"Fokus penelitian tesis ini adalah berupaya menjelaskan bagaimana pemahaman kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan organisasi kemasyarakatan pemuda (OKP) Pengurus Besar (PB) Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) periode 2013-2015 serta bagaimana strategi pembinaan kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan OKP PB HMI tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan OKP PB HMI periode 2013-2015 serta bagaimana strategi pembinaan kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan OKP PB HMI.
Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif analitis dengan tujuan membuat gambaran secara sistematis mengenai fakta-fakta faktual yang selama ini terjadi terhadap kesadaran bela negara pada generasi muda dengan didukung teori civil defense dan civil society serta wawancara mendalam sebanyak 12 informan yang terdiri dari informan ahli yaitu pihak kementerian pertahanan dan akademisi serta 10 informan selaku aktivis OKP HMI dari beberapa wilayah di Indonesia.
Temuan penting hasil penelitian tesis ini adalah diketahui bahwa adanya kesamaan pemahaman dari para aktivis OKP HMI tentang pemahaman kesadaran bela negara yang melingkupi seluruh aspek kehidupan serta kesamaan tentang strategi pembinaan yang dilakukan di lingkungan OKP PB HMI dengan menerapkan jenjang formal kaderisasi LK1, LK2, LK3 dengan training-training maupun diskusi rutin non formal.
The focus of this thesis is an attempt to explain how the understanding of environmental awareness to defend the state in the social organization of youth (OKP) Executive Board (PB) Islamic Students Association (HMI) in the period from 2013 to 2015 and how the coaching strategy to defend the state in environmental awareness OKP the HMI. The purpose of this study was to determine how the understanding of environmental awareness to defend the country in the period 2013-2015 OKP HMI development strategies as well as how to defend the state in environmental awareness OKP HMI.
The thesis research this uses the method descriptive qualitative analytical with the purpose of making a picture in systematic factual concerning the facts which have so far happens to of the sense of state-defense for the young generation by the support the theory of civil defense and civil society and in-depth interviews as many as 12 informants consisting of informants expert namely the ministry of defense and academics as well as 10 informants as activists OKP HMI from several areas in Indonesia.
An important finding of this research thesis is known that the common understanding of the activists OKP HMI awareness to defend state of understanding covering all aspects of life as well as the similarity of development strategies undertaken in OKP HMI environment by implementing a formal level regeneration LK1, LK2, LK3 with trainings and non routine formal discussion."