Dalam situasi ini, Six-Party Talks (SPT) belum dilanjutkan untuk waktu yang lama karena uji coba nuklir Korea Utara dan uji coba peluncuran rudal, dan minat dalam perundingan enam negara baru-baru ini meningkat. Dalam tulisan ini, Penulis membahas persepsi dan kebijakan negara-negara Asia Timur Laut yang berfokus pada diskusi tentang pelembagaan multilateral yang disebut SPT. Selain itu, upaya, kinerja dan keterbatasan kelembagaan untuk melembagakan SPT juga dibahas.
Pada akhirnya, untuk mengembangkan SPT sebagai kerjasama keamanan multilateral di wilayah tersebut, perlu untuk memperkuat elemen multilateral dalam hal operasi dan fungsi perundingan, dan pada saat yang sama, perbaikan lingkungan di wilayah tersebut harus dilakukan untuk membangun kerjasama keamanan multilateral. Selain itu, sangat penting untuk mendapatkan dukungan aktif dan kerjasama di negara-negara tetangga.
......Many countries are now focusing on economic development to promote peace and promote the welfare of their citizens based on reconciliation and cooperation rather than ideological and military confrontations that exist in the process of forming a new international order. But the situation in Northeast Asia, including the Korean Peninsula, is ambiguous due to increased interdependence among countries in the region, the remnants of the Cold War and uncertainties in the North Korean regime.Under these circumstances, the Six-Party Talks (SPT) did not last long due to North Korea's nuclear and missile tests, and interest in the SPT has recently increased. The paper discusses the perceptions and policies of Northeast Asian countries that focus on discussions on multilateral institutionalization, called SPT. And also discussed efforts, achievements and institutional limitations to institutionalize SPT.
Finally, in order to develop SPT as a multilateral security cooperation within the region, it is necessary to strengthen multilateral elements in terms of operational and negotiating functions, and at the same time carry out environmental improvements in the region to develop multilateral security cooperation. It is also very important to gain active support and cooperation from neighboring countries.