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Rike Adyartie Krisnawardhani
"[Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan farmasi di Indonesia. Masalah yang dialami oleh perusahaan tersebut adalah rendahnya yield pada lini produksi effervescent selama tahun 2014. Penyelesaian masalah ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Lean-DMAIC. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, dihasilkan beberapa perbaikan yang diimplementasikan pada mesin, operator, dan material. Hasil penerapan usulan perbaikan tersebut memberikan dampak yang positif bagi perusahaan, antara lain meningkatnya yield sebesar 3,59%, menurunnya waste cost komponen material sebesar 26,79%, dan menurunnya downtime mesin sebesar 74,30%.
......This study is conducted in one of the most well-known pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. Problem starts when effervescent line production yield was too low throughout 2014 so that the targeted yield could not be reached. This study applies Lean-DMAIC method to solve the problem. Lean-DMAIC analysis results in several improvements on machine, operators, and material. Result shows that the implemented improvements give several benefits for company, such as increasing 3,59% yield, reducing 26,79% material waste cost, and reducing 74,30% machine downtime.
, This study is conducted in one of the most well-known pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. Problem starts when effervescent line production yield was too low throughout 2014 so that the targeted yield could not be reached. This study applies Lean-DMAIC method to solve the problem. Lean-DMAIC analysis results in several improvements on machine, operators, and material. Result shows that the implemented improvements give several benefits for company, such as increasing 3,59% yield, reducing 26,79% material waste cost, and reducing 74,30% machine downtime.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Indi Nugroho
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang cara meningkatkan kualitas proses tampo atau pad printing. Proses tampo adalah pencetakan pola mata pada kepala boneka. Penelitian ini menggunakan tahapan-tahapan pada metode six sigma yaitu Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve dan Control ( DMAIC ). Tujuan penerapan metode six sigma digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab-penyebab timbulnya cacat pada part kepala boneka. Inti dari skripsi ini adalah bagainana memperbaiki dan meningkatkan performa proses. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan dilakukan perbaikan dengan peningkatan pemeriksaan ketebalan pelat cetak, mempersempit range standar kekentalan cat, mengganti jenis thinner yang digunakan dan menambahkan aditif untuk meningkatkan daya rekat cat serta memberikan pelatihan cleaning yang tepat.

This mini thesis explained about how to improve quality in tampo process or pad printing process by focusing on reduction rejected part quantity. using Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Contorl as known as DMAIC methodology in six sigma. DMAIC methodology is used to identify root casues which increase number of defective parts in painted toy head The main point of this mini thesis is how to improve performance of process. The result of this research is to increase inspection in depth of plate, sinking the range of viscosity standard, using more volatile thinner, increase the bond between paint and surface of product using additive, and gave training to operator in term of.proper traning method."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhini Ayu Lukitaputri
Tren Ekspor Perhiasan Indonesia yang terus meningkat belum sejalan dengan peningkatan Tren Output Produksi dari perusahaan di Industri Perhiasan Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur perhisasan di propinsi Bali sebagai studi kasus.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode DMAIC yang bertujuan untuk dapat meningkatan produktivitas melalui fase terintegrasi dari sebuah proyek DMAIC. Pada tahap Define, digunakan diagram SIPOC. Kemudian pada tahap Measure, digunakan kuesioner untuk data primer dan data perusahaan untuk data sekundernya. Kuesioner didapat dari 4 Expert yang bergerak di bidang Continuous Improvement dan 5 Expert yang bergerak di bidang Industri Perhiasan. Pada tahap Analyze, digunakan metode kombinasi TOPSIS dan AHP, serta Decision Tree untuk melihat pendekatan berbeda. Terakhir, pada tahap Improve dan Control, digunakan pendekatan penggunaan Indikator Kinerja.
Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan faktor produktivitas terpenting yaitu faktor Produktivitas Tenaga kerja dengan urutan peringkat dari 9 Alternatif Peningkatan Produktivitas berdasarkan Solusi Ideal. Alternatif dengan rasio prioritas terbesar adalah Implementasi Sistem Perencanaan Harian (Daily Activity Planning) bagi seluruh Karyawan, dengan peningkatan produktivitas yang ditaksir sebesar 47%. Untuk menunjang alternatif tersebut diperlukan Implementasi Indikator Kinerja OWE.

Indonesia's exports of jewellery trends that continue to rise are not in line with the increase in Production Output Trends from companies in Indonesia’s industry. This research uses one of jewellery manufacturing company in Bali province as a case study.
This research used a Six Sigma DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) method which the objective is to improve productivity through integrated DMAIC phase of a project. On the Define phase, this research used a SIPOC (Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer) Diagram. On the following Measure phase, a questionnaire used to collect primary data and company data for the secondary data. The questionnaires obtained from 4 Experts in Continuous Improvement and 5 Experts in Jewellery Manufacturing Industry. On the Analyze phase, a combination of Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)-Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and Decision Tree are used to be able to see a result from different approach. Lastly, at the Improve and Control phases, a Perfomance Indicator approach were used.
The obtained result from this research, are the most important Productivity Factor for a jewellery manufacturing company which is Labor Producitvity with the ranked order of 9 alternatives based on Ideal Solution on the increase of productivity. The chosen alternative with the highest priority ratio is the Implementation of the daily activity planning system for all employees, with an estimated increase in productivity at the level of 47%. To support the success of alternatif implementation Overall Worker Efficiency (OWE) performance indicator were being proposed."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisha Ai Otsuka Mahpud
"Skripsi ini menyelidiki optimalisasi operasi perawatan badan bus melalui integrasi kerangka Maintenance Scorecard dan pendekatan DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control). Sebuah studi kasus dilakukan di bengkel perawatan Carrosserie Bus, produsen bus utama di Indonesia. Analisis data perawatan mengungkapkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan kualitas material, metode yang ketinggalan zaman, diagnosa yang tidak akurat, kurangnya protokol pencegahan, dan kendala ruang kerja. Strategi yang mencakup peningkatan rantai pasokan, adopsi alat canggih, pelatihan berkelanjutan, dan desain ulang infrastruktur diterapkan menargetkan setiap penyebab akar berikut metodologi DMAIC terstruktur. Pilot terfokus 3 bulan dalam unit perbaikan badan yang kurang optimal menyebabkan penyempurnaan sebelum implementasi selama 12 bulan di seluruh organisasi. Pengukuran kontrol termasuk prosedur operasi standar, audit berkelanjutan, dan pelacakan skor kartu memastikan keberlanjutan peningkatan kinerja dalam efektivitas, efisiensi dan keandalan. Penelitian ini memberikan kerangka kerja holistik langkah demi langkah yang menggabungkan penilaian kinerja dan perbaikan proses untuk mendorong keunggulan pemeliharaan di tengah tantangan yang kompleks. Rekomendasi praktis ditawarkan untuk membantu organisasi serupa meningkatkan ketersediaan aset. Arah penelitian ilmiah lebih lanjut disoroti termasuk pengembangan model prediktif dan perluasan aplikasi DMAIC ke fungsi terkait.
......This thesis investigates the optimization of bus body maintenance operations through integrating a Maintenance Scorecard framework and the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) approach. A case study was conducted at the maintenance workshop of Carrosserie Bus, a major bus manufacturer in Indonesia. Maintenance data analysis revealed issues related to material quality, outdated methods, inaccurate diagnostics, lack of preventive protocols, and workspace constraints. Strategies encompassing supply chain enhancements, advanced tool adoption, continuous training, and infrastructure redesign were implemented targeting each root cause following a structured DMAIC methodology. A focused 3-month pilot within the underperforming body repair unit led to refinements before a 12-month organization-wide rollout. Control measures including standard operating procedures, ongoing auditing, and scorecard tracking ensure sustainability of performance gains in effectiveness, efficiency and reliability. The research delivers a holistic step-by-step framework blending performance assessment and process improvement to drive maintenance excellence amidst complex challenges. Practical recommendations are offered to help similar organizations boost asset availability. Further scholarly directions are highlighted including predictive model development and expansion of DMAIC application to adjacent functions."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Wall Regular (MWR) 80 produced by P11 Pura Nusapersada has problems of quality that is to the
number of handicap of attainment assess Tensile MD. Tensile MD is one of quality characteristic which
of vital importance, where this Tensile MD shown mount strength of fascination of paper. Since handicap
of value of this Tensile MD difficult to overcome, hence need method which totally in quality repair. Six
Sigma selected by since besides floodlighting all quality aspect also its approach is systematic. This
research have a purpose to lessen handicap even escape of through with refers the activity program Six
Sigma that is identified of characteristic supplier, input, process, output and client, subscriber. Continued
with critical identified characteristic to quality, counting capacities of Sir Sigma and defect per million
opportunity (DPMO). Ended by proposing solution of repair capability process. Sir Sigma aim to
degrade handicapped storey; level by controlling general and also special variation of story; level until
only 3,4 failure per one million opportunity. For that be needed by applying Define, Measure, Analyze,
Improvement, Control (DMAIC). In the Phase Analyze found by a especial handicap cause is heat dryer
less. At phase Measure got by value DPMO of equal to 444.440 yielding capability Sigma of equal to 1-2,
while ideally is 5-6. At phase of improvement And Control relate to improvement assess capability of
where proposed by a technical solution that is doing checked regularly to condition Boiler, made some
air-hole around dryer and conduct at one blow the continual repair in PT. BTU.
Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 20 (3) Maret 2006 : 230-239, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudi Sosialisman
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada metode peningkatan kualitas produk dari proses mesin Injection Moulding dengan pendekatan DMAIC Six Sigma. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa penyebab defect pada proses mesin injection moulding dan mengetahui tindakan perbaikan yang harus dilakukan, untuk meminimalisasi defect yang terjadi agar mendapatkan kualitas terbaik dari produk sehingga perusahaan dapat bersaing dalam pasar dewasa ini, yang dinamis dan kompetitif dan juga dapat memenuhi persyaratan pelanggan.
Metode DMAIC Six Sigma terdiri lima tahap utama yaitu fase pendefinisian, fase pengukuran, fase analisa, fase perbaikan dan fase kendali. Analisis dilakukan pada proses mesin Injection Moulding 160 Ton yang menghasilkan produk cacat.
Pada akhir penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan analisa Diagram Fishbone yang meliputi: Man, Machine, Material, Methode dan Enviroment diperoleh empat tahapan improvement yaitu pembersihan terhadap screw dan barrel, penggunaan polypropylene (PP) dan material khusus untuk pembersihan screw dan barrel melalui proses purging, penyetingan atau penetapan parameter optimum mesin dan melakukan training secara periodik pada karyawan.
......This research focuses on methods of improving the quality products of the process Injection Moulding machine with the approach of Six Sigma DMAIC method. The purpose of this study was to analyze the cause of the defect in the process of injection molding machines and determine corrective actions that must be performe, to minimize defects that occur in order to get the best quality of products so that the company can compete in today's market, a dynamic and competitive, and also can meet the requirements customers.
Six Sigma DMAIC method consists of five main phases, namely definition phase, the phase measurement, phase analysis, phase improvement and phase control. Analysis was conducted on the 160 Ton Injection Moulding machines that produce defective products.
At the end of this study, by using the Fishbone Diagram analysis include: Man, Machine, Material, Method and Environment are four stages namely the improvement of the screw and barrel cleaning, use of polypropylene (PP) and special materials for cleaning screw and barrel through the purging process, setup or the determination of the optimum parameters of the machine and perform periodic training to employees."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kelvin Setiawan Aliwinoto
Bank memiliki fungsi untuk menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana masyarakat. Untuk menghimpun dana masyarakat, maka diperlukan rekening sebagai sarana penampungan dana tersebut. Proses pembukaan rekening di Bank ABC menuai banyak keluhan dari customer terkait dengan lamanya proses pembukaan rekening tersebut. Apabila hal ini tidak diperbaiki, maka akan berdampak terhadap bisnis Bank ABC secara keseluruhan. Untuk mendapatkan proses pembukaan rekening yang lebih cepat, akurat dan dengan biaya yang lebih murah, maka diperlukan perubahan proses bisnis secara radikal. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukanlah analisis perubahan proses bisnis dengan menggunakan metode DMAIC. Setelah diperoleh akar permasalahan, maka bisnis proses yang baru dirancang dengan perubahan mendasar yang berbasis teknologi informasi, yaitu dengan menggunakan teknologi e-KTP sebagai solusi dalam proses pembukaan rekening. Setelah dilakukan Business Process Reengineering dengan Berbasis teknologi Informasi, maka diperoleh proses pembukaan rekening yang lebih cepat, akurat serta dengan biaya yang lebih murah.

The Bank has a function to collect and disburse public funds. To collect public funds, an account is required as a means of holding these funds. The opening account process at Bank ABC reap many complaints from customers related to the duration of the opening account process. If this process is not improved, it will have a bad impact to the whole business on the ABC Bank. To get a faster, more accurate and cost effective account opening process, radical business process changes are needed. In this research, an analysis of business process changes is done using DMAIC method. Having obtained the root of the problem, the new business process is designed with fundamental changes based on information technology, namely by using e KTP technology as a solution in the opening account process. After doing Business Process Reengineering with Information Technology based, then we have the opening account process which more quickly, accurate and with cheaper cost. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gugi Agusman Setiamitra
"Terminal Onshore Field Santan adalah fasilitas pengolahan minyak dan gas bumi yang dioperasikan oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur. Fasilitas ini telah mengalami penurunan kinerja operasional ditunjukan dengan penurunan kualitas produk dan peningkatan limbah yang dihasilkan. Strategi operasional diperlukan untuk menjaga daya saing terminal Santan dan keberlanjutan operasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis operasional pengolahan minyak di terminal Santan menggunakan metode Lean Sigma (DMAIC) untuk memitigasi permasalahan kualitas produk dan usaha meminimalisir limbah yang dihasilkan dengan memperhatikan aspek ekonomi dan pengelolaan lingkungan. Penerapan metode lean sigma dengan pertimbangan lingkungan memberikan dampak perbaikan yang positif dari sisi operasional serta ekonomi dengan menghasilkan penambahan pemasukan perusahaan sebesar US$174,811 dan manfaat dari sisi pengelolaan lingkungan berupa pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 1,1413.5 Ton CO2.
......The Santan Field Onshore Terminal is an oil and gas processing facility operated by PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan. The facility has experienced a decline in operational performance as indicated by a decrease in product quality and an increase in waste generated. An operational strategy is needed to maintain the competitiveness of the Santan terminal and the sustainability of its operations. This study aims to analyze oil processing operations at the Santan terminal using the Lean Sigma (DMAIC) method to mitigate product quality problems and efforts to minimize waste generated by considering economic aspects and environmental management. The application of lean sigma methods with environmental considerations has a positive impact on operational and economic improvements by generating additional company revenue of US$174,811 and benefits from the environmental management side in the form of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 1,1413.5 tons of CO2. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Dwi Kuncoro
"Penelitian ini dilakukan demi menjaga dan meningkatkan revitalisasi hotel dengan memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan serta mempertimbangkan atribut kebersihan terkait dengan covid-19 pada hotel tanpa bungalow di kondisi pandemi covid-19 menggunakan pendekatan integrasi Servqual dan Six Sigma DMAIC. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mencari dan menganalisa penyebab utama dari kecacatan yang terjadi pada proses pelayanan hotel yang kemudian dilakukan perbaikan untuk mengurangi kecacatan yang dapat terjadi guna memperbaiki dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan sehingga perusahaan tetap dapat bersaing di kondisi pandemi. Servqual digunakan untuk menghitung nilai gap kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan lima dimensi yaitu tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, dan reliability yang kemudian dilakukan analisa menggunakan Six Sigma DMAIC. Pada penelitian ini hanya dilakukan tahapan define, measure, analyze, dan improve. Analisa Six Sigma menunjukkan adanya 18 jenis kecacatan dibawah nilai sigma rata-rata Berdasarkan hasil analisa tersebut, dilakukan fase improvement yang menghasilkan empat perbaikan yaitu pembuatan SOP tepat guna, melakukan pelatihan secara berkala terhadap personil hotel, mengajukan sertifikasi pelayanan hotel pada kondisi pandemi, melakukan pengadaan peralatan dan perlengkapan penunjang pelayanan dan kebersihan.
......Using the Servqual and Six Sigma DMAIC integration methodologies, this study was undertaken to maintain and promote hotel revitalization by enhancing service quality and evaluating cleanliness qualities related to COVID-19 in hotels without bungalows during the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of this research is to identify and analyze the primary causes of defects in the hotel service process, which will then be fixed to eliminate defects and improve service quality so that businesses may continue to compete in pandemic situations. The service quality gap value is calculated using Servqual based on five dimensions: tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and reliability, which are then examined using Six Sigma DMAIC. Only the phases of define, measure, analyze, and improve were performed in this study. According to a Six Sigma analysis, there are 18 different categories of defects below the average sigma value. Based on the findings of the analysis, a phase of improvement was implemented, yielding four improvements: developing appropriate SOPs, conducting regular training for hotel personnel, applying for hotel service certification in pandemic situations, and procuring equipment and supplies to support services and cleaning."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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