determine the relationship between perception of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at X company. The type of this study is correlational study and the number of participants are 33 employees. Perceived Organizational Justice is measured by using measurement instrument adapted from perceived organizational justice questionnaire developed by Rego & Cunha (2006). Perceived Organizational Justice questionnaire consists of 17 items (a=0,907). Whereas, OCB measurement instrument adapted from OCB questionnaire developed by Podsakoff (1990 in Organ et al., 2000). OCB questionnaire consists of 24 items (a = 0,812). The results showed a positive and significant relationship between perceived organizational justice and OCB (R = 0,741, p<.0,01). The results also showed that only informational justice dimension indicating a positive and significant relationship on OCB (R = 0,653, p<.0,01). It can be concluded that the higher informational justice then the higher the OCB level. Researcher then designing interventions that can improve informational justice in the form of effective communication training for employee at managerial level and supervisory level. Purpose of the intervention is to improve informational justice that will result in increased levels of OCB. Evaluation at learning criteria show significant differences between pre-test and post-test both at manageria level as well as at supervisory level (value of t for managerial level = -9,798 (p <0,05), value of t for supervisory level =-6.364 (p< 0.05)). It can be concluded that there has been an increase in knowledge about effective communication on the trainee after the implementation of intervention.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Alviyani
Abstrak :
Inovasi menjadi penting bagi perusahaan untuk bertahan dan berkembang dalam persaingan. Perilaku kerja inovatif karyawan menjadi faktor yang perlu diperhatikan perusahaan terutama pada karyawan Gen Z yang dikenal sebagai generasi yang kreatif dan inovatif. Akan tetapi, karyawan Gen Z juga sering mengungkapkan rasa kecewa dan rasa tidak adil saat mereka bekerja melalui media sosial. Sementara itu, salah satu faktor yang dapat menampilkan perilaku tersebut adalah keadilan organisasi. Penelitian ini pun dilakukan untuk melihat peran keadilan organisasi beserta keempat dimensinya terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif pada karyawan Gen Z di Indonesia. Data diperoleh dari 217 karyawan berusia 18-28 tahun di Indonesia. Perilaku kerja inovatif diukur menggunakan Skala Perilaku Kerja Inovatif yang diadaptasi oleh Etikariena dan Muluk (2014) dan keadilan organisasi diukur menggunakan Organizational Justice Scale yang diadaptasi oleh Pratiwi (2013) ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear sederhana, keadilan organisasi berperan secara positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif (β = 0.36, p = 0.00). Keadilan organisasi dapat menjelaskan 13% varians dari perilaku kerja inovatif (R2= 0.13, p = 0.00). Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear berganda, dimensi keadilan prosedural berperan secara positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif (β = 0.40, p = 0.00). Akan tetapi, dimensi keadilan distributif (β = 0.08, p = 0.32), keadilan interpersonal (β = 0.07, p = 0.36), dan keadilan informasi (β = -0.08, p = 0.28) tidak berperan secara signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja inovatif. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan perlu memperhatikan keadilan organisasi untuk meningkatkan perilaku kerja inovatif pada karyawan Gen Z di Indonesia. ......Innovation becomes essential for companies to survive and thrive in competitive markets. Employees' innovative work behavior is a factor that companies need to pay attention to, especially Gen Z employees, who are known as a creative and innovative generation. However, Gen Z employees also often express disappointment and unfairness when they work through social media. Meanwhile, one factor that can display such behavior is organizational justice. This research was conducted to look at the role of organizational justice and its four dimensions in innovative work behavior on Gen Z employees in Indonesia. Data was obtained from 217 employees aged 18–28 in Indonesia. Innovative work behavior is measured using the Innovative Working Behavior Scale adapted by Etikariena and Muluk (2014), and organizational justice is assessed using the Organizational Justice Scale adapted by Pratiwi (2013) to the Indonesian language. Based on the results of simple linear regression analysis, organizational justice plays a positive and significant role in innovative work behavior (β = 0.36, p = 0.00). Organizational justice can explain 13% of the variance in innovative work behavior (R2 = 0.13, p = 0.00). Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the dimension of procedural justice plays a positive and significant role in innovative work behavior (β = 0.40, p = 0.00). However, the dimensions of distributive justice (β = 0,08, p = 0.32), interpersonal justice (β = 0.07, p = 0.36), and informational justice (β = -0.08, p = 0.28) do not play a significant role in innovative work behavior. Therefore, companies need to pay attention to organizational justice to improve innovative work behavior on Gen Z employees in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Mutiara Nur Amalia
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hubungan antara keadilan interaksional dan rotasi kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional yang melibatkan 52 responden dari unit Kesekretariatan KBUMN. Penganalisaan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji multiple regresi. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa keadilan interaksional berhubungan positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan dengan nilai β = 0,429 ( p< 0,01) dan rotasi kerja memiliki hubungan signifikan negatif terhadap kepuasan kerja dengan nilai β = -0,248 (p< 0,01). Penelitian ini dapat memberikan sumbangan bagi perkembangan teori keadilan interaksional dan rotasi kerja dengan kepuasan kerja bagi karyawan.
This thesis examines the relationship between interactional justice and job rotation on employee job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of correlational study involving 52 respondents from KBUMN Secretariat units. Analyzing the data in this study using multiple regression test. The results of this study found that interactional justice positively significant related to job satisfaction of employees with a value of β = 0,429 (p <0.01) and job rotation has a significant negative relationship to job satisfaction with the value β = -0,248 (p <0.01). This study may contribute to the development of the theory of interactional justice and job rotation and job satisfaction for employees.;This thesis examines the relationship between interactional justice and job rotation on employee job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of correlational study involving 52 respondents from KBUMN Secretariat units. Analyzing the data in this study using multiple regression test. The results of this study found that interactional justice positively significant related to job satisfaction of employees with a value of β = 0,429 (p <0.01) and job rotation has a significant negative relationship to job satisfaction with the value β = -0,248 (p <0.01). This study may contribute to the development of the theory of interactional justice and job rotation and job satisfaction for employees.;This thesis examines the relationship between interactional justice and job rotation on employee job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of correlational study involving 52 respondents from KBUMN Secretariat units. Analyzing the data in this study using multiple regression test. The results of this study found that interactional justice positively significant related to job satisfaction of employees with a value of β = 0,429 (p <0.01) and job rotation has a significant negative relationship to job satisfaction with the value β = -0,248 (p <0.01). This study may contribute to the development of the theory of interactional justice and job rotation and job satisfaction for employees., This thesis examines the relationship between interactional justice and job rotation on employee job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of correlational study involving 52 respondents from KBUMN Secretariat units. Analyzing the data in this study using multiple regression test. The results of this study found that interactional justice positively significant related to job satisfaction of employees with a value of β = 0,429 (p <0.01) and job rotation has a significant negative relationship to job satisfaction with the value β = -0,248 (p <0.01). This study may contribute to the development of the theory of interactional justice and job rotation and job satisfaction for employees.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dania Asri Dewi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hubungan antara keadilan organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja pada perawat di RS ?K?. Sebanyak 47 perawat terlibat sebagi sampel dalam peneltian ini yang terdiri dari staf, supervisor, dan manajer. Pengukuran kepuasan kerja dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner Job Satisfaction Survey milik Spector (1997). Sedangkan untuk keadilan organisasi, kuesioner yang digunakan adalah hasil adaptasi dari kuesioner Colquitt (2001). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keadilan organisasi secara umum dengan kepuasan kerja. Namun, 2 dari 4 dimensi milik keadilan organisasi mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja. kedua dimensi tersebut adalah keadilan interpersonal (r = 0,385) dan keadilan informasional (r = 0,310). Pelatihan mengenai komunikasi dalam coaching terhadap perawat level manajerial diberikan sebagai intervensi untuk meningkatkan keadilan interpersonal, informasional, dan kepuasan kerja pada perawat di RS "K". ......This thesis discussed about the relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction of nurses in ?K? hospital. Forty-seven nurses were involved as samples in this research, including staffs, supervisors and managers. Job satisfaction as dependent variable was measured by the Spector's Job Satisfaction Survey (1997). As independent variable, Oranizational Justice was measured by Colquitt?s Measure of Organizational Justice (2001). The result shows that there is no significant correlation between organizational justice in general and job satisfaction. But, two out of four dimensions if organizational justice showed significant relationship with job satisfaction. The dimensions are interpersonal justice (r = 0,385) and informational justice (r = 0,310). Training about effective communication in coaching was given to managerial level nurses as an intervention for improving interpersonal, informational, and job satisfaction among nurses in "K" Hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Arfan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh external pressure dan organizational justice terhadap resistance to change di PT. X. PT. X adalah perusahaan badan usaha milik negara yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultasi, survei, inspeksi dan verifikasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan regresi. Resistance to change adalah faktor yang menghambat proses perubahan. External pressure memiliki dimensi coercive, mimetic dan normative pressure. Organizational justice memiliki dimensi distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice dan informational justice. Hasil penelitian terhadap 262 responden menunjukkan tingkat resistance to change di PT. X dikategorikan sedang. Dimensi mimetic pressure berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap resistance to change, dimensi informational justice berpengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap resistance to change. Sedangkan coercive, normative, distributive justice, procedural justice dan interpersonal justice tidak terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap resistance to change
This research aims to determine the effect of external pressure and organizational justice to resistance to change at PT. X. PT. X is a state-owned enterprise with field of work as consultant for survey, inspection, and verification. Data analysis method used are statistic descriptive analysis and regression. Resistance to change is a factor that prevent change prosess. External pressure has dimensions of coercive, mimetic and normative pressure. Organizational justice has dimensions of distributive justice, procedural justice, interpersonal justice and informational justice. Researh findings on 262 respondents indicated the level of resistance to change at PT. X categorized as moderate. Dimension of mimetic pressure significantly impact to resistance to change, dimension informational justice significantly influence and negatif impact to resistance to change. Whereas coercive, normative, distributive justice, procedural justice and interpersonal justice not proven significantly influence resistance to change
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Ayesha Widyaswari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor-faktor Konflik Interpersonal, Ketidakadilan Organisasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Perilaku Kerja Menyimpang di lingkungan pegawai negeri sipil di Ditjen ABC Kementerian XYZ. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan selfadministered questionnaire dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian nantinya digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konflik interpersonal, ketidakadilan organisasi dan kepuasan kerja terhadap perilaku kerja menyimpang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketidakadilan organisasi dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja menyimpang. Dari penelitian ini, peneliti menyarankan bahwa manajemen instansi pemerintah perlu menerapkan disiplin PNS yang lebih tegas dan konsisten tanpa mengabaikan kesejahteraan dan kenyamanan pegawainya. Manajemen juga harus menerapkan prinsip komunikasi efektif antar pegawai dan manajemen untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman dan kondusif, serta mampu menekan tumbuhnya perilaku kerja menyimpang. ......This theses aims to analyze the effect of interpersonal conflict, organizational injustice and job satisfaction towards deviant workplace behaviors at public service environment specifically at Ditjen ABC Ministry XYZ. This research is conducted by administering self-administered questionnaire and analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. The result yielded is then used to analyze the effect of interpersonal conflict, organizational injustice and job satisfaction toward deviant workplace behaviors. It shows that organizational injustice and job satisfaction are significantly affecting deviant workplace behaviors. From the research, researcher suggests that the ministry?s management should emphasize public service servants? discipline to be more firm and consistent, without ignoring employees? wellbeing and comfort. Management should also administer effective communication principle amongst employees and management, to create comfortable and condusive work environment and minimize deviant workplave behaviors.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muzdalifah Irene
Abstrak :
Turnover Intention seringkali terjadi pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang outsourcing, seperti yang terjadi di PT X. Tingginya tingkat turnover karyawan di PT X, membuat perusahaan berusaha untuk terus mempertahankan performa perusahaan. Berdasarkan diagnosa awal, persepsi keadilan organisasi merupakan salah satu penyebab turnover intention pada karyawan di PT X. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan persepsi keadilan organisasi pada karyawan di PT X. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah organizational justice scale dan turnover intention scale. Kedua alat ukur yang digunanakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala Likert 1 ndash; 6. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 164 karyawan dari bagian others project di PT X. Hasil uji regresi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari persepsi keadilan organisasi terhadap turnover intention r2=0,081, p. ......Turnover Intention often occurs in companies engaged in outsourcing, as happened in PT X. The high turnover rate of employees in PT X, make the company strive to continue to maintain the company 39 s performance. Based on the initial diagnosis, perceived organizational justice is one of the causes of employee rsquo s turnover intention in PT X. Therefore, this study aims to improve perceived organizational justice of employees in PT X. Measurement tools used in this research are organizational justice scale and turnover intention scale. Both of measurement tools in this research used Likert scale 1 6. Respondents of this study amounted to 164 employees from the others project in PT X. Regression test results showed that there is a significant influence of perceived organizational justice on turnover intention r2 0.081, P.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Glory Yosephina
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara persepsi keadilan organisasi terhadap in-role dan extra-role behavior di PT X, serta menentukan intervensi yang tepat sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan in-role dan extra-role behavior melalui peningkatan persepsi keadilan organisasi. Persepsi keadilan organisasi diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur persepsi keadilan organisasi yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur organizational justice scale yang dikembangkan oleh Colquitt 2001. Alat ukur persepsi keadilan organisasi terdiri dari 20 item ?=0,92. Sedangkan in-role behavior IRB dan extra role behavior/ organizational citizenship behavior OCB diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikembangkan oleh William dan Anderson 1997. Alat ukur IRB terdiri dari 6 item ?=0,85 , OCB-O terdiri dari 7 item ? =0,75 , dan OCB-I terdiri dari 7 item ?=0,92 . Hasil penelitian terhadap 92 responden menunjukkan hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi keadilan organisasi dengan IRB r=0,22, p. ......The research aims to determine the relationship between perception of organizational justice to in role and extra role behavior at X company, and to decide appropriate intervention to increase in role and extra role behavior by enhancing perceived organizational justice. Perceived organizational justice is measured by using measurement instrument adapted from organizational justice scale developed by Colquitt 2001 . Perceived organizational justice questionnaire consist of 20 items 0,92 . Whereas, in role behavior IRB and extra role behavior organizational citizenship behavior OCB measurement instrument adapted from IRB and OCB questionnaire developed by William and Anderson 1997 . IRB questionnaire consist of 6 items 0,85 , OCB O questionnaire consist of 7 items 0,75 , and OCB I questionnaire consist of 7 items 0,92 . The measurement of 92 respondent results showed a positive and significant relationship between perceived organizational justice to IRB R 0,22, p.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Samudra Dewa
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara keadilan organisasidan persepsi dukungan organisasi terhadap komitmen afektif karyawan di PT A. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian korelasional dengan responden penelitian sebanyak 52 karyawan. Keadilan organisasidiukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur organizational justice dari Neihoof Moorman 1993 yang terdiri dari 20 item a= 0,911. Alat ukur persepsi dukungan organisasi diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur perceived organizational supportdari Eisenberger 2002 yang terdiri dari 8 item a=0,892. Sementara alat ukur komitmen afektif diukur menggunakan alat ukur yang diadaptasi dari alat ukur affective commitmentdari Meyer Allen 1991 yang terdiri dari 8 item a=714. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara keadilan organisasimaupun persepsi dukungan organisasi terhadap komitmen afektif R = 0,410, p < 0,001. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa persepsi dukungan organisasi lebih memengaruhi komitmen afektif jikadibandingkan dengankeadilan organisasi b= 0,418, p < 0,05. Hal ini dapat diartikan semakin tinggi persepsi dukungan organisasi maka akan tinggi pula komitmen afektif. Peneliti selanjutnya merancang intervensi yang dapat meningkatkan persepsi dukungan organisasi melalui pelatihan coaching for performanceuntuk karyawan PT A yang memiliki bawahan. Tujuannya dengan dilakukannya coachingadalah untuk meningkatkan persepsi dukungan organisasi yang selanjutnya dapat meningkatnya komitmen afektif.Hasil evaluasi pemahaman peserta menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antara skor pre-testdan post-test t = -5,745, p < 0,001. Hal ini dapat diartikan terjadi peningkatan pemahaman mengenai coaching pada peserta pelatihan setelah pelaksanaan intervensi.
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of organizational justice and perceived organizational support to affective commitment of the employee at A Company. The type of this study is correlational study and the number of participants are 52 employees. Organizational justice is measured by using measurement instrument adapted from organizational justice questionnaire developed by Neihoof Moorman 1993, consist of 20 item a 0,911. Perceived organizational support is measured by using measurement instrument adapted from Perceived organizational support questionnaire developed by Eisenberger 2002, consist of 8 item a 0,892. Whereas affective commitment is measured by using measurement instrument adapted questionnaire affective commitment developed by Meyer Allen 1991, consist of 8 item a 714. The result a positive and significant relationship among organizational justice and perceived organizational support with affective commitment R 0,410 , p 0,001. The result also showed that only perceived organizational support indicating a positive and significant relationship on affective commitment than organizational justice b 0,418, p 0,05. It can be conclude that the higher perceived organizational support then the higher of affective commitment level. Researcher then designing intreventions that can improve perceived organizational support through coaching for performance training for employee of A company who has the subordinates. The purpose of the intervention is to improve perceived organizational support which can impact on improve affective commitment level. Evaluation at learning criteria show significant differences between pre test dan post test t 5,745, p 0,001. It can be concluded that there has been an increase in knowledge about coaching on the trainee after the intervention session.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh persepsi keadilan organisasi dan keterikatan kerja (work engagement) terhadap komitmen afektif untuk perubahan pada Puskesmas Kecamatan X Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 145 orang pegawai PNS maupun Non PNS yang mengikuti penelitian secara sukarela. Data penelitian diambil melalui kuesioner, wawancara dan data organisasi. Partisipan mengisi kuesioner dalam bentuk booklet yang terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu; kuesioner komitmen afektif untuk perubahan, kuesioner persepsi keadilan organisasi dan, kuesioner work engagement. Hasil analisis regressi menunjukkan persepsi keadilan organisasi memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen afektif untuk perubahan. Sedangkan tidak seperti diduga sebelumnya, work engagement ternyata tidak memiliki peran signifikan terhadap komitmen afektif untuk perubahan. Intervensi pelatihan terhadap manajemen diberikan dengan tujuan agar terjadi peningkatan persepsi keadilan organisasi yang selanjutnya berdampak pada peningkatan komitmen afektif terhadap perubahan pada pegawai Puskesmas Kecamatan X Propinsi DKI Jakarta.
This study aims to examine the influence of perceive organizational justice and work engagement on affective commitment to change at the District X Public Health Center of DKI Jakarta Province. The participants of this study were 145 civil servant and non civil servant employees who participated in the study voluntarily. The research data was taken by questionnaires, interviews and organizational data. Participants filled out the questionnaire in the form of a booklet consisting of three parts, namely; questionnaire on affective commitment to change, questionnaire on perceive organizational justice and work engagement questionnaire. The results of the regression analysis show that perceive organizational justice have a significant effect on affective commitment to change. Whereas unlike previously expected, work engagement did not have a significant role on affective commitment to change. Training interventions for management were provided with the aim that there was an increase in perceive organizational justice which subsequently had an impact on increasing affective commitment to change in the District X Community Health Center employees of DKI Jakarta Province.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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