ABSTRAKFenomena yang dihadapi masyarakat Indonesia pada akhir tahun 2014
adalah kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak jenis Premium akibat pemotongan
subsidi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adanya pengaruh tingkat harga
Premium terhadap perilaku berpindah merek dari produk subsidi ke produk Nonsubsidi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan 142
responden yang merupakan konsumen bahan bakar minyak jenis Premium dalam
kurun waktu tiga bulan terakhir dari pengambilan data.Instrumen penelitian ini
menggunakan kuesioner.Metode pengolahan data menggunakan analisis
diskriminan dengan menggunakan SPSS 20.0.Hasil penelitian menunjukan
terdapat pengaruh tingkat harga bahan bakar minyak jenisPremium terhadap
perilaku berpindah merek konsumen Premium.Penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan
pengaruh etnosentrisme terhadap keputusan berpindah ke Pertamax atau pindah
ke Non-Pertamina.Hasil penelitian menyarankan kepada Pertamina untuk
senantiasa mengevaluasi kebijakan harga bahan bakar minyak jenis Premium dan
memberikan pendekatan pesan yang berbeda bagi konsumen dengan tingkat
kecenderungan etnosentrisme yang berbeda;
ABSTRACTDuring the end of 2014, Indonesian consumer is facing an increase in the
subsidized fuel ("Premium") price due to the government policy to cut fuel
subsidy. This research will focus on the effect of subsidized fuel price level
towards the respondent's switching behaviour to non-subsidized fuel ("Pertamax"
or "Non-Pertamina").This research is a descriptive research with 142respondent
whom has been using "Premium" fuel in the last three months (february-may).
The instrument used is a questionnaire and the data is analyzed using
discriminant analysis in SPSS 20.0. Result shows that there is an effect of
subsidized fuel pricelevel and ethnocentrism toward consumer's switching
behaviour and decision. This findings suggest that Pertamina should evaluate the
"Premium"'s pricepolicy and to give a different approach in messaging the
consumer based on their ethnocentricism tendency.;During the end of 2014, Indonesian consumer is facing an increase in the
subsidized fuel ("Premium") price due to the government policy to cut fuel
subsidy. This research will focus on the effect of subsidized fuel price level
towards the respondent's switching behaviour to non-subsidized fuel ("Pertamax"
or "Non-Pertamina").This research is a descriptive research with 142respondent
whom has been using "Premium" fuel in the last three months (february-may).
The instrument used is a questionnaire and the data is analyzed using
discriminant analysis in SPSS 20.0. Result shows that there is an effect of
subsidized fuel pricelevel and ethnocentrism toward consumer's switching
behaviour and decision. This findings suggest that Pertamina should evaluate the
"Premium"'s pricepolicy and to give a different approach in messaging the
consumer based on their ethnocentricism tendency.;During the end of 2014, Indonesian consumer is facing an increase in the
subsidized fuel ("Premium") price due to the government policy to cut fuel
subsidy. This research will focus on the effect of subsidized fuel price level
towards the respondent's switching behaviour to non-subsidized fuel ("Pertamax"
or "Non-Pertamina").This research is a descriptive research with 142respondent
whom has been using "Premium" fuel in the last three months (february-may).
The instrument used is a questionnaire and the data is analyzed using
discriminant analysis in SPSS 20.0. Result shows that there is an effect of
subsidized fuel pricelevel and ethnocentrism toward consumer's switching
behaviour and decision. This findings suggest that Pertamina should evaluate the
"Premium"'s pricepolicy and to give a different approach in messaging the
consumer based on their ethnocentricism tendency.;During the end of 2014, Indonesian consumer is facing an increase in the
subsidized fuel ("Premium") price due to the government policy to cut fuel
subsidy. This research will focus on the effect of subsidized fuel price level
towards the respondent's switching behaviour to non-subsidized fuel ("Pertamax"
or "Non-Pertamina").This research is a descriptive research with 142respondent
whom has been using "Premium" fuel in the last three months (february-may).
The instrument used is a questionnaire and the data is analyzed using
discriminant analysis in SPSS 20.0. Result shows that there is an effect of
subsidized fuel pricelevel and ethnocentrism toward consumer's switching
behaviour and decision. This findings suggest that Pertamina should evaluate the
"Premium"'s pricepolicy and to give a different approach in messaging the
consumer based on their ethnocentricism tendency., During the end of 2014, Indonesian consumer is facing an increase in the
subsidized fuel ("Premium") price due to the government policy to cut fuel
subsidy. This research will focus on the effect of subsidized fuel price level
towards the respondent's switching behaviour to non-subsidized fuel ("Pertamax"
or "Non-Pertamina").This research is a descriptive research with 142respondent
whom has been using "Premium" fuel in the last three months (february-may).
The instrument used is a questionnaire and the data is analyzed using
discriminant analysis in SPSS 20.0. Result shows that there is an effect of
subsidized fuel pricelevel and ethnocentrism toward consumer's switching
behaviour and decision. This findings suggest that Pertamina should evaluate the
"Premium"'s pricepolicy and to give a different approach in messaging the
consumer based on their ethnocentricism tendency.]"